Programme title: Postgraduate Research

Programme Specification
Programme title: Postgraduate Research Framework
Academic Year:
Degree Awarding Body:
University of Bradford
Partner(s), delivery
organisation or support
provider (if appropriate):
Final and interim award(s):
[Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
(FHEQ) levels 7 and 8]
Academic Credit for individual level 7
modules across all Faculties Postgraduate
Postgraduate Diploma
Master of Research (MRes)
Master of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Programme accredited by (if
Programme duration:
QAA Subject benchmark
Date of Senate Approval:
September 2015
Date last confirmed/approved
by Faculty Board
June 2015
This programme provides a flexible structure to enhance the University's approach
to the support and training of postgraduate research students (PGRs). It provides
the training component that accompanies your doctoral research, designed with the
flexibility required to suit your needs. It enables you, with the support of your
supervisors, to ensure that you can acquire all the necessary skills to be an
excellent researcher.
A doctorate may be the basis for an academic career, but it also provides a vital
advantage to your employability in any area of professional activity. Since a doctoral
programme is highly specialised, it offers you a unique opportunity to gain an
internationally recognised expertise on a specific topic.
The Postgraduate Research Framework
Within the first two weeks after your arrival at the doctoral programme, and then at
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regular 6-12 months’ intervals, you will meet with your supervisors to discuss your
training needs and complete an agreed Training Needs Analysis (TNA) form,
provided by your Faculty in a process overseen by the Faculty’s PGR Director. That
TNA form, developed by each Faculty’s PGR Committee, will state your training
needs and how those will be met, normally through a combination of modules and
short courses offered by your Faculty, by other Faculties, or by external research
training networks. The TNA will be reviewed at regular intervals, normally every six
months, and at least once a year.
Your training will largely be based upon research methods modules and subject
specific modules. The research methods modules are Level 7 and Level 8 modules
directly related to the Learning Outcomes of this PGR Framework and they are
provided by different Faculties. You will find a list of those modules in the PGR
Framework webpages, with links to descriptors giving basic information such as
each module’s aims, learning and teaching strategy, assessment, any limits on
student numbers, etc, as well as links to timetables, to facilitate the choices made
by yourself and your supervisors. Subject specific modules are Level 7 and 8
modules, normally provided by your own Faculty, which relate to your field of study
and research topic. In order to be registered for your chosen modules, your TNA
needs to be agreed in advance of the start of the relevant teaching semester.
As part of your training, you may register for intermediate awards, such as the
Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert), the Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) or the Master
of Research (MRes), or just register for individual modules; this will be decided
between your supervisor and yourself when completing your TNA.
Your supervisor plays a key role in your training and the management of your
learning experience, supporting and advising you on the analysis of your training
needs and on any registration for intermediate awards, monitoring your progress
and providing you with regular feedback.
The development of your training within the PGR Framework is a process organised
and overseen by your Faculty’s PGR Director, who will also organise your induction,
inform you and your supervisors of the modules and short courses available and
oversee training processes. The PGR Director, in conjunction with the Faculty’s PGR
Committee, will also organise, if appropriate, your registration on the PGCert, PGDip
and MRes, and your progression through those awards. Alternatively, you and your
supervisors may decide that your training needs will be better met through
individual modules, without reference to any intermediate awards. The Faculty’s
PGR Committee will develop TNA forms, organise and coordinate the research
methods modules, subject specific modules and short courses provided by the
Faculty, organise any assessment committees and Board of Examiners required for
intermediate awards, as well as the regular review and enhancement of training
This PGR Framework is jointly offered by all the Faculties of the University, and
includes development opportunities provided by the Centre for Educational
Development (CED); Careers Development Services; People Development; Academic
Skills Advice; Language Centre; Library and IT Services. It also includes access to the
Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI) and similar networks and
external providers.
The Framework is intended to support your work aimed at one of the doctoral
degrees offered by the University, namely the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
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The degree of MPhil may occasionally be considered as the entry stage towards a
PhD or as a fall back in cases where a candidate is unable to complete a PhD; it is,
however, possible to register specifically for an MPhil.
Programme Aims
The PGR Framework is intended to:
A1 Equip and develop you as a researcher qualified in a wide range of skills,
methods and methodologies, who is able to operate professionally in a
highly skilled, informed, effective, experienced and reflective manner;
A2 Provide you with an in-depth knowledge of research methods, research
ethics, and theoretical and philosophical perspectives, enabling you to
apply them to professional practices;
A3 Enhance your development of the innovative and reflective practices and
research that would enable you to practise at the highest professional
A4 Make an original contribution to knowledge and exercise leadership in
your area of research, advanced scholarship or professional activity;
Programme Learning Outcomes
To be eligible for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate (PG Cert) at FHEQ level
7, you will be able to:
Provide evidence of a practical understanding of how established
techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret
knowledge within a discipline or research field;
Deploy a conceptual understanding that would enable you critically to
evaluate current research and advanced scholarship within your field or
Show a critical understanding of research ethics, of theoretical and
philosophical perspectives, and of their application to solving researchrelated problems.
