Laser metal deposition of functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC R. M. Mahamood1.2,* and E. T. Akinlabi1. 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering Science, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa. 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. *Corresponding Author: Email address-, Tel.-+27781112301 ABSTRACT Functionally graded materials are advanced materials with improved properties that enable them to withstand severe working environment which the traditional composite materials cannot withstand. FGM found their applications in several areas which include: military, medicine and aerospace. Various manufacturing processes are used to produce functionally graded materials that include: powder metallurgy, physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition process and laser metal deposition process. Laser metal deposition (LMD) process is an additive manufacturing process that can be used to produce functionally graded material directly from the three dimensional (3D) computer aided design (CAD) model of the part in one a single process. LMD process is a fairly new manufacturing process and a highly non-linear process. The process parameters are of great importance in LMD process and they need to be optimized for the required application. In this study, functionally graded Titanium alloy composite was produced using optimized process parameters for each material combination as obtained through a model that was developed in an initial study and the FGM was characterized through metallurgical, mechanical and tribological studies. The results show that the produced FGM has improved properties when compared to those produced at constant processing parameters for all material combinations. Keywords Deposition; Laser; Microstructure; Titanium Wear. INTRODUCTION Functionally Graded Material (FGM) belongs to a class of advanced materials with varying properties over its changing dimension [1, 2]. Functionally graded materials are seen in nature as bones, teeth etc. [3]. Nature designed these materials to meet their expected service requirements. Functionally graded material is produced in order to eliminate the sharp interfaces that exist in the traditional composite material where failure is always initiated [4]. These sharp interfaces are replaced with a gradient interface that produces smooth transition from one material to the other [5]. One unique characteristics of FGM is their ability to be tailored for a specific application [1]. Functionally graded materials find their applications in aerospace, automobile, medicine, sport, energy, sensors, optoelectronic etc. [6, 7]. There are different kinds of fabrication processes for producing functionally graded materials, they include: Physical or Chemical Vapour Deposition (PVD/CVD), Plasma Spraying, Self-propagating High temperature Synthesis (SHS), powder metallurgy technique, centrifugal casting method, and laser metal deposition process [3, 8]. Laser metal deposition process is a class of additive manufacturing process that is capable of producing a functional part directly from its three dimensional (3D) computer aided model (CAD) of the part [9]. The part can also be made with functionally grade material because LMD can use more than one material simultaneously. 1 Many researches have been conducted in the literature on the laser metal deposition process [10-19] and specifically on functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC composite [20-22]. The importance of producing functionally graded parts directly from the 3-D CAD model in one single step has been the driving force for the research interest in FGM, by using LMD. The earlier works tried to establish the feasibility of making FGM through the LMD process [23, 24]. In some other works, FGM were built using the LMD process, and then characterized. For example, in a study conducted by Zang et al. [22], they deposited functionally graded Ti/TiC on a Ti6Al4V substrate. They first established the processing parameters for various volume fractions of Ti/TiC composite in their preliminary works. They used the results from their preliminary work to successfully deposit a thin wall of functionally graded material – by adjusting the processing parameters during the deposition process. They showed that the wear-resistance performance of the Ti6Al4V substrate was improved with the addition of TiC. They also showed that FGM can be produced with LMD without a discrete interface. In their preliminary studies, the method used to obtain the optimal process parameters for the various premix of Ti and TiC was not clear. Also, premixing the powder before deposition can result in having the powder with higher density to be deposited first before the less dense powder. And this could affect the results (density of Ti is 4.5 g/cm3 and that of TiC is 4.93 g/cm3). This could be one of the reasons why they observed cracking in the deposit at 40% TiC. In another study performed by Wang et al. [21], a functionally graded material of Ti6Al4V/TiC was deposited. They used Ti6Al4V wire and TiC powder; and the two materials were fed simultaneously. They achieved the compositional grading by keeping the wire feed rate of Ti6Al4V constant; while they varied the TiC powder feed rate. Also, other processing parameters were kept constant. They did not consider the effect of processing parameters on the resulting