Boyle County High School Daily Announcements Monday, April 20th, 2015 “TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE” Lunch Choices: Pork Chopette, Bosco Sticks, or Turkey Also Daily choices include Light Meals, Parfait Meals, and Chef Salads Reminder: STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BRING IN OR HAVE DELIVERED TO THEM FAST FOOD OR DRINK ITEMS DURNG SCHOOL HOURS. ALSO, CHECK-OUTS TO GO TO LUNCH ARE NOT PERMITTED AND WILL BE CONSIDERED UNEXCUSED AND SKIPPING SCHOOL (page 10 of the Student Handbook). April 28th is the Third Annual Strike Out Cancer Baseball game. The Baseball Team is Selling T-shirts and Bands during lunch waves. All shirts are $10 for students and the bands are $2. If students wear their shirt or band they will be admitted free to the game. Prom Regulations: Doors Open at 8:00PM, No entry after 9:30PM, NO Exit before 10:30PM, Dance Ends at Midnight. No re-entry allowed, Students MUST present ticket at the door for check-in. Prom tickets will be sold April 13th-22nd. Tickets are sold during lunch waves. Prices are $10 for Seniors, and $35 for underclassmen and non BCHS students. To purchase a ticket you must pay all school, library, and lunchroom fees. All outstanding fees must be paid before students can purchase their ticket. Students can check to see if they have any fees starting today. Couple’s tickets must be purchased at the same time. Non-BCHS students must be 14-20 years of age. When purchasing a non-BCHS ticket for someone over 18 you must present a copy of their driver’s license at the time of ticket purchase. If under 18, you must present a copy of their student ID at the time of ticket purchase. No tickets will be sold after “C” lunch wave on April 22nd. Students: Just a few reminders of the following things that will prevent you from attending Prom: Any suspensions this school year, 6 or more unexcused absences, 6 or more class tardies for the current semester, or any outstanding school fees. Also no individual drop-outs are permitted and guest must be between the ages of 14 to 20. -The Kentucky Rural Electric Washington Youth Tour is an annual, weeklong, all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC. Juniors who would like to apply for this opportunity should see your counselor for an application. -Catch Up Café is in room 130. Please check your email and remind students as they leave for lunch. -Seniors: Mrs. Michael will be here on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays during lunch waves until graduation. -FFA Banquet is May 7th. Mrs. Myers and Mr. Whitaker need to know who will be attending and how many are in each individuals group. Please let one of them know by the end of the day on Friday, May 17th Mary Jo Young Scholarship is available and will pay for 2 classes in the fall and 2 classes in the spring for dual credit. For more information, contact your Guidance Counselor Balfour will deliver graduation announcement orders during lunch waves Wednesday. Any senior who owes a balance will need to pay the balance on Wednesday, April 22. -It's the Drama Dept's final performance of the Year:"Scenes, Snacks, and One-Acts", BCHS Cafeteria, 6:30 PM, May 21, 2015, Admission is FREE -Reminder: Students are NOT allowed to use vending machines in the Faculty Lounge area! -Any FCA underclassmen wanting to serve as an usher at Baccalaureate, please see Mrs. Snow ASAP. This is a wonderful community service opportunity. -Kaplan Test Prep is doing a free ACT practice test at Boyle Co Public Library on Sunday, April 26 at 1:30pm. Flyers are in the Guidance Office. -Freshman – Please have a completed schedule ready when called for your scheduling time. Additional forms can be picked up in the Front Office if needed (Student schedule, blank schedule form, honors and AP Contracts, CNA form etc.). Students, if you do not have a completed schedule with completed forms then you will not be allowed to schedule at their appointed