Formal consultation relating to integrated services transformation

Consultation Start: 3rd November 2015
Consultation Finish: 1st December 2015
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0.1 Approval
Stephen Legood
Sarah Warner
Job Title
Director of People and
Business Development
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Approval Date
Approval ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Background ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
The Transformation of Older People and Adult Services into Neighbourhood Teams and Integrated Care
Teams Consultation ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
The proposed management structure overview ...................................................................................................... 5
Current Staffing Establishment and Impact on Staff ................................................................................................ 7
Post Title and Band ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Proposed Management Staffing Establishment ....................................................................................................... 9
Post Title and Band ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Impact on staffing ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Job descriptions and person specifications .................................................................................................... 10
Process for change .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Slotting in ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Restricted competition ................................................................................................................................... 12
Redeployment ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Redundancy .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Voluntary Redundancy ................................................................................................................................... 14
Staff support ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Consultation process .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Consultation timetable ................................................................................................................................... 15
Appendix 1
Organisational Change Policy and Procedure (including redundancy), June 2015 ................................ 18
Appendix 2
Redeployment Procedure, June 2015..................................................................................................... 18
Appendix 3
Protection of Pay and Terms & Conditions of Service Policy, June 2015 ............................................... 18
Appendix 4
Voluntary Redundancy Guidance and Process ....................................................................................... 18
Appendix 5
Job Descriptions ...................................................................................................................................... 19
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This formal consultation paper outlines the changes proposed for the management structure to support the
recent changes that have taken place within the Integrated Care Directorate.
The recent transformation has resulted in the integration of teams of staff working in older people’s
healthcare (mental and physical) and long term conditions for adult in the community. This has seen 16
neighbourhood teams (NTs) created with their implementation effective from 1st October 2015. These
changes support the UnitingCare proposals.
The purpose of this document is to advise staff and their representatives of the proposed changes within
the management team to provide an opportunity for them to consider and present their views on the
The document serves to consult staff whose jobs are affected by these changes in accordance with the
Trust’s Organisational Change policy.
This consultation directly affects managerial staff in Bands 8a and above within the Integrated Care
Directly affected staff will be subject to a formal consultation process as described below. Managerial
posts are defined as those that have been directly affected by the formation of the NT’s.
However, to ensure stability of the service and support for staff that have been affected by the recent
implementation of neighbourhood teams an interim management structure has been put in place. All staff
affected by this were met with on an individual basis to identify an interim role until this formal consultation
process commenced.
This paper only addresses the management workforce structure to deliver the new service model.
Separate consultations will be undertaken for clinical staff involved in delivering our specialist pathway
services and our administrative functions.
2.1 The Transformation of Older People and Adult Services into
Neighbourhood Teams and Integrated Care Teams Consultation
Following the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG tendered services for Older Peoples’ healthcare and
community services seeking a new model of care, Uniting Care and CPFT were successful in winning the
services and in April 2015, staff working in Adults and Older Peoples Community Services transferred over
from Cambridgeshire Community Services.
In June 2015 a formal consultation process took place which detailed the proposals of the new service
model to provide integrated services across Cambridgeshire by forming 16 Neighbourhood teams
combining both physical and mental health community services. This consultation finished in July 2015 with
a response document published in August 2015. The implementation process took place during September
and the new teams were established with effect from 1st October 2015. Significant engagement and
consultation with staff, staff side representatives and stakeholders took place during this consultation.
2.1 Interim Management Structure
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To support the new teams and the management of the new service model an interim management
structure was put in place with consultation with those individuals directly affected. This interim structure
was set up to support the new NTs but also a wider number of staff not affected in Phase 1 consultation.
These staff will now be aligned to the new model in a separate consultation which will result in different
needs from a future management structure.
The proposed management structure overview
The proposed management structure has been worked up to ensure we have a robust clinical and
operational management structure to support and lead the Integrated care (IC) services. The structure has
been designed to ensure that there is an “account manager” approach to supporting our patients in 2 key
Those in acute care and those in primary care, ensuring we are able to robustly support staff and patient
within the 2 key areas is vital to supporting the values and patient commitment of the IC directorate. We
have designed a structure to have both Neighbourhood team focus and Integrated Care team focus.
