Track and Field Information and Consent Parent Forms

Track and Field 2014
PURPOSE: To compliment the Physical Education Curriculum by providing an
opportunity for students to participate in a competitive alternative environment
with students from other HRSB Schools.
WHERE: City Schools Elementary Track & Field Meet - Saint Mary's University
Field, Halifax NS
DATES: Grades 5/6 Girls and Boys - Monday, June 9th, 2014 (Rain date June 11th)
Grades 4/5 Girls and Boys -Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 (Rain date June 12th)
TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm
SUPERVISION: Ms Gouthro, one staff member and at least 3 parent chaperones.
TRANSPORTATION DETAILS: You will have to transport your child to this event
on the date your child is participating. If you can provide transportation for other
students in your vehicle, you need to have a current Criminal Record Check (CRC)
and Child Abuse Registry (CAR) on file at school. Please note that the track meet
events are scheduled to begin at 9:00am. You may drop off students at the SMU
track entrance, entering the field under the end zone clock.
CHAPERONES: Our attendance also requires us to secure 3 chaperones who have a
current Criminal Record Check (CRC) and Child Abuse Registry (CAR) on file or
presentable to École John W. MacLeod-Fleming Tower.
RISK FACTORS: Despite the fact that reasonable efforts are made to minimize
risks and hazards, risk factors are associated with any school excursion. An
accident, such as falling down causing injury or rolling an ankle can occur without
fault on either the part of the student, the School Board and its employees and
agents, or the facility where the activity is taking place. By granting your consent
for your son/daughter to participate in this activity, you are assuming an
understanding and an acceptance of such risks.
See Over ->
1. Permission/Consent form must be fully completed and passed in to Ms.
Gouthro by Wednesday, June 4th, 2014.
2. Emergency Contact information on consent forms is a MUST.
3. Any required medication that the students may need. i.e. Asthmatic puffers.
4. JWM Track shirt and appropriate exercise pants or shorts (absolutely no
jeans!!). Bring a jacket or sweater and layers of clothing to be prepared for
all weather. JWM Track shirts will be given to students on Friday, June 6th.
5. Proper sneakers for track and field events.
6. Lunch from home or money to buy food. SMU will have a canteen open during
the meet that will serve drinks, hotdogs, pizza, etc.
7. WATER! Lots of it :)
8. Hat and sunscreen
9. Sleep well (early bed time) and eat healthy prior to the event.
10. Good behaviour is required as there will be many schools and students at this
event. Bring your sunshiny personalities, good energy and a smile! =)
11. CANCELLATIONS: If there is a possibility if the Meet being cancelled due
to inclement weather, an announcement will be made in the early morning on
CBC and Metro Radio Group.
Looking forward to it!
Many thanks,
Ms Gouthro
For any further questions or concerns, please contact me at
See Over ->
Track and Field 2014
The following forms must be completed and submitted to Ms. Gouthro by: Wed., June 4th, 2014
STUDENT NAME: __________________________________
CLASS: ________
MSI #: __________________________________________
Activity: City Schools Elementary Track & Field Meet
In providing permission I understand (Please check applicable comments):
___ The activity involved, when and where it is taking place, who is supervising, the transportation
details, and the attendance and clothing requirements, as noted on the attached information form.
___That there are risks associated with the extracurricular programming; and that I am assuming
these risks, and:
___I will provide emergency contact information in the event of needed medical attention if/when
___ **I can assist with transporting/chaperoning students and have a current, certified Criminal
Record Check (CRC) and Child Abuse Registry (CAR) forms on file with École John W. MacLeodFleming Tower School. I also have submitted, or will complete, a J Form (form required to
transport students) to keep on file at the school office.
I give permission to my son/daughter ___________________________(name) to participate in
the Halifax City Schools Elementary Track & Field Meet at Saint Mary's University on:
______Mon., June 9th (Gr 5/6 participants) or _____Tues., June 10th (Gr 4/5 participants)
Parent/Guardian Phone #: _______________________ Email: ________________________
**Medical Concerns/Information**:
EMERGENCY CONTACT Name/Number: _____________________, #'s___________________
Any medical concerns we should be aware of: ________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________
See Over ->
______ * I would like to assist with the______ Grade 5/6 Meet on Mon., June 9th
______ Alternate Date: Gr 5/6 Wed., June 11th
______ * I would like to assist with the______ Grade 4/5 Meet on Tues., June 10th
______ Alternate Date: Gr 4/5 Wed., June 12th
______ * I am able to transport______ (#) of students in my vehicle ______to SMU
______ from SMU
** Students aged 12 and under are not permitted to travel in the front seat of a vehicle.
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