Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
Objective: I will learn knows that reproduction is a characteristic of living organisms and that the
instructions for traits are governed in the genetic material.
Slide 1
Asexual reproduction –
Sexual reproduction –
Fertilization –
Slide 3
Slide 3
Slide 3
How many parents are required for sexual reproduction?_________
How many parents are required for asexual reproduction?_________
Sexual Reproduction
In sexual reproduction, two parents combine their ______________ material
to for a new _______________________.
The new organism is formed using genetic information from each parent.
This new organism will be _______________ from both parents.
Almost all multicellular organisms reproduce by sexual reproduction.
Gametes are ______________ used in reproduction.
Females make ______________ cells.
Males make _______________ cells.
Each gamete has only half of the chromosomes needed to make a complete
During fertilization, the ____________ and __________ combine to form a
_________________, which has the full set of chromosomes.
The zygote gets its ________________ from both parents, so the new
organism will not look exactly like either of them (parent).
True or False – Each of the offspring will be a little different from his or her
The result of sexual reproduction is a population with a variety of traits.
Slide 3
What is the advantage
of sexual
Slide 4
Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction involves one parent.
All of the offspring are _________________ to their parent.
List and define the ways asexual reproduction can happen:
________________ fission – the cell divides to form _______
identical organisms. Parent and offspring are identical.
_________________ - a new organism grows from the outside
surface of its parent. Parent and offspring are identical. Hydras and
yeasts are examples of budding.
A ______________ is a specialized cell than can survive harsh
When will a spore develop?
Slide 5
Mitosis in vegetative reproduction is where new plants develop from
special stems, buds, or plants. Parent and offspring are identical.
Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
True or False – a male and a female are needed for sexual reproduction
True or False – in sexual reproduction, genetic information comes from both
parents and combines during fertilization.
True or False – The offspring produced by sexual reproduction have unique
combinations of genetic material and are different from either parent.
True or False – because of the genetic diversity among offspring from sexual
reproduction, the population can adapt to new environmental conditions.
True or False – a disadvantage of sexual reproduction is that it is a slower
process than asexual reproduction, it requires finding a partner, and the
offspring needs more care than organisms produced asexually.
Asexual Reproduction
True or False – there is only one parent
True or False – the offspring are an exact copy of the parent and all traits are
passed on to the offspring.
True or False – organisms produced from asexual reproduction can adapt to
new environments because of genetic diversity.
True or False – asexual reproduction produces offspring rapidly and
True or False – some organisms can reproduce sexually and asexually.
True or False – a sea star can reproduce sexually and asexually.
Slide 6
Which statements go
into the sexual
reproduction box?
Slide 6
Which statements go
into the asexual
reproduction box?
Slide 7
What is a major
advantage of sexual
Slide 8
What are the major
advantages and
disadvantages of
sexual and asexual