Regulations on the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision

About approval of regulatory legal acts in the field of veterinary science
Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30,
2014 of No. 7-1/559. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of
Kazakhstan on November 21, 2014 No 9891.
According to subparagraph 4) Articles 8, Item 4 of Article 14, Items 4 and 8 of
Article 20, Items 1, 2 and 4 of Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
from July 10, 2002 "About veterinary science" I ORDER:
1. To approve the enclosed:
1) regulations on the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision according
to appendix 1 to this order;
2) rules of obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, or
their obligatory detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal
according to appendix 2 to this order;
3) rules and conditions of consideration to physical persons and legal entities
of cost of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and the raw materials of
animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, or the animals
neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person
according to appendix 3 to this order;
4) the list of special hazardous diseases of animals in case of which obligatory
withdrawal and killing of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person according to appendix 4 to this
order are carried out;
5) the list of special hazardous diseases of animals, prophylaxis, diagnosis and
which liquidation are performed at the expense of budgetary funds according to
appendix 5 to this order;
6) rules of implementation of the state veterinary sanitary control and
supervision when moving moved (transported) objects through the Frontier of the
Republic of Kazakhstan matching the customs border of the Customs union according to
appendix 6 to this order;
7) ruled the organizations of veterinary inspection stations in border and
customs clearance stations (check points through the Frontier of the Republic of
Kazakhstan matching the customs border of the Customs union, except for car check
points) according to appendix 7 to this order.
2. To department of veterinary and alimentary safety of the Ministry of
Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the
legislation to provide the state registration of this order in the Ministry of
Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its official publication.
3. Control of execution of this order to assign to the vice-Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Isayeva G. S.
4. This order becomes effective on the effluxes of ten calendar days after day of
its first official publication.
Approved by
Minister of national economy of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
Approved by
Minister of Finance of the Republic of
________________ E.Dosayev
"____" _____________ 2014
_______________ B.Sultanov
"____" _____________ 2014
Appendix 1
to the Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from October 30, 2014 of No.
Regulations on the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision
1. General provisions
1. This Regulations on the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision
(further - the Provision) are developed according to Item 4 of Article 14 of the Law
of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002 "About veterinary science" (further
- the Law) and regulate the main questions on the organization and implementation of
the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision in the territory of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. In the Provision the following concepts and determinations are used:
1) department of authorized body in the field of veterinary science (further department) - Committee of veterinary control and supervision;
2) territorial subdivisions of department - territorial subdivisions of Committee
of veterinary control and the supervision, located on the conforming administrative
and territorial units (area, the area, the city of regional or republican value, the
3. Main objectives of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision:
1) the prevention of infectious diseases of animals, including diseases, general
for animals and the person;
2) ensuring veterinary and sanitarian safety of objects of the state veterinary
sanitary control and supervision;
3) patrolling of the Republic of Kazakhstan from drift and diffusion of causal
organisms of infectious and exotic diseases of animals from other states;
4) the prevention, identification, suppression and elimination of breaking of the
legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary science.
4. The state bodies exercising the state veterinary sanitary control and
supervision in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are:
1) department with territorial subdivisions, including veterinary inspection
2) the divisions of state bodies performing activities in the field of veterinary
2. Implementation of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision in the
Republic of Kazakhstan
5. The state veterinary sanitary control and the supervision performed by
officials of authorized body in the field of veterinary science about observance of
requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of
veterinary science, is performed concerning the objects (persons) specified in Item 1
of Article 14-1 of the Law.
6. The state veterinary sanitary control and the supervision performed by
officials of local executive bodies about observance of requirements of the
legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary science, is
performed concerning the objects (persons) specified in Item 2 of Article 14-1 of the
7. The state veterinary sanitary control and supervision on the objects specified
in Items 5 and 6 of this Situation, is performed by the state veterinary health
officers, the state veterinarians of the conforming territories in the form of check
and other forms, including consideration of accompanying veterinary documents.
8. Check is performed in compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
from January 6, 2011 "About the state control and supervision in the Republic of
Kazakhstan". Other forms of the state control and supervision are performed in
compliance with the Law.
The state veterinary sanitary control and supervision in car check points through
the Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan matching the customs border of the Customs
union, is performed by the state veterinary health officers attached in customs
offices of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The state veterinary sanitary control and supervision on objects of domestic
trade, in the organizations on production, procurement (slaughter), storage,
utilization, conversion and implementation of animals, products and raw materials of
animal origin, in border and customs clearance stations (check points through the
Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan matching the customs border of the Customs
union) in case of transportation (moving) of under control to the state veterinary
sanitary control and supervision of loads through Frontier of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, matching the customs border of the Customs union, and also in quarantine
regions and unsuccessful Items by special hazardous diseases of animals and auks
about observance of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in
the field of veterinary science on non-admission of flashes, diffusions of infectious
diseases of animals, to ensuring veterinary and sanitarian safety of products and raw
materials of animal origin and patrolling of the Republic of Kazakhstan from drift
and diffusion of infectious and exotic diseases of animals from other states it is
performed daily.
9. The state veterinary sanitary control and supervision is performed on the
fixed basis without appointment behind accomplishment of functions of local executive
bodies and their divisions performing activities in the field of veterinary science,
including functions of the state veterinary sanitary control performed within
competence and supervision.
10. Based on the results of testing observance of requirements of the legislation
of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary science the checking state
veterinary health officer, the state veterinarian compounds the inspection statement.