deposit properties. Liu and DuPont [25] successfully deposited functionally graded material of Ti/TiC composite using LMD. They relied on the controller in LENS, which monitors the melt pool area and controls the laser power to achieve a constant melt pool area, for the deposition of their FGM. The melt pool area control in LENS is intended to control the dimensional accuracy in the deposited part. Hence it does not control other properties of the deposited part. Shah [26] deposited functionally graded material of Inconel 718 Nickel alloy and Ti6Al4V using the laser-metal deposition process. The effect of the laser pulse parameters and the powder flow rate on residual stress was studied. The study found that the layer thickness plays an important role in the crack behaviour of the functionally graded material produced. The effect of the powder flow rate on the melt pool size was also studied; increasing the powder flow rate was found to increase the melt pool size. Lin et al. [27] used the laser-metal deposition process to produce functionally graded material of stainless steel-SS316L/super alloy-Rene88DT. They investigated the solidification behaviour and the microstructural evolution of the FGM. Epitaxial growth and columnar dendrites’ microstructure were also observed. Insitu functionally graded material using the laser-metal deposition process was also studied in the literature. Qin et al. (2011) [28] produced in situ functionally graded TiC reinforced titanium matrix from Ti and Cr3C2 powder using laser metal deposition process. The functionally graded material was achieved by changing the powder flow rate of the Ti and the Cr3C2 powder. The microhardness and the wear-resistance properties were studied. The microhardness and the wear resistance were found to be greatly improved. The problem with functionally graded material produced in situ is that the magnitude of reinforcement achieved will largely depend on the reactions taking place during the deposition and cooling process. It would be very difficult to achieve a desired percentage ratio of the reinforcement and the matrix. 2 There is no doubt that different Ti6Al4V/TiC ratios would have different optimal process parameters; but these were not considered in any of the above studies. It has also been demonstrated that having powders placed in separate hoppers is an effective way of producing composite, with proper composition control, and without segregation due to difference in the densities of the powders [29]. This method was employed in this study. In this study, functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC was developed using laser metal deposition process. The process parameters used to deposit each layer were obtained using a model that was developed in our initial study [30]. Trial experiments were first performed in order to establish the process window for the deposition of the porous free and fully dense deposit of TiC/Ti6Al4V composites. The results from these trial runs formed the basis for the selection of the lower levels selected for the design of experiment. Screening experiment was then performed using full factorial design of experiment. The parameters screened were: laser power, scanning speed, powder flow rate and gas flow rate. The gas flow rate was found to be the least significant process parameter. The percentage TiC was then added to the remaining process parameters for the RSM that was used to develop the model. The model was used to generate the optimized process parameter for the each of the layers in the functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC composite. The developed FGM was characterized metallurgically, mechanically and tribologically. The developed FGM produced at optimized process parameters was compared to the one produce at constant process parameters and the substrate. The results are presented and discussed in detail. MATERIALS AND METHODS Annealed 5mm thick sheet of 99.6% pure Ti6Al4V was used as the substrate for the laser metal deposition of the functionally graded Ti6Al4V/ TiC composite samples. The sheet was supplied by supplied by the VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, Russia. The sheet was cut into square shape of 72 x 72 mm and sandblasted and cleaned with acetone prior to the deposition process. The purpose of the sandblasting is to roughen the surface of the substrate in order to aid the laser-power absorption process. Shining surface would reflect most of the laser beam. The Ti6Al4V and the TiC powder used in this study were supplied by F.J. Brodmann and Co., L.L.C., Louisiana. The Ti6Al4V powder use is of 99.6% purity, with particle size range of between 120 and 350 μm. The TiC powder used is a ball-milled powder of particle size range below 60 μm. A 4.0 kW Nd: YAG laser was used for the deposition process and it was attached to a kuka robot. The laser spot diameter was maintained at 2mm at a focal distance of 195mm above the substrate. A co-axial nozzle was attached to the robot’s end effector for the powder delivery into the melt-pool. The shield gas used for carrying the powder as well as to protect the deposited samples from the environmental attack was Argon gas. The experimental set-up is available at the CSIR National Laser Center, Pretoria and it is shown in Figure 1a. The laser metal deposition process was achieved by creating a melt pool on the surface of the substrate by the laser and the powders