Supporting Information - Legends Figures Figure S1. Biomass accumulation in dgt and VFN8 reciprocal heterografted plants. Plants assayed are those used for the experiments shown in Fig. 1. Fresh weights of shoots (a) and roots (b) were measured 4 weeks after grafting. (c) Shoot-to-root ratio, on a fresh weight basis, in dgt and VFN8 reciprocal heterografted tomato plants. Figure S2. Dynamics of the change in xylem differentiation in stems of dgt rootstocks grafted to control (VFN8) scions. (a-c) Anatomical features of stem vascular bundles from dgt rootstocks grafted to dgt scions; stem tissues were excised 10 (a), 20 (B) and 30 (c) days after grafting. (d-f) Anatomical features of stem vascular bundles from VFN8 rootstocks grafted to VFN8 scions; stem tissues were excised 10 (d), 20 (e) and 30 (f) days after grafting. (g-i) Anatomical features of stem vascular bundles from dgt rootstocks grafted to VFN8 scions; stem tissues were excised 10 (g), 20 (h) and 30 (i) days after grafting. Scale bar: (a) = 100 µm, common to (b-i). Figure S3. Dynamics of the change in stem anatomy of dgt rootstocks grafted to control (VFN8) scions. (a-c) Anatomical features of stems from dgt rootstocks grafted to dgt scions; stem tissues were excised 10 (a), 20 (b) and 30 (c) days after grafting. (d-f) Anatomical features of stem vascular bundles from VFN8 rootstocks grafted to VFN8 scions; stem tissues were excised 10 (d), 20 (e) and 30 (f) days after grafting. (g-i) Anatomical features of stem vascular bundles from dgt rootstocks grafted to VFN8 scions; stem tissues were excised 10 (g), 20 (h) and 30 (i) days after grafting. Higher magnification of the vascular bundle (marked with dashed lines) is located in the bottom left side of each image. Scale bar: (a) = 1000 µm, common to (b-i). Figure S4. SlCyp1 transcripts are not phloem-mobile. Grafting experiments were performed with dgt mutant and transgenic tomato (pSuc2:6xHis-SlCyp1) (TG) plant lines. RNA samples extracted from the indicated rootstock stems (RS-Stem) and roots (RS-Root) were analyzed by RT-PCR using primers specific for 6xHis-SlCyp1 and tubulin (as an internal control). Figure S5. Expression of SlCyp1 in roots as compared to source leaves. (a) Relative transcription level of SlCyp1 in source leaf and young developing roots of 4-week-old VFN8 plants. Transcription levels were normalized using tubulin as an internal control. The indicated data represents means of 4 biological replications ± SE. Different letters indicate significant differences at p < 0.05 by Student’s independent t-test. (b) Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from root and source leaf of tomato plants. SlCyp1 detection was performed using 40µg of total protein. Figure S6. Effect of light intensity on long-distance movement of SlCyp1 and the shoot-to-root ratio. Light intensity experiments were conducted in a growth chamber. (a) Quantitative analysis of data obtained from three Western blot experiments on proteins from stems of VFN8 and dgt rootstocks grafted onto transgenic control scions expressing GFP under the AtSuc2 promoter (pSuc2:GFP). Plants were exposed to PPFD of 120 and 280 µmole m-2 s-1. Values are presented as the ratio between the integrated optical densities (IOD) of SlCyp1 relative to GFP. Analysis was performed using Gelpro3 software. (b) Effect of light intensity on shoot-to-root ratio in reciprocal dgt and VFN8 grafted plants. Note that significant response to PPFD was observed only when VFN8 (expressing SlCyp1) served as the scion. Absence of SlCyp1 from the scion alleviated the effect of PPFD on shoot-to-root ratio. Tables Table S1. Summary of enrichment testing within functional gene sets (gene set) of S. lycopersicum genes differentially expressed between two graft combinations (gt1 and gt2) at FDR<0.05 and FC>2 and mean expression count>2. Single-sided Fisher exact tests done on the contingency