E-Learning Curriculum in Palestinian Primary and Secondary

E-Learning Curriculum in Palestinian Primary and Secondary
Dissemination workshop, 9 December 2015
Opening remarks Consul General of Belgium –
Talking points
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear Colleagues
 It is an honor for me to be here in order to share with the
actors and partners of the Education sector in Palestine the
accomplishments of the fruitful cooperation between the
Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Belgium. Our
partnership contributed to the advancement of the quality of
teaching and learning in Palestine via the E-learning project,
or E-Learning Curriculum in Palestinian Primary and
Secondary Education.
Since 2010, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education
and the Belgian development cooperation have joined hands
to support the learning-teaching process in a way which puts
the student at the center of the learning experience. The
transformation of the existing pedagogical approach into a
student-centered learning aims at making students active
participants in the learning process.
 This approach also relates to the quality of teaching, to the
method of teaching and consequently to the quality of
education which remains one of the main goals of the new
education sector plan (EDSP 3).
 E-learning and ICT were not the main objectives but rather
means to enhance student-centered learning and to allow
students to acquire 21st century skills.
 During the past 5 years, in full cooperation with the Ministry
of Education the project marked a number of achievements
which I would like to highlight as follows:
1. Support to about 300 schools to invest in ICT material and
in the development of Learning Objects using ICTs. The
project was very successful in engaging directly with the
schools and allowing them to identify their own ICT needs
(so-called School Led Initiatives). We believe that this
approach can be scaled-up.
2. Development of a national digital teacher platform, known
as the “teacher portal”, where teachers can share their
learning objects with each other. With about 6.500 active
users, more than 2 million ‘hits’, and 1600 learning objects
uploaded to date, the initiative is a success. In order to
ensure the sustainability of the “Teacher Portal” after the
end of project, the Minister of Education and Higher
Education has recently taken the decision to establish an
‘institutional home for this Teacher Portal.
3. Training has been offered through the project to more than
1200 teachers on student-centered approach through the
use of ICTs. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education
has developed a training manual for teachers on how to
apply ICTs in their respective classrooms. The Manual will
be presented later today.
4. The E-learning project also supported a large Action
Research component conducted by national and
international universities aimed at upstream policy advice
based on the expertise acquired. The main findings will be
presented later today and were are confident this academic
contribution will be a useful tool for future policies.
 To conclude we can say that there is a common
understanding between Belgium and the Ministry of Education
and Higher Education that investing more in ICT in education
is the way to go in 2015 for Palestine. We remain convinced
that introducing change is to be done gradually following an
holistic approach while creating the proper enabling
environment making sure the preconditions are in place.
Among these let me mention the policy framework, training
of teachers, curriculum reform, development of digital
educational resources, a dedicated department or unit that
serves as the institutional home for ICT in education, as well
as maintenance and operation of all infrastructure.
 We believe that if all these components are reflected and
addressed this will directly lead to a better quality of teaching
and, more important, learning in Palestine.
 It is my wish that today we can all be active learners at this
 Special thanks to the MoEHE, and in particular Dr. Basri Saleh
for leading this team of pioneers committed towards better
quality of teaching and learning in Palestine. Let me extend
our thanks to the BTC for this fruitful partnership.
 I wish you successful exchanges.