
Nōmen_______________________________Hōra_____Diēs_________________________ Lingua Latīna II – Master Quiz Passages
The passages in this packet will be used for oral recitation grades, translations on stage quizzes, and passages for reading
comprehension questions on the midterm and final exam. You will be using these passages to practice dividing and accenting
words, translating precisely into English, etc. They will be used for homework grades (dividing & accenting; translating), quiz
grades (oral recitation/reading), and study material on stage quizzes on which you will write out a translation and answer
questions about the grammar. Please do not lose this packet!
When assigned, you will need to write out a translation for a passage plus divide and accent all of the words. Instructions for dividing
and accenting words is below.
Trying hard to divide a new word
Keep in mind what you’ve already heard
With consonants, be mean!
Divide before or between
And most of your fears will be cured.
Dividing words into syllables is simple and logical. Use the poem to help
you remember the most important rules—you always divide before a single
consonant or between two consonants. You also divide between two
But watch out for these exceptions: combinations like tr and gr count as a
single consonant: pa-trem, a-gri-co-la. Also, qu, ch, ph, th count as a
single consonant: am-phi-the-ā-trum.
Where does that accent go?
A syllable is long if it contains a long vowel or diphthong OR if it contains
a short vowel followed by two or more consonants or by x (=ks). If the next
to last (penultimate) syllable is long, the accent goes there. Otherwise it
goes on the next to next to last (antepenultimate) syllable. Just follow these
questions to get your accent right!
1) Is the accent ever on the last syllable? NEVER.
2) Does the next to last syllable have a long vowel?
 yes – ACCENT IT!
 no – go to question #3
3) Is the next to the last syllable followed by two consonants?
 yes – ACCENT IT!
 no – move to the syllable before the next to last
syllable and ACCENT IT!
You will be graded on the following simple rubric for recitation:
++ = 100 = -0
+ = 95 = -1 to -3
 = 85 = -4 to -7
- = 75 = -8 to -10
-- =70 = more than -10, but an honest effort was made
Recitations will be PHONED IN and left on my Google Voice
Mail: (512) 337-2166. You may call as many times as you
need to.
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.
Learning how to translate a story into English accurately is a skill which
demonstrates your ability to pay attention to details as well as to understand
the big picture. As your Latin passages continue to become more complex,
it will help you to follow these steps used for reading Latin. Please take
special note of #6.
Read the sentence or passage completely. In order to see all the
words in context, reread as needed.
While reading, register the word endings and their relationship
to one another. Reread as needed.
Now look up unfamiliar words. Reread as needed.
Recognize word groups and read them in sequence. Reread as
Once a subordinate clause or phrase hasbegun, it must be
completed before the rest of the sentence can proceed. Reread
as needed.
Translate only when you know how a sentence works and what it
What does it mean to “see the words in context”? Certain words, when
next to other words, can mean different things. An accusative can be a
direct object of the main verb or even of a participle, or, with a preposition
in front of it, the object of the preposition.
Why do I need to “register word endings or their relationship to one
another”? Latin is an inflectional language—the function of a word in the
sentence changes according to its ending as opposed to whether it is first or
second or last. Words with accusative endings are often first in the
sentence, but they are objects none the less. Latin also loves to “nest”
phrases, especially those containing participles, with words of the same case
on either side of an accusative, genitive, or perhaps a prepositional phrase.
Why should I wait to look up unfamiliar words? Sometimes you can
figure out the meaning of a word just because of its context in a paragraph.
If you are rereading the sentence or paragraph, you may realize just from
logic what the unknown word means. Why waste time looking up
What are “word groups”? Is reading in sequence really necessary if
Latin is all about the endings anyway? Word groups and word order
actually become more important in Latin as you learn more Latin. More
often than not, recognizing “nested” phrases (especially with participles)
will be the most important thing you learn to do this year, and if you are
reading in word order you will find that they are easier to recognize. Then,
if you combine this new skill with your knowledge of sentence patterns,
your reading will steadily improve.
What’s so important about where a subordinate clause is in the sentence?
Why can’t you finish the sentence/main clause and then deal with the
subordinate clause? In Latin, the subject will often appear before the
subordinate clause and by the time you finish with the subordinate clause
you may forget that the subject was even there. Therefore, it’s important to
understand how Latin “nests” phrases and clauses. This will also prevent
you from translating parts of the subordinate clause as part of the main
clause and vice versa.
Why do I need to keep rereading? (I want to be done already!) Sometimes
it’s difficult to see word groups the first read through, especially if your
mind is puzzling over the meaning of particular words. Rereading not only
helps you to register word endings and see phrasing which you might have
missed the first time, but it can also help you figure out the meaning of
unfamiliar or forgotten words just from the context of what’s going on
elsewhere in the sentence.
Why can’t I start writing out a translation as I figure out each word?
(Doesn’t it save me time to do it that way?) If you race to write down the
meaning of the first word because you know what it means without
registering endings, without seeing word groups and phrasing, and if that
word was an object and not the subject, you would have begun the sentence
totally wrong. After that, your brain will want to discount the significance
of all other endings because you’ve predetermined incorrectly how the rest
of the sentence will flow. Take the time to understand the whole sentence
before writing anything down. In the long run, it will save you time and
lead to fewer errors.
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.