11. By results of other forms of the state veterinary sanitary control and
supervision of objects of the veterinary sanitary control and supervision, in case of
identification of breaking of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of
Kazakhstan in the field of the veterinary science, the checking state veterinary
health officer, the state veterinarian depending on the established breaking of
requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan compound the
instruction or emit the resolution on withdrawal of animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing the special peril for health of animals and
the person, but without attraction to the administrative responsibility, with the
obligatory explanation to the subject of private entrepreneurship of the procedure
for its elimination.
12. In case of detection of breaking of requirements of the legislation of the
Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary science the state veterinary health
officer, the state veterinarian based on the results of testing compound the
instruction in the form according to the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the
Republic of Kazakhstan from July 22, 2013 of No. 16-07/333 "About approval of forms
of instructions, the procedure for their creation and issue by the state veterinary
health officers" (registered in the List of the state registration of regulatory
legal acts No. 8662), and emit the resolution on imposing of authority punishment or
on attraction to the administrative responsibility in case of breaking of the
legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary science in
compliance the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses.
13. If on termination of check breaking, about it in the inspection statement the
checking state veterinary health officer are not established, the state veterinarian
the conforming mark becomes.
14. Necessary copies of documents and other stuffs received during check are
applied to the inspection statement.
15. The inspection statement is compounded according to requirements of the Law
of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 6, 2011 "About the state control and
supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The inspection statement is compounded in number of the copies specified in Item
9 of Article 14-1 of the Law.
16. The act of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision registers in
the special magazine of registration of acts of checks which shall be numbered,
strung together and under seal territorial subdivisions of department, veterinary
divisions of the state bodies performing activities in the field of veterinary
Appendix 2
to the Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from October 30, 2014 of No.
Rules of obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals, products and raw materials of
the animal origin, representing health hazard of animals and the person, or their
obligatory detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal
1. General provisions
1. These rules of obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals, products and the
raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person,
or their obligatory detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal
(further - Rules) are developed according to Item 1 of Article 30 of the Law of the
Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002 "About veterinary science" (further - the
Law) and determines the procedure for obligatory withdrawal and killing or obligatory
detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal of animals, products
and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the
2. Action of these rules extends on:
1) all physical persons and legal entities engaging in production, procurement
(slaughter), storage, conversion, implementation under control to the state
veterinary sanitary control and supervision of animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person;
2) the state veterinary organizations which are carrying out functions on
liquidations of the loci of special hazardous infectious diseases of animals (further
- the state veterinary organizations);
3) the officials exercising the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision
in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. The procedure for obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals, products and the
raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person
3. Obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals, products and the raw materials
of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, is made with
consideration of their cost to physical persons and legal entities in case of special
hazardous diseases of the animals included in the List of special hazardous diseases
of animals in case of which obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals, products
and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the
person are carried out.
4. The resolution on withdrawal of the animals representing health hazard of
animals and the person, strikes root the Main state veterinary health officer of the
Republic of Kazakhstan based on the appraisal certificate (the protocol testing) the
veterinary laboratory confirming availability of disease in the form according to
appendix 1 to these rules.
The resolution on withdrawal of the animals representing health hazard of animals
and the person, accepted by the Main state veterinary health officer of the Republic
of Kazakhstan, within no more than 2 (two) working days from the date of its
acceptance is possible to the conforming territorial subdivision of department of
authorized body and the state veterinary organization performing withdrawal and
killing of animals, sick with special hazardous diseases for taking measures to
withdrawal and killing of the animals representing health hazard of animals and the
5. The resolution on withdrawal of products and the raw materials of animal
origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, strikes root the Main
state veterinary health officer of the conforming administrative and territorial unit
in the form according to appendix 2 to these rules based on the appraisal certificate
(the protocol testing) veterinary laboratory within no more than 2 (two) working days
from the date of its obtaining.
6. For the solution of questions, connected to obligatory withdrawal and killing
of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health
hazard of animals and the person, based on resolutions accepted according to Items 4
and (or) 5 these rules the order of the head of the conforming district (city)
territorial subdivision of department of authorized body in the field of veterinary
science (in case of absence of the head - the official fulfilling its obligations)
within no more than 2 (two) working days from the date of their obtaining or
acceptance is created the commission from among representatives of local executive
bodies, state body of sanitary-and-epidemiologic service, the state veterinary
organization, the state veterinary health officer of the conforming territory.
7. The state veterinary health officer of the conforming territory with
obligatory participation of members of the commission draws up in triplicate the
statement on withdrawal of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard
animals and the person (further - the act on withdrawal) in the form according to
appendix 3 to these rules which is signed by all members of the commission and is
sealed district (city) territorial subdivision of department of authorized body in
the field of veterinary science.
The first copy of the act on withdrawal is handed over on receipt to the owner of
animals, products and raw materials of the animal origin, representing health hazard
of animals and the person, the second copy is transferred to the representative of
the state veterinary organization, the third copy remains at the state veterinary
health officer of the conforming territory.
8. The state veterinary health officer of the area (city) based on the act on
withdrawal within no more than 1 (one) working day from the date of its obtaining
compounds the resolution on withdrawal of animals, products and raw materials of the
animal origin, representing health hazard of animals and the person (further - the
resolution) according to appendix 4 to these rules.
9. The withdrawn animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person, are described in the resolution
on their withdrawal or, inventories enclosed to them with exact specifying of the
name, quantity, weight and other characteristic signs.
10. The withdrawn animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person are liable to destruction.
11. In the event when the owner hid or refused animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person,
questions, connected to procedure of withdrawal or their killing, are solved
according to the administrative, civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12. For the purpose of non-admission of diffusion of sources of causal organisms
of special hazardous infectious diseases of animals and environmental pollution all
works, connected to killing of animals, products and the raw materials of animal
origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, are carried out in the
places which have been specially assigned for these purposes.
