What*s Wrong with My Report?

What’s Wrong with My Report?
Challenge Policy Book of Business
Check This
An in force policy is missing on the Policy Book of Business Report yet it is pulling to
the Expiration Report.
A possible scenario, where a policy, as determined by the
report selections, is expected to be on the report and is
being excluded, is the Line of Business on the policy has
been flagged as INACTIVE in Line of Business Setup.
CSV missing writing company
1. The writing company displayed on the report or the
CSV is determined by the writing company
associated with the transaction level premium
record on the policy. Each transaction record can
have a different writing company association.
2. In the case where the reporting option: "Include
Policies with No Policy Transactions" is checked,
these display on the report without a writing
company designation because there are no
transaction level records associated with the policy.
Full Term Premium Totals not accurate
3. Company Fee (non premium) transactions are
associated with the parent company. The report
includes company fees if there is a match on the
reporting selection for Parent company. Writing
company is not a consideration for pulling company
fees to the report.
When Full Term Premium is to be reported from the policy
and the policy has multiple policy transaction rows, sql
returns the policy Full Term Premium on just one of the
policy transaction rows for the policy ignoring the Full Term
Premium amounts on any secondary policy transaction rows
when calculating the Summary (last) pages Full Term
Premium amounts.
Workaround: Use the full term premium on the detail pages
of the report as the summary premium may not be correct.
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Some continuous policies are not pulling to the report
The Policy Book of Business Report does not include
Continuous policies that have the Renewal List option set to
“Do Not Include”. In order for Continuous policies to be
included in the report the Renewal List, in the Basic Policy
Information section of the policy should be se to “Annual”.
Policy Book of Business Report not reporting all invoices
The PBOB does not always return all invoices to the
report for a policy when both Direct Bill Statement and
Direct Bill Entry are used for invoicing.
The agency commission is correct and does reflect the
total commission for all of the invoices involved.
However, the Prem/Non Prem and the Billed Column
totals may be missing one or more invoices.
WORKAROUND: Use DB Statement or DB Entry, but
not both on the same policy.
Transaction doesn’t pull to the report
Transactions pulled to the Policy Book of
Business report in the Prem/NonPrem
field, are based on amounts in the Premium
column of the Transaction Premiums
section, and the Amount column of the
Transaction Fees, Taxes, Finance, &
Down Payments section of the Policy form.
The transaction must be flagged to Include
in Premium Totals. This flag is accessible
from New or Edit on the Transaction
Premiums or the Transaction Fees,
Taxes, Finance, & Down Payments
section menus.
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Premium is incorrect for DB Entry billed policies
There is no agency commission showing for an un-posted direct bill entry policies?
If a policy is billed on a Direct Bill Entry
Statement, AMS 360 reports Direct Bill Entry
invoices as a single row on this report. The
total includes all policy fees or taxes as a
single entry and does not break them out as it
does for Agency Billed invoices and Direct
Billed invoices billed through the Customer
There is no agency commission showing
for an un-posted direct bill entry policies? Posted
Direct Bill Entry items will show agency
commission on the Policy Book of Business but
Unposted Direct Bill Entries will not.
The Agency Commission column is blank when:
(1) A transaction is flagged as "Not Billable",
(2) A transaction is billed and then voided and
(3) A transaction flagged as Direct Bill Entry and
not billed.
Active policies are not pulling to the PBOB report
The report will only pull in the active policy for each
individual policy number. If you have “TBD” listed on
several new policies for a customer, PBOB pulls in only one
of these policies.
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Challenge Other Reports
Quotes are showing on the Expiration/Renewal Report
Since version 5.5, quotes show on the report and
renewal list tool.
This is scheduled to be fixed in a future release.
WORKAROUND: Export the report, filter for the
quotes and delete.
1099 report pulls not data
In order for checks to flow to this report, the 1099 type
and category must be completed in the employee or
vendor setup. Or, you must check 1099 when you
create the check.
1099 Report missing entries: Workflow causes 1099 information to not pull to the
check form when using link in Commission Statement.
ProcedureWhen a Pay Commission statement is paid with
a check and another voucher line is added through the Other
GL section. The 1099 Category and 1099 Type fields are not
defaulting. Even when the Category and Type are selected
from the drop down menus, the voucher amount is not
pulling to the 1099 report after the check is posted.