The structure brings together a robust professional leadership structure with an operational structure to
ensure an Integrated Governance approach to leadership of all teams is able to be delivered - we are
committed with this structure in supporting,” The bringing together a broad range of professions working
together to support older people and adults with long term conditions. The ICD comprises 16
neighbourhood teams (NTs) clustered around groups of GP practices, and 4 integrated care teams that
work closely with NTs and primary care providing interventions through specialist pathways. To ensure that
the integrated model of care supports patients it is essential that all staff support collaborative MDT working
across NTs and ICTs, and case management as a structure to support patients most at risk of admission
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Current Staffing Establishment and Impact on Staff
The following table shows the current substantive posts that are affected by these proposals. Due to the proposed changes above all the posts below
have been placed At Risk.
Post Title and Band
Current Base
How post is
Head of Operations
At Risk
General Manager
Community Nursing
Services Manager
At Risk
Intermediate Care
Cambridge City &
At Risk
Head of Nursing,
Planned Care
East Cambs &
At Risk
Area Planned Care
Manager Community
Cambridge City &
At Risk
Operational Manager
Hunts Community Unit
At Risk
Head of Long Term
At Risk
At Risk
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Head of Podiatry
At Risk
Head of Nutrition and
At Risk
Older Peoples Service
Slotting into Mental
Health Lead
Intermediate Care
At Risk
Nurse Team Managers
At Risk
Rehabilitation, Clinical
Lead Physiotherapy
At Risk
Planned Care Manager
At Risk
Community Rehab
East Cambs &
At Risk
Community Rehab
At Risk
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Proposed Management Staffing Establishment
The following table details the new posts within the proposed management structure as shown in the organisational chart in Section 3 which will be
appointed to as part of this consultation. All posts except the Mental Health Lead will be appointed to via a restricted competition process and
Post Title and Band
Locality Manager, Cambridge and Huntingdon
Locality Manager, Peterborough, Ely and Fens
Professional Nursing & Quality Lead
Professional AHP Lead
Mental Health Lead
Single Point of Access Manager
Deputy Locality Manager – Huntingdon
Deputy Locality Manager – Ely & Fens
ICT Manager – Cambridge
ICT Manager – Huntingdon
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ICT Manager – Ely & Fens
ICT Manager – Peterborough
Inpatient Manager – Physical Health
4.1 Impact on staffing
The main impact of staffing is the reduction of overall wte posts. There are 18 wte equivalent managers affected by this consultation. The new
structure will result in a reduction of posts resulting 13 wte posts in the structure.
4.2 Job descriptions and person specifications
There are new job descriptions for roles within the Integrated Care Team Management Structure. These roles have been job matched at Agenda for
Change panels. The following job descriptions are attached as appendices. Unfortunately not all job descriptions are currently available however
they will be uploaded to the intranet within the next couple of days.
Job Title
Locality Manager
Deputy Locality Manager
AHP Lead
*Single Point of Access Manager
*ICT Manager
*Mental Health Lead
*Inpatient Lead – Physical Health
*Professional Nursing and Quality Lead
AfC Band
Band 8c
Band 8b
Band 8b
* Band subject to Agenda for Change job matching process. Panel due week commencing 2nd November 2015
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Any staff member who secures one of the above roles will be required to work to the new job descriptions with effect from date of implementation of
the model.
Process for change
The process for appointing posts in the new structure will be conducted according to the Trust’s policies as in Appendix 1, 2 and 3, these are:
Organisational Change Policy and Procedure (including Redundancy);
Redeployment Procedure;
Protection of Pay and Terms & Conditions of Service Policy.
5.1 Slotting in
If there is no significant change to your role then you will be ‘slotted in’. This means that you will be asked to move to a very similar role on the same
pay band. There will be some proposed changes such as a different team, or a changed team structure, change of base or under different line
In most cases, you would slot in automatically, without competition and without detriment to your terms and condition. This would be applicable if
your substantive duties would be wholly or substantially the same in the new structure as they were in the old, and where no other staff in the same
role are displaced. If a post is identified as “slotting in” it will be confirmed to you in writing.
