All living things descended from a common ancestor (LUCA) Some are more closely related than others. Phylogenesis: The evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism. THEORY OF EVOLUTION explains how all life on earth came to exist. Evolution is a process of gradual change in the characteristics of living things that has occurred over millions of years and is still going on today [Change over time]. Organisms change over time because it is advantageous for their survival. Charles DARWIN inferred that some variations (differences) helped organisms survive and reproduce. Favourable characteristics would be passed on and over time the group of organisms would gradually change. This process of evolution is known as NATURAL SELECTION: 1. There is variation between organisms. 2. The numbers of natural populations remain fairly constant even though they reproduce in far greater numbers. 3. There is a struggle for survival. 4. Some variations help organisms survive. Organisms with less favourable characteristics die out. 5. The variations with survival value are passed on to the following generations, so over millions of years species become better adapted to their environment. If we use the giraffe as an example: Darwin would say: There is variation among giraffes, some having longer necks than others. The shorter- necked giraffes would die out when food in the lower branches of trees ran out. The longer-necked ones could reach food higher up and would have a greater chance of surviving and passing on long necks to their offspring. So over time the giraffe population would all come to have long necks. Long necked Girraffes are better adapted for survival. Evolution by Natural selection is survival of the fittest! Favorable characteristics that enable the organism to survive are passed on to the offspring (natural selection). All living things descended from a common ancestor (LUCA) Some are more closely related than others. Phylogenesis: The evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism. THEORY OF EVOLUTION explains how all life on earth came to exist. Evolution is a process of gradual change in the characteristics of living things that has occurred over millions of years and is still going on today [Change over time]. Organisms change over time because it is advantageous for their survival. Charles DARWIN inferred that some variations (differences) helped organisms survive and reproduce. Favourable characteristics would be passed on and over time the group of organisms would gradually change. This process of evolution is known as NATURAL SELECTION: 1. There is variation between organisms. 2. The numbers of natural populations remain fairly constant even though they reproduce in far greater numbers. 3. There is a struggle for survival. 4. Some variations help organisms survive. Organisms with less favourable characteristics die out. 5. The variations with survival value are passed on to the following generations, so over millions of years species become better adapted to their environment. If we use the giraffe as an example: Darwin would say: There is variation among giraffes, some having longer necks than others. The shorter- necked giraffes would die out when food in the lower branches of trees ran out. The longer-necked ones could reach food higher up and would have a greater chance of surviving and passing on long necks to their offspring. So over time the giraffe population would all come to have long necks. Long necked Girraffes are better adapted for survival. Evolution by Natural selection is survival of the fittest! Favorable characteristics that enable the organism to survive are passed on to the offspring (natural selection). All living things descended from a common ancestor (LUCA) Some are more closely related than others. Phylogenesis: The evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism. THEORY OF EVOLUTION explains how all life on earth came to exist. Evolution is a process of gradual change in the characteristics of living things that has occurred over millions of years and is still going on today [Change over time]. Organisms change over time because it is advantageous for their survival. Charles DARWIN inferred that some variations (differences) helped organisms survive and reproduce. Favourable characteristics would be passed on and over time the group of organisms would gradually change. This process of evolution is known as NATURAL SELECTION: 1. There is variation between organisms. 2. The numbers of natural populations remain fairly constant even though they reproduce in far greater numbers. 3. There is a struggle for survival. 4. Some variations help organisms survive. Organisms with less favourable characteristics die out. 5. The variations with survival value are passed on to the following generations, so over millions of years species become better adapted to their environment. If we use the giraffe as an example: Darwin would say: There is variation among giraffes, some having longer necks than others. The shorter- necked giraffes would die out when food in the lower branches of trees ran out. The longer-necked ones could reach food higher up and would have a greater chance of surviving and passing on long necks to their offspring. So over time the giraffe population would all come to have long necks. Long necked Girraffes are better adapted for survival. Evolution by Natural selection is survival of the fittest! Favorable characteristics that enable the organism to survive are passed on to the offspring (natural selection). All living things descended from a common ancestor (LUCA) Some are more closely related than others. Phylogenesis: The evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism. THEORY OF EVOLUTION explains how all life on earth came to exist. Evolution is a process of gradual change in the characteristics of living things that has occurred over millions of years and is still going on today [Change over time]. Organisms change over time because it is advantageous for their survival. Charles DARWIN inferred that some variations (differences) helped organisms survive and reproduce. Favourable characteristics would be passed on and over time the group of organisms would gradually change. This process of evolution is known as NATURAL SELECTION: 1. There is variation between organisms. 2. The numbers of natural populations remain fairly constant even though they reproduce in far greater numbers. 3. There is a struggle for survival. 4. Some variations help organisms survive. Organisms with less favourable characteristics die out. 5. The variations with survival value are passed on to the following generations, so over millions of years species become better adapted to their environment. If we use the giraffe as an example: Darwin would say: There is variation among giraffes, some having longer necks than others. The shorter- necked giraffes would die out when food in the lower branches of trees ran out. The longer-necked ones could reach food higher up and would have a greater chance of surviving and passing on long necks to their offspring. So over time the giraffe population would all come to have long necks. Long necked Girraffes are better adapted for survival. Evolution by Natural selection is survival of the fittest! Favorable characteristics that enable the organism to survive are passed on to the offspring (natural selection).