time. -Boyled to Perfection Catering Casserole Menu for this Week is Chicken Enchiladas, Mexican Corn Salad, and Chocolate covered strawberries. Should feed 5-6 people. The Cost is $25.00. Order deadline date is Tuesday, April 21st by 3:00PM and will be Delivery to each school by 3:00 on Thursday, April 23rd. For more information contact Kendra Goodpaster at -Inkspot Entry Forms are in the Front Office. Forms are due by 4:00PM Thursday, April 30th. For more information contact: Blossom Brosi, Leigh Koch, or Carrie Snow -FFA Greenhouse will be OPEN April 20th thru May 20th. More information to follow. -Any students want to take the Nurse Aide class in the Fall of 2015 it will require an application and Mrs. Carney’s signature. These are located in the front office and guidance. -Students can turn in their AP Psych contracts to the Guidance Office with no teacher signature. Questions see Mrs. Reynolds or Mrs. Stigall in the Guidance Office. -Anyone interested in being a peer tutor next school year MUST fill out an application and get it approved BEFORE registering for classes. Applications are available in room 172 from Mrs. Henry. -Any junior or senior girl needing a prom dress please see Mrs. Clark in the Youth service Center. -Dress Code Reminders: (Handbook page-15) Students’ pants: Must be free of any holes that expose the skin 2 inches above the knee. Holes that expose skin 2 inches above the knee are not acceptable. Items worn underneath the hole are not acceptable. Hats, hoods, bandannas, novelty wigs, etc. are not to be worn inside the building. Hats, sunglasses, heavy coats and gloves must be left in the school locker. If a student wears clothing deemed to be in violation of the dress policies, the student is subject to the disciplinary measures stated herein. All building staff has the authority and is expected to indicate to students violations of the st dress policy. If any student violates this code, he/she will be dealt with in the following manner: 1 offense nd warning and a change of or correction in their apparel or sent home to change; 2 offense - detention and sent rd home to change; 3 offense - Friday School and change of or correction in apparel. -Public Display of Affection: (Handbook-page 16) is not acceptable while at school. Violation of this policy shall rd result in the following: 1st offense - a warning; 2nd offense - Friday School plus parent notification; 3 offense out-of- school suspension; 4th offense - three days out- of-school suspension. -Students: Please join Mr. Wade’s school reminders at Remind 101 for sending out information for the high school. They can join by texting @411bchs to 859-605-1498. -Reminder: Students are NOT allowed to back into parking spaces or pull through 2 spaces. You are to pull into your single spot ONLY! Students MUST have parking tag properly displayed!! Violators will be given tickets! SUBS TODAY -Edwards-Nina Mallory -Hines-Kotey Jones -Settles-James Kurk -Weise-Katelyn Brogle MARK YOUR CALENDAR, -Boyle County Relay for Life Friday, April 24th from 6:00PM to Midnight -Prom is Saturday, April 25th -Pay It Forward Day is April 30th -AP EXAMS BEGIN May 4th -Last Day for Field Trips is May 5TH -EOC EXAMS BEGIN May 11th -Senior Trip is Thursday, May 14th -Baccalaureate is Sunday, May 17th @ 6:30PM -ON DEMAND for 10th and 11th grades is Monday, May 18th -Awards Night is Monday, May 18th @ 7:00PM; First Baptist Church -Graduation Practice is Thursday, May 28th @ 8:30AM (Must wear Cap and Gown) -Graduation is Friday, May 29th @ 7:30 -Black and Gold Academy is June 15th -19th GUIDANCE: -There is a new scholarship newsletter in the guidance office. -Seniors interested in majoring in business or education in college should see your counselor for a scholarship opportunity. -WKU will be offering 10 online courses for the spring semester. Interested students need to see their guidance counselor ASAP. Courses fill quickly. Students must sign agreement