SEVERE WEATHER/CLIMATE PRE/POST EVENT CHECKLISTS The information and actions are intended as guidelines to ensure the safety of personnel and a timely return to operational readiness, should a destructive event take place. This document is not intended to replace any other guides, laws or directions, such as the wind limits for marine tanker receipts. Nor is it intended to replace Emergency Response Plans but could be used in conjunction with the ERPs. In addition, the decisions made are site specific and should take into consideration historical data, existing site preparedness, etc. Such things should be noted on this form. Complete Section 1 prior to the impact of the severe weather. Update as needed or complete a new form if the forecast changes significantly. Complete Section 2 after the event has passed. Date Expected Impact: _____________ Type/Name of Forecasted Event: _______________________ Forecasted Sustained Wind Speed (KPH): _______________________ Forecasted Rainfall in 1 hour (mm): _____ Forecasted Rainfall in 24 hours (mm): _____ Forecasted River height (M): _____ Forecasted Snowfall over 24 hours (cm): _____ SECTION 1 - Preparation CHECKLIST 1 - WATCH ISSUED Plan for items listed below and execute as far in advance of the expected event as practical or possible Activity (W=Wind, R=Rain, F=Flood, Y/N/NA Comments Initials WS=Winter Strom) Decide if any or all outside activities should be suspended and establish a date and time (W,F,WS) ________________________ Confirm disaster prevention materials are on site (W,R,F,WS) Confirm site inspections have identified equipment and materials that could be affected by high wind and that actions have been taken to mitigate concerns (W) Consider issuing an ODN, discuss with Supply if expected to be an extended period (W,F,WS) Document1 November 2013 Nº 0104F48 Page 1 of 7 SEVERE WEATHER/CLIMATE PRE/POST EVENT CHECKLISTS CHECKLIST 2 - WARNING ISSUED Plan for items listed below and execute as far in advance of the expected event as practical or possible Activity (W=Wind, R=Rain, F=Flood, Y/N/NA Comments Initials WS=Winter Strom) Decide if any or all outside activities should be suspended and establish a date and time(W,F,WS) ________________________ Confirm disaster prevention materials are on site (W,R,F,WS) Confirm site inspections have identified equipment and materials that could be affected by high wind and that actions have been taken to mitigate concerns (W) Secure dock, rail and truck loading arms, VRU hoses, portable fall protection and all other loose equipment once the decision is made to suspend operations (W,F) Alert contractor supplying equipment and/or personnel for disaster preparation and recovery (W,F) Establish a date and time for shut down of main power (W,F) _____________ Establish a date and time for shut off gas feed at main entrance (W,F) _____________ Establish a date and time for shut off steam and/or heated oil system (W,F) _____________ Empty containment dykes of water and revisit as needed (R,F) Collect and/or ensure proper storage of materials in the field that could be buried under snow (WS) Remove materials that could reduce effectiveness of water drainage systems (R,F,WS) Ensure a hardcopy of the ERP is located in an accessible location, in the event of damage (W,R,F) Charge mobile phones and radios (W,R,F,WS) Confirm UPS reliability either through document reference or testing (W,R,F,WS) If either of the events listed below are expected also complete Checklist 3. o Sustained winds of 120 KPH or greater Document1 November 2013 Nº 0104F48 Page 2 of 7 SEVERE WEATHER/CLIMATE PRE/POST EVENT CHECKLISTS o >50 mm rainfall in 1 hour o >100 mm rainfall in 24 hours o >50 cm snowfall in 24 hours o Imminent Flooding Report to next level of management (Optional form PDM 0104F49, Severe Weather Update Template, can be used) (W,R,F,WS) Document1 November 2013 Nº 0104F48 Page 3 of 7 SEVERE WEATHER/CLIMATE PRE/POST EVENT CHECKLISTS CHECKLIST 3 - WARNING ISSUED with one or more of the following conditions forecasted Sustained winds of 120 KPH or greater >100 mm rainfall in 24 hours Imminent Flooding >50 mm rainfall in 1 hour >50 cm snowfall in 24 hours IMPORTANT! Also complete Checklist 2 above. Plan for items listed below and execute as far in advance of the expected event as practical or possible Activity (W=Wind, R=Rain, F=Flood, Y/N/NA Comments Initials WS=Winter Strom) Secure protection for glass openings (W) Brace large building openings (W) Move records away from windows and place them in a safe location preferably at a high point in the building (W,F) Place water pumps and hoses in key locations and secure (R,F) Create plans to address raising the level of low inventory tanks to dyke level (W,R,F) Create plans for filling empty tanks with water and/or opening manways and water draws of empty tanks. Put plans into action if impact of the event is confirmed (W,R,F) Ensure dock manifold valves are closed and locked. Empty dock containment of hydrocarbons (W,R) Ensure O/W separator oil levels are below allowable maximum or pump out the oil (R,F) Ensure tank valves or refinery supply valves are closed and locked (W,R,F) Secure valves and filling or drainage covers on all underground tanks (R,F) Isolate vapour recovery or combustion units and place in shutdown mode (W) Report to next level of management (Optional form PDM 0104F49, Severe Weather Update Template, can be used) (W,R,F,WS) Document1 November 2013 Nº 0104F48 Page 4 of 7 SEVERE WEATHER/CLIMATE PRE/POST EVENT CHECKLISTS SECTION 2 - Recovery Post event site inspection completed and damages noted below. Date: _______________ Has the event caused damage to site equipment, buildings or property? (Y/N) _____ If yes, the site manager and key personnel are to complete the recovery plan below. Priorities are assigned, taking into consideration SSHE factors, and intended to give direction to utilizing available resources. Consult the Emergency Response Plan for additional direction after a site is impacted by severe weather such that an emergency condition exists. Management updated regarding the operational readiness of the site, ODNs updated, personnel informed. Completed by: Date: _____________ Name: ______________________ Area Damage Description Priority 1,2,3 Repair Target Date Buildings Property Fences/Gates Ladders, Platforms, Stairs Dock Tanks Floating Roofs Loading Racks Document1 November 2013 Nº 0104F48 Page 5 of 7 Startup Target Date SEVERE WEATHER/CLIMATE PRE/POST EVENT CHECKLISTS Canopy Dykes Retention Ponds Drainage Pump Motors Lighting Motor Control Center Control Systems Prover Power Equipment Vehicles Document1 November 2013 Nº 0104F48 Page 6 of 7 SEVERE WEATHER/CLIMATE PRE/POST EVENT CHECKLISTS Repair Plan Approved by Site Manager: Name: ______________________ Document1 Signature: ______________________ November 2013 Nº 0104F48 Date: _____________ Page 7 of 7