Title: You ARE Unique! Genetic Diversity and DNA Profiling Developer: Elise Walck-Shannon Date: Spring 2013 Topics: Genetics, Molecular Biology, Information Flow, Science and Society Level: This module was developed for an introductory Biology course (Bio 100) but could be adapted for an upper-level Genetics course or Molecular Techniques course quite easily. With some detail removed, this module may also be applicable to high school. Overview: This activity uses DNA profiling to introduce students to the concept of genetic diversity within the human population. Specifically, students will compare DNA profiles from crime scene evidence to three suspects, calculate the probability of seeing a match by chance, and decide whether a suspect is guilty, given the context of the evidence. Our course was set up as an hour long lecture followed immediately by an hour long discussion activity. The following Learning Goals and Learning Outcomes are organized by lecture and discussion (or both). For the module to be successful, you will likely need to spend some time covering the “lecture” learning goals. Learning Goals: 1. Students will understand basic genetic terminology and the central dogma of molecular biology. 2. Students will know that new alleles can arise by errors in replication (mutation). 3. Students will appreciate that DNA fingerprinting requires us to assume that allele frequencies are the same over multiple generations (Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium). 4. Students should understand that alleles on separate chromosomes are inherited independently; therefore, genotype frequencies for loci on separate chromosomes can be multiplied together. 5. Students will comprehend the basic technique of DNA fingerprinting, and be able to use this knowledge to critically examine real cases. Learning Outcomes: For Goal 1 1. Students will be able to define a locus, allele, allele frequency, genotype and phenotype. They will also be able to define a short tandem repeat (STR, the type of DNA sequence used for DNA profiling). 2. Students will be able to order the processes of transcription and translation, and decide whether certain DNA sequences (the STR loci used in DNA fingerprinting) are likely to undergo one or both of these processes. For Goal 2 1. Students will comprehend that repetitive sequences are especially vulnerable to copying errors, and thus have high levels of diversity in a population. For Goal 3 1. Students will use Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium assumptions to calculate genotype frequencies, when given allele frequencies. For Goal 4 1. Students will calculate the probability of a random match (known as the Random Match Probability, RMP) using multi-locus genotyping results (“DNA profiles”). 2. Students will decide if finding a hit in a database can incriminate “beyond a reasonable doubt”. For Goal 5 1. Students will decide if they believe the DNA match from a database hit is enough to convict him/her for murder (John Puckett case). 2. Students will be able to analyze an electrophoretogram and share their interpretation with the rest of the class. They will also be able to weigh the preponderance of evidence (Amanda Knox case). 3. Students will come up with potential short-comings of DNA evidence, and weigh the pros and cons of DNA profile availability. Description: This module is designed to get students excited about genetic diversity, using the highly publicized example of DNA profiling. This was the second lecture of the semester for a second-semester freshman course. So, considerable time was spent reviewing basic genetics. During lecture, the students were reintroduced to basic genetics and population genetics, then given an overview of the DNA Profiling technique and corresponding calculations. To maintain student interest, this was done in context of an actual case, where John Puckket was convicted for a murder, even with an incomplete DNA profile1 (see powerpoint in Supplemental Materials for more information). During discussion, we had the students role play as both forensic lab technicians (first 25 min.) and jury members (second 25 min.) in the trial that investigated the murder of Meredith Kercher. This case was highly publicized due to the conviction—which was later overturned—of the American student, Amanda Knox. For more details, see Instructor Materials below. The idea was to get students engaged using real cases that they may have already heard about. One suggestion for future execution of this module would be to insert more discussion about the societal implications of DNA Profiling—especially with current legislation and rules that have broadened the number of people included in DNA databases. Activity Timeline: I. BEFORE LECTURE ASSIGNMENT (~10 minutes) This involves a short reading and multiple choice quiz to assess students’ prior knowledge. We administered the quiz online. See “Before Lecture Assignment” section of the Student/Instructor Packets for the questions and readings. 1 http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2010/1003.bobelian.html II. LECTURE (50 minutes) Also see “Class Notes” section of the Student/Instructor Packets and the powerpoint file in Supplementary Information. Minutes Brief Description 0-2 2-7 Introduce Self Introduce the John Puckket Case (revealing only the evidence presented to the jury) Corresponding Active Learning Exercises Goal N/A Hook and #5 Have students vote for a verdict, given only the information they were given so far. 7-10 Overview of DNA Fingerprinting #5 10-15 Transition to basic genetics. Introduction to genetic terminology and the central dogma. #1 Clicker questions that apply this knowledge to the STR loci used in DNA fingerprinting. New alleles come from errors in replication. Genetic diversity at STRs is the basis of DNA fingerprinting. Diversity can be quantified by measuring the frequency of alleles. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium posits that allele frequencies are constant from generation to generation. Review of independent assortment during meiosis and probability of mutually exclusive events. #2 Activity that instills difficulty of replicating repetitive DNA. #3 Clicker T/F Question: HWE is a realistic rule that predicts allele frequencies over many generations. #4 Think-pair-share: Predict the results of an electrophoretogram for a parent and child. Decide if a given example illustrates a parent-child relationship. 35-40 Calculate the random match probability (RMP) for John Puckett. #4 and #5 Ask for response: Would a complete DNA profile give a higher or lower RMP? 40-43 Introduce DNA databases. #4 and #5 43-45 Revisit John Puckett case #5 45-50 Only if extra time: Introduce other applications of DNA fingerprinting: Innocence Project, World Trade Center ID, Dog Poop2 #5 Students calculate the number of random hits expected for John Puckett. Have students revote for a verdict to convict John Puckett. Ask students to reflect on voluntary donation of their DNA sample. 15-20 20-25 25-35 2 http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/06/27/new.hampshire.dog.dna/index.html III. DISCUSSION ACTIVITY (50 minutes) Minute 1-5 Description Short introduction to the Meredith Kercher case (either verbal or short video) Learning Outcome N/A 5-8 Have students split up into five groups. Distribute unique DNA evidence to each group. N/A 8-25 Students will analyze a DNA profile relative to reference samples of suspects and answer a series of questions as a group. They will also prepare three to four sentence conclusion to share with the rest of the class. Each group will select one member to testify their conclusion based on the DNA evidence. The remaining students will play the role of a jury. Discussion of evidence presented, as if each were a jury member. Vote on the guilt of each suspect. From class: Calculate RMP 25-32 32-45 45-50 Communication of results Weighing evidence Final Vote and short video of actual outcome. IV. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (~30 minutes) This was administered online and is a mixture of multiple choice and free response questions. See “Summative Assessment” section of Student/Instructor Packets for questions and a key. Materials: Lecture Clickers (nice to have, but not required) Projector and Laptop OPTIONAL: “Genetic Diversity Class Notes” (See Student/Instructor Packet) 1/student Discussion Activity Projector and Laptop with Internet Connection to play clips from NPR and Associated Press Handouts – both in “Discussion Activity” section of Student/Instructor Packets. 1. Discussion Handout - there are five unique handouts (each student should get a handout, and students within the same group should get the same handout) 2. Reference Sample Handout – contains DNA Profiles for the victim, suspects, and population allele frequencies for the calculations (same for all students) Instructor Materials: Lecture See powerpoint entitled “Genetic Diversity and DNA Profiling” and “In Class Notes” section of Student/Instructor Packets. Discussion Activity We will have the students role play as both forensic lab technicians (first 25 min.) and jury members in the trial that investigated the murder of Meredith Kercher (second 25 min.). To introduce the students to the case, we will open with video from the Associated Press, which briefly explains the trial and three prime suspects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogHCnfEyjeQ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIOF1cS2RNI Order of Events: (PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CHANGE UP THE ORDER OF EVENTS AS YOU SEE FIT. Some of the instructors had the students go through the DNA evidence BEFORE they revealed the details of the case, which should still obtain the desired outcome.) LEAST DIFFICULT Group 1 will analyze the tip of the knife found in a kitchen drawer at the crime scene. The DNA is noticeably weaker than the reference samples. There was no blood found on the knife tip. MOST DIFFICULT 1. For the first five minutes, we will explain to them that there were three suspects in the original case, which were all convicted for the murder of Meredith Kercher: (1) her roommate Amanda Knox, (2) Raffaele Sollecito (Amanda’s boyfriend), and (3) Rudy Guede (who had no known connection to Meredith). Amanda Knox has issued an appeal of this verdict, and they are part of a team of scientists in charge of re-analyzing the DNA evidence. 2. The students will split up into five groups. 3. Each group will receive a different piece of DNA evidence, but all groups will receive reference DNA profiles for all three of the suspects and the victim, along with a table of allele frequencies. 