13. Transportation (delivery) and killing of animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person is
performed with observance of requirements of the Veterinary (veterinary and
sanitarian) rules approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from August 9, 2013 of No. 814 (further - veterinary (veterinary and
sanitarian) rules).
14. All works, connected to accomplishment of veterinary measures for withdrawal
and killing of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing
health hazard of animals and the person, are performed under direct supervision of
the state veterinary health officer of the conforming territory by the state
veterinary organizations.
15. After completion of veterinary measures for killing of the withdrawn animals,
products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals
and the person, the state veterinary health officer of the conforming territory with
participation of the members of the commission, 6 these rules specified in Item,
within no more than 3 (three) working days draws up the statement of killing of
animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard
of animals and the person in the form, according to appendix 5 to these rules.
16. The act of killing of animals, products and the raw materials of animal
origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, is signed by all members
of the commission and sealed district (city) territorial subdivision of department of
authorized body in the field of veterinary science.
17. All expenses, connected to killing of the withdrawn animals, products and the
raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person
are performed at the expense of the republican budget.
3. The procedure for obligatory detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without
withdrawal of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing
health hazard of animals and the person
18. Obligatory detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal of
animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard
of animals and the person, on objects of the state veterinary sanitary control and
supervision is carried out according to the instruction of the state veterinary
health officer of the conforming territory in case of detection of diseases of the
animals included in the List of diseases of animals in case of which obligatory
detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal of animals, products
and raw materials of animal origin, feedstuffs and feed additives, the veterinary
preparations representing health hazard of animals and the person, approved by the
order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from March 28,
2012 of No. 18-03/127 (registered in the List of the state registration of regulatory
legal acts No. 7590 is made).
19. In case of detection of animals, products and the raw materials of animal
origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, the state veterinary
health officer of the conforming territory based on clinical-epizootologic inspection
gives to the owner the conforming instruction on their detoxication (disinfection),
20. Obligatory detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal of
animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard
of animals and the person, is performed by their owner according to requirements of
veterinary (veterinary and sanitarian) rules in the organizations on conversion of
products and the raw materials of animal origin determined by local executive bodies
of the conforming administrative and territorial units.
21. Measures for obligatory detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without
withdrawal of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing
health hazard of animals and the person, are carried out in case of compulsory
attendance of the state veterinary health officer of the conforming territory.
22. After completion of veterinary measures for delivery for conversion of
animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard
of animals and the person, the state veterinary health officer of the conforming
territory draws up the statement of delivery for conversion of animals, products and
the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the
person in the form, according to appendix 6 to these rules.
23. The act of delivery for conversion of animals, products and the raw materials
of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, is signed by
the state veterinary health officer, the head of the organization on conversion of
products and raw materials of animal origin and the owner of animals, products and
raw materials of animal origin and sealed district (city) territorial subdivision of
department of authorized body in the field of veterinary science.
Appendix 1
to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and
killing of animals, products and raw
materials of the animal origin,
representing health hazard of animals
and the person, or their obligatory
detoxication and conversion without
The resolution on withdrawal of the animals representing health hazard of animals and
the person
According to Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10,
2002 "About veterinary science", based on the appraisal certificate (test report) of
No. _______________ from
(name of veterinary laboratory)
or decisions on establishment of quarantine or restrictive measures of No.
_______________ from ________________________
(local executive body (the head of cities of district value,
settlement, village, village district)
to make at owners of animals withdrawal of the animals representing health hazard
of animals and the person
(to specify the type of
for the cause
(to specify the cause
of withdrawal)
Other data _______________________________________________________
The main state
veterinary health officer
Republic of Kazakhstan ____________________________________ __________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case
of availability)) (signature)
Locus sigilli
Appendix 2
to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and
killing of animals, products and raw
materials of the animal origin,
representing health hazard of animals
and the person, or their obligatory
detoxication and conversion without
The resolution on withdrawal of products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person
According to Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10,
2002 "About veterinary science", based on the appraisal certificate (test report) of
No. _______________ from
(name of veterinary laboratory)
to make at owners of products and raw materials of animal origin withdrawal of
products and raw materials of animal origin
(to specify the product name and raw
materials of animal origin)
for the cause
(to specify the
cause of withdrawal)
Other data
The main state
veterinary health officer
(name of the administrative and territorial unit)
_______________________________________ _______________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
Locus sigilli
Appendix 3
to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and
killing of animals, products and raw
materials of the animal origin,
representing health hazard of animals
and the person, or their obligatory
detoxication and conversion without
The act on withdrawal of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person
The commission composed
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
availability), positions of members of the commission)
in the presence of the owner of the animal, products and raw materials of animal
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
availability) physical person, the name of the legal entity)
living to the address
based on Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002
"About veterinary science" withdrawal is effected
(the type, quantity of the withdrawn animals, products and
raw materials of animal origin)
"__" _________ 20 __ years according to the preliminary diagnosis:
(name of disease)
Signatures of members of the commission:
__________ ______________
__________ ______________
__________ ______________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case
of availability), positions of members of the
Locus sigilli
Signature of the owner of object of the state veterinary sanitary control and
__________________________________________ _______________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
Appendix 4
to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and
killing of animals, products and raw
materials of the animal origin,
representing health hazard of animals
and the person, or their obligatory
detoxication and conversion without
The state veterinary and sanitarian
control and supervision of the Republic
of Kazakhstan
The resolution on withdrawal of animals, products and raw materials of the animal
origin, representing health hazard of animals and the person
And No. 000000000
"_ " __________________ 20_ year
According to Item 1 of Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from
July 10, 2002 "About veterinary science" based on the act on withdrawal of animals,
products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals
and the person and the appraisal certificate (test report)
veterinary laboratory at physical person or legal entity
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of availability)
physical person, the name of the legal entity)
to make withdrawal of animals, products and raw materials of animal origin for
the subsequent their killing
(to specify the type of the animal, quantity, the product name
and raw materials of animal origin)
for the cause
(to specify the
cause of withdrawal)
To physical persons and legal entities to effect / not to make consideration of
the damage suffered by them as a result of withdrawal and killing of animals,
products and raw materials of animal origin (waste to cross out)
Other data
State veterinary health officer
(name of the area (city))
____________________________________ ___________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of availability)) (signature)
Locus sigilli
Appendix 5
to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and
killing of animals, products and raw
materials of the animal origin,
representing health hazard of animals
and the person, or their obligatory
detoxication and conversion without
The act of killing of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person
The commission composed of
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case
of availability), positions of members of the commission)
in the presence of the owner of the animal, products and raw materials of animal
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
availability) physical person, the name of the legal entity)
living to the address
based on Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002
"About veterinary science" killing is effected
(the type, quantity of the destroyed animals, products
and raw materials of animal origin)
"___" ________ 20 ___ years method ___________________________________
(to specify the method of
Signatures of members of the commission:
_______________ _________
_______________ _________
_______________ _________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
availability), positions of members of the
L. S.
Signature of the owner of object of the state veterinary sanitary control and
______________________________________ _______________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
Appendix 6
to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and
killing of animals, products and raw
materials of the animal origin,
representing health hazard of animals
and the person, or their obligatory
detoxication and conversion without
The act of delivery for conversion of animals, products and the raw materials of
animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person
By us
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
availability), the positions, taking part in delivery)
and owner of the animal, products and raw materials of animal origin
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of availability)
physical person, the name of the legal entity)
living to the address
based on Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002
"About veterinary science" delivery for conversion is effected
(the type, quantity of animals, products and raw materials of
animal origin handed over for conversion)
"" 20__
(the name, the location of the recycling
___________ _____________
___________ _____________
___________ _____________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
availability), the positions, taking part in delivery)
L. S.
Signature of the owner of object of the state veterinary sanitary control and
______________________________________ _______________
(the surname, the name, the patronymic (in case of
Appendix 3
to the Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from October 30, 2014 of No.
Rules and conditions of consideration to physical persons and legal entities of cost
of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and the raw materials of animal
origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, or the animals
neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person
1. General provisions
1. These rules and conditions of consideration to physical persons and legal
entities of cost of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, or
the animals neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and
the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the
person (further - Rules), are developed according to Item 4 of Article 30 of the Law
of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002 "About veterinary science" (further
- the Law) and determine the procedure and conditions of cost recovery in case of
withdrawal and killing of sick animals, products and the raw materials of animal
origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, or detoxication
(disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal of animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person.
2. Cost of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and the raw materials
of the animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person or animals
neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person, is
subject to obligatory consideration.
2. The procedure for consideration to physical persons and legal entities of cost of
withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person, or detoxication (disinfection)
and conversion without withdrawal of animals, products and the raw materials of
animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person
3. Cost recovery of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and the raw
materials of the animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person
or animals neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and
the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the
person, is made is differentiated based on monthly average market value, taking into
account of sex and age bunches, types of agricultural animals, their pregnancy and
breeding value, types of products and the raw materials of animal origin established
on the offer:
1) the special commission created by the decision of the head of the area (the
city of republican value, the capital) on events of emergence of special hazardous
diseases of animals in two and more areas located in the territory of area (the city
of republican value, the capital);
2) the special commission created by the decision of the head of the area (the
city of regional value) on events of emergence of special hazardous diseases of
animals in the territory of one area (the city of regional value).
4. The contents of the special commission joins representatives of local
representative and executive bodies, territorial subdivision of department of
authorized body in the field of veterinary science, the specialized organization, the
state veterinary organization, public associations of subjects of entrepreneurship.
The total quantity of members of the special commission shall compound odd number
and to be at least five people. Commission chairmen are the heads of areas (the city
of republican value, the capital), the area (the city of regional value), in case of
absence of the head - the official fulfilling its obligations.
5. The special commission created at level of area (the city of republican value,
the capital) and the area (the city of regional value), makes the decision on monthly
average market value of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and raw
materials of animal origin or the animals neutralized (disinfected) and recycled
without withdrawal, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing
health hazard of animals and the person based on data of the specialized organization
in the sphere of agribusiness industry, authorized on conducting monitoring of the
prices (further - the specialized organization) and the territorial organ of
authorized body in the field of the state statistics (further - the territorial organ
of statistics) of the conforming administrative and territorial unit.
Monthly average market value of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products
and raw materials of animal origin or the animals neutralized (disinfected) and
recycled without withdrawal, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person strikes root the decision of the
special commission on the smallest indicators of monthly average market value, in
case of apostatis of data between the specialized organization and the territorial
organ of statistics.
6. The working organ of the special commission is respectively the regional or
district territorial subdivision of department of authorized body in the field of
veterinary science which performs collecting and information analysis of the
specialized organization, the territorial organ of statistics and presents her on
consideration of the special commission for determination of monthly average market
value of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and raw materials of animal
origin or the animals neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal,
products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals
and the person.
