
Surfin’ Safari: Volcanoes I, II, III, IV, and Songs & Photos
Name: __________________________________________________ Section: __________
1. How many active volcanoes are there on Earth today? ____________
2. Define the following terms:
A) Active: __________________________________________________________
B) Dormant: _____________________________________________________
C) Extinct: ______________________________________________________
3. Over 75% of all volcanoes on Earth are located along the Pacific
___________________________________ of Fire.
4. Why do volcanoes form at SUBDUCTION ZONES?
5. Which type of volcano takes on the shape of a circular hole in the
ground, and is potentially the most dangerous and explosive?
6. The type of volcano above forms over a HOT SPOT. Where are the
locations of the two (2) hot spots in the United States?
7. Which type of volcano is the most common on Earth, is the
smallest in size, and is the least dangerous?
8. Which kind of volcano has a quiet “Hawaiian-Style” eruption?
9. Which mountain style volcano often is snow-covered, and has
both ash eruptions, and lava flows?
What is another alternate name for a Strato Volcano?
1. What is the safest response to an eruption that is about to
happen? (Hint: Don’t be stubborn like Harry Truman.)
2. What is the (45 letter) scientific word for “ash lung disease?”
3. Click and open the “Clara Barton” link in the list of disaster relief
organizations. State one interesting fact about her life below:
4. Which famous book was written by Mary Shelley Wollstonecraft
during the “year without a summer” due to the ash from Mount
Tambora in 1816?
5. Look at the Map of Indonesian Volcanoes. Circle one: OMG / Yikes
6. Which volcano had a “Volcanic Explosivity Index” (VEI) of eight
(8). It erupted 73,000 years ago in Indonesia?
7. What is the most photographed volcano on Earth? __________________
8. What is the name of the volcano that buried the city of Pompeii in
ash in the year 79?
9. The famous painting “The Scream” may possibly be the artist’s
interpretation of the red sky in Norway following the volcanic
eruption that made Earth’s loudest natural sound ever. Which
volcano is being described by this question?
List four (4) volcanoes that are in the Cascade Range of
Washington State, Oregon, California, and parts of Canada.
__________________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________________ _____________________________________
There are volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest of the USA
because a minor tectonic plate is subducting under the North
American Plate. Which minor plate is responsible for creating all
the volcanoes in California, Oregon, and California?
What feature is now in the place of (former) Mount Mazama
in Oregon?
1. Which 1991 Japanese volcanic eruption took the lives of the
famous volcanologists Maurice and Katja Krafft?
2. What is the name of the Hawaiian Volcano Goddess?
3. What is the name of a stationary plume of super hot magma
that breaks through the tectonic plate moving over it, causing
continual volcanic activity?
4. What do you call the rainbow lake of acid water that forms
from heated groundwater from an underground volcano?
5. Examine the animation of how a geyser (like “Old
Faighful”)works. Explain how a geyser works below.
6. What is the name of the newest Hawaiian island that is just
about to peak above the surface of the ocean?
1. How fast and how hot do pyroclastic flows get?
Temperature: ______________________________________________________
Speed: ______________________________________________________________
2. Island arc volcanoes that erupt near the ocean are in jeopardy of
causing which type of natural disaster?
3. Which type of volcanic hazard killed 23,000 people when the
Nevada del Ruiz volcano erupted in Columbia in 1985?
4. Which type of toxic (poisonous) gas, that smells like rotten eggs,
might belches out of a fumarole hole from a volcano?
5. What is the name of volcanic glass? ___________________________________
6. Which volcanic rock is less dense than water (can float)?
7. What is volcanic ash made of: ______________________________________
8. Match the lava description with the correct lava name:
Pillow Lava or
A) _____________________________ This type of lava is viscous (thick),
moves slowly, and has a rough, jagged surface when hardened.
B) __________________________ This type of lava is not very viscous (thick),
flows quickly, and has a smooth, coiled texture when cooled.
C) _________________________________ This type of lava forms underwater,
and cools into rounded shapes.
1. Which song do you like best, A) “The Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash,
or B) “Hot-Hot-Hot” by Alphonsus Cassell, or C) “Pompeii” by
Bastille, or D) “Volcano Song” by Jimmy Buffet?
2. Examine the Photo Gallery entitled “Photos Just for Fun.”
Describe your top five (5) favorite pictures from the photo gallery
A) ________________________________________________________________________
B) ________________________________________________________________________
C) ________________________________________________________________________
D) ________________________________________________________________________
E) ________________________________________________________________________
3. Have you ever played “The Floor is Lava?” __________________________