tables (ratio) shown as “x/y to w/z”, z=number of assayed genes in tomato genome, w=number of genes in the functional gene set, y=number of D.E. genes, and x=D.E. genes that are members of the gene set; up1~up2 is number of genes higher in graft gt1 or in gt2; Fisher test p-values: gtr.pvalue/stars (over-representation) and less.pvalue/stars (underrepresentation), *** for p<0.001, ** for p<0.01, * for p<0.05. Table S2. Genes in lateral root initiation Cluster 5 functional gene set that were significantly over-represented in the two graft comparisons dgt/dgt vs VFN8/VFN8 (13 genes) and dgt/dgt vs VFN8/dgt (9 genes). slgene: S. lycopersicum gene ID; FC: fold change between gt1 and gt2; atgene: A. thaliana gene ID of which slgene is putative ortholog; four graft-pair columns: mean normalized expression in root RNA-seq experiment. symbols and desc from TAIRi. Table S3. Genes in Auxin Response Factor (ARF) functional gene set that were significantly over-represented in the two graft comparisons dgt/dgt vs VFN8/VFN8 (6 genes) and dgt/dgt vs VFN8/dgt (9 genes). slgene: S. lycopersicum gene ID; FC: fold change between gt1 and gt2; atgene: A. thaliana gene ID of which slgene is putative ortholog; four graft-pair columns: mean normalized expression in root RNA-seq experiment. symbols and desc from TAIRi. Table S4. Primer pairs used in the current study. Methods Methods S1. Gene ontology and gene set enrichment analyses. 2 Datasets Data S1. Differentially expressed genes. Each worksheet contains a list of the differentially expressed genes in the following grafting comparisons: dgt/dgt Vs. VFN8/VFN8, dgt/dgt Vs. VFN8/dgt and VFN8/dgt Vs. VFN8/VFN8. Column titles are as follows: Gene: The differentially expressed gene ID. VFN8/VFN8, VFN8/dgt and dgt/dgt: Normalized expression values for each of the indicated grafting. Fold change: The fold change for the specified gene between the compared graftings. Adjusted p-val: The adjusted p-value for the gene differential expression. Symbols: The gene symbols. Description: Gene annotation. Data S2. Rescue of dgt root gene expression when grafted to VFN8 scions. List of genes expressed in dgt roots grafted to VFN8 scions, whose expression level was different from that of homografted dgt roots and similar to homografted VFN8 roots. Column titles are as follows: Gene: The gene ID. VFN8/VFN8, VFN8/dgt and dgt/dgt: Normalized expression values for each of the indicated grafting. Symbols: The gene symbols. Description: Gene annotation. Data S3. Rescue of dgt root transcription factor expression when grafted to VFN8 scions. List of transcription factors expressed in dgt roots grafted to VFN8 scions, whose expression level was different from that of homografted dgt roots and similar to homografted VFN8 roots. Column titles are as follows: Gene: The gene ID. VFN8/VFN8, VFN8/dgt and dgt/dgt: Normalized expression values for each of the indicated grafting. Symbols: The gene symbols. Description: Gene annotation. Data S4. Rescue of dgt NAC domain gene expression when grafted to VFN8 scions. List of NAC domain genes expressed in dgt roots grafted to VFN8 scions, whose expression level was different from that of homografted dgt roots and similar to homografted VFN8 roots. Column titles are as follows: Gene: The gene ID. VFN8/VFN8, VFN8/dgt and dgt/dgt: Normalized expression values for each of the indicated grafting. Symbols: The gene symbols. Description: Gene annotation. Data S5. Lists of genes in the four functional gene sets LRI, DevXylem, MtrXylem, and ARF. Each list includes column atgene containing the A. thaliana gene ID and column slgene containing the S. lycopersicum gene ID of an OrthoMCL ortholog. (See the Attached Excel Spreadsheet.) i Lamesch, Philippe, et al. "The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR): improved gene annotation and new tools." Nucleic acids research, 40.D1 (2012): D1202-D1210. 3