The process is detailed in the document Organisational Change Policy and Procedure (including Redundancy).
If slotting in cannot be applied then there are several other options for appointing affected staff to roles in the new structure; these will include:
restricted competition, internal advertising, and preferential consideration as forms of redeployment. If all other feasible options become exhausted,
then redundancy may be considered.
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5.2 Restricted competition
Where slotting in has not been possible post within the new structure will be open to restricted competition. These posts will only be available in the
first instance to those staff directly affected by the restructuring and identified as At Risk. These posts will be different from those where slotting in
Stage 1
During the consultation period an application process will be developed requiring individuals to complete an expression of interest form with
preference details and supporting statement of why they wish to apply for those roles for short listing. All posts being filled via restricted
competition will be selected via an interview panel.
In this instance, interviews will be carried out by the Associate Director of Operations, the Associate Director – People Services and if
appropriate a professional lead. Assessment for posts will be based on the person specifications as per a normal recruitment process.
Stage 2
If any posts remain vacant following Stage 1, these posts will be recruited in line with the Trust’s Recruitment Policy and Procedure and
therefore will be available to open competition internally and/or externally.
The Trust will ensure that all displaced staff are aware of vacant posts and encourage staff to apply, usually via email. All displaced staff are required
to apply for any post for which they meet the essential criteria.
5.3 Redeployment
If you are a staff member who has not been appointed to a role via ‘slotting in’ or via restricted competition, then you would remain ‘at risk’. Any
displaced member of staff who becomes at risk will be supported to secure redeployment as per the Trust policy on redeployment. If you find
yourself in this situation then you would be asked by your manager to complete a Redeployment Record Form which will ensure that your skills can
be matched on the redeployment register. The Trust’s vacancies will be checked for potential matches with the redeployment register. Recruiting
managers will ensure that preference is given to redeployment candidates where a potential skills match exists for any of their vacancies.
You would be encouraged to be as flexible as possible in looking for alternative roles and to express an interest in any vacancy where your skills
potentially match.
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You would also be entitled to 'preferential consideration' when applying for any Trust vacancy, which is not a promotional vacancy. Preferential
consideration means that you would be considered before any other employees or outside applicants (except other employees under notice of
redundancy). You would need to meet the essential criteria of the post or that you could undertake the post with a short period of training (usually no
more than 3 months). You would need to make clear in your application that you are at risk and that your current post is redundant and you are
therefore entitled to 'preferential consideration'. You would have a trial period (normally 4 weeks) in your new role.
5.4 Redundancy
All possible actions will be taken to avoid redundancies. It is hoped that a redundancy situation would not arise for any existing member of staff as a
result of this consultation; however, redundancies cannot be ruled out. Every effort will be made to slot staff into suitable posts via slotting in,
restricted competition, internal advertising, and preferential consideration. Information about vacancies will be made available throughout the
consultation process.
If you find yourself in a redundancy situation, then the following principles would apply:
Notice of redundancy would be issued in line with your contract of employment and Agenda for Change or statutory requirements. This would
identify a date at which employment with the Trust would cease. The Trust would continue to seek suitable alternative employment and
redeployment post during this notice period;
If during the trial period, either you or your manager deems the employment unsuitable (unless you are deemed to have made an
unreasonable refusal of the employment) you would not have forfeited your rights to a redundancy payment based on your substantive post.
Further suitable alternative employment may be sought during the remainder of the notice period;
If a post is found at any point during your notice period, you would still be entitled to a trial period in the post. In this case the notice would be
frozen during the trial period. If the trial period is successful, notice will cease and you would be confirmed in post. If the trial period is
unsuccessful your notice would recommence at the point the trial period started and the search for redeployment would continue.
Please note that if you are a female staff member and are made redundant whilst on maternity leave then you must be offered any suitable
alternative vacancy. You would not need to apply for it. This is because maternity leave is a protected period during which a woman is
entitled to special consideration if this is to make good any disadvantage she may otherwise experience.