Stage 19: Aristō
Helena quoque, fīlia Aristōnis et Galatēae,
patrem vexat. multōs iuvenēs ad vīllam patris
invītat. amīcī Helenae sunt poētae. in vī llā
Aristōnis poētae versūs suōs recitant. Aristō
hōs versūs nōn amat, quod scurrīlēs sunt.
s a e p e h ī p o ē t a e i n t e r s ē p u g n a n t . (Unit 2 140)
Stage 20: remedium astrologī
servī per tōtam vīllam contendēbant, arāneās
quaerentēs; magnum clāmōrem t ollēbant.
Phormiō, postquam servī multās arāneās ad
cubiculum tulērunt, in umerum dominī eās
collocāvit. astrologus ancillās lacrimantēs
v ī d i t , s e r v ō s q u e c l ā m a n t ē s a u d ī v i t . (Unit 2 163)
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.
Stage 21: fōns sacer
multī aegrōtī, quī ex illō fonte aquam
bibērunt, posteā convaluērunt. architectus,
ā Rōmānīs missus, thermās maximās ibi
exstrūxit. prope thermās stat templum deae
Sūlis, ā meīs fabrīs aedificātum. ego deam
saepe honōrāvī; nunc fortasse dea mē sānāre
(Unit 3 6)
Stage 22: Vilbia
Vilbia et Rubria, pōcula sordida lavantēs,
in culīnā tabernae garriēbant. hae puellae
erant fīliae Latrōnis. Latrō, quī tabernam
tenēbat, erat vir magnae dīligentiae sed
minimae prūdentiae. Latrō, culīnam ingressus,
p u e l l ā s c a s t ī g ā b a t . (Unit 3 30)
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.
Stage 23: in thermīs
prope thermās erat templum, ā fabrīs Rōmānīs
aedificātum. rēx Cogidubnus cum multīs
prīncipibus servīsque prō templō sedēbat.
Quīntus prope sellam rēgis stābat. rēgem
prīncipēsque manus armātōrum custōdiēbat. ...
Memor, togam praetextam gerēns, prope āram
(Unit 3 46)
Stage 24: in itinere
cum [Modestus et Strythiō] ad pontem
vēnissent, equus trānsīre noluit. “equus
trānsīre timet,” inquit Modestus. “Strythiō, tū
prior trānsī!” cum Strythiō trānsiisset, equus
trānsīre etiam tum nōlēbat. Modestus igitur ex
equō dēscendit. cum dēscendisset, eq uus
statim trānsiit.
(Unit 3 66)
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.
Stage 25: Modestus Custōs
Strythiō, quī ex trā cellam stābat, attonitus
erat. nesciēbat enim cūr Modestus clāmāret.
“Strythiō! Strythiō!” inquit. “claude portam
cellae. nōbīs necesse est summā cum dīligentiā
Vercobrigem custōdīre. etiam arāneae eum
adiuvant!” Strythiō cum portam clausisset,
Modestum territum rogāvit quid accidis set.
(Unit 3 89)
Stage 26: adventus Agricolae
tertiā hōrā Sīlānus mīlitēs in ōrdinēs longōs
īnstrūxit, ut Agricolam salūtārent. mīlitēs,
cum Agricolam castra intrantem vīdissent,
magnum clāmōrem sustulērunt. “iō, Agricola!
iō, iō, Agricola!” tantus erat clāmor ut nēmō
iussa centuriōnum audīret. Agrico la ad
tribūnal prōcessit ut pauca dīceret.
(Unit 3 106)
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.
Stage 27: sub horreō
centūriō Valerius, cum portās cellārum apertās
carceremque dēsertum vīdisset, īrātissimus
erat. mīlitibus imperāvit ut Modestum et
Strythiōnem caperent. mīlitēs tamen,
quamquam per tōta castra quaerēbant, eōs
invenīre nōn poterant. illī duōs diēs manēbant
(Unit 3 126)
Stage 28: testāmentum
nam prīncipēs Rēgnēnsium mē saepe
vexāvērunt. aliī, spē praedae adductī, inter sē
pugnāvērunt; aliī īnsāniā affectī, sēditiōnem
contrā Rōmānōs facere temptāvērunt. ... dō
lēgō Cn. Iūliō Agricolae statuam meam, ā
fabrō Britannicō factam. sīc Agricola mē per
tōtam vītam in memoriā habēre potest.
(Unit 3
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.
Stage 29: nox
magnīs in domibus, ubi dīvitēs habitābant,
cēnae splendidae cōnsūmēbantur. cibus
sūmptuōsus ā servīs offerēbātur; vīnum
optimum ab ancillīs fundēbātur; carmina ā
citharoedīs perītissimīs cantābantur. in altīs
autem īnsulīs, nūllae cēnae splendidae
cōnsumēbantur, nūllī citharoedī audiēbantur.
(Unit 3 169)
Stage 30: dignitās
cīvēs Rōmānī, postquam arcus ab Imperātōre
dēdicātus est, quattuor diēs fēstōs
celebrāvērunt. templa vīsitābant ut dīs grātiās
agerent; Circum Maximum cotīdiē complēbant
ut lūdōs magnificōs ā cōnsulibus ēditōs
spectārent; ad arcum ipsum conveniēbant ut
figūrās in eō sculptās īnspicerent.
(Unit 3 193)
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.
Phone-In Instructions
Call 512-337-2166 (google voicemail) any time
school is not in session. (Otherwise, I may answer
it and you’ll have to do the recitation live!)
Say your first and last name clearly and what
period you have Latin.
Read the assigned passage to the best of your
Repeat your first and last name and what period
you have Latin, in case it was unclear the first
Call as many times as you need to if you mess up
or don’t feel you did your best.
512-337-2166 1. CLEARLY state your name, your period, & the passage. 2. RECITE just the Latin. 3. REPEAT your name.