4. Students will spend ~15 min. answering questions about the DNA profiles. Students will: 1. decide which suspect’s DNA matches the DNA found on the sample, 2. calculate the random match probability for the suspect, 3. understand any special circumstances for their particular piece of evidence, and 4. decide whether that match is indicative of guilt. Group 3 will analyze DNA from Meredith Kercher’s bra. This is a mixture of the victim’s (major contributor) and suspect’s (minor contributor) DNA. The DNA was not collected from the crime scene for over a month, and an American scientist—Greg Hampikian—was able to show that the suspect’s could have been due to contamination. Group 2 will analyze the handle of a knife found in a kitchen drawer at the crime scene. The DNA is noticeably weaker than the reference samples. MODERATELY DIFFICULT Group 4 will analyze DNA from a bloody handprint found on a pillow near the victim. The sample contains a mixture of the victim’s and a suspect’s DNA. Group 5 will analyze DNA found inside the victim. The sample contains a mixture of the victim’s and a suspect’s DNA. For your reference, a table below summarizes the results: Group Piece of Suspects Relative DNA mixed Number Evidence Importance with Victim? Match to Eventual Outcome 1 Knife Tip Victim N/A No blood on No tip 2 Knife handle Amanda Acquitted Could have No Knox been used for other purposes 3 Bra Raffaele Acquitted Not recovered Yes Sollecito for 47 days. His DNA was not found anywhere else on the bra. 4 Pillow near Rudy Guede Convicted Yes Victim 5 Rape Kit Rudy Guede Convicted Yes (Please note that for privacy reasons, these chromatograms are made-up; they are not the actual profiles for the persons in question.) 5. Each group will select a spokesperson, who will “testify” their conclusions to the rest of the class. 6. Have the spokesperson for each group sit at the table in the front of the room, and the remainder of students face forward. Emphasize that the rest of the class is now playing the role of a jury. 7. The spokespeople will present their evidence. (Please intervene as you see fit— you could even play the role of a judge if you want to be crazy!) 8. After conclusions from all groups have been shared, you can allow the jury to discuss their verdict. 9. Take a poll from the class for the conviction of each suspect. 10. Present the actual results of the appeal: Either state in words or play the following audio clip (the first 1:02 min. are most important): http://www.npr.org/2011/10/03/141019164/italian-appeals-court-releases-amanda-knox From “All Things Considered” on NPR. Intended Answers: In the Student Packet, please find the complete worksheets (“Discussion Activity” section) and in the Instructor Packet, please find the answers (“Discussion Activity” section). If you want to learn more: CNN Wire Staff. CNN Justice. “The case against Amanda Knox.” http://www.cnn.com/2011/09/28/justice/italy-knox-evidence/index.html Geddes, Linda. NewScientist. “Knox murder trial evidence ‘flawed’, say DNA experts.” http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18215-knox-murder-trial-evidence-flawed-saydna-experts.html Greenhill, Sam. The Daily Mail. “The Meredith Kercher murder lies… and the questions that have never been answered.” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article2045336/Meredith-Kercher-crime-scene-Questions-answered.html#axzz2JlDEBQrf Hampikian, Greg. NPR. “Analysing the Evidence on DNA.” http://www.npr.org/2012/09/28/161955789/analysing-the-evidence-on-dna Niiler, Eric. Discovery News. “How Dodgy DNA Freed Amanda Knox.” http://news.discovery.com/human/genetics/dna-evidence-knox-trial-111004.htm Tuck, Kathleen. Boise State University. “Hampikian, Idaho Innocence Project at Center of Amanda Knox Appeal.” http://news.boisestate.edu/update/2011/05/11/hampikianidaho-innocence-project-at-center-of-amanda-knox-appeal/ Student Materials: Please find a single document “Genetic Diversity and DNA Profiling Student Packet” (and the corresponding expected answers in “Genetic Diversity and DNA Profiling Instructor Packet”). Both documents have a similar table of contents (below), but the “Student” version has blank spaces, while the “Instructor” version has intended answers and rubrics. Table of Contents Before Lecture Assignment ..................................................................................................2-3 In Class Notes ........................................................................................................................4-7 Discussion Activity ..............................................................................................................8-18 Group 1: The knife tip ...........................................................................................................8-9 Group 2: The knife handle ...............................................................................................10-11 Group 3: Meredith’s Bra Clasp.........................................................................................12-13 Group 4: Bloody Handprint ..............................................................................................14-15 Group 5: Rape Kit ............................................................................................................16-17 Reference Samples ..........................................................................................................18-19 Summative Assessment Questions ..................................................................................20-21 Supplementary Materials: 1. Before Class Reading: “How DNA Profiling Works” 2. “Genetic Diversity and DNA Profiling” Lecture Powerpoint