Pollution, Prevention & Regeneration Pollution – CPCB – Waste management Regeneration –NAEB-EDF Policy framework to combat pollution With rising population migration to urban centres increases and at some point of time surpasses the carrying capacity resulting in pollution. Needless to say, industrial pollution, shipping, aviation and other vehicular emission add to the injury of already polluted urban centres. Discharge of industrial effluence and sewerage directly into the river course pollutes water resources besides the land and atmosphere. In such a challenging situation the government has adopted the Policy for Abatement of Pollution in 1992 which lays out multipronged strategies to combat the ill effects of pollution. The Policy for Abatement of Pollution provides regulations, legislations, agreements, fiscal incentives and policies for control of pollution at various levels. In addition to sustain the practice of reducing pollution, the government has adopted National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development in 1992. Later in 2006, the government adopted National Environment Policy which effectively builds on the former policies to extend the coverage and fill in the existing gaps. Central Pollution Control Board In order to control the water and air pollution, government had enacted the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. The Central pollution control board performs the functions mandated by these Acts apart from the advisory role to Central government on matters concerning prevention and control of water and air pollution. In spite of coordinating activities of the State pollution control board and pollution control committees, CPCB provides technical assistance as well as guidance on prevention of pollution. CPCB also functions in data generation and management and human resource development. Above all CPCB develops industry specific environmental guidelines and comprehensive documents on requirements for corporate responsibility for environmental protection in 17 major polluting industrial sectors and 88 other critically polluted areas. Waste management Hazardous waste e-waste Solid waste Biomedical waste Domain Hazardous Chemicals Legislation Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals (MSIHC) Rules, 1989 Chemical Accident (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 Municipal Solid Waste Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000 Plastics (Manufacture, Usage and Waste Management) Rules, 2009 Hazardous Substances (Classification, Packaging and Labelling) Rule, 2010 Bio Medical Waste Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste Management Rules-2008 CPCB has permitted the utilisation of hazardous waste under Rule 11 of Hazardous Waste Management Rules-2008 including land fillable, incinerable and recyclable wastes. Permission was granted for ethylene glycol residue, carbon slurry, high boiler residue, effluent treatment plant sludge, resin waste, spent chromic acid, spend acid containing molybdenum compound, spent anode butt, surfer sludge, spent catalyst- containing precious metals and waste pickling acid. Besides, MoEF has notified e-waste management and handling rules in 2011. CPCB has issued guidelines for its implementation for stakeholders like producers, consumers, collection centres, recyclers and other regulatory agencies. Similarly, to manage municipal solid waste, MoEF has issued Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000. The CPCB along with the Ministry monitors the implementation of the rule constantly. Due to increased use of electronic equipment, particularly television, computer and refrigerators the accumulation of e-waste even across the international boundaries has posed significant threat to the ecological sustenance. Besides, it has been notified that lead, cadmium, mercury and argon are some of the major pollutants widely used in paints, distemper, pigments et cetera. Management of biomedical wastes is another area where the Ministry has notified instructions. CPCB, SPCBs and PCCs monitor biomedical waste management through incinerators, autoclaves, microwaves, hydro-claves and shredders. Training is also imparted to personnel involved in handling of biomedical waste with due consideration about individual healthcare. Government of India, recognising the importance of impact of waste and treatment of waste, has notified clean technologies and its promotion as the main intent for reducing pollution. A grant in aid scheme on development and promotion of clean technologies was initiated in 1994 to promote clean technologies that assist pollution prevention in a sustainable way. Clean technologies rely upon reduced use of raw materials and energy compared to conventional methods thereby leaving minimum pollution for treatment. Mission Clean Ganga/ Namami Ganga Rajeev Gandhi the then Prime Minister, in 1986 launched the Ganga action plan rejuvenate River Ganga. Later by Minister Manmohan Singh declared Ganga as national River in 2009. He established National Ganga River Basin Authority under his chairmanship and comprising of the Chief ministers of Utarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal along with knowledge personalities. In 2010 Clean Ganga was started with an objective ensuring that no untreated municipal sewage and industrial effluents would be discharged into Ganga. In 2011 World Bank approved a grant-cum-loan package of US$ 1 billion for the mission. Construction and maintenance of sewage treatment plants, creation of awareness, ensuring compliance with effluent standards etc are among the objectives of Mission Clean Ganga. Water quality monitoring, industrial pollution monitoring, wastewater management, developing silt free barrages et cetera are among the key features of Ganga rejuvenation plan/Mission clean Ganga currently known by the name Namami Ganga. The current Government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi under its Swachch Bharat Mission has vowed to eradicate the menace of open defecation by 2022. The government has planned for a zero liquid discharge regime under which the entire industrial and municipal wastewater can be reused after recycling without discharging a drop into any River. Meanwhile taking a note on a lag and ineffectiveness of pollution control boards in cleaning Ganga the Supreme