Teacher: Course: Science 9 Year: 2013-2014 Month: All Months S Water and the Atmosphere ~ One marking period. Reorder units as appropriate. e Essential Questions Content Competencies Assessments Lessons Vocabulary Resources p Standards Anchors t Earth's Water: Water on Prentice Hall Interactive Earth's Earth's Earth's Water: e S11.D.1.3.1 Explain Water: The student can Earth Science: Water and Water: m S8.D.1.3 - the multiple Water cycle describe the Surface Atmosphere Blended Path b Describe functions of different physical Water Student Resources: e characteristic water systems in Physical processes on Water 1. Interactive write in studen r features of relation to landforms processes the which the water Underground textbook. Earth’s (e.g., buffer zones, water cycle cycle depends Wetland 2. Student technology: water nurseries, food depends on (i.e., Enviornments A. Student eText (studen systems or production areas, (i.e., evaporation, Exploring the edition on line). their impact habitat, water quality evaporation, condensation, Ocean B. Interactive lessons on on resources. control, biological condensation, precipitation, Wave Action line. S11.D.1.3 - indicators). precipitation, transpiration, Currents and C. MyScienceOnline.co Explain the transpiration, runoff, Climate D. Untamed Science significance S11.D.1.3.2 Explain runoff, infiltration, Ocean Videos and Habitats E. Planet Diary relationships among infiltration, energy inputs, contribution physical energy inputs, and phase The Air F. Teacher SHSD web of water as a characteristics, and phase changes) Around You page, Wiki site, and Quia we resource to vegetation, changes) The student can Air Pressure page living things topography, and flow describe the Layers of the Teacher Resources: and the Atmosphere 1. Teachers edition of as it relates to water Freshwater water cycle shaping of systems. system Energy in the textbook the land. physical Earth's 2. Inquiry and hands on Atmosphere learning: Earth's S11.D.1.3.3 Explain characteristics The student can compare and Heat Transfer A. Teachers lab resource Atmosphere factors (e.g., nutrient S8.D.2.1 - loading, turbidity, Landforms contrast Winds B. Scenerio-Based Explain how rate of flow, rate of characteristics of pressure, deposition, Water freshwater temperature, biological diversity) systems (e.g., systems on the moisture, that affect water wetland basis of their and wind are quality and flow systems, physical used to through a water ocean characteristics describe system. systems, river (i.e., atmospheric systems, composition, conditions watersheds) density, and that affect electrical Earth's Earth's regional Atmosphere: conductivity) Atmosphere: weather or S11.D.2.1.1:Describe Barometric and also climate. pressure compare and how changes in S11.D.2.1 - concentration of changes contrast Analyze how minor components characteristics of the transfer (e.g., O2, CO2, dust, Cloud types freshwater of energy systems on the pollution) in Earth's and atmosphere may be Global patters basis of their use substances linked to climate of as natural between atmospheric resources change. Earth's movement The student can atmosphere S11.D.2.1.2: describe the and its Impact of relationships of Compare the surface water systems water systems to transmission, influences reflection, on regional each other, regional or absorption, and climate describe the global relationships of radiation of solar weather or energy to and by Impact of water systems to climate. Earth’s surface under water systems landforms, and on local distinguish different weather among different environmental water systems. conditions (e.g., Regional major volcanic Earth's Water in the Atmosphere Clouds Precipitation Air Masses Storms Predicting the Weather What Causes Climate Climate Regions Changes in Climate Human Activities and Climate Change Investigations C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activitie E. Interdisciplinary activities. 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia D. Wiki 4. Assessment: A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities B. Reading Strategies handbook C. ELL resources eruptions, climate greenhouse effect, reduction of ozone Regional layer, increased weather global cloud cover). Regional S11.D.2.1.3: Explain weather weather patterns and patterns seasonal changes using the concepts of Water heat and density. systems S11.D.2.1.4: Wind Analyze weather direction maps and weather data (e.g., air masses, Weather fronts, temperature, maps air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation) to predict regional or global weather events. Atmosphere: The student can: A. Identify how barometric pressure changes are associated with weather patterns in different regions of the country. Identify how cloud types are associated with weather patterns in different regions of the country. Identify how wind directions are associated with weather patterns in different regions of the country. B. Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence regional climate. Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence regional weather. C. Explain the impact of water systems on the climate of a region. Explain the impact of water systems on the local weather O Water and the Atmosphere ~ One marking period. c Essential Questions Content t Standards Anchors o Earth's Water: Earth's Earth's b S11.D.1.3.1 Explain Water: Water: e S8.D.1.3 - the multiple Water cycle r Describe functions of different characteristic water systems in features of relation to landforms Earth’s (e.g., buffer zones, water nurseries, food systems or production areas, their impact habitat, water quality on resources. control, biological S11.D.1.3 - indicators). Explain the significance S11.D.1.3.2 Explain and relationships among Physical processes the water cycle depends on (i.e., evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, runoff, infiltration, Competencies Earth's Water: The student can describe the physical processes on which the water cycle depends (i.e., evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, runoff, infiltration, energy inputs, Assessments Lessons Water on Earth Surface Water Water Underground Wetland Enviornments Exploring the Ocean Wave Action Currents and Climate Ocean Habitats Vocabulary Resources Prentice Hall Interactive Science: Water and Atmosphere Blended Path Student Resources: 1. Interactive write in studen textbook. 