7. The special commission passes the decision on monthly average market value of
withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and raw materials of animal origin or
the animals neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and
the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the
person, included in:
1) the list of special hazardous diseases of animals in case of which obligatory
withdrawal and killing of sick animals, products and the raw materials of animal
origin representing health hazard of animals and the person is carried out;
2) the list of diseases of animals in case of which obligatory detoxication
(disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal of animals, products and raw
materials of animal origin, feedstuffs and feed additives, the veterinary
preparations representing health hazard of animals and the person is made, approved
by the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from March
28, 2012 of No. 18-03/127 (registered in the List of the state registration of
regulatory legal acts No. 7590) (further - lists).
The decision of the special commission strikes root by a majority vote, in case
of equality of votes the voice of the commission chairman is solving. Following the
results of vote the statement of establishment of monthly average market value of
withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and raw materials of animal origin or
the animals neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and
the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the
person is drawn up in the arbitrary form.
3. Conditions of cost recovery in case of withdrawal and killing of sick animals,
products and the raw materials of animal origin representing hazard to health of
animals and the person, or detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without
withdrawal of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing
health hazard of animals and the person
8. The condition of consideration to owners of cost of withdrawn and destroyed
sick animals, products and raw materials of animal origin or the animals neutralized
(disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and raw materials of animal
origin is availability at sick animals of special hazardous diseases included in
lists, and also observance by physical persons and legal entities of requirements,
the stipulated in Clause 25 Laws.
9. Cost recovery is performed on monthly average market value of withdrawn and
destroyed sick animals, products and raw materials of the animal origin, 5 these
rules of monthly average market value established in Item, from calculation for one
head of the withdrawn sick animals and for one kg (liter, ten) products and raw
materials of animal origin.
Consideration of monthly average market value in case of obligatory detoxication
(disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal of animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person is
performed from calculation for one head of animals and for one kg (liter, ten)
products and raw materials of animal origin at the expense of the local budget in the
amount of 50 % from monthly average market value, and other part of monthly average
market value (50 %) is paid by the organization on conversion of products and raw
materials of animal origin.
In case of obligatory detoxication (disinfection) and conversion without
withdrawal of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing
health hazard of animals and the person market value of one head of the animal or one
kg of products and raw materials of animal origin in the conforming territory, 5
these rules determined according to Item is applied monthly average.
4. The payment procedure of the amounts in case of cost recovery to physical persons
and legal entities of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person
10. Measures, connected to obligatory withdrawal and killing of sick animals,
products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals
and the person, are performed at the expense of the republican budget by authorized
body in the field of veterinary science through the state veterinary organizations
which are carrying out functions on liquidations of the loci of special hazardous
infectious diseases of animals (further - the state veterinary organizations).
11. The establishment for cost recovery of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals,
products and raw materials of animal origin are the following documents:
1) the decision of local executive body (the head of the cities of district
value, the settlement, the village, the village district) about establishment of
quarantine or restrictive measures for representation of the main state veterinary
health officer of the conforming territory in case of infectious diseases of the
animals representing health hazard of animals and the person;
2) the act on withdrawal of animals, products and the raw materials of animal
origin representing health hazard of animals and the person in the form according to
appendix 3 to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals, products of raw
materials of the animal origin, representing health hazard of animals and the person,
or their obligatory detoxication and conversion without withdrawal;
3) the act of killing of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person in the form according to
appendix 5 to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals, products and raw
materials of the animal origin, representing health hazard of animals and the person,
or their obligatory detoxication and conversion without withdrawal;
4) the appraisal certificate (test report) which is given away by veterinary
laboratories by results of diagnosis or veterinary and sanitarian examination of
objects of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision;
5) the act of establishment of monthly average market value of withdrawn and
destroyed sick animals, products and raw materials of animal origin or the animals
neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person,
drawn up in the arbitrary form;
6) the resolution on withdrawal of animals, products and raw materials of the
animal origin, representing health hazard of animals and the person in the form
according to appendix 4 to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals,
products and raw materials of the animal origin, representing health hazard of
animals and the person, or their obligatory detoxication and conversion without
7) the veterinary passport which has been given away in compliance with Rules of
identification of agricultural animals, approved by the order of the Government of
the Republic of Kazakhstan from December 31, 2009 of No. 2331;
8) the statement from the database on identification of the agricultural animals,
given away according to Rules of forming and maintaining the database on
identification of agricultural animals and issue of the statement from it, approved
by the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June
2, 2010 of No. 367 (registered in the List of the state registration of regulatory
legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6321).
12. Collecting of documents, stipulated in Item 11 these rules, is performed by
the state veterinary organization.
13. Cost recovery of withdrawn and destroyed sick animals, products and raw
materials of animal origin to physical persons and legal entities is performed after
their withdrawal and killing by the state veterinary organization within 10 (ten)
working days.