were delivered into the melt pool by a powder feeder. Each of the powders was placed in each hopper of the powder feeder. The nozzles from the feeder were attached coaxially to the robot. The substrate was fixed in place and the robot was moved to perform the deposition process. The schematic of the LMD process is shown in Figure 1b. <insert Figure 1> The functionally graded material was produced from 100 % Ti6Al4V: 0 % TiC to 50 % Ti6Al4V: 50 % TiC. The optimized process parameters that were used to deposit each of the functionally 3 graded layers are presented in Table 1. To be able to compare the results, another functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC was deposited at constant process parameters as follows: laser power 2.5 kW, scanning speed 0.01 m/s, powder flow rate 2 rpm and gas flow rate 2l/min. Four layers each was deposited at 50 % overlap percentage. <Inset Table 1> After the deposition process, the samples for the metallurgical examination were sectioned to reveal the cross sections. The cut samples were mounted in hot resin; the mounted samples were ground and polished according to the standard metallurgical preparation of Titanium and its alloys. The polished samples were etched using Kroll’s reagent. The microstructures were studied using Olympus Optical microscope (BX51M; Olympus) and the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (by TESCAN) equipped with the Oxford Energy Dispersion Spectrometry (EDS). The microhardness profiling was taken on the cross section of the samples (polished) using the MH-3 Vickers Microhardness indenter (by Metkon) with a load of 500 g and a dwell time of 15 seconds. The distance between the indentations was maintained at 12 μm which is more than twice the indentation diameters. The X-ray diffraction analysis was performed using the X-ray diffractometer (by Ultima IV) which was used to study the phases present. The tribological property was conducted on the surface of the samples after grinding to 1000 µm using the ball on disk tribotester (by Cert) with tungsten carbide ball of diameter 10 mm. A load of 25 N, a sliding distance of 2000 m and the sliding speed of 0.02 m/s were employed during the wear test. The tests were conducted in the dry air without lubrication. The wear volumes were calculated using the equation proposed by Sharma et al. [32] in equation 1. (1) Where v is the wear volume in mm3, r is the ball radius, w is the wear-track width and L is the stroke length. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The micrographs of the substrate is shown in Figure 2a, the morphology of the Ti6Al4V powder is shown in Figure 2b and that of the TiC powder is shown in Figure 2c. The microstructure of the substrate (see Figure 2a) shows white parts and the dark parts. The white part is the alpha grains while the dark parts are the beta grains which are the characteristic of a typical Ti6Al4V. The Ti6Al4V powder is spherical in shape (see Figure 2b) which is typical of a gas atomized powder. Spherically shaped powder is more favoured in the laser deposition process because they maximize laser absorption. The TiC powder is an irregular shaped powder which is the characteristic of a ball milled powder. The photographs of the deposited functionally graded materials are shown in Figure 3. The sample labeled 1 is the FGM produced at constant or fixed processing parameters, i.e. for material combinational ratio from 100% Ti6Al4V: 0% TiC to 50% Ti6Al4V: 50% TiC, the same processing parameters (laser power 2.5 kW, scanning speed 0.01 m/s, powder flow rate 2 rpm and gas flow rate 2l/min.) were used to deposit all these material compositions in the FGM sample. The micrograph labeled 2 in Figure 3 is the one in which each layer of the FGM was produced at optimized process parameters as obtained in Table1. The macrographs of the FGM 4 sample produced at produced with the optimized process parameters is shown in Figure 4a and the one produced at a fixed-process parameter is shown in Figure 4b. It can be seen from Figure 4 that the FGM produced at optimized process parameter is taller than the FGM produced at constant process parameters. <Insert Figure 2> <Insert Figure 3> Whereas the width of the sample produced at constant process parameters is larger than that produced using optimized process parameters. This can be attributed to higher dilution seen in the sample produced at constant process parameter that makes is to be shorter and wider. Dilution rate has been established to be proportional to the melt pool size produced [33]. The bigger the melt pool, the longer it takes to solidify and hence the more the degree of mixing of the base material and the deposited powders. The microstructures of the topmost parts of the two samples are shown in Figure 5. The sample produced at the optimized process parameters is shown in Figure 5a; the unmelted Carbides (UMC) is seen in the microstructure. The higher magnification of the sample in Figure 5a is shown in Figure 5b. The sample produced at fixed-processing parameters is shown in Figure 5c; and fewer UMCs are seen in the microstructure. This shows that most of the TiC powder had fully melted; and the higher magnification micrograph of the sample in Figure 5c shown in the Figure 5d displayed mostly dendritic TiC. <Insert Figure 4> Comparing Figure 5b and Figure 5d, it can be seen that that there are a larger number of UMCs in the sample that was produced