Grade Center Basics - City Colleges of Chicago

Blackboard Learn:
Grade Center Basics
1. Grade Center Overview/Optimization
a) What is Grade center (Overview)?
 A place to store and share grades
 Location: Control Panel  Grade Center  Full Grade Center
b) Optimizing the Grade Center (if using slower computer Grade Center can run slow)
 Close as many open programs on your computer as possible
 Close any extra browser windows or tabs
 Use an up-to-date web browser
 Faster Internet connection if available
2. Faculty View of the Grade Center
a) Grade Center layout
 Cells, rows, column, column headings, arrange, edit rows column, and scroll
 Manual/Automatic/Calculated column creation
 “Edit Rows Displayed” button: to display number of rows
 “Move to Top” button: Move a student to the top
b) External column
 Default is “Total”
 Report Card module (next)
3. Student View of the Grade Center
a) Students have access to their own grades (only)
 My Grades tool from Bb homepage
 My Grades link (within a course)
b) Students do not have access to edit mode/control panel unlike instructor
c) Report Card menu
4. Creating/Editing (Score/Text) Columns
a) Create Column: Control Panel  Grade Center  Full Grade Center  Create Column
 Add Column Name and Possible Points (required), select Score/Text, and
Note: This option can be used to enter grades manually
b) Edit an existing Column: Full Grade Center  Edit Column Information
5. Entering Grades/Comments
a) Entering Grades
 Control Panel  Grade Center  Full Grade Center  Select the Cell and type
b) Entering Comments to students
 Click arrow next to Grade  Quick Comment  Type Comment  Submit
c) Entering Comments to self (Grading notes)
 Click down arrow next to the Grade  Quick Comment  Type into “Grading
Notes”  Submit
OIT Helpdesk (312) 553‐2600
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Copyright © 2012. City Colleges of Chicago
Blackboard Learn:
Grade Center Basics
Notes area will only be seen by the instructor
6. Changing Grades/Override
a) Change Grade in a Cell
 Control Panel  Grade Center  Full Grade  Type directly in the cell
b) Override a Grade from the Grade Details page
 Click down arrow next to Grade  View Grade Details  Manual Override 
Enter new Grade  Save
 Feedback to Users (explains grade change to student) and Grading Notes (for
instructor): Click down arrow next to Grade  Quick Comments  Save
c) Revert an Override Grade
 Click down arrow next to Grade  View Grade Details  Revert  Ok
7. Managing Columns
a) Show/Hide Column from instructor (Grade center  Full grade center)
 Hide a single column: Click dropdown arrow (next to the column Header) 
Hide column
 Hide multiple columns: Manage  Column Organization  Select column(s)
by selecting check box next to each column  Show/hide  Click Hide/Show
Selected column  Submit
b) Show/Hide Column from student
 Click dropdown arrow (next to the column Header)  Show/Hide to Users
(toggle between Show or Hide, no entry sign will appears if the column is
hidden from students)
 Click dropdown arrow (next to the column Header)  Edit Column Information
 Show this Column to Students  Select No  Submit
c) Hide Rows: Click dropdown arrow (next to student’s name)  Hide Row
d) Freeze Column: Manage  Column Organization  Drag/Drop Row  Submit
e) Change Column sequence
 Manage  Column Organization  Drag and drop  Submit
f) Grade History
 Click dropdown arrow (next to the column Header)  View Grade History
g) Delete column
 Click dropdown arrow (next to the column Header)  Delete column
OIT Helpdesk (312) 553‐2600
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Copyright © 2012. City Colleges of Chicago