Grayling Society Conservation Grant Application Form

The Grayling Society
Conservation Grant Application Form
Rules of Application
Application for a Grayling Society conservation grant is open to any adult
(18 years and over) with an interest in grayling conservation - you do not
need to be a member of The Grayling Society.
Applicants must submit a completed proposal form to the Conservation
Projects Officer.
The total available funds will be £6,000.00 in each financial year (1st July to
30th June) but may increase if future demand dictates.
The project should be undertaken in the same financial year as your application.
Conservation grant money cannot be deferred from one year without the express
permission of the Grayling Society Committee.
Unsuccessful applicants may re-submit their grant bid in the following
financial year.
The Society's Conservation Projects Officer (CPO) will receive all applications for grants
in the first instance and make an assessment of suitability based on merit and cost. This
will take into account such things as value for money, match funding, conservation
benefit, impact on grayling stocks, sustainability, etc. The CPO will then make
recommendations to the Grayling Society Committee. The Committee will make the final
decision as to which projects are funded in the current year. The CPO will follow the
progress of projects making interim reports to the Committee and again on completion.
Please complete all sections and continue onto a separate sheet if necessary and
where appropriate.
Name and full postal address of applicant
Telephone Home................……………………..... Work.............……….……………........
Representing Angling Club / Association
Name of Project Manager (if different from above)
River name and catchment
Location of proposed scheme (include O. S. National Grid Reference if possible)
Give a brief description of this river section / fishery including fish species present
Briefly describe the work or conservation scheme that you wish to undertake (continue on
a separate page if necessary)
What are the envisaged benefits of the conservation work or scheme?
Will any benefits be measured?
If so, how?
(please circle)
(continue on a separate page if necessary)
What is the total cost of the proposed conservation scheme?
How much is your Grayling Society application for?
When do you envisage this work or scheme beginning?
Approximately how long will the work / scheme take?
Once you have completed this application form forward it, along with
any supporting documentation you have, to:
Rich Cove (GS Conservation Projects Officer)
c/o Natural Resources Wales
Chester Road
Telephone: 03000 653897