5. The payment procedure of the amounts in case of cost recovery to physical persons
and legal entities of the animals neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without
withdrawal, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health
hazard of animals and the person
14. The establishment for cost recovery in case of obligatory detoxication
(disinfection) and conversion without withdrawal of animals, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person are
the following documents:
1) the decision of local executive body (the head of the cities of district
value, the settlement, the village, the village district) about establishment of
quarantine or restrictive measures for representation of the main state veterinary
health officer of the conforming territory in case of infectious diseases of the
animals representing health hazard of animals and the person, except for the Bang's
disease of safe accounting entities;
2) the appraisal certificate (test report) which is given away by veterinary
laboratories by results of diagnosis or veterinary and sanitarian examination of
objects of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision;
3) the instruction about detoxication (disinfection), conversion of animals,
products and raw materials of animal origin, veterinary preparations, feedstuffs and
the feed additives representing health hazard of animals and the person in the form,
the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan confirmed by the order from
July 22, 2013 of No. 16-07/333 "About approval of forms of instructions, the
procedure for their creation and issue by the state veterinary health officers"
(registered in the List of the state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 8662);
4) the act of delivery for conversion of animals, products and the raw materials
of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person in the form
according to appendix 6 to Rules of obligatory withdrawal and killing of animals,
products of raw materials of the animal origin, representing health hazard of animals
and the person, or their obligatory detoxication and conversion without withdrawal;
5) the act of establishment of monthly average market value of withdrawn and
destroyed sick animals, products and raw materials of animal origin or the animals
neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without withdrawal, products and the raw
materials of animal origin representing health hazard of animals and the person,
drawn up in the arbitrary form;
6) the veterinary passport which has been given away in compliance with Rules of
identification of agricultural animals, approved by the order of the Government of
the Republic of Kazakhstan from December 31, 2009 of No. 2331;
7) the statement from the database on identification of the agricultural animals,
given away according to Rules of forming and maintaining the database on
identification of agricultural animals and issue of the statement from it, approved
by the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June
2, 2010 of No. 367 (registered in the List of the state registration of regulatory
legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6321).
15. Collecting of documents, stipulated in Item 14 these rules is performed by
the divisions of local executive bodies performing activities in the field of
veterinary science of the conforming administrative and territorial units within 15
(fifteen) working days.
16. Cost recovery of the animals neutralized (disinfected) and recycled without
withdrawal, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health
hazard of animals and the person to physical persons and legal entities is performed
by the divisions of local executive bodies performing activities in the field of
veterinary science of the conforming administrative and territorial units within 10
(ten) working days after collecting of documents.
Appendix 4
to the Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from October 30, 2014 of No.
The list of special hazardous diseases of animals in case of which obligatory
withdrawal and killing of animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin
representing health hazard of animals and the person are carried out
Special hazardous diseases of animals in case of which the withdrawn sick
animals, products and the raw materials of animal origin representing health hazard
of animals and the person, are destroyed by burning:
1) diseases general to several animal species - meliodosis, rabies, the Siberian
plague, the tularaemia, the foot-and-mouth disease;
2) diseases of cattle - plague of cattle, the blackleg, the malignant dropsy,
spongiform encephalopathy;
3) diseases of horses - the glanders, epizootic lymphangitis, the African plague
of one-hoofed animals;
4) diseases of sheep and she-goats - slow infection contaminations (clamp, visnaMaedi, the adenomatosis, smallpox, plague of shallow ruminantia);
5) diseases of camels - plague of camels;
6) diseases of pigs - the African swine fever;
7) diseases of auks - plague of auks, ornithosis auks, the high-pathogenic avian
8) diseases of dogs and cats - the toxoplasmosis of dogs and cats, the
microsporum of cats;
9) diseases of fur-bearing animals and rabbits - myxomatosis of rabbits.
Appendix 5
to the Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from October 30, 2014 of No.
The list of special hazardous diseases of animals, prophylaxis, diagnosis and which
liquidation is performed at the expense of budgetary funds
1. Diseases, general to several animal species, - rabies, the Bang's disease,
Aujeszky's disease, leukosis, the hay fever, listeriosis, pasteurellosis, anthrax
(except for Ascoli test), tuberculosis, the foot-and-mouth disease, smallpox, the
echinococcosis, paratuberculosis, the toxoplasmosis, trichophytia, rickettsiosis, the
tularaemia, vesicular stomatitis (exotic disease), Shmallenberg's disease and other
exotic diseases.
2. Diseases of cattle - virus diarrhea, rednose, the paragrippe-3, plague of
cattle, blackleg, campylobacteriosis, spongiform encephalopathy, the nodular
dermatitis (exotic disease), chlamydia (enzootic) abortion of sheep.
3. Diseases of sheep and she-goats - the anaerobic enterotoxemia of sheep,
bradsot, contagious epididymite of rams, contagious dermatitis (ecthyma), chlamydia
abortion of sheep, contagious agalaxia of sheep and she-goats, clamp, visna-Maedi,
adenomatosis, blutang (exotic diseases), plague of shallow ruminantia.
4. Diseases of horses - the infectious anemia, glanders, the grippe, the
rhinopneumonia, the infectious encephalomyelitis, the African plague of horses
(exotic disease), epizootic limfangoit.
5. Diseases of camels - plague of camels.
6. Diseases of pigs - classical plague, the erysipelas, vesicular disease,
Teshen's disease, the virus transmissible gastroenteritis, the African plague (exotic
diseases), the grippe.
7. Diseases of auks - contagious laryngotracheitis, disease of Newcastle, Marek's
disease, Gamboro's disease, smallpox of auks, ornithosis auks, respiratory
mycoplasmosis, the high-pathogenic avian flu.
8. Diseases of fur-bearing animals and rabbits - virus hemorrhagic disease of
rabbits, myxomatosis.
9. Diseases of dogs and cats - plague sarcophagous.
10. Diseases of fishes - the hemorrhagic septicaemia of carps, opisthorchiasis.
11. Diseases of bees - varroatosis, ascospherosis.
Appendix 6
to the Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from October 30, 2014 of No.
Rules of implementation of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision when
moving moved (transported) objects through the Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan
matching the customs border of the Customs union
1. General provisions
1. These rules of implementation of the state veterinary sanitary control and
supervision when moving moved (transported) objects through the Frontier of the
Republic of Kazakhstan matching the customs border of the Customs union (further Rules) are developed according to Item 8 of Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002 "About veterinary science" and determine the procedure
of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision when moving moved
(transported) objects through Frontier to the Republic of Kazakhstan matching the
customs border of customs union.
