Curriculum Vitae - NSU Libraries

Sandra A. Martin, MLIS
Instructor of Library Services
Health Sciences Resource Coordinator
John Vaughan Library
Full Time Faculty, Non-Tenure Track
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. Master of Library and Information Studies
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Oklahoma City, OK. Internship in Biomedical Librarianship
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK. Bachelor of Science, Education. Graduated summa cum laude
Academic Appointments
Instructor of Library Services. Northeastern State University. Tahlequah, OK
Adjunct Clinical Faculty. University of California, Irvine. College of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine
Assistant Professor. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. College of Allied Health, Department of Medical
Library Science
Administrative Appointments
Head, Information and Education Services. Eskind Biomedical Library. Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Head, Reference and Instructional Services. Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library. University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center
Other Related Employment
Health Sciences Resource Coordinator. Research and Instruction Librarian. John Vaughan Library. Northeastern
State University
Biomedical Informatics Education Coordinator. Science Library. University of California, Irvine
Head, Information and Education Services. Eskind Biomedical Library. Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Head, Reference and Instructional Services. Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library. University of Oklahoma
Health Sciences Center
Reference Librarian. Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Project Librarian. Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
 Serve as Resource Coordinator for the College of Optometry and the Department of Health Professions in the College of
Science and Health Professions
 Provide research assistance, database searches, and instruction to faculty, residents, and students in Optometry and Health
 Assist Optometry faculty with literature reviews for publications and grant proposals
 Provide assistance with reference questions and help in identifying and using library resources and services to NSU faculty,
students, and staff
 Assist with teaching information retrieval and resources in English Comp I and College Strategies classes
 Provide consulting services to small group research and collaborative projects in Optometry and Nursing
 Coordinate collection development (evaluation and selection) of print and electronic books, journals, databases, and
audiovisuals for Optometry and Health Professions
 Provide customized information services and research assistance to Optometry and Health Professions faculty, residents, staff,
and students on campus and at remote sites
 Provide referrals to state and national health sciences libraries and organizations
 Develop and teach information retrieval classes in Optometry and Health Professions courses
Develop and team teach Evidence Based Medicine classes in Optometry and Nursing courses
Develop specialized web pages for information resources and instruction in Optometry and Health Professions
Develop tutorials and teaching materials for classroom and Blackboard course instruction
Evaluate collections in Optometry and Health Professions to meet current standards of professional societies and accrediting
Assist the College of Optometry and the Health Professions Department with program reviews, accreditation, and reaccreditation site visits
Developed and implemented medical informatics instruction and assessment as integral components of medical school
Developed instructional model to embed informatics within the framework of clinical reasoning courses and clinical
performance exams
Managed reference, educational, and computer assisted service departments
Developed customized information services to support outreach to community health care affiliates
Developed and coordinated statewide information retrieval teaching program for health professionals in rural and underserved
Memberships in Professional, Honorary, and Other Learned Societies
Association of Vision Sciences Librarians (AVSL)
Health Libraries of Eastern Oklahoma (HeLEO). President/Elect, 2006-2007. President, 2007-2008
Oklahoma Health Sciences Library Association (OHSLA). President/Elect., 2009-2010. President, 2010-2011
Represent NSU on the Oklahoma Health Sciences Libraries Consortium
South Central Chapter. Medical Library Association (SCC/MLA). Program Committee, Co-Chair, Local
Arrangements Committee, Co-Chair, Online Reference Committee, Chair
The University of Oklahoma School of Library and Information Studies Alumni Association
Medical Library Association (MLA)
Oklahoma Library Association (OLA)
Association of College and Research Libraries. (ACRL) Oklahoma Chapter
Council for Oklahoma Information Literacy (COIL)
Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Educational Affairs. Computers in Medical
Education Committee, Undergraduate Medical Education Section, Research in Medical Education Section
American Library Association (ALA). Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Bibliographic
Instruction Section. Strategic Planning Committee, Chair
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Oklahoma Chapter. Bibliographic Instruction Council,
Northeastern State University
Optometry Residency Program. Journal Club. Team teach Evidence Based Medicine classes with Optometry faculty
Optometry 6162. Epidemiology. Team Teach Evidence Based Medicine classes with Optometry faculty
Optometry 6111. Research Methodology. Information Retrieval and Evaluation for Literature Review
Optometry 6111. Research Methodology. Small Group Classes. Information and Evidence Based Resources for
Research Project
Optometry 5203. Ocular Pharmacology. Information Retrieval for Drug Information and Patient Care
Optometry 5191. Introduction to Clinic II. Information and Evidence-Based Resources for Clinical Rotations,
Second Year Students
Optometry New Residents Orientation and Residency Supervisors In-Service. Information Retrieval for Patient Care
Optometry. Rural Eye Program. Information Retrieval for Patient Care
Optometry. First Year Students Orientation. Introduction to Information Resources and Services
Nursing 3003. Professional Nursing Role. Information Retrieval
Nursing 4103. Research in Nursing. Information Retrieval and Evaluation
MSN Orientation. Information Retrieval for research projects; Evidence Based information retrieval and evaluation
Nursing 3373. Community Mental Health Nursing. Information Retrieval and Evaluation
Nursing 4293. Professional Nursing Synthesis. Evidence Based Information Retrieval
Speech Language Pathology 4543. Seminar in Individual Studies. Information Retrieval and Evidence Based
Information Resources
Human & Family Sciences 3763. Medical Nutrition Therapy I. Information Retrieval
Psychology 3573. Experimental Psychology. Information Retrieval
Psychology 5911. Applied Psychology Research. Information Retrieval and Evaluation
Psychology 4033. Behavioral Analysis & Management. Information Retrieval
Health Education 2353. Community Health. Information Retrieval
Health Education 4363. Kinesiology. Information Retrieval
University of California, Irvine
Medicine 519. Patient Doctor I. Content Area Coordinator. Informatics
Medicine 519. Patient Doctor II.