We recommend that you Save and close the Commission
Statement first as a workaround. Then open the check
WinForm from the Employee Center. The 1099 Category and
1099 Type will default into the Other GL section.
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Reprint of Statements returns “No records matched input Criteria”
When agencies run their Customer Statements in batch and select the option to not
include Zero or Credit statements, AMS360 will only print all statements with nonzero balance; yet, the statement history records will include all statements regardless of
their balances and set a flag that a statement was generated. When the user selects to
re-print an existing statement for that customer, there will be no matching data returned
if the customer balance at the time is a credit or zero balance.
AMS360 does not store an exact image of a statement or
statement batch, only that a statement was generated for that
customer, the date and time, a flag that a statement was
generate and some other pertinent data. No statement image
is stored.
When you re-print a statement, AMS360 automatically
disables the two options:
1. Include Zero balance statement.
2. Include Credit balance statement.
AMS360 only prints zero and credit balance statements when
generating NEW statements. This is due to possible backdated transactions that will change the balances or distort the
You will need to delete the existing Customer Statement
batch and re generate the specific credit or zero balance
statement for that customer. If that is not an option for you
because the last statement batch for this customer was a large
monthly statement run, then we recommend that you use the
Customer Receivable Activity Report to generate the AR
activity for the customer in question.
We recommend that you delete the existing statement batch
and generate a new credit or zero balance statement for that
What’s Wrong with My Report?
When copying the Activity/Suspense Setup Actions Grid into Excel, the results for the
Active column are opposite from the setup.
This happens when the Active column in the
Activity/Suspense Setup has a beginning asterisk *.
The reason there is an asterisk in that column is because of a
setting in User Options that places an asterisk in required
fields in AMS360. When the asterisk is in that Active
column and the grid is copied and pasted into Excel, Excel
sees that asterisk * as a wildcard and will produce inaccurate
results for that column.
To correct, remove the checkmark in User Options that
indicates “Display and * for requred fields” You can
now copy and paste into Excel and the results will be
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Production Analysis Report Total counts do not tie back to other reports
The report Counts are not intended to be tied to one
report sort or another, they are expected to vary
depending on the report sort.
You run the Production Analysis Report with Information Reporting By: Company.
Then you run the same report and just change the sort to Line of Business or Exec.
The report totals tie back between reports but the counts do not.
The Production Analysis Report premium totals should
all tie back to one another when the report is run for the
same period of time and in a summary format. This is
true for all of the dollar volumes and percentages on the
last page under Report Totals. However, the counts of #
of Custs, # of Pol and # of Inv will vary from report to
report based on the Information Reporting By:
Counts will be directly affected by the sort option. For
example, a sort by division will count each unique
customer number within the division once. A sort by
company will count each unique customer number
within the company. However, a single customer in a
division may have policies with more than one company
and could be a unique customer within those different
companies. Therefore, a summary report by division
and a summary report by company for the same date
range may (and should) have different customer counts.
*See example from Help below…
The counts may not be as expected due to issues with
voids, corrections and change personnel.
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Production Analysis Report Count Explanations
The Production Analysis Report counts: Number of Customers, Policies, and Invoices, can vary for the different "Information
Reporting By" (sort) selections.
Customer A - Pol1, Safeco, Commercial Property. Pol2, Allstate, Commercial Property and Bus Auto
Customer B - Pol3, Allstate, Bus Auto. Pol4, Allstate, Commercial Prop
Customer C – Pol5, Safeco, Commercial Prop, Bus Auto. Pol6, Safeco and Bus Auto
All policies have a single exec, Kauffman, and are for the Seattle Division
Summary report, Information Reporting By = Division
Summary report, Information Reporting By = Company
Summary report, Information Reporting By = Line of Business
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Summary report, Information Reporting By = Exec
The Production Analysis Report premium, non premium, and commission totals should match when the only change for the report is
the Information Reporting By (sort) selection.
In the example above, a sort by division counts each unique customer for the division. A sort by company counts each unique
customer for the company. Since Cust A has a policy with Safeco and a policy with Allstate, but all customers have policies in Safeco
division, a summary report by division and a summary report by company have different customer counts.