2. In these rules the following concepts are used:
1) department of authorized body in the field of veterinary science (further department) - division of authorized body in the field of the veterinary science,
exercising the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision;
2) the veterinary inspection station - division of department of the authorized
body, located in the territory of border and customs clearance stations (check points
through the Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan matching the customs border of the
Customs union), equipped with the necessary equipment and the devices, exercising the
veterinary sanitary control and supervision of moved (transported) objects;
3) the permission - number which is given away by department of authorized body
on moved (transported) objects in case of their export, import, the transit, logged
in the list, with the subsequent reflectance in the veterinary accompanying document
(the veterinary certificate), is the establishment for issue of the veterinary
4) the statement from the list - the written notice which is given away by
department of authorized body, of issue of the import permit, export, transit of the
moved (transported) objects, including number of the permission and the cramp on
moved (transported) object;
5) the list - information base of department of authorized body keeping data on
moved (transported) objects and number of the permission given away for import,
export, transit;
6) under control to the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision moved
(transported) objects (further - moved (transported) objects) - animal, sexual and
somatic cells of animals, strains of causal organisms of diseases of animals,
products and raw materials of animal origin, veterinary preparations, feedstuff and
feed additives, the pathological stuff or the assays culled from them, water samples,
air, the soil, plants, products and attributes of veterinary and zoohygienic
appointment, and also used for their packaging and transportation all types of
container and the transport equipment transporting such moved (transported) objects.
3. These rules extend on the moved (transported) objects moved through Frontier
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, matching the customs border of the Customs union.
4. The moved (transported) objects moved through Frontier of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, matching the customs border of the Customs union are subject to the
mandatory state veterinary sanitary control and supervision.
5. For implementation of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision
for the purpose of the prevention of drift and diffusion of infectious and exotic
diseases of animals on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from other states
authorized body in border and customs clearance stations (check points through the
Frontier matching the customs border of the Customs union) veterinary inspection
stations (further - VKP will be organized).
The state veterinary sanitary control and supervision in VKP is performed by the
state veterinary health officers of department of the authorized body exercising the
state veterinary sanitary control and supervision.
6. The state veterinary sanitary control and supervision in check points of
vehicles through the Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan matching the customs
border of the Customs union, is performed according to the Instruction on interaction
and the coordination action of monitoring bodies in check points through Frontier of
the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the joint order of the Chairman of Agency of
customs control of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 10, 2002 of No. 47, the
Chairman of Committee of the homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan from
December 9, 2002 of No. 217, the Minister of transport and communications of the
Republic of Kazakhstan from October 23, 2002 of No. 353-І, the Minister of Health of
the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 14, 2003 of No. 34 and the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 7, 2003 of No. 3 (registered
in the List of the state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 2174).
2. The procedure of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision when moving
moved (transported) objects through the Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan
matching the customs border of the Customs union
7. The state veterinary health officers of VKP when moving moved (transported)
objects through the Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan matching the customs
border of the Customs union, in the check point exercise documentary control,
inspection (examination) of moved (transported) objects and sample drawing (if
necessary) for laboratory research.
8. Documentary control includes check:
1) availability of the accompanying veterinary document on moved (transported)
objects (the veterinary certificate);
2) correctness (completeness) of filling of the veterinary certificate;
3) availability of signatures and prints of seals of competent authority of the
country of the exporter;
4) availability of data in the veterinary certificate, confirming compliance of
moved (transported) object to the veterinary sanitary requirements of the country of
the exporter or the importer, the established legislation in the field of veterinary
5) compliance of data on moved (transported) object and numbers of the import
permit, export, transit with data of the statement from the list, which form is
provided for in Rules of issue of the import permit, import and transit of moved
(transported) objects taking into account the assessment of the epizootic situation
in the conforming territory, approved by the order of the Government of the Republic
of Kazakhstan from January 19, 2012 of No. 132.
9. Inspection (examination) of moved (transported) object includes:
1) check of compliance of the name of moved (transported) object, its weight
(amount), total quantity to data of marking and data of the veterinary certificate;
2) check of observance of veterinary (veterinary and sanitarian) requirements to
the transport equipment;
3) check of observance of veterinary (veterinary and sanitarian) requirements to
the regime and conditions of transportation of moved (transported) object;
4) veterinary inspection of moved (transported) object (compliance to
requirements of transportation), and when moving alive animals (if necessary)
carrying out the thermometry, measurement of pulse and respiration.
10. Sample drawing for laboratory research is performed in case of detection:
1) change of the clinical state of the animal with the subsequent their
isolation. Sample drawing of blood, the spit, the nasal effluxes, mucus, excrement
for the purpose of the exception of special hazardous diseases of animals is
2) epizooty of the animal (selection of the pathological stuff) for the purpose
of establishment of the diagnosis;
3) signs of the defrostation, spoil, breaking of integrity of packaging, marking,
availability of the off-aroma, smudges of moved (transported) objects.
The culled stuffs go to the next veterinary laboratory with the accompanying
document for carrying out researches.
11. The state veterinary health officers of VKP based on results of the state
veterinary sanitary control and supervision when moving moved (transported) objects
accept one of the following decisions:
1) the admission to the country;
2) import ban;
3) return of moved (transported) objects;
4) temporary suspension of import.
12. The decision on the admission to the country strikes root in case of
establishment of compliance of accompanying veterinary documents and moved
(transported) object to veterinary (veterinary and sanitarian) requirements.