 Content Area Coordinator. Medical Informatics
 Tutorial Group Co-Leader
 Informatics Stations Coordinator, Clinical Skills Appraisal Exam
Medicine 597. Family Medicine Clerkship. Informatics Stations Coordinator, Objective Structured Clinical Exam
College of Medicine. Office of Continuing Medical Education. Tamkin Medical Informatics Symposium.
Information Technology and Medical Education: The Right Things to Do. Course Co-Director
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Medicine 520. Introduction to Biomedical Research. Information Retrieval
Nursing 215. Foundations of Professional Nursing. Information Retrieval and Management
Nursing 381. Nursing Informatics. Internet Resources
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Communication Sciences and Disorders 5133 Research Foundations. Information Retrieval
Nutritional Sciences 5332 Computers in Nutrition and Food Service. Information Retrieval
Physical Therapy 5142 Research Methods in Rehabilitation Sciences. Information Retrieval
Radiologic Technology 4312. Computer Applications in Health Care. Information Retrieval
Medicine 9668 Bioethical/Legal Issues. Information Retrieval
Nursing 3034 Human Experience in Health. Information Retrieval and Management
Nursing 4043 Psychosocial Nursing. Information Retrieval
Public Health 5023. Computer Applications in Public Health. Information Retrieval
Public Health 5503. Introduction to Health Education and Health Promotion. Information Retrieval
Public Health 5044. Environmental Health. Information Retrieval and Management
College of Allied Health. Department of Medical Library Sciences. Continuing Medical Education Seminar. Basics
of Searching MEDLINE. Course Director
The University of Oklahoma
College of Arts and Sciences. School of Library and Information Studies.
5423 Biomedical Reference
5623 Biomedical Databases
5153 Science and Technology Information Sources
5823 Internship in Library/Information Centers
Research and Creative Activities
Funded Grants and Contracts
Development of Web-Based Evaluative Methods to Assess Medical Students' Acquisition and Use of Informatics Skills in Clinical
Problem Solving. National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) 50-9798, 1998-2000.
Clinical Consultant to End Users. National Library of Medicine Grant 5 GOB LMO4297. 1985-1987.
Selected Publications, Presentations, and Tutorials
Martin, SA, Venneman, M, Penisten, D, Welch, M, Van Nostrand, JA, Mashburn, D. “Partnering to Provide Healing Hands.”
Oklahoma Health Sciences Library Association (OHSLA), Annual Conference, Northeastern State University, Muskogee, May 2010.
Martin, SA, Letts, D, and McCay, K. Online Tutorial: Nursing@Ovid. Available:
Martin, SA, Letts, D, and McCay, K. Online Tutorial: CINAHL Plus with Full Text – Basic. Available:
Martin, SA, Letts, D, and McCay, K. Online Tutorial: CINAHL Plus with Full Text – Advanced. Available:
Martin, SA, Letts, D, and McCay, K. Online Tutorial: OVID MEDLINE Available:
Martin, SA, Van Nostrand, JA, and Mashburn, D. “Teaching at the Point of Need: Creating Interactive CINAHL Tutorials to Integrate
Information Literacy within a Distance Education Nursing Course”. Contributed Paper. South Central Chapter/Medical Library
Association, Annual Conference, October 2005.