2. Student technology: A. Student eText (studen edition on line). B. Interactive lessons on line. C. MyScienceOnline.co D. Untamed Science Videos E. Planet Diary contribution physical energy inputs, and phase of water as a characteristics, and phase changes) resource to vegetation, changes) The student can living things topography, and flow describe the and the as it relates to water Freshwater water cycle shaping of systems. system the land. physical Earth's S11.D.1.3.3 Explain characteristics The student can compare and Atmosphere factors (e.g., nutrient S8.D.2.1 - loading, turbidity, Landforms contrast Explain how rate of flow, rate of characteristics of pressure, Water freshwater deposition, temperature, biological diversity) systems (e.g., systems on the moisture, wetland basis of their that affect water and wind are quality and flow systems, physical used to ocean characteristics through a water describe systems, river (i.e., system. atmospheric systems, composition, conditions watersheds) density, and that affect electrical Earth's Earth's regional conductivity) Atmosphere: Atmosphere: weather or S11.D.2.1.1:Describe Barometric and also climate. pressure compare and how changes in S11.D.2.1 - concentration of changes contrast Analyze how minor components characteristics of the transfer (e.g., O2, CO2, dust, Cloud types freshwater of energy systems on the pollution) in Earth's and Global patters basis of their use atmosphere may be substances linked to climate of as natural between atmospheric resources change. Earth's movement The student can atmosphere S11.D.2.1.2: describe the and its Impact of relationships of Compare the The Air Around You Air Pressure Layers of the Atmosphere Energy in the Earth's Atmosphere Heat Transfer Winds Water in the Atmosphere Clouds Precipitation Air Masses Storms Predicting the Weather What Causes Climate Climate Regions Changes in Climate Human Activities and Climate Change F. Teacher SHSD web page, Wiki site, and Quia we page Teacher Resources: 1. Teachers edition of textbook 2. Inquiry and hands on learning: A. Teachers lab resource B. Scenerio-Based Investigations C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activitie E. Interdisciplinary activities. 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia D. Wiki 4. Assessment: A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities surface influences regional or global weather or climate. transmission, water systems water systems to reflection, on regional each other, absorption, and climate describe the radiation of solar relationships of energy to and by Impact of water systems to Earth’s surface under water systems landforms, and different on local distinguish environmental weather among different conditions (e.g., water systems. major volcanic Regional Earth's eruptions, climate Atmosphere: greenhouse effect, The student can: reduction of ozone Regional A. Identify how layer, increased weather barometric global cloud cover). pressure changes Regional are associated S11.D.2.1.3: Explain weather with weather weather patterns and patterns patterns in seasonal changes different regions using the concepts of Water of the heat and density. systems country. Identify how cloud types S11.D.2.1.4: Wind are associated Analyze weather direction with weather maps and weather patterns in data (e.g., air masses, Weather different regions fronts, temperature, maps of the air pressure, wind country. Identify speed, wind how wind direction, directions are precipitation) to associated with predict regional or weather patterns global weather in different B. Reading Strategies handbook C. ELL resources events. regions of the country. B. Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence regional climate. Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence regional weather. C. Explain the impact of water systems on the climate of a region. Explain the impact of water systems on the local weather N Earth's Structure ~ One marking period. Reorder units as appropriate. o Essential v Standards Anchors Content Competencies Assessments Questions e m S8.D.1.1 S8.D.1.1.1: Concept of Analyze b Describe Explain the "Earth's features e constructive rock cycle as changing created by the r and destructive changes in the surface interaction of Lessons The Earth System Earth's Interior Convection Vocabulary Resources Prentice Hall Interactive Textbook: Earth's Structure/Blended natural processes that form different geologic structures and resources. S11.D.1.1 Explain and analyze the forces in the lithosphere that continually shape Earth. S8.D.1.2 Describe the potential impact of human made processes on changes to Earth’s resources and how they affect everyday life. S11.D.1.2 Analyze how human-made systems impact the management and solid earth and Earth changing processes that rock types processes change Earth’s (igneous – (e.g., wind and surface (e.g., granite, basalt, moving water wind and obsidian, help break moving water pumice; down rock into help break sedimentary – soil; plate down rock into limestone, movement, soil; plate sandstone, earthquakes, movement, shale, coal; and volcanic earthquakes, and activity help and volcanic metamorphic – cause activity help slate, quartzite, mountains and cause marble, valleys to mountains and gneiss). form; flowing valleys to S11.D.1.1.1: water and form; flowing Classify and deposition of water and describe major