Spelling Center Direction Cards Directions: If you choose to put up spelling practice centers as an activity for your students, here are some possible centers to set up. The ideas for these centers came from the Mom2Mom website that is listed on your lesson plan as a l ink. Supplies for center: Yarn and scissors or pipe clearners Cut the yarn into the number of pieces that you will need for each word. Then write your word using the yarn. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies needed: Stamp pad, paper and markers Stamp it: Use the stamp pad and spell your word with finger prints. Then use the marker and trace over your finger prints. Be sure and whisper the letters out loud. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies needed: cookie sheet, colored construction paper, salt, sand or flour, pencils with a good eraser or paint brush. Salt Tray: Use your finger, eraser end of a pencil or a paint brush (your choice). Write your spelling word in the tray. Supplies: small white boards or set this up next to the classroom white board, different colored dry erase markers. Small, Medium, Large: Write your spelling words three times on the white board. Use a different colored marker each time. The 1st time write it as small as you can. The 2nd time write it medium size. The 3rd time write it as large as you can. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies: a set or sets of novelty erasers Eraser Spelling Use the small erasers and spell your words. After you make your word with the erasers, touch each letter and spell it for your partner. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies: zip lock bags (2 gallon size), colored hair gel or finger paint. Make the bags ahead of time. Be sure double bag them and use a heavy tape like library tape or duct tape to close the top so that it doesn’t tear or leak. Pencils with erasers or Q-tips. Bag writing: Use your finger or the eraser end of the pencil and write your spelling words on the bag. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies: balls that are large enough to bounce Bounce and Spell! As you spell your word, bounce the ball for each letter. Give your partner your word list and have him/her check to make sure that you are spelling it correctly. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies: Scrabble Tiles, paper and pencils, small white board or spelling sheet (see example supplied after the directiosns. Scrabble Spell Use the Scrabble Tiles to spell your words. After you make your word, touch each letter and spell it out loud to your partner. Each partner should make sure that the words are spelled correctly. Supplies: small flashlight, black (or dark colored ) poster board or bulletin board paper Flashlight spell Use the flashlight and write your word on the poster paper with the light. Spell your word out loud as you write it. Have your partner check to be sure that you are spelling it correctly. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies: Bags of Cheerios (or change this to Cheez-it crackers or some other small easy to use snack food) paper , paper towels or paper plates. Cheerio! Use your bag of Cheerios and practice spelling your words with your partner. Make sure and check your spelling for each word. After you finish your practice, you can eat your Cheerios. Supplies: Fly-swatter, Post-it notes or index cards, or paper cut into squares, markers, crayons or pencils Swat and Spell! 1) Write your words on the Post-it notes. Write one letter for each Postit. 2) Give your letter Post-its to your partner. 3) Your partner will mix them up and put them on the table or floor. 4) Spell your word out loud to your partner and swat each letter as you say it. Do it as fast as you can. Practice more than one time and see if you can get faster each time. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies: Balloons already blown up. Balloon Bounce Spell your word out loud and hit the balloon to keep it in the air each time you say a letter. If your balloon drops to the floor, start over again. Your partner will tell you the word to spell and will check to be sure that you are spelling it correctly. If you misspell the word, try it again. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies: Small game boards, dice, game board markers, M&Ms , Skittles, or Cheerios, pencils and paper or small white boards Game It! 1) Choose a game board 2) Get a bag of M&Ms and put them in the squares on your game board. One M&M per square. 3) Roll the dice 4) Have your partner give you one of your spelling words 5) Write your spelling word on your paper and then point check it with your partner 6) If you got your word correct, you may move you game marker that number of spots on your game board. If you miss the word, you lose your turn. 7) If you land on an M&M or go past one on the board, you may eat the M&M. 8) Keep playing and practicing until each of you finishes your game board and has practiced all of your words. Spelling Center Direction Cards Supplies: white crayons, child’s paint set, paint brush, cup of water, paper Hidden Words 1) Your partner will tell you the word to spell 2) Write your word using the white crayon 3) Paint over the word and watch it appear! 4) Point check your word with your partner. If it is misspelled, do it again.