Martin, SA. “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. The Medical Library Association Encyclopedic Guide to Searching and
Finding Health Information on the Web. (Eds.) P. F. Anderson and Nancy J. Allee. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2004.
Martin, SA, Shreeve, SG, and Prislin, MD. “Assessing the Information Retrieval and Application Skills of Medical Students within
the Framework of Clinical Reasoning: A Patient-Centered Approach”. Association of American Medical Colleges, Annual Meeting,
October, 1999.
Martin, SA and Shreeve, S. Online Informatics Curriculum, 1998. [On-line].
Martin, SA. Online Tutorial: Searching Biomedical Literature, 1996. [On-line].
Martin, SA. Developing and Testing a Model to Teach Networked Information Resources. LOEX Annual Conference, Denton,
Texas, May 1995.
Martin, SA. Evaluating End User Instruction. Center for Biomedical Informatics Lecture Series. Vanderbilt University Medical
Center, May, 1994.
Martin, SA and Willis, T. The Model Statement of Objectives for Academic Bibliographic Instruction. Oklahoma Library Association
Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, May, 1991.
Martin, SA. “End Users and CD ROMs. Demonstrating CD Plus MEDLINE Outside the Library”. CD+ Exchange 1 (4): 3-4, 1991.
Martin, SA. “Modem to Modem. Obtaining End User Training Materials through LOEX”. Synergy 21 (2):15-16, 1991.
Martin, SA. End Users and CD ROMs: Instruction, Usage Tracking, and Evaluation. South Central Chapter Medical Library
Association Annual Conference, Shreveport, Louisiana, October 1990.
Martin, SA. How to Search MEDLINE through the National Library of Medicine. Handbook and Exercises. Oklahoma City, OK: The
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Library, 1989.
Martin, SA. Medical and health publications from NTIS and the GPO. Oklahoma Library Association, Government Documents
Roundtable Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 1989.
Martin, SA. MEDLINE Training at The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. South Central Chapter Medical Library
Association Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October 1989.
Selected Posters
Martin, SA, Shreeve, S and Prislin, M. Development of a Longitudinal Patient-Care Oriented Informatics Curriculum Featuring WebBased Instructional and Assessment Tools. Association of American Medical Colleges, Annual Meeting, October, 1999.
Martin, SA and Shreeve, S. Development and Assessment of a Longitudinal Web-Based Informatics Curriculum. Annual Western
Conference of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA), Park City, Utah, April
1999. Award for Excellence in recognition of best poster abstract in Medical Education Research.
Martin, SA, Belcher, E and Carlton, B. Evaluating a Model to Teach MEDLINE and Networked Databases in an Electronic
Classroom. (electronic poster). American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 1995.
Martin, SA. National Library of Medicine Resource Libraries. Outreach Services. Oklahoma Hospital Association Annual Conference,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 1988.
Martin, SA. New Perspectives in Women's Health Care. Annual OB/GYN Symposium, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 1988.
Martin, SA. Outreach Services at The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Oklahoma Academy of Family Physicians
Annual Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, March, 1988.
Professional Service
Selected Academic and University Committees
Northeastern State University
 Distance Learning Advisory Committee
 Grievance Committee, Alternate
 Environmental and Sustainability Task Force
o Survey Subcommittee
 Committee for Sustainability
 Faculty Council
 Commencement Committee
 Search Committee. Executive Director of Libraries. 2012o Chair, Documents Subcommittee
John Vaughan Library
 Request for Proposal (RFP) Committee. Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) Sub-Committee
 Strategic Planning Committee. Key Success Factor Team 13. Teaching Methods and Student Learning
 Staff Recognition Nominating Committee
 Care Committee, Chair
 Web Page Development Sub-Committee
 Instruction Librarian Search Committee
 Collection Development Committee
 Honor Your NSU Authors Committee
 Science Librarian Search Committee
 Earth Day Committee, Chair
 Reference Librarian/Languages and Literature, Communications, and Art Resource Coordinator Search
Committee, Chair
 Instructor of Library Services Search Committee, Chair
University of California, Irvine
College of Medicine. Office of Medical Education
 Informatics Task Force
 Research in Medical Education (RIME) Steering Committee
 Medical Education Automation Coordination Team
 Patient Doctor II. Quality Control Committee
Librarians Association of the University of California, Irvine. Academic Librarianship Committee
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
School of Medicine Collection Advisory Forum
Network and Business Development Information Management Planning Committee
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
 Faculty Senate
 Faculty Board. Alternate
 Undergraduate Faculty Council
College of Allied Health. Faculty Development Committee