material help deposition of types of rocks form deltas) material help (i.e., igneous – Earth shaping form deltas) granite, basalt, processes that Explain how obsidian, take place at the processes pumice; plate that take place sedimentary – boundaries at plate limestone, (e.g., volcanic boundaries sandstone, activity, continue to shale, coal; earthquakes, shape Earth and mountain Explain the metamorphic – building, mid- processes that slate, quartzite, ocean ridges, take place at marble, deep-sea plate gneiss) and trenches, new boundaries and minerals (e.g., land being how these and the Mantle Properties of Minerals Classifying Rocks Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks The Rock Cycle Drifting Continents Sea Floor Spreading The Theory of Plate Tectonics Forces in Earth's Crust Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Monitoring Earthquakes Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics Volcanic Eruptions Volcanic Landforms Path Student Resources: 1. Interactive write in student textbook. 2. Student technology A. Student eText (student edition on line). B. Interactive lessons on line. C. MyScienceOnline.co D. Untamed Science Videos E. Planet Diary F. Teacher SHSD we page, Wiki site, and Quia web page Teacher Resources: 1. Teachers edition of textbook 2. Inquiry and hands on learning: A. Teachers lab resource B. Scenerio-Based Investigations C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activities E. Interdisciplinary activities. distribution of quartz, calcite, formed) processes natural dolomite, clay, Major types of continue to resources. feldspar, mica, rocks (igneous shape Earth halite, pyrite) – granite, Classify major by their origin basalt, types of rocks and formation. obsidian, by their origin S8.D.1.1.2: pumice; and formation Describe sedimentary – Classify natural limestone, minerals by processes that sandstone, their origin change Earth’s shale, coal; and formation surface (e.g., and Describe landslides, metamorphic – major types of volcanic slate, quartzite, rocks by their eruptions, marble, origin and earthquakes, gneiss) formation mountain Mineral Describe building, new origins and minerals by land being formation their origin formed, Minerals (e.g., and formation weathering, quartz, calcite, Evaluate erosion, dolomite, clay, factors sedimentation, feldspar, mica, affecting soil halite, pyrite) availability of formation). Rock origins natural S11.D.1.1.2: and formation resources Explain the Availability of Evaluate processes that natural factors take place at resources affecting plate Extraction of extraction of boundaries and natural natural how these resources resources processes Impact of Evaluate 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia D. Wiki 4. Assessment: A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities B. Reading Strategies handbook C. ELL resources continue to shape Earth (e.g., volcanic activity, earthquakes, mountain building, midocean ridges, deep-sea trenches, new land being formed). S11.D.1.1.3: Analyze features caused by the interaction of constructive force processes that change Earth’s surface (plate movement, earthquakes, and volcanic activity). S8.D.1.2.1: Describe a product’s transformation process from production to consumption obtaining factors natural affecting resources (e.g., location of resource natural renewal, resources deforestation) Evaluate Impact of factors using natural affecting use resources (e.g., of natural amount of resources pollution) Explain the Location of impact of natural obtaining resources natural Production of resources for energy the production Production of of energy (e.g., materials resource Use of natural renewal, resources deforestation) Explain the impact of using natural resources for the production of energy (e.g., amount of pollution) (e.g., prospecting, propagating, growing, maintaining, adapting, treating, converting, distributing, disposing) and explain the process’s potential impact on Earth’s resources. S11.D.1.2.1: Evaluate factors affecting availability, location, extraction, and use of natural resources. S8.D.1.2.2: Describe potential impacts of human made processes (e.g., manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, mining) on Earth’s resources, both nonliving (i.e., air, water, or earth materials) and living (i.e., plants and animals). S11.D.1.2.2: Explain the impact of obtaining and using natural resources for the production of energy and materials (e.g., resource renewal, amount of pollution, deforestation). D Earth's Structure ~ One marking period. e c Standards Anchors Essential e Content Competencies Assessments Lessons Vocabulary Resources m b e r Questions S8.D.1.1 S8.D.1.1.1: Concept of Analyze Describe Explain the "Earth's features constructive rock cycle as changing created by the and destructive changes in the surface interaction of natural solid earth and Earth changing processes that processes that rock types processes change Earth’s form different (igneous – (e.g., wind and surface (e.g., geologic granite, basalt, moving water wind and structures and obsidian, help break moving water resources. pumice; down rock into help break S11.D.1.1 sedimentary – soil; plate down rock into Explain and limestone, movement, soil; plate analyze the sandstone, earthquakes, movement, forces in the shale, coal; and volcanic earthquakes, lithosphere and activity help and volcanic that metamorphic – cause activity help continually slate, quartzite, mountains and cause shape Earth. marble, valleys to mountains and S8.D.1.2 gneiss). form; flowing valleys to Describe the S11.D.1.1.1: water and form; flowing potential Classify and deposition of water and impact of describe major material help deposition of human made types of rocks form deltas) material help processes on (i.e., igneous – Earth shaping form deltas) changes to granite, basalt, processes that Explain how Earth’s obsidian, take place at the processes resources and pumice; plate that take place how they sedimentary – boundaries at plate affect limestone, (e.g., volcanic boundaries everyday life. sandstone, activity, continue to S11.D.1.2 shale, coal; earthquakes, shape Earth The Earth System Earth's Interior Convection and the Mantle Properties of Minerals Classifying Rocks Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks The Rock Cycle Drifting Continents Sea Floor Spreading The Theory of Plate Tectonics Forces in Earth's Crust Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Monitoring Earthquakes Volcanoes and Prentice Hall Interactive Textbook: Earth's Structure/Blended Path Student Resources: 1. Interactive write in student textbook. 