Human Anatomy and Physiology Unit 02 Basic Chemistry Matter

Human Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 02 Basic Chemistry
Matter and Energy
 __________________________________- anything that occupies spaces and has mass
 __________________________________- the ability to do work
o Chemical
o Mechanical
o Electrical
o Radiant
Composition of Matter
 __________________________________
o Fundamental Units of Matter
 96% of the body is made from four elements
o ___________________________________
o ___________________________________
o ___________________________________
o ___________________________________
o Building blocks of elements
Atomic Structure
o Nucleus
 ___________________________
o Outside of Nucleus
 ___________________________
Molecules and Compounds
 Molecule- two or more of the ____________________________ atom combined chemically
o Ex:
 Compound- two or more ___________________________atoms combined chemically
o Ex:
Chemical Reactions
 Atoms are united by ______________________________
Atoms ____________________________from other atoms when
chemical bonds are ___________________________
Electrons and Bonding
 ___________________________________ involves interactions
between electron in the outer shell
Chemical Bonds
 ______________________________________
o Forms when electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another
o Ions
 Charged particles
 Anions are _______________________
Cations are _______________________
Either donate or accept electron
Human Anatomy and Physiology
o Atoms become stable through shared electrons
o Single covalent bonds share __________ electron
o Double covalent bonds share __________ electrons
o Polarity
 Covalent bonded molecules
 Some are ____________________________________
o Electrically neutral as a molecule
o ______________________________________
Unit 02 Basic Chemistry
Some are ___________________________________
o Have a positive and negative side
o Weak chemical bonds
o Hydrogen is attracted to negative portion of polar molecule
o Provides attraction between molecules
Patterns of Chemical Reactions
Synthesis reaction ________________________________________
o Atoms or molecules combine
o Energy is absorbed for bond formation
Decomposition reaction __________________________________
o Molecule is broken down
o Chemical energy is released
Exchange reaction ________________________________________ or _______________________________________
o Ex: _________________________________________________
o Involves both synthesis and decomposition
Biochemistry: Essentials for Life
 Organic Compounds
o Contain ________________________ and _________________________
o Most are ________________________________ bonded
o Example: _____________________________________
Inorganic Compounds
o Lack _____________________________
o Tend to be simpler compounds
o Example: _____________________________________
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 02 Basic Chemistry
Important Inorganic Compounds
 Water
o Most abundant inorganic compound Vital Properties
 High heat capacity: ________________________________________________________________
Chemical reactivity: ________________________________________________________________
o Easily dissociate into ions in the presence of water
o Vital to many body functions
o Include _________________________________________ which conduct electrical currents
o Can release detectable hydrogen ions
o Proton Acceptors
Measuring relative concentration of __________________________________ ions
o pH 7=
o pH below 7= _____________________________
o pH above 7= _____________________________
o Buffers: chemicals that can regulate pH change
Nucleic Acids
Human Anatomy and Physiology
o Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
o Include sugars and starches
o Classified according to size
 ______________________________________ – simple sugars
Unit 02 Basic Chemistry
______________________________________ – two simple sugars joined by dehydration
______________________________________ – long branching chains of linked simple sugars
o Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
 Carbon and hydrogen outnumber oxygen
o Insoluble in water
o Common lipids in the human body
 Neutral fats (triglycerides)
Found in ___________________________________
Composed of fatty acids and glycerol
Source of _________________________________
 Include cholesterol, bile salts, vitamin D, and some hormones
Form _____________________________________
Cholesterol: the basis for all ___________________________ made in the body
o Made of ___________________________________
Contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur
o Account for over half of the body’s organic matter
Provides for construction materials for body tissues
Plays a vital role in cell function
o Act as ______________________________, ______________________________, and _____________________________
Enzymes act as biological catalysts
Increase the rate of chemical reactions
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 02 Basic Chemistry
Nucleic Acids
o Provide blueprint of life
o Nucleotide bases
 A = Adenine
 G = Guanine
 C = Cytosine
 T = Thymine
 U = Uracil
o __________________ pairs with ______________
o _________________ pairs with ______________
o Make DNA and RNA
o Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
 Organized by complimentary bases to form double helix
 Replicates before cell division
 Provides instruction for every protein in
the body
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
o Chemical energy used by all cells
o Energy is released by breaking high energy
phosphate bond
o ATP is replenished by oxidation of food fuels