at optimized process parameters (see Figure 5b) compared to the sample produced at fixed processing parameters. The SEM micrograph of the sample prepared at optimized process parameters is shown in Figure 6a, showing some of the UMCs. <Insert Figure 5> To confirm the UMC particles, an EDX analysis was performed on the UMC, using the Oxford EDX equipped with the TESCAN SEM. The EDX analysis of the label ‘A’ in the Figure 6a is shown in Figure 6b. The EDS confirms that those points are unmelted carbide particles. The SEM micrograph of the sample produced at optimized process parameters is shown in Figure 7, showing the different layers. <Insert Figure 6> <Insert Figure 7> It can be seen how the how the microstructure changes with the height of the functionally graded material. The point D, which contains the lowest percentage of the TiC displayed a microstructure that is typical of laser deposited Ti6Al4V, which is columnar in nature that grows epitaxially on 5 the globular microstructure of the heat affected zone. This shows that the low percentage of the TiC is not seen as a different material, which is the aim of the functionally graded material: That is, the eradication of the sharp interface that shows the distinction between the different materials. An XRD analysis was performed on the optimized FGM sample; and it revealed three different phases, as shown in Figure 8. <Insert Figure 8> The phases are: alpha Ti, TiC and Ti3Al. The TiC has the highest percentage of 49%. The intermetallic compound Ti3Al formed is 22%. The Ti3Al is shown in Figure 9 as indicated by EDX analysis of the SEM micrograph of the optimised FGM sample. <Insert Figure 9> The average wear volume obtained using equation 1 for the optimized functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC composite, designated as sample A, and that of the one produced at fixed-process parameters (sample B) are presented in Table 2. The wear volume of the substrate, designated as PM, is also presented in the Table for comparison. <Insert Table 2> From Table 2, it may be seen that the sample produced with the optimized-process parameters (sample A) has the lowest wear volume. The substrate material (PM) has the highest wear volume. This is expected because of the property of Titanium that makes it chemically reactive to itself, or to other materials with which it comes into contact in sliding or rubbing action. The wear mechanism that takes place on the PM sample is a combination of abrasion, adhesion and plastic deformation. The abrasion wear mechanism starts the moment the counter body is engaged, as a result of the rubbing action of the two surfaces in contact. As the rubbing action of the two surfaces in contact continues, the frictional force between the two surfaces increases. The increase in the frictional force resulted in strong adhesion of the two surfaces in contact. This causes the coefficient of friction (COF) to increase. The COF of the substrate and that of the optimized FGM sample are compared, and shown in Figure 10. <Insert Figure 10> This strong adhesion and the sliding action of the two surfaces increases the temperature of the surfaces, which resulted in plastic deformation, which eventually leads to shearing and tearing of the surface of the Ti6Al4V. Some of the debris produced from the tearing and shearing of the Ti6Al4V surface adheres to the surface of the tungsten carbide ball; while the rest stays in between the two surfaces. This debris worsens the wear action, as it changes the two-body wear mechanism to a three-body wear mechanism. As the sliding action continues, the debris becomes work-hardened and it cuts deeper and deeper into the substrate. The debris cutting into the substrate results in the characteristic parallel grooves, as described by Wu et al. (2013), and this is shown in Figure 11. Figure 11a shows the low magnification of the wear track of the substrate; and the higher magnification is shown in Figure 11b. 6 <Insert Figure 11> The wear track of the sample produced at a constant process parameter is shown in Figure 12a. The wear resistance of this sample is far better than that of the substrate shown in Figure 11b because of the TiC content of the FGM sample. Although, the sample was not produced at optimized-process parameters, yet the wear behaviour is better than that of the substrate. The wear track of the optimized sample is shown in Figure 12b. <Insert Figure 12> The sample showed the best wear resistance behaviour, because there were reasonable quantities of UMC retained in the sample, which then forms powder lubrication between the surfaces during the sliding action [33]. The few UMC found in the sample produced at fixed-process parameters also helped in the wear resistance behaviour of that sample; but not as much as that of the sample produced at optimized-process parameters. The process parameter optimization using the developed model was really helpful in producing the low wear volume observed in the optimized sample. Although intermetallic compounds are present in the sample, which are very hard, but it was found that this compound is not detrimental to the wear property of this composite. Instead, it served as reinforcement, and helped to improve the wear-resistance property of the FGM sample. The Ti3Al has been proved in the literature to improve the wear properties of some metals [34, 35]. The microhardness test was performed on the optimized