2. Student technology A. Student eText (student edition on line). B. Interactive lessons on line. C. MyScienceOnline.co D. Untamed Science Videos E. Planet Diary F. Teacher SHSD we page, Wiki site, and Quia web page Teacher Resources: 1. Teachers edition of textbook 2. Inquiry and hands on learning: A. Teachers lab resource B. Scenerio-Based Investigations Analyze how human-made systems impact the management and distribution of natural resources. and mountain Explain the metamorphic – building, mid- processes that slate, quartzite, ocean ridges, take place at marble, deep-sea plate gneiss) and trenches, new boundaries and minerals (e.g., land being how these quartz, calcite, formed) processes dolomite, clay, Major types of continue to feldspar, mica, rocks (igneous shape Earth halite, pyrite) – granite, Classify major by their origin basalt, types of rocks and formation. obsidian, by their origin S8.D.1.1.2: pumice; and formation Describe sedimentary – Classify natural limestone, minerals by processes that sandstone, their origin change Earth’s shale, coal; and formation surface (e.g., and Describe landslides, metamorphic – major types of volcanic slate, quartzite, rocks by their eruptions, marble, origin and earthquakes, gneiss) formation mountain Mineral Describe building, new origins and minerals by land being formation their origin formed, Minerals (e.g., and formation weathering, quartz, calcite, Evaluate erosion, dolomite, clay, factors sedimentation, feldspar, mica, affecting soil halite, pyrite) availability of formation). Rock origins natural S11.D.1.1.2: and formation resources Explain the Availability of Evaluate Plate Tectonics Volcanic Eruptions Volcanic Landforms Mid Term Review C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activities E. Interdisciplinary activities. 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia D. Wiki 4. Assessment: A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities B. Reading Strategies handbook C. ELL resources processes that natural factors take place at resources affecting plate Extraction of extraction of boundaries and natural natural how these resources resources processes Impact of Evaluate continue to obtaining factors shape Earth natural affecting (e.g., volcanic resources (e.g., location of activity, resource natural earthquakes, renewal, resources mountain deforestation) Evaluate building, mid- Impact of factors ocean ridges, using natural affecting use deep-sea resources (e.g., of natural trenches, new amount of resources land being pollution) Explain the formed). Location of impact of S11.D.1.1.3: natural obtaining Analyze resources natural features Production of resources for caused by the energy the production interaction of Production of of energy (e.g., constructive materials resource force Use of natural renewal, processes that resources deforestation) change Earth’s Explain the surface (plate impact of movement, using natural earthquakes, resources for and volcanic the production activity). of energy (e.g., S8.D.1.2.1: amount of Describe a product’s transformation process from production to consumption (e.g., prospecting, propagating, growing, maintaining, adapting, treating, converting, distributing, disposing) and explain the process’s potential impact on Earth’s resources. S11.D.1.2.1: Evaluate factors affecting availability, location, extraction, and use of natural resources. S8.D.1.2.2: Describe pollution) potential impacts of human made processes (e.g., manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, mining) on Earth’s resources, both nonliving (i.e., air, water, or earth materials) and living (i.e., plants and animals). S11.D.1.2.2: Explain the impact of obtaining and using natural resources for the production of energy and materials (e.g., resource renewal, amount of pollution, deforestation). J Earth's Structure ~ One marking period. a Essential n Standards Anchors Questions u a S8.D.1.1 S8.D.1.1.1: r Describe Explain the y constructive rock cycle as Content Competencies Assessments Concept of Analyze "Earth's features changing created by the and destructive changes in the surface interaction of natural solid earth and Earth changing processes that processes that rock types processes change Earth’s form different (igneous – (e.g., wind and surface (e.g., geologic granite, basalt, moving water wind and structures and obsidian, help break moving water resources. pumice; down rock into help break S11.D.1.1 sedimentary – soil; plate down rock into Explain and limestone, movement, soil; plate analyze the sandstone, earthquakes, movement, forces in the shale, coal; and volcanic earthquakes, lithosphere and activity help and volcanic that metamorphic – cause activity help continually slate, quartzite, mountains and cause shape Earth. marble, valleys to mountains and S8.D.1.2 gneiss). form; flowing valleys to Describe the S11.D.1.1.1: water and form; flowing potential Classify and deposition of water and impact of describe major material help deposition of human made types of rocks form deltas) material help processes on (i.e., igneous – Earth shaping form deltas) changes to granite, basalt, processes that Explain how Earth’s obsidian, take place at the processes resources and pumice; plate that take place how they sedimentary – boundaries at plate Lessons The Earth System Earth's Interior Convection and the Mantle Properties of Minerals Classifying Rocks Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks The Rock Cycle Drifting Continents Sea Floor Spreading The Theory of Plate Tectonics Forces in Earth's Crust Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Vocabulary Resources Prentice Hall Interactive Textbook: Earth's Structure/Blended Path Student Resources: 1. Interactive write in student textbook. 