POLICY ON GOVERNOR/PARENT/COMMUNITY CONSULTATION This policy and appendix states the aims and practices to be followed when the governing body of The Colleton Primary School consults the parent body, LEA and members of our wider community (from here referred to as the school community) on issues that affect the school. Aims The Colleton is continuously seeking to improve education for our pupils in line with our “Vision Statement”. Feedback from consultation will be used effectively by governors to help inform strategic decisions regarding school improvement. Practice To explain clearly the issue that is to be consulted on To consult in a way that is open, unbiased and allows time for response All consulted should feel able to give an opinion To follow consultation guidelines (see appendix) To maintain confidentiality for all those who respond To make the consultation meaningful to school improvement GUIDELINES FOR GOVERNOR CONSULTATION WITH THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY Process 1. Issue raised at committee level 2. Chair to discuss issue in detail with Headteacher and Chair of PR committee 3. PR committee to draw up draft consultation documentation to be shared with the relevant committees and Headteacher 4. Amendments made by PR committee 5. Consultation document agreed with the Headteacher 6. Consultation forwarded to the relevant members of the school community 7. Returns analysed by named member of PR committee 8. Feedback shared with Headteacher and relevant committees 9. Report to full governing body 10. Feedback and action reported back to the school community by PR committee.