Agile Working
Cutting agency/
of services
Pay Restraint
Generating Efficiencies: Maintaining
Shared Services
Relocation of
Restructuring &
Flexible/Agile Working
• Top of the agenda
• Government Consultation on Modern Workplaces
• Olympics
• CIPD Report May 2012– 96% of employers offer flexible
working (most commonly part-time and home working)
Working Beyond Walls (Flexible Working In Government)
• Work is “something we do not somewhere we go” (Sir Gus
• CAVE - Computer Animated Virtual Environment
Sound like the Jetsons at work!?
 Sound expensive!?
• But by 2020 home working will be a natural way of working
for most people.
The “Conventional” Approach
• Overly burdensome/a necessary evil
• Legalese-implications of refusing flexible working requests
Direct/indirect sex discrimination complaints
 Breach of Flexible Working Regulations
 Constructive dismissal complaints
Public Sector – Additional Considerations
• Necessity is the mother of invention
• Flexible working is being embraced by the public sector as
a potential driver of efficiency rather than a blocker.
Types of flexible working
Part-time working
Compressed hours
Annualised hours
Job share
Term time working
Home working
Benefits of flexible working
• Reduced overhead costs
• Increased productivity
• Reduced absence
• Wider skill pool/retention
• Reduced impact of external interruptions
• Reduced control/visibility
• Support/mentoring difficulties
• Over reliance on technology – business risk?
• Over-blurring of the lines between home and work –
increased stress?
• Disconnection/socialisation
Making the arrangements work effectively – the tricky bit!
Contractual considerations
Data protection/information security
Arrangements on termination
Health and safety
BYOD – not to be confused with BYOB…
Avoiding discrimination/less favourable treatment
Contractual considerations
Hours of work - establish the boundaries
Absence - holidays and illness reporting
Place of work - flexibility works both ways
Salary and benefits - avoid less favourable treatment
Expenses - specify who is responsible for what
Right to enter - employer may need access
Discipline and grievance
Data Protection & Information Security
• Requirement to take appropriate technical and
organisational measures against unauthorised processing,
accidental loss or damage to personal data.
• Processing includes obtaining, recording, or holding
information or carrying out any set of instructions on it –
very wide.
• Definition of personal data also wide.
• ICO has the power to impose fines of up to £500,000 per
Some cautionary tales
• Unencrypted laptops
Hounslow Council – fined £70,000
 Ealing Council – fined £80,000
• Inadequate IT security on website
Andrew Crossley/ACS Law – fined £1,000
• Theft of sensitive papers in a pub
Croydon Council – fined £100,000
• Sensitive papers dropped in the street
Lancashire Constabulary – fined £70,000
• Theft of memory stick from employee’s home
Greater Manchester Police – fined £150,000
Effective Data Protection Measures
• Specific training
• Conduct risk assessment in line with ICO’s Statutory
• Specify who accesses computer and personal data stored
on it
• Home Security – is employee’s home left unattended for
regular periods?
• Use of passwords and encryption – sharing
forbidden/instructed to change regularly?
• Storage and security of paper files
• Transporting information between home and office
• Rules on retention and disposal of information
Obligations on termination/confidentiality
• The implied duty is more difficult to police where
employees work from home.
• Insert a specific confidentiality clause in a home worker’s
clearly set out what information is confidential and how it
requires to be secured.
 importance of the right to enter and obligation to return
information on termination of employment.
Health & Safety considerations
• Employer’s basic obligation – take care of employees’ welfare and
health and safety “so far as is reasonably practicable”
• In the context of home working consider –
 Stress – work/life boundary and isolation/socialisation issues.
 Equipment – suitable, maintained and inspected regularly
 Electricity at work – Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 – who
 First Aid – responsibility to supply appropriate provisions
 Accidents – establish proper procedure for reporting of accidents
Use of equipment
• Home workers and peripatetic workers increasingly
allowed to use own equipment
• It even has its own term (BYOD) and its own ACAS Code
of Practice
• Making BYOD work effectively
 Ensure right of access either physically or remotely to wipe
data (restrict liability for loss of personal information).
 If contributing to cost, require repayment if employee leaves
 Clear misuse policies and instructions all the more important
Flexible working will not be effective if it leads to discrimination/
less favourable treatment allegations
• Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable
Treatment) Regulations 2000
Unlawful to treat part-timers less favourably unless this can
be objectively justified
 Pro-rata principle will generally be applied unless this can be
shown to be inappropriate
• Sex discrimination - less favourable treatment of flexible
workers will often amount to indirect sex discrimination
Audit levels of pay and benefits, access to training and
promotion and employment opportunities for flexible workers
as compared to office based workers
What’s in a name?