2. Student technology A. Student eText (student edition on line). B. Interactive lessons on line. C. MyScienceOnline.co D. Untamed Science Videos E. Planet Diary F. Teacher SHSD we page, Wiki site, and Quia web page Teacher Resources: 1. Teachers edition of textbook 2. Inquiry and hands on learning: A. Teachers lab affect everyday life. S11.D.1.2 Analyze how human-made systems impact the management and distribution of natural resources. limestone, (e.g., volcanic boundaries sandstone, activity, continue to shale, coal; earthquakes, shape Earth and mountain Explain the metamorphic – building, mid- processes that slate, quartzite, ocean ridges, take place at marble, deep-sea plate gneiss) and trenches, new boundaries and minerals (e.g., land being how these quartz, calcite, formed) processes dolomite, clay, Major types of continue to feldspar, mica, rocks (igneous shape Earth halite, pyrite) – granite, Classify major by their origin basalt, types of rocks and formation. obsidian, by their origin S8.D.1.1.2: pumice; and formation Describe sedimentary – Classify natural limestone, minerals by processes that sandstone, their origin change Earth’s shale, coal; and formation surface (e.g., and Describe landslides, metamorphic – major types of volcanic slate, quartzite, rocks by their eruptions, marble, origin and earthquakes, gneiss) formation mountain Mineral Describe building, new origins and minerals by land being formation their origin formed, Minerals (e.g., and formation weathering, quartz, calcite, Evaluate erosion, dolomite, clay, factors sedimentation, feldspar, mica, affecting soil halite, pyrite) availability of Monitoring Earthquakes Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics Volcanic Eruptions Volcanic Landforms resource B. Scenerio-Based Investigations C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activities E. Interdisciplinary activities. 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia D. Wiki 4. Assessment: A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities B. Reading Strategies handbook C. ELL resources formation). Rock origins natural S11.D.1.1.2: and formation resources Explain the Availability of Evaluate processes that natural factors take place at resources affecting plate Extraction of extraction of boundaries and natural natural how these resources resources processes Impact of Evaluate continue to obtaining factors shape Earth natural affecting (e.g., volcanic resources (e.g., location of activity, resource natural earthquakes, renewal, resources mountain deforestation) Evaluate building, mid- Impact of factors ocean ridges, using natural affecting use deep-sea resources (e.g., of natural trenches, new amount of resources land being pollution) Explain the formed). Location of impact of S11.D.1.1.3: natural obtaining Analyze resources natural features Production of resources for caused by the energy the production interaction of Production of of energy (e.g., constructive materials resource force Use of natural renewal, processes that resources deforestation) change Earth’s Explain the surface (plate impact of movement, using natural earthquakes, resources for and volcanic activity). S8.D.1.2.1: Describe a product’s transformation process from production to consumption (e.g., prospecting, propagating, growing, maintaining, adapting, treating, converting, distributing, disposing) and explain the process’s potential impact on Earth’s resources. S11.D.1.2.1: Evaluate factors affecting availability, location, extraction, and use of natural the production of energy (e.g., amount of pollution) resources. S8.D.1.2.2: Describe potential impacts of human made processes (e.g., manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, mining) on Earth’s resources, both nonliving (i.e., air, water, or earth materials) and living (i.e., plants and animals). S11.D.1.2.2: Explain the impact of obtaining and using natural resources for the production of energy and materials (e.g., resource renewal, amount of pollution, deforestation). F Earth's Surface ~ One marking period. e Essential b Standards Anchors Content Competencies Assessments Questions r u S8.A.2.2 7.1.12.A: Use Types of maps Describe how a Apply geographic and globes relationships r appropriate tools to represented in y instruments for analyze models are a specific information used to explain purpose and about the GPS technological describe the interaction Technology concepts information between (maps, globes, the instrument people, places, topographic can provide. and the GIS maps, S11.A.2.2 environment. Technology mapping Evaluate technologies). appropriate S8.A.2.2.3: Soil Explain how technologies Describe ways characteristics different soil for a specific technology (i.e., particle types are purpose, or (e.g., size, porosity, formed. describe the microscope, and Identify soil information telescope, permeability) types found in the instrument micrometer, Soil types . Pennsylvania. can provide. hydraulics, (i.e., humus, Compare S11.A.3.2 barometer) topsoil, different Compare extends and subsoil, loam, processes that observations enhances loess, and change Earth’s of the real human parent material surface. world to abilities for Processes that Contrast observations specific change Earth's different Lessons Exploring Earth's Surface Models of Earth Mapping Technology Topographic Maps Rocks and Weathering How Soil Forms Soil Conservation Mass Movement Water Erosion Glacier Erosion Wave Erosion Wind Erosion Fossils The Relative Age of Rocks Radioactive Dating Vocabulary Resources Prentice Hall Interactive Science: Earth's Surface/Blended Path Student Resources: 1. Interactive write in student textbook. 