Additionally, to be eligible for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip) at
FHEQ level 7, you will be able to:
Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to
your own research or your own area of advanced scholarship;
Evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where
appropriate, propose new research questions or new hypotheses;
Act autonomously and innovatively in planning and implementing
research-related tasks at a professional or equivalent level;
Additionally, to be eligible for the award of the Degree of Master of Research
(MRes) at FHEQ level 7, you will be able to:
Demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge and
understanding in a variety of research environments;
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Apply a critical understanding of the relationship between research
questions, methods and theory; of data management; and of ethics in
Deal with complex issues in a research setting, systematically, creatively
and in a professional manner;
To be eligible for the award of the Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) at FHEQ
level 7, you will be able to:
Interpret new knowledge through research or advanced scholarship;
Demonstrate the critical acquisition and understanding of a substantial
body of knowledge that is at the forefront of an academic discipline or
area of professional practice;
Communicate new and innovative ideas and technically complex
conclusions clearly and effectively;
To be eligible for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at FHEQ
level 8, you will be able to:
Create and interpret new knowledge, through original research or other
form of advanced scholarship of a quality sufficient to satisfy peer
review, extend the forefront of the discipline and merit publication;
Demonstrate the systematic acquisition and understanding of a
substantial body of knowledge that is at the forefront of an academic
discipline or area of professional practice;
Conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of
new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the
relevant discipline or disciplines, and to adjust the project design in the
light of unforeseen problems;
Identify and competently understand and apply relevant techniques for
research and advanced academic enquiry, showing a critical knowledge
of research ethics, and of theoretical and philosophical perspectives;
Undertake pure and/or applied research and development at an
advanced level, and make informed judgements in specialist fields,
contributing substantially to the development of innovative techniques,
ideas and approaches;
Exercise personal responsibility and autonomous initiative in complex
and unpredictable situations, in professional or equivalent
Postgraduate Certificate
You will be eligible for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate after you have
successfully completed 60 credits (at least 40 credits from research methods
modules) and achieved the award’s learning outcomes.
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Postgraduate Diploma
You will be eligible for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma after you have
successfully completed at least 120 credits (at least 80 credits from research
methods modules) and achieved the award’s learning outcomes.
Degree of Master of Research
Module Title
Dissertation in Research
1 or 2
You will be eligible for the award of the Degree of Master of Research (MRes) if you
have successfully completed at least 180 credits (including at least 80 credits from
research methods modules) and achieved the award’s learning outcomes.
Degree of Master of Philosophy
Module Code
Module Title
1 or 2
You will be eligible for the award of the Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) if
you have successfully completed an MPhil Dissertation (40,000 words maximum)
and achieved the award’s learning outcomes.
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Module Title
PhD Thesis
1 or 2
You will be eligible for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) if you
have successfully completed a PhD thesis (80,000 words maximum) and achieved
the award’s learning outcomes.
Learning and Teaching Strategy
The Learning and Teaching Strategy is based in the provision of a flexible and
comprehensive framework of modules, supplemented by short courses, which will
seek to meet your training needs and ensure the achievement of the learning
outcomes. The learning strategy is based on a regular evaluation of achievement, to
be conducted by you and your supervisors and overseen by the PGR Director, which
will enable and enhance your development as an independent and effective
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A variety of teaching methods appropriate to the learning outcomes are employed
in the modules included in the Framework. Key skills are embedded throughout the
Framework, with communication (oral and written), IT, problem solving and
improving own learning performance developed by every module and by the final
doctoral thesis.
The preparation of the doctoral thesis will be supported by regular supervisory
meetings and further guided by the monitoring conducted by the Faculty’s PGR
Director. The processes leading to any of the awards offered as part of this
Framework are conducted within your Faculty and led by the PGR Director.
Assessment Strategy
The range of assessment methods used throughout the Framework seeks to be
progressive in terms of developing critical analysis and writing skills in addition to
addressing specific learning outcomes. In each module you will receive formative
feedback, as well as summative assessment.
The supervisory process supporting the preparation of your doctoral thesis will
provide you with regular formative assessment, both oral and written. The thesis
will be defended at a viva voce examination with an external examiner.
Assessment Regulations
This Programme conforms to the standard University Regulations which are
available at the following link:
Admission Requirements
The University welcomes applications from all potential students and most
important in the decision to offer a place is our assessment of a candidate’s
potential to benefit from their studies and of their ability to succeed on this
particular programme. Consideration of applications will be based on a
combination of formal academic qualifications and other relevant experience.
In general, the standard entry requirements for Postgraduate Research degrees are:
A First class degree of Bachelor at an approved university or institution, or
An upper second degree of Bachelor and a Master level degree at an
approved university or institution;
Exceptionally, candidates with lower than above but with experience and
training may be eligible.
However, there may be additional or more specific requirements within Faculties
and disciplines.
Applications are welcome from students with non-standard qualifications who have
significant relevant experience.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If applicants have prior certificated learning or professional experience which may
be equivalent to parts of this programme, the University has procedures to evaluate
and recognise this learning in order to provide applicants with exemptions from
specified modules or parts of the programme.
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Minor Modification Schedule
Brief description of Modification
Date of Approval
(Faculty Board)
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