In the example above, a sort by Line of Business counts each unique customer, policy, and invoice for the Line of Business. A sort by
Exec counts each unique customer, policy, invoice for the Exec. Cust A and Cust C have policies with both Commercial Property and
Business Auto. Therefore, a summary report by Line of Business and a summary report by Exec have different customer, policy, and
invoice counts.
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Transaction Report is cutting off Total Clients count.
AMS 360 all version
When Transaction Report is generated to Show Summarized
Information Sorted by Executive and on last page Total
Clients count is shown but is cut off when more than 1000
customers appears.
To be reviewed for a future release.
When creating a Target List to include "Only Current Policy Terms" the list results
includes quote related transactions.
Quoted related transaction are as follows: 'NBQ' - New
Business Quote; 'RWQ' - Renewal Quote; 'RRQ' - Renewal
AMS 360 all versions
Currently we only filter the following Transaction Types :
'XLC' - Cancellation Confirmation; 'XLN' - Cancellation
Request; 'NRA' - Non-renewal notified agency; 'RWX' - Nonrenewal notified PolHolder
Until we can enhance this in the product (to include the
additional aboveTran Types), you may want to FILTER your
form letter list to not include those specific Transaction
Types. To accomplish that, make sure that your document
contains the Merge Field for the Transaction (i.e.
<<BpolPtran_TranType>>) then...
1. In Form Letters, select your document and target list
2. From the File menu select 'Edit & Merge' ...MS Word will
3. With the unmerged document displayed, click the Edit
Recipient List icon
4. Click the Filter link
5. Complete the following...
• Field = BpolPtran_TranType
• Comparison = Not equal to
• Compare to = enter the actual Transaction Code...see list
What’s Wrong with My Report?
**Follow same filter for the other transaction's you want
filtered out.
** List of Transactions:
CODE Description
ARR Anniversary re-rate
BND Binder Billable
BPC Binder Endorsement
BNB Binder New Business
BRW Binder Renewal
XLC Cancellation confirmation
XLN Cancellation request
NBS New business
NBQ New business quote
NRA Non-renewal notified Agency
RWX Non-renewal notified PolHolder
POL Policy (unspecified)
PCH Policy change
PCQ Policy change quote
PNQ Policy inquiry
SYN Policy Synchronization
SYR Policy Synchronization Request
PAB Premium audit
REI Reinstatement
RIX Reissue
RWL Renew policy
RWQ Renewal quote
RWR Renewal request
RRQ Renewal requote
RNR Reversal of non-renewal
REW Rewrite
This has been entered already as an enhancement and will
be reviewed for a future release.
What’s Wrong with My Report?
Sales Center - Totals as of Today for In-Force Non Property and Casualty Policies are
AMS 360 all
In-Force Non Property and Casualty Policies Totals are not
accounting for all non property and casualty policies that are
being setup.
This will be corrected in a future release of AMS 360.
Why are my Sales Center Totals as of today different than the Totals Only for
Policy Book of Business Report?
The Sales Center Totals as of today, in AMS360 v5.5,
generates by policies that have a line of business added
- See Sol#27086. The Policy Book of Business
generates for any in-force policy, where today's date
falls between the term of the policy. This is considered
an in-force policy. The in-force policy does not need a
line of business added, just any in-force policy.
Matching these two up, prior to v5.5, may have seemed
closer because the totals from the Sales Center were
bringing back counts where the policy had or didn't
have a line of business added, which is one of the
factors that the report generates off of. A policy usually
has a line of business added to make it a true
policy. The policy book of business generates from all
different areas to assure that all in-force policies are
being considered.
What’s Wrong with My Report?
AMS360 v5.5 - Sales Center Totals as of Today are different than what they were
Why are the Sales Center 'Totals as of Today' now lower than what they were
reporting in AMS360 v5.0.2.
In AMS360 v5.0.2, the 'Totals as of Today' were
generating for any policy type, with or without a line of
business added. The Graph was matching by true
policies with a line of business added. This is the
reason that in AMS 360 v5.0.2, the totals and graph did
not match exactly. Also see Sol20157 for this
issue. Now in AMS360 v5.5, we match the totals to all
policies added with a line of business. To add a line of
business to a policy, one needs to open the LOB section
of the policy and add a line of business. It is not
necessary to add a system data entry or application, just
a line of business. The totals will then be a true picture
of a true in-force policy and will match the graph.
This is also listed in the AMS360 What's New for 5.5.