2. Student technology A. Student eText (student edition on line). B. Interactive lessons on line. C. MyScienceOnline.co D. Untamed Science Videos E. Planet Diary F. Teacher SHSD we page, Wiki site, and Quia web page Teacher Resources: 1. Teachers edition of textbook 2. Inquiry and hands on learning: of a purposes. surface (e.g., processes that constructed S11.A.2.2.1: landslides, change Earth’s model. Evaluate weathering, surface. S8.D.1.1 appropriate erosion, Analyze Describe methods, sedimentation, features constructive instruments, soil formation) created by the and destructive and scale for Pennsylvania interaction of natural precise soil types processes that processes that quantitative Fossils provide change Earth’s form different and qualitative evidence about surface (e.g., geologic observations plants and wind and structures and (e.g., to animals that moving water resources. compare lived long ago help break S11.A.3.3 properties of Animal fossils down rock into Compare and materials, Plant fossils soil; flowing analyze water quality) Concept of water and repeated S11.A.3.2.3: "Earth's deposition of processes or Describe how changing material help recurring relationships surface form deltas). elements in represented in Earth changing Explain how patterns. models are processes fossils provide S11.D.1.1 used to explain (e.g., wind and evidence about Explain and scientific or moving water animals that analyze the technological help break lived long ago forces in the concepts (e.g., down rock into throughout lithosphere dimensions of soil;flowing Pennsylvania’s that objects within water and history. continually the solar deposition of Explain how shape Earth. system, life material help fossils provide S8.A.3.3 spans, size of form deltas) evidence about Describe atomic Relative Age plants that repeated particles, Absolute Age lived long ago processes or topographic Radioactive throughout The Geologic Time Scale Early Earth Eras of Earth's History A. Teachers lab resource B. Scenerio-Based Investigations C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activities E. Interdisciplinary activities. 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia D. Wiki 4. Assessment: A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities B. Reading Strategies handbook recurring elements in natural, scientific, and technological patterns maps). S8.D.1.1.2: Describe natural processes that change Earth’s surface (e.g., landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, mountain building, new land being formed, weathering, erosion, sedimentation, soil formation). S8.D.1.1.3: Identify soil types (i.e., humus, topsoil, subsoil, loam, loess, and parent material) and their characteristics (i.e., particle size, porosity, Pennsylvania’s history. The Geologic Explain how Time Scale fossils provide Geologic evidence of Order and different Sequence environments. The Law of Describe how Superposition. the fossil record was used to create the Geologic Time Scale. Identify the units of the Geologic Time Scale. Explain how technology is used to extend human abilities Explain how technology is used to extend human precision Dating C. ELL resources and permeability) found in different biomes and in Pennsylvania, and explain how they formed. S8.D.1.1.4: Explain how fossils provide evidence about plants and animals that once lived throughout Pennsylvania’s history (e.g., fossils provide evidence of different environments). S11.A.3.3.1: Describe or interpret recurring patterns that form the basis of biological classification, chemical periodicity, geological order, or astronomical order. S11.D.1.1.3: Analyze features caused by the interaction of processes that change Earth’s surface (e.g., wind and moving water help break down rock into soil; plate movement, earthquakes, and volcanic activity help cause mountains and valleys to form; flowing water and deposition of material help form deltas). S8.A.3.3.2: Describe repeating structure patterns in nature (e.g., veins in a leaf, tree rings, crystals, water waves) or periodic patterns (e.g., daily, monthly, annually). M Earth's Surface ~ One marking period. a Essential r Standards Anchors Content Questions c h S8.A.2.2 7.1.12.A: Use Types of maps Apply geographic and globes appropriate tools to instruments for analyze a specific information purpose and about the GPS describe the interaction Technology information between the instrument people, places, can provide. and the GIS S11.A.2.2 environment. Technology Evaluate appropriate S8.A.2.2.3: Soil technologies Describe ways characteristics for a specific technology (i.e., particle purpose, or (e.g., size, porosity, describe the microscope, and information telescope, permeability) Competencies Assessments Lessons Describe how relationships represented in models are used to explain technological concepts (maps, globes, topographic maps, mapping technologies). Explain how different soil types are formed. Identify soil types found in Exploring Earth's Surface Models of Earth Mapping Technology Topographic Maps Rocks and Weathering How Soil Forms Soil Conservation Mass Movement Water Erosion Glacier Vocabulary Resources Prentice Hall Interactive Science: Earth's Surface/Blended Path Student Resources: 1. Interactive write in student textbook. 