The state veterinary health officer on the accompanying veterinary document on
moved (transported) object puts the mark "import is permitted".
The moved (transported) object freely goes to the destination with the subsequent
its registration in the destination and, if necessary, carrying out procedure of
confirmation of its safety (sample drawing and carrying out laboratory researches).
13. The decision on the import ban of moved (transported) object strikes root in
case of:
1) establishment of disharmony of moved (transported) object to veterinary
(veterinary and sanitarian) requirements of customs union;
2) absence of veterinary accompanying documents, permissions of the authorized
body given away by department;
3) absence of exhaustive information in accompanying veterinary documents on
compliance of moved (transported) object to veterinary (veterinary and sanitarian)
4) change (deterioration) of the epizootic country situation of parentage or the
country of the sender of moved (transported) object;
5) excess of the imported, exported amount (quantity) of moved (transported)
object in amount (quantity) specified in accompanying veterinary documents.
The state veterinary health officer of VKP on accompanying veterinary documents
of moved (transported) object puts the mark "import is prohibited".
The owner of moved (transported) object prohibited to import provides its export
for limens of borders of the territory of customs clearance station or killing
(utilization) in case of establishment of risk of drift of special hazardous
14. The decision on return of moved (transported) object strikes root in case of
their disharmony to veterinary (veterinary and sanitarian) requirements for safety.
The state veterinary health officer of VKP on accompanying veterinary documents
of moved (transported) object puts the mark "return".
In case of impossibility of export of the moved (transported) object
inappropriate to the veterinary sanitary requirements on safety, for limens of
borders of the territory of customs clearance station, such objects are utilized or
destroyed according to the legislation.
15. The decision on temporary suspension of import of moved (transported) object
strikes root in case of:
1) implementation of sample drawing of moved (transported) object and their
direction in veterinary laboratory for the purpose of the exception of drift of
special hazardous diseases;
2) need of refining (confirmation) of these accompanying veterinary documents and
the import permit, export of moved (transported) object;
3) change of Item of crossing of moved (transported) object (before receipt of
the new permission).
16. Disposition of temporarily suspended moved (transported) object is performed
in warehouses of temporary storage and/or insulators before refining and/or receipt
of results of laboratory researches.
In case of confirmation of safety of moved (transported) object by results of
laboratory researches the admission to the country is authorized.
In case of establishment of special hazardous disease by results of laboratory
researches import with the subsequent killing is not allowed.
In case of establishment of disharmony of moved (transported) object import is
authorized to safety requirements for utilization.
Utilization of moved (transported) object and/or killing of hazardous moved
(transported) object is performed according to Rules of utilization and killing of
the alimentary products representing hazard of life and health of the person and
animals, the environment, approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from February 15, 2008 of No. 140.
17. In case of import of moved (transported) object in the terminal point of its
appointment sample drawing and its veterinary and sanitarian examination is
18. The state veterinary health officers of military industrial complex by
results of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision bring the conforming
logging of the count of export, import, transit of moved (transported) objects in the
form according to appendix to these rules.
19. The state veterinary health officers of military industrial complex
intercommunicate in territorial subdivision of department of authorized body in which
region of servicing it is, about transit of moved (transported) object through the
Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan matching the customs border of the Customs
union, including in the terminal point of its appointment - in case of import, Item
of its departure - in case of export, about the route, stops, the overload, places of
feeding (watering) of animals, conditions of transportation (stage) - in case of
20. In case of transition through the Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan
matching the customs border of the Customs union, on the territory of the Republic of
Kazakhstan of neglected animals, the state veterinary health officers of military
industrial complex of the specified animals transfer to divisions of department of
the authorized body, located in the conforming frontier territory, for their
statement to quarantine before decision making about its further use according to the
procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field
of veterinary science.
to Rules of implementation of the state
veterinary-sanitary control and
supervision when moving moved
(transported) objects through the
Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan
matching the customs border of the
Customs union
Register of export, import, transit of moved (transported) objects
No. of
Date of
name of the
n address,
No. of
phone of
sire and
n of goods
Type and
t of
Number of the goodtransport delivery note
No. and date of issue
of the veterinary
No. of the
on import and
Appendix 7
to the Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from October 30, 2014 of No.
Ruled the organizations of veterinary inspection stations in border and customs
clearance stations (check points through the Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan
matching the customs border of the Customs union, except for car check points)
1. These rules of the organization of veterinary inspection stations in border
and customs clearance stations (check points through the Frontier of the Republic of
Kazakhstan matching the customs border of the Customs union, except for car check
points) are developed according to Item 4 of Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002 "About veterinary science".
2. For implementation of the state veterinary sanitary control and supervision
for the purpose of the prevention of drift and diffusion of infectious and exotic
diseases of animals on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from other states
the authorized body in the field of veterinary science in border and customs
clearance stations (check points through the Frontier matching the customs border of
the Customs union, except for car check points) will organize veterinary inspection
stations (further - posts).
3. Posts will be organized in boundary and customs checkpoints where moved
(transported) objects move under control to the state veterinary sanitary control and
supervision. In case of appearance of special hazardous diseases of animals in the
territory of the adjacent states in check points disinfection of transport equipment
for the season and according to the procedure, established by the legislation in the
field of veterinary science is organized.
4. Posts are divisions of department of authorized body in the field of
veterinary science.
5. The post works in the regime established for this check point through Frontier
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, matching the customs border of the Customs union, and
is completed with necessary number of the state veterinary health officers.
6. In the work the state veterinary sanitary inspectors of posts are guided by
regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary
7. Interaction of posts with other state monitoring bodies on boundary and
customs checkpoints is performed according to the legislation of the Republic of