FRIENDS OF WHITNEY YOUNG: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Fall 2011 Application Deadline: Friday, October 28, 2011. Friends of Whitney Young (FRIENDS) is a charitable tax-exempt organization with the following mission: a. Facilitate a working relationship between families, school administrators and teachers at WYHS; b. Provide linkage between teachers, administrators and the community at large to ensure that every child at WYHS will receive the best opportunities for learning; c. Enhance and enrich the curriculum at WYHS through programs and materials not normally offered by the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) public school system; d. Provide communications between WYHS and parents of children attending WYHS. This application allows members of the WYHS community to request funding for specific projects or items. Requests must adhere to the following guidelines established by FRIENDS. Applications are due no later than Fri. Oct. 28, 2011 at 3:35pm. Awards will be made in the month of November and must be spent before the end of the school year. Funds will be distributed to a range of projects. Funding Priorities: FRIENDS’ grants are intended to provide supplemental resources to Whitney Young High School for projects that fulfill the above mission and that do not duplicate efforts already in the works at the school. We anticipate funding projects in the $500-$2500 range as well as projects of larger scale $2500 +. Who May Apply For A Grant: Teachers, administrators, school staff, and school organizations (e.g. PTSO, school clubs, etc.) may apply for funding of a project or item. Please note the following: • Applications submitted by school organizations must be co-signed by club presidents and faculty adviser(s). • No funds will be distributed to unaffiliated individuals. In general you may request funding for: 1. The development of innovative programs that enhance student or teacher learning or create new ideas and energy in the classroom that foster collaboration among teachers, particularly interdisciplinary projects; 2. New approaches that increase the school’s ability to serve the students’ academic and social/emotional developmental needs; 3. Projects that encourage parent involvement, education, or training; 4. Consultant services that enhance collaborative planning or skill development among teachers, parents or students. 5. Support for extracurricular team or club activities such as team travel, uniforms, magazine subscriptions, competition fees and supplies; 6. Material items such as learning materials, equipment, books, supplies, furniture, etc. In general, you may not request funding for projects or items that are the responsibility of CPS, such as: 1 1. 2. 3. Capital improvement projects; Basic educational materials such as textbooks; Salaries FRIENDS will favor projects that meet certain criteria, such as: • The project or item truly enhances the classroom experience, overall school community experience or is essential to a particular extracurricular activity. • The project or item can be used over a period of time by multiple generations of students. • The project or item fosters the FRIENDS’ mission, in particular increased community building and enhanced communication among faculty, administrators, students, and parents. • The project or item is not already budgeted by the school or CPS. • Efforts to match funds will be highly regarded. If Your Grant Is Approved, please note: • Grant funds must be used as described in your grant application, during the period of September 2011 to June 2012. No carryover past June 30, 2012 is permitted. • Budgets submitted with the grant application should accurately reflect the project’s expenditures. If you determine that changes must be made in your initial application in order to accomplish your goal and that change will result in a difference of 25% or more in a particular category you must notify FRIENDS in advance. Please be aware that this may result in reduced funding. • You must maintain clear records of your purchases with FRIENDS’ grant money. Funds will be distributed upon timely presentation of relevant purchase orders or other documentation. It is essential that documentation be of usual and customary form: i.e. purchase order, vendor invoice, billing statement, etc. FRIENDS frowns upon hand-written statements or word-of-mouth reimbursement. • We ask that a brief report must be submitted at the end of the grant period. This report should include a financial report of what was accomplished by the project (item) through its use of the grant funds. • FRIENDS may use any relevant quotations from your report and/or letters as part of our publicity and organization development. Applicants must use the Grant Application Form to make a request. The form may be downloaded from the FRIENDS Web site. Some additional hard copies will be made available in the main office. Applications must be dropped in the FRIENDS mailbox in the main office (in a sealed envelope addressed to Grants Committee). FRIENDS will not be able to make off-cycle grants so it is very important that all applicants submit the fully completed application by 3:35pm on Friday, October 28, 2011. We will not review applications submitted after the deadline. Award or decline letters will be emailed by mid-November, 2011. Direct questions or concerns to 2 FRIENDS OF WHITNEY YOUNG Fall 2011 Grant Application Form Applicant_________________________Club/Organization________________ _______ Identify Yourself (circle): Administrator Faculty Parent Student Other Phone Number ( _ _ _ ) _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ ext._____Email_________________ Faculty Adviser signature_________________________ Club President signature, if applicable________________________ Name of Project (Item) for which you are requesting funds: _____________________ 1. Describe the project and what is trying to be accomplished. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2. Why is this project (item) important (to you and to the school)? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3. How does it meet the mission and guidelines as described in the FoWY RFP? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 4.Have you or the organization/club done any fundraising for your project (item)? a. If yes, how much money have you raised from other sources? $___________ b. If you have not fundraised yet, how much money do you anticipate raising in addition to the amount being requested from FoWY (if any) $__________ c. We will not conduct any fundraising. Explain why not. ____________________________________________________ 3 5. How many students/people are in this class, club or organization? _________________________________________________________ 6. Will your class, club or organization be able to provide volunteers to assist with FOWY projects? Yes ___ No ___ 7. Why do you believe that this project (item) cannot/will not be funded by another source___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 8.Did you receive any grants from FOWY in 2009-10 or in 2008-09? If so, for what project and how much money did you receive? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 9. Is there anything else you would like us to know regarding your project (item)? (Use additional paper if necessary) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 10. Is this proposal time sensitive? Yes ___ No ___ Explain:_________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Please complete the Budget on the reverse side. Incomplete grant applications may not be considered for an award. Please submit the completed grant application in a sealed envelope addressed to: FoWY Grants Committee by 3:35pm on Friday, October 28 , 2011. Leave sealed envelope in the FoWY mailbox located in the WYHS main office. FRIENDS OF WHITNEY YOUNG Fall 2011 Grant Application form BUDGET 4 Required Submittal as part of Complete Application Name of Project (Item)__________________________________ This budget will state how much this project (item) will cost. Please NOTE the budget should accurately reflect the project’s expenditures. For projects, describe the various costs associated with making the project successful, e.g. hiring outside expertise, purchasing training materials, supplying food for a workshop, etc. Provide a line item budget where applicable. For item(s) requested be sure to provide actual price (or the estimated price you received from vender) and submit supportive information. Project Needs or Item(s) Requested (A)Cost of the item(s) (B)Amount requested (C)Amount (Quantity needed x or anticipated from requested from cost per item = total other source (s) FoWY cost) TOTAL $ $ Column A-B $ Please NOTE that if your grant is approved FoWY requires that you keep accurate records (receipts) of project expenditures and must provide FoWY with a financial report. Funds will be distributed upon timely presentation of relevant purchase orders or other documentation. It is essential that documentation be of usual and customary form, i.e. purchase order, vendor invoice, billing statement, etc. Please NOTE further that if your grant is approved and you determine that changes must be made from your initial application in order to accomplish your goal, and that change(s) will result in a variance of 25% or more in a particular category, you must provide written notice to FoWY prior to expenditure. Please be aware that any changes to the original grant may result in reduced funding. 5