2. Student technology A. Student eText (student edition on line). B. Interactive lessons on line. C. MyScienceOnline.co D. Untamed Science Videos E. Planet Diary the instrument micrometer, Soil types . Pennsylvania. can provide. hydraulics, (i.e., humus, Compare S11.A.3.2 barometer) topsoil, different Compare extends and subsoil, loam, processes that observations enhances loess, and change Earth’s of the real human parent material surface. world to abilities for Processes that Contrast observations specific change Earth's different of a purposes. surface (e.g., processes that constructed S11.A.2.2.1: landslides, change Earth’s model. Evaluate weathering, surface. S8.D.1.1 appropriate erosion, Analyze Describe methods, sedimentation, features constructive instruments, soil formation) created by the and destructive and scale for Pennsylvania interaction of natural precise soil types processes that processes that quantitative Fossils provide change Earth’s form different and qualitative evidence about surface (e.g., geologic observations plants and wind and structures and (e.g., to animals that moving water resources. compare lived long ago help break S11.A.3.3 properties of Animal fossils down rock into Compare and materials, Plant fossils soil; flowing analyze water quality) Concept of water and repeated S11.A.3.2.3: "Earth's deposition of processes or Describe how changing material help recurring relationships surface form deltas). elements in represented in Earth changing Explain how patterns. models are processes fossils provide S11.D.1.1 used to explain (e.g., wind and evidence about Explain and scientific or moving water animals that analyze the technological help break lived long ago forces in the concepts (e.g., down rock into throughout Erosion Wave Erosion Wind Erosion Fossils The Relative Age of Rocks Radioactive Dating The Geologic Time Scale Early Earth Eras of Earth's History F. Teacher SHSD we page, Wiki site, and Quia web page Teacher Resources: 1. Teachers edition of textbook 2. Inquiry and hands on learning: A. Teachers lab resource B. Scenerio-Based Investigations C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activities E. Interdisciplinary activities. 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia D. Wiki 4. Assessment: A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests lithosphere that continually shape Earth. S8.A.3.3 Describe repeated processes or recurring elements in natural, scientific, and technological patterns dimensions of objects within the solar system, life spans, size of atomic particles, topographic maps). S8.D.1.1.2: Describe natural processes that change Earth’s surface (e.g., landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, mountain building, new land being formed, weathering, erosion, sedimentation, soil formation). S8.D.1.1.3: Identify soil types (i.e., humus, topsoil, Pennsylvania’s history. Explain how fossils provide evidence about plants that lived long ago throughout Pennsylvania’s history. The Geologic Explain how Time Scale fossils provide Geologic evidence of Order and different Sequence environments. The Law of Describe how Superposition. the fossil record was used to create the Geologic Time Scale. Identify the units of the Geologic Time Scale. Explain how technology is used to extend human abilities Explain how technology is used to extend soil;flowing water and deposition of material help form deltas) Relative Age Absolute Age Radioactive Dating E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities B. Reading Strategies handbook C. ELL resources subsoil, loam, loess, and parent material) and their characteristics (i.e., particle size, porosity, and permeability) found in different biomes and in Pennsylvania, and explain how they formed. S8.D.1.1.4: Explain how fossils provide evidence about plants and animals that once lived throughout Pennsylvania’s history (e.g., fossils provide evidence of different environments). S11.A.3.3.1: Describe or human precision interpret recurring patterns that form the basis of biological classification, chemical periodicity, geological order, or astronomical order. S11.D.1.1.3: Analyze features caused by the interaction of processes that change Earth’s surface (e.g., wind and moving water help break down rock into soil; plate movement, earthquakes, and volcanic activity help cause mountains and valleys to form; flowing water and deposition of material help form deltas). S8.A.3.3.2: Describe repeating structure patterns in nature (e.g., veins in a leaf, tree rings, crystals, water waves) or periodic patterns (e.g., daily, monthly, annually). A Astronomy and Space Science ~ One marking period. p Essential r Standards Anchors Content Competencies Assessments Questions i l S8.D.3.1 S8.D.3.1.1: Characteristics Compare Explain the Describe of celestial characteristics relationships patterns of bodies found of celestial between and earth’s in the solar bodies found among the movements system (e.g., in the solar objects of our (i.e., rotation planets, system solar system. and moons, Contrast revolution) in asteroids, characteristics relation to the comets, of celestial moon and sun meteors, inner bodies found Lessons The Sky from Earth Earth in Space Gravity and Motion Phases and Eclipses Tides Earth's Moon The Science of Vocabulary Resources Prentice Hall Interactive Science: Astronomy and Space Science/Blended Path Student Resources: 1. Interactive write in student textbook. 