• Unilever – “agile working”
• Siemens – “location independents”
• Plantronics – “smarter working”
• O2 – “desk huggers” or “desk hoppers”
• Competition time…..
 Redundancies still on the agenda for 2012/2013
 Public sector tradition of VS and VER
 Increase in compulsory redundancy in public sector
VS schemes have not achieved required efficiencies
 Those prepared to leave on VS have already left
 Labour market tight – reluctance to volunteer
 Public sector line managers less equipped to address
“survivor syndrome”?
 Levels of morale low due to relentless cuts.
Generating Efficiency: Sustaining
 2 key issues
 (1) Legal process
Identifying redundancy situation
Selection criteria; identifying appropriate pools
Alternative employment/trial periods
Importance of getting it right – financial and reputational risk
 (2) Employee engagement challenge
Legal Process – Some Hot Spot Issues
 Employees on maternity leave
 Special protection
Sickness absence/disability
Discrimination and grievances
Fixed term contracts
Maternity leave - consultation
 Basic rule - don’t forget about employees on maternity
 Communicate with employees on maternity leave and
consult if possible
 Let them know about suitable alternative vacancies
 Pregnant employees (not on maternity leave at the time
when the redundancy dismissal takes effect) should be
treated the same as any other employee
Maternity Leave – Special Protection
 Regulation 10 MPL Regs. – right to be offered suitable
alternative. Controversial – appears to create preferential
right for those on maternity leave
Applies to those on leave at the time of redundancy
Two scenarios:
diminished headcount – maternity leaver is not ‘protected’ in
 role re-design – maternity leaver has preferential right to
alternatives that are created in the new structure.
Sickness Absence/Disability
 Basic rule - don’t forget about those who are absent for
medical reasons
 Disabled employees – no right to a vacancy but
reasonable adjustments must be considered to ensure
that competition for vacancies is on a level playing field.
additional designated support
 adjustment of the selection process required?
 Employee absent during process due to ill health –
obtain medical input
Discrimination and Grievances
 Outstanding unconnected grievance
 Grievance can be dealt with or parked until after the redundancy
process has concluded - weigh the risk
 New complaint not connected to the process
 Complaints about historic bullying etc. by people not involved in
the process can be dealt with separately or parked until the
process has completed - acknowledge complaint and
communicate proposals to deal with it
 Complaint about the process/scoring
 Complaints about the process itself need careful handling and
may have to be connected to the consultation/appeal process
Fixed Term Contracts
 Termination of fixed term contracts and collective consultation
 Is termination due to redundancy or for a reason relating to the
individual employee?
 Non-renewal of fixed term contract is a dismissal
 Do fixed term employees need to be included in the selection pool?
 If the job was going to finish anyway, regardless of wider job
reductions, fixed term employees need not be included in the
 If the contract is not being renewed because of a wider job
reduction programme, they should be included in the pool
 Consider at outset what the ‘status’ of the seconded role
are they now more or less permanent?
is it clear that they will be returning to their original base?
 If they are more or less permanent in their seconded role,
they may be able to be considered within the seconded
 If original role still exists, is this alternative employment?
Addressing Morale/Survivor Syndrome
 Effective management of redundancy more than a legal
 Redundancy = change = emotional response
 Tools to address the emotional response
 Empowerment
 Management influence
 Tools can be used in legal consultation to improve morale
throughout the process and beyond
 Remember legal obligations
 Collective - currently
20 – 99 in a 90 day period = 30 day consultation period
Greater than 100 = 90 day consultation period
 Consult on
 Reasons for proposal; timescales, pools, selection criteria, basis
for selection, redundancy package, alternative roles, support
 How do you make it “fair”?
 Formative stage
 Adequate info: adequate time
 Conscientious consideration of employee’s/reps’ response
Personal Reaction to Change/Trauma
Stage of consultation
Emotional response
Some management
Communicate as much
information about process
as possible
In between initial
consultation meetings
Be available; open
honest, willing to help
Selection, moving into
individual consultation
Listen; be open; nonjudgemental, coach
Selection and looking for
Be sensitive, offer support
and assistance
Awareness of support
offered, removal of tasks,
team building mode