that course cannot be dropped after BCHS's scheduling deadline. SENIORS DATES, DEADLINES, & TIMES: MAY 1 - Senior Trip balance due. ($40.00) MAY 6 - Project Graduation permission form due. (Turn in to Front Office) MAY 7 - Project Graduation parent signups due; Project Graduation meeting 6 PM - BCHS Cafeteria MAY 14 - Senior Trip: 7:30 am - 11 pm (times are approx.. - exact times TBA) MAY 15 - Special Seating Requests due. (Turn in to Front Office) MAY 17 - Baccalaureate: 6:30 pm; First Baptist Church; Seniors need to arrive no later than 6:00. MAY 18 - Senior Awards Night: 7:00 pm; First Baptist Church. MAY 22 - Senior Portrait Packages orders due (Turn in to Front Office) MAY 27 - Bacc/Grad/Proj. Grad. DVD orders due MAY 28 - Graduation Practice: 8:30 am - 12 noon; NOTE: This is a full dress rehearsal and is MANDATORY for ALL seniors planning to participate in the commencement ceremony. Any senior who does not attend the full practice will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony on Friday. MAY 29 - Graduation Day: Seniors must arrive in full graduation attire no later than 6:45 pm. for lineup and final instructions. Doors will open to the public at 6:45 pm. All guests should be in their seats no later than 7:20 pm. as we need a clear lobby to prepare our seniors for an on-time ceremony. -Finals Exam Schedule for Seniors: Friday, May 22nd is 3rd and 6th periods, Tuesday, May 26th is 1st and 5th periods, and Wednesday, May 27th is 2nd and 4th periods. -Seniors who need mid-year transcripts sent to colleges need to make those requests using Parchment. If you need help, please see your guidance counselor. -Senior athletes may wish to apply for the Wendy's Heisman Award at There are school, state, and national winners. See the website for more info! -SENIOR BULLETINS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE Office! Please pay close attention to the Semester Timeline. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE -Tab Farthing Memorial Scholarship Deadline: 4/20/15 -Stratton/Tipton Scholarship Deadline: 4/30/15 -Hudson-Ellis Scholarship Deadline: 5/1/15 -Summer Bridge (EKU) Deadline: 5/1/15 -Aspiring Fashion Professional Scholarship Deadline: 6/1/15 -Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship Program Deadline: 6/1/15 -Horse Farm Workers Education Assistance Fund (HFWEAF) Deadline: 7/1/15 -Women in Service to Our Communities Scholarship Deadline: 7/15/15 -Career Track Scholarship Deadline: See Your Counselor BOLD: DEADLINE WITHIN THE WEEK! **For More Scholarship Information-See Your Counselor JUNIORS Juniors interested in Wofford College or Furman University should sign up in Guidance to be considered for nomination for academic scholarships to these schools. SOPHOMORES FRESHMAN ALL GRADE LEVELS -INNERSPACE CAMP (EKU) Deadline: 6/1/15 -NKU Pre-College Summer Journalism Program Deadline: Coming up -Murray State Cyber Cave Academy Deadline: 5/1/15 DETENTION -Tuesday, April 22nd with Mrs. Elliott in room 203 Friday School -From 3:15 to 6:15 with Mr. Spoonamore in room 175 ESS -Tuesday April 22nd with Ms. Reynolds in room 205 CLUBS SPORTS Monday (4/20/15) -Tennis vs Mercer County @ 4:00 (Boys are Home and Girls are Away) Tuesday (4/21/15) -Softball vs Southwestern (Away) @ 6:00 -Baseball vs East Jessamine (Away) @ 5:30 and 8:00 -Tennis vs Garrard County @ 4:00 (Boys are Away/Girls are Home) -Track has “All Comers” @ Home Wednesday (4/22/15) -Baseball vs Campbellsville (Home) @ 6:00 -Tennis vs Mercer County @ 4:00 (Boys are Away/Girls are Home) Thursday (4/23/15) -Softball vs Mercer County (Away) @ 5:30 Quote for the week “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh Humor for the Day -What is at the bottom of the ocean and shakes? TRIVIA -Today is Boston Marathon Day! Today in History -Jordan scores 63 points in playoffs game -New sound process for films announced -Danica Patrick becomes first woman to win Indy race Humor Answer “A nervous wreck”