2. Student technology A. Student eText (student edition on (i.e., phases, and outer in the solar eclipses, and planets) system S11.D.3.1 tides) Earth's Describe Explain the S8.D.3.1.2: relationship to patterns of composition, Describe the the moon Earth’s structure, and role of gravity Earth's movements in origin of the as the force relationship to relation to the universe. that governs the sun moon and sun the movement Movement of (i.e., phases, of the solar solar system eclipses, and system and Movement of tides) universe. the universe Describe the S8.D.3.1.3: Patterns of role of gravity Compare and Earth's as the force contrast movements that governs characteristics (i.e., rotation the movement of celestial and of the solar bodies found revolution) system in the solar Role of gravity Describe the system (e.g., Concept of role of gravity moons, "origin of the as the force asteroids, solar system" that governs comets, Concept of the movement meteors, inner "origin of the of the universe and outer universe Explain the planets). Concept of current S11.D.3.1.1: "planetary scientific Describe motion" theories of the planetary Current origin of the motion and the scientific solar system physical laws theories of the and universe that explain origin of the (big bang planetary solar system theory, solar Rockets The History of Space Exploration Using Space Science on Earth Models of the Solar System Introducing the Solar System The Sun The Inner Planets The Outer Planets Small Solar System Objects Telescopes The Scale of the Universe Characteristics of Stars Lives of Stars Star Systems and Galaxies The Expanding Universe line). B. Interactive lessons on line. C. MyScienceOnline.co D. Untamed Science Videos E. Planet Diary F. Teacher SHSD we page, Wiki site, and Quia web page Teacher Resources: 1. Teachers edition of textbook 2. Inquiry and hands on learning: A. Teachers lab resource B. Scenerio-Based Investigations C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activities E. Interdisciplinary activities. 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia D. Wiki 4. Assessment: motion. and universe nebular theory, S11.D.3.1.2: (big bang stellar Describe the theory, solar evolution) structure, nebular theory, Describe the formation, and stellar physical laws life cycle of evolution) that explain stars. Formation of planetary S11.D.3.1.3: stars motion Explain the Life cycles of Describe current stars planetary scientific Physical laws motion theories of the that explain Describe the origin of the planetary formation of solar system motion stars and universe Structure of Describe the (e.g., big bang stars life cycle of theory, solar stars nebular theory, Describe the stellar structure of evolution). stars M Astronomy and Space Science ~ One marking period. a Essential y Standards Anchors Content Questions S8.D.3.1 Explain the relationships between and among the objects of our solar system. S8.D.3.1.1: Describe patterns of earth’s movements (i.e., rotation and revolution) in Characteristics of celestial bodies found in the solar system (e.g., planets, moons, asteroids, A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities B. Reading Strategies handbook C. ELL resources Competencies Assessments Lessons Compare characteristics of celestial bodies found in the solar system Contrast characteristics The Sky from Earth Earth in Space Gravity and Motion Phases and Eclipses Tides Vocabulary Resources Prentice Hall Interactive Science: Astronomy and Space Science/Blended Path Student Resources: 1. Interactive write in student textbook. 2. Student technology relation to the comets, of celestial moon and sun meteors, inner bodies found (i.e., phases, and outer in the solar eclipses, and planets) system S11.D.3.1 tides) Earth's Describe Explain the S8.D.3.1.2: relationship to patterns of composition, Describe the the moon Earth’s structure, and role of gravity Earth's movements in origin of the as the force relationship to relation to the universe. that governs the sun moon and sun the movement Movement of (i.e., phases, of the solar solar system eclipses, and system and Movement of tides) universe. the universe Describe the S8.D.3.1.3: Patterns of role of gravity Compare and Earth's as the force contrast movements that governs characteristics (i.e., rotation the movement of celestial and of the solar bodies found revolution) system in the solar Role of gravity Describe the system (e.g., Concept of role of gravity moons, "origin of the as the force asteroids, solar system" that governs comets, Concept of the movement meteors, inner "origin of the of the universe and outer universe Explain the planets). Concept of current S11.D.3.1.1: "planetary scientific Describe motion" theories of the planetary Current origin of the motion and the scientific solar system physical laws theories of the and universe Earth's Moon The Science of Rockets The History of Space Exploration Using Space Science on Earth Models of the Solar System Introducing the Solar System The Sun The Inner Planets The Outer Planets Small Solar System Objects Telescopes The Scale of the Universe Characteristics of Stars Lives of Stars Star Systems and Galaxies The Expanding Universe A. Student eText (student edition on line). B. Interactive lessons on line. C. MyScienceOnline.co D. Untamed Science Videos E. Planet Diary F. Teacher SHSD we page, Wiki site, and Quia web page Teacher Resources: 1. Teachers edition of textbook 2. Inquiry and hands on learning: A. Teachers lab resource B. Scenerio-Based Investigations C. Chapter Activities and projects D. Inquiry Skills activities E. Interdisciplinary activities. 3. Technology: A. MyScience Online.com B. Examview C. Quia that explain origin of the (big bang planetary solar system theory, solar motion. and universe nebular theory, S11.D.3.1.2: (big bang stellar Describe the theory, solar evolution) structure, nebular theory, Describe the formation, and stellar physical laws life cycle of evolution) that explain stars. Formation of planetary S11.D.3.1.3: stars motion Explain the Life cycles of Describe current stars planetary scientific Physical laws motion theories of the that explain Describe the origin of the planetary formation of solar system motion stars and universe Structure of Describe the (e.g., big bang stars life cycle of theory, solar stars nebular theory, Describe the stellar structure of evolution). stars D. Wiki 4. Assessment: A. Performance Assessment B. Progress Monitoring Assessment C. SuccessTracker D. Chapter quizes and tests E. Various assignments 5. Other A. Math Skills and problem solving activities B. Reading Strategies handbook C. ELL resources