If your employment is terminated for reason of redundancy then you would be eligible for redundancy payments in accordance with Agenda
for Change (or your terms and conditions of employment if other than Agenda for Change). To be eligible for a redundancy payment, you
must have two years or more continuous service after the age of 18. The amount of redundancy payment you would be entitled to is
contained in Section 16 of Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions Handbook.
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If you are put at risk of redundancy then the Trust would provide you with reasonable time off to look for work and with assistance in finding
alternative employment.
Please also refer to Appendix 1: Organisational Change Policy and Procedure (including redundancy) for further details around redundancy.
5.5 Voluntary Redundancy
Following discussions with staff side and trade union colleagues the Trust has agreed to offer the opportunity for any member of staff directly affected
by this consultation to express an interest in voluntary redundancy. The scheme will only be open to those identified as At Risk and will run
concurrently with the timeline of this consultation. The process for voluntary redundancy is detailed in the attached Voluntary Redundancy Scheme
guide – Appendix 4.
All expressions of interest for this scheme should be submitted by the end of this consultation period which is Monday 30th November 2015.
5.6 Staff support
The Trust will provide support and guidance to employees affected by change and/or under notice of redundancy.
If any affected member of staff wishes specific support regarding interviews or the application process, please contact Elaine Bailey, Associate
Director – People Services who can organise this for them.
Sources of support include their line manager in the first instance, Trade Union/staff side representative, Occupational Health service, In Insight
Counselling Services, Human Resources. Any effected employees will be given the opportunity to access external resources and assistance in
finding alternative employment within the Trust.
Please also refer to the attached policies.
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Consultation process
6.1 Consultation timetable
Informal consultation with
Staff Side
Formal consultation
document, in draft form,
shared with Staff Side
Convenor for feedback and
Consultation start date
Consultation launch meeting
for all affected staff
1:1 Meetings
28th October 2015
Consultation end date
1st December 2015
Consideration of staff
Consideration of any
Voluntary Redundancy
Response to consultation
and final decision(s)
Staff requested to complete
preference proformas
1st December 2015 –
5th December 2015
1st December 2015 –
5th December 2015
Discussions are ongoing
via the Staff Side
November 2015
3rd November 2015
From 2nd November
2015 – 30th November
7th December 2015
Confirm details
These will be held
with Julie FrakeHarris – Please liaise
directly to arrange a
time to meet
Issuing of the “Way
Forward Document”
7th December 2015 –
10th December 2015
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Interviews for new roles
Decisions to staff re
interview outcomes
Implementation of new
structure and roles
14th December 2015 –
19th December 2015
By 21st December
11th January 2016
During the consultation period staff will have the opportunity, if they wish, to individual consultation meetings with their current line manger to discuss
the personal implications of this proposal on an individual basis. Staff may be accompanied to these meetings by their staffside representative or a
trust work colleague. To make appointments please contact Lisa Fisher on 01223 218537 or via email
A copy of this consultation paper will be provided to staff affected by the proposal and to Staff Side via:
Shona Greig
Staff Side Convenor/UNISON ERA Steward
Desk: 01223 884241
Mobile: 07535 875308 UNISON 07852 562479
UNISON: 0800 0857857
If you wish to make any comments or representations regarding this proposal please forward these to:
Julie Frake-Harris
Associate Director of Operations
Elizabeth House
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CB21 5EF
For HR Support or queries on the process please contact::
Elaine Bailey
Associate Director – People Services
Elizabeth House, Fulbourn Hospital, Cambridge, CB21 5EF
Desk: 01223 726782
Mobile: 07983 339 138
Closing dates for comments or representations is 30th November 2015
Comments and representations will be considered and responded to in accordance with the timescales detailed in the table above.
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Appendix 1 Organisational Change Policy and Procedure
(including redundancy), June 2015
Appendix 2 Redeployment Procedure, June 2015
Appendix 3 Protection of Pay and Terms & Conditions of
Service Policy, June 2015
Appendix 4 Voluntary Redundancy Guidance and Process
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Appendix 5 Job Descriptions
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