FGM sample, and the substrate using the Vickers hardness tester with a load of 500g. Figure 13a shows the microhardness graph of the optimized FGM sample. Figure 13b shows the bar chart of the average microhardness value of the optimized FGM sample and compared to that of the parent material. <Inset Figure 13> It may be seen that the microhardness value of the topmost part of the FGM sample is as high as 1200 HV, which is as high as four times that of the substrate as shown in Figure 13b. The high hardness is as a result of the TiC content; and it is responsible for the improved wear resistance behaviour of the optimized FGM sample. CONCLUSION Functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC composite has been developed using laser metal deposition process and characterized in terms of microstructure, microhardness and wear resistance behaviour. The functionally graded material was produced using optimized process parameters obtained from earlier developed empirical model. The optimized functionally graded Ti6A4V/TiC composite produced was compared with a functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC which was produced at fixed-process parameters as well as the substrate. The wear behaviour of the two functionally graded samples was compared with that of the substrate material (Ti6Al4V). The results showed that the optimized functionally graded produced sample has the best wear-resistance behaviour. Also the microhardness is found to be improved and as high as 1200 VHN which is four times that of the substrate. The high microhardness also contributed to the improved wear resistance. In the literature, functionally graded materials are usually produced using constant processing parameters for each of the compositional ratio in the FGM. The same setting for each of the layer in the FGM 7 does not produce each layer optimized for the property of interest. This study has shown that producing functionally graded material using optimized process parameters for each compositional material ratio in the gradient has a better property. because each of the layers of the functionally graded material is able to withstand extreme working condition even if the succeeding layer has been lost to wear. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the Rental Pool Programme of National Laser Centre, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa. The Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering is appreciated for the facilities used at the materials lab. REFERENCES [1] Shanmugavel, P.; Bhaskar, G. B.; Chandrasekaran, M.; Mani P. S. and Srinivasan, S. P. An overview of fracture analysis in functionally graded materials. European Journal of Scientific Research 2012, vol.68 (3), 412-439. [2] Atai, A. A.; Nikranjbar, A. and Kasiri, A. 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Surface Review and Letters 2011, 18, 103-108. 10 11 Table 1. - Optimized process parameters Sample % TiC Designation Laser Power Scanning Powder (kW) flow Speed (m/s) Gas rate rate (l/min) (rpm) A 0 2.0 0.01 2.00 2.00 B 5 2.0 0.0075 3.00 2.00 C 10 2.2 0.0075 2.00 2.00 D 15 2.26 0.0075 2.00 2.00 E 20 2.21 0.0077 2.00 2.00 F 25 2.19 0.0078 2.00 2.00 G 30 2.16 0.0079 2.00 2.00 H 35 2.14 0.0080 2.00 2.00 I 40 2.12 0.0081 2.00 2.00 J 45 2.10 0.0082 2.00 2.00 K 50 2.07 0.0083 2.00 2.00 12 flow Table 2. - Wear volume for samples A, B and PM Sample designation Wear (mm3) A 0.021 B 0.033 PM 0.120 13 volume (a) (b) Figure 1- (a) Experimental set-up (b) schematics of the LMD process [31] 14 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 2- (a) The micrograph of the substrate (Ti6Al4V) [33] (b) The SEM micrograph of the Ti6Al4V powder [33] (c) The SEM micrograph of the TiC powder [33]. 15 Figure 3- Photograph of the functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC 16 (a) (b) Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.- Optical micrograph of the functionally graded Ti6Al4V/TiC at: (a) optimized parameters settings (b) fixed parameters settings 17 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 5- Micrograph of the top layer of the functionally graded sample at: (a) optimized process parameters; (b) Figure 5a at higher magnification; and (c) at fixed-process parameters (d) Figure 5c at higher magnification 18 (a) (b) Figure 6- (a) The SEM microstructure of the optimized FGM sample showing the UMC; and (b) the EDS analysis of the point A label in Figure 6a 19 Figure 7- SEM micrograph of the sample at produced at optimized-processing parameters, showing the top (A); middle (B); lower level (C); and the dilution region (D) 20 Figure 8- XRD analysis showing the phases present in the optimized FGM sample 21 (a) (b) Figure 9- (a) The SEM microstructure of the optimized FGM sample showing the intermetallic compound; and (b) the EDS analysis of the spectrum labelled 2 in (a) 22 Figure 10- The plot of coefficient of friction versus sliding time of the substrate and the optimized FGM 23 (a) (b) Figure 11- The SEM micrograph of the wear track of the substrate at (a) low magnification [33] (b) higher magnification [33] 24 (a) (b) Figure 12- SEM micrograph of the wear track of: (a) FGM at fixed-process parameter; (b) FGM at optimized-process parameters 25 (a) (b) Figure 13- (a) the microhardness of the optimized FGM across the section of the sample (b) the bar chart of the average microhardness of the optimized FGM and that of the substrate material 26