Curriculum Planning Topic = PIRATES Numeracy Autumn 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Assessments Assessments continue and begin Sequences and Place Value Continue with Sequences and Place Value. - order numbers to 100 - begin to use place value. Number Facts and Counting - know number facts to 20 - count in 10s and back. Money and Time - Use symbols for £ and p - Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes Money addition and subtraction - Use symbols for £ and p and add/subtract simple sums of less than £1 CHALLENGE: Use 3 or 4 numbers to reach 10 and 20. Hide the pairs and show the answer. Count on and back using 20. Write down pairs of prices (money). CHALLENGE: Money investigation – how many ways can you make 10p? CHALLENGE: Write times under the clocks around the classroom. Length Position and direction - know and use standard measures - use terminology of position and movement Assessments? Begin Sequences and fractions - order numbers to 100 - count in 2s,3s, 5s and 10s - find and write simple fractions Non Fiction 1: Postcards and Letters (Pirate letters/postcards) Non Fiction 1: Postcards and Letters (Pirate letters/postcards) Classroom orientation – simple counting and recognising numbers of classroom objects, number of people on tables and positions of objects. Literacy Miss Rollerson Year 2 Assessments Classroom orientation – writing our goals for the new year and discussing rules and reading reward systems. Read ‘The Night Pirates’ to CHALLENGE: Place value number sentences. Use hidden number resources. Assessments continued. Lead on to ... Fiction 1: Stories in familiar settings Essential books: A Lion in the Meadow by Margaret Mahy You Choose by Fiction 1: Stories in familiar settings Grammar: Learn how to use punctuation correctly, including capital letters, full stops, question or exclamation marks; learning Read and unpick postcards and letters. Write a post card and persuade them to become a pirate! Write a letter to explain why pirate ships have weapons. Grammar: Learn how to use punctuation CHALLENGE: measuring to the nearest half centimetre CHALLENGE: recording how many turns are clockwise and anticlockwise Poetry 1: Songs and repetitive poems Listen to and sing along to sea shanty’s and perform. Begin to write our own. Grammar: Use CHALLENGE: Argos challenge (addition) – choosing Argos items to add together. Assessed writing piece Poetry 1 continued. CHALLENGE: counting back in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. CHALLENGE: describe how to divide the shape into quarters. Poetry 1: Songs and repetitive poems Sing and learn a sea shanty to perform. Paul Cookson – identify the repeating patterns. Curriculum Planning Phonics - Taken from separate phonics planning. introduce the topic. Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart Group Reader: Tilly’s pet and The Pet that Flew (Hamilton Animated Tale). how to use sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command Revise segmenting CVC words when reading ‘The Night Pirates’. Revise segmenting CVC words , using graphemes from sets 1-7 (Phases 2 and 3), including consonant doubles (ll, ss, ff, zz, ck); practise and revise reading and spelling high frequency words (decodable and ‘tricky’) from Phase 2. Apply to reading and writing captions and sentences using these HFW and CVC words. Revise remaining 18 graphemes from Phase 3. Practise blending and segmenting for reading and spelling words with these graphemes, including CVC words and two syllable words. Miss Rollerson Year 2 Repeat week 3 and - Practise and revise reading and spelling HFW (decodable and ‘tricky’) from Phase 3. Apply to reading and writing captions and sentences using these HFW, CVC words and two syllable words. Autumn 1 correctly, including capital letters, full stops, question or exclamation marks; learning how to use sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command expanded noun phrases to describe and specify, e.g. adjectives to describe nouns. Use and understand grammar terminology Revise blending and segmenting words with adjacent consonants, including polysyllabic words (Phase 4), using graphemes from Phases 2 and 3. Repeat week 5 and - Practise and revise reading and spelling HFW (decodable and ‘tricky’) from Phases 3 and 4. Apply to reading and writing sentences using these HFW, words with adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words. Write and share our own repetitive poems . Revise the 18 Phase 5 graphemes for reading, including split digraphs. Practise blending and segmenting for reading and spelling words with these graphemes, including words with adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words. Practise and revise reading and spelling HFW (decodable and ‘tricky’) from Phase 4. Apply to reading and writing sentences with these graphemes, including words with adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words. Assessments Curriculum Planning Science Differentiate living, dead and nonliving Computing Switched on Computing Unit 1.4 We are Collectors Children will be able to find and use pictures on the web, group and know what Classroom orientation – look at the new displays – introduce next learning steps in science. Introduce topic – what might it be about? Show the switched on computing page. Alive or dead? Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive Life processes Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive Miss Rollerson Year 2 Living vs Nonliving Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive How do you know if something is alive? Do plants need the same things as animals? Minibeast activity or picture activity. Watch video about Mrs Nerg and draw a plant or animal with the 7 life processes surrounding it. Sorting hoops activity – living, dead and nonliving things for children to sort. Introduction to the topic – begin to search for animal pictures. Remind children of past learning on storing pictures and the internet does the same on web servers. Ask each pupil to write down the names Searching for animal pictures and copy and Paste images Model and use the collected animal names to show pupils how to copy and paste images from the internet onto a PowerPoint Differences Discuss the difference between clip art and digital photographs. Add onto their PowerPoint by copying more animals. How do you feel when someone copies your work? These Habitats Identify that most living things live in habitats. Understand that they are suited to different habitats and they provide basic living needs. Give pictures of different organisms and describe the habitat they would live in and why. Collecting Fish Think about positive and negative aspects of making numerous copies of images found on the web. Search the web for different fish and collect in a PowerPoint. Write down the names of the fish. Develop Autumn 1 Dependency Identify how animals depend on plants and plants depend on animals for survival in their habitat. Draw an oak tree and the animals and plants that depend on it for survival. Collecting Fish Add onto PowerPoint from the previous session and encourage discussion about which are fish and which images are not. Does the internet get it wrong? What does this mean Local Habitats Identify and name a range of local habitats and the animals and plants found there. Habitat investigation. Outdoor activity. Record the animals, insects and birds found and where they live. Use different image galleries Can we copy these images? Continue to collect fish on PowerPoint using different image galleries. Save work. Food Chains and other habitats Identify animals with different diets. Explain that food is necessary to survive and Plants make their own food, but animals eat plants &/or other animals. Draw and label a food chain. Feedback Children finish and then share their work. Which sites did you use? Did you find anything difficult? Did the web servers use clip art or digital images? Which did you prefer? why? Curriculum Planning to do if they encounter pictures that cause concern. of 3 animals. Model how to search for images on Miss Rollerson Year 2 presentation. people have said that it’s ok for other people to copy their images. discussions into types of fish and correcting misconceptions (not dolphins or crabs) for us? What are pirates? Where are they from? Share knowledge and find facts found in the classroom. Famous Pirates Anne Bonny Mary Read Captain Blackbeard and Sir Henry Morgan Ships and Crew Investigate what the conditions were like on ships over 2,000 years ago. Watch video https://www.youtu -ZFXKbdA_k What did they wear? What did they say? Investigate the clothing and the language they used. Write a short pirate – English dictionary. CHALLENGE: think of animals with specific letters or phonemes History changes in living memory (linked to aspects of national life) Geography Use aerial images and other models to create simple plans and maps, using symbols (treasure map) Find our way around the classroom Direct to the pirate topic area – directions for each child/pair to find the different objects/ areas Back in time. What is life like for us? What do you do afterschool? What do you think pirates did? Did they have ipads? Write down ideas to discuss. Autumn 1 Use atlases and maps to locate where pirates sailed Use atlases and globes to plot the pirates trade routes. Draw and model these routes along with simple directions. Pirate maps Look at examples of pirate maps – where are they? What are they for? Famous pirate flags and purpose – link with Art. Use the map to find the treasure Class map (outside) to find the treasure in the playground. Make a class pirate map (Art & DT) Locate the symbols on each section of the pirate map to transfer into patchwork map. Curriculum Planning Miss Rollerson Year 2 Autumn 1 RE - Collective worship 10 mins daily in the afternoon. - Mrs Simpson Art / D&T / Music First Act of Worship – what do roles do we have? 2.1 Chosen People – We are chosen. 2.1 Chosen People – We are chosen. 2.1 Chosen People – God chose Abraham. 2.1 Chosen People – Recap the bible story. 2.1 Chosen People – God chose Moses. 2.1 Chosen People – Finish off our letters to Moses. . Listen to sea shanty songs in the topic area. Sink that ship worksheet Design a ship ready for week 5. Show where you would change your design. Famous pirate wanted poster Have a reward for the return of the pirate. Make and design part of a class pirate maps Think about colour and different mediums. Design and model a pirate ship using scrap material Work together to design and build a ship. Design and make treasure chests Use ..... to make a treasure chest. Draw and paint own pirate flag for your ship Think about the characters of pirates and the symbols we have seen. PSHE – Wider World Essential skills: listening, talking in a group, turntaking, explaining and giving opinions. Educational trips Create new class and school rules. Write up and display. Discuss the new challenges to face in year 2 – circle time Introduce class bear. How to contribute to life in the classroom How to make group rules How to understand and follow rules How rules help us and keep us safe Talk about people and living things. They have needs too and how to be a responsible person Taking turns, understanding sharing and borrowing How they belong to various groups and communities (family, school) 2.1 Chosen People - Daniel. Class pirate map – Geography link. Listen to and create pirate sea shanty songs – Thar be mutiny! Sing along and discuss the instruments we can hear. What improves or Discuss money harms their local, comes from natural and built different sources environment. Talk and can be used about the ways for different people look after purposes. Talk our environment about Concepts of spending and saving Pirate Day