Court has entrusted National Green Tribunal to oversee and constantly monitor the implementation of textural requirements on discharge of untreated wastewater into the river. NGT has to file a report every six months on the action taken in controlling the industrial pollution as per the instructions of Supreme Court. International conventions on Pollution UN Convention on the Law of sea, Montego Bay 1982 Basel Convention on Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Substances 1989 Convention on the Law of non-navigational uses of international watercourses, New York 1997 Rotterdam Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade, Rotterdam 1998 Cartagena protocol on biosafety under CBD 2000 Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants, Stockholm 2001 International conference on environment pollution prevention 2013 Minamata conference related to addressing the pollution caused by notorious heavymetal-Mercury, Japan 2013 National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board (NAEB) was constituted in 1992 with an objective of promoting afforestation and eco-restoration in the country. The board also overlooks regeneration of degraded forest areas and lands adjoining forest areas, national parks, sanctuaries and other protected areas as well as ecological the fragile areas like Western Himalayas, Aravallis, Western Ghats et cetera. National Afforestation Programme It is a flagship scheme of NAEB, which supports the three tier structure including Forest Development Agencies (FDA), Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMCs) and State Forest Development Agencies (SFDAs) which collectively enhance local community participation in developing the forest sector. The main aim of the programme is to improve the physical asset creation as well as capacity building at the grassroots level the community participation for development of forest sector. Eco-Development Forces Scheme Eco-Development Forces Scheme (EDF) Scheme was established in 1980s and was implemented through Ministry of defence. The scheme sought for ecological restoration of those terrains which are inaccessible, severely degraded or with law and order problems. In achieving the objective, eco-task force was created. INSTITUTIONAL SETUP National Green Tribunal the National Green Tribunal was established in 2010 under the National Green Tribunal Act 2010. It is a court constituted for effective and expeditious disposal of cases related to environmental protection and conservation of forests. The tribunal also looks into utilisation of natural resources including enforcement of legal rights related to environment. Further NGT checks the relief and compensation for damages to persons and property as well. As a body it is equipped with sufficient power in dispute management related to environmental matters. Guided by the principles of natural justice, the tribunal has a mandate to provide speedy environmental justice and thereby assisting the higher courts in reducing the litigation burden. Any application/appeal to NGT shall be cleared in six months from the date of filing. NGT has its headquarters at New Delhi with other sittings set up in Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata and Chennai. Environmental Research Ministry of environment and forests actively pursues research and development program since 1985. The research and development program seeks to generate information for development of strategies technologies and methodologies in effective management of environment. Besides resource management, conservation and regeneration in some other domains in which research is carried out. The R&D program also envisages infrastructure development in facilitating research and scientific human resource development. The major research programs organised by the Ministry include Environment Research Program, Ecosystem Research Scheme, Eastern and Western Ghats Research Program. Some of the recent programmes initiated by the Ministry include-Institution of National Environment Fellows Program, institution of Mahatma Gandhi chair for ecology and environment, collaborative Research Program with CSIR and Institution of National Environment Protection Training and Research Institute (NEPTRI). Research Scheme/Domain Natural resources management scheme Description This scheme involves utilisation of remote sensing technology for inventory management of resources including land water, forests, minerals, oceans, flora etc. to monitor changes in the ecosystem Research on wetlands mangroves and coral reefs Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) Education and awareness National Museum of Natural History Centers of Excellence 36 wetlands have been identified and approved under the National Wetland Conservation Program for support through financial assistance. The management action plans of those wetlands will be implemented in the coastal states and union territories which will be monitored by National committee of mangroves and coral reefs Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun is authorised for the holistic promotion of forestry research. The Council promotes need-based planning, conducts and coordinates research education and extension covering all aspects of forestry. The Council is head to affiliated research institutes and many other advanced research centres. Research Institutes under ICFRE Location Forest Research Institute Dehradun Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding Coimbatore Institute of Wood Science and Technology Bengaluru Tropical Forest Research Institute Jabalpur Rain Forest Research institute Jorhat Arid Forest Research Institute Jodhpur Himalayan Forest Research Institute Shimla Institute of Forest Productivity Ranchi Avanced Research Centers under ICFRE Center for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation Allahabad Centre for Forestry Research and Human Resource Chhindwara Development Forest Research Centre Hyderabad MoEF has launched flagship scheme for education and training on interrelationship between man and the environment. The scheme named Environmental Education, Awareness and Training seeks to enhance the capabilities and skills of humans to improve and protect the environment. The scheme undertakes programmes like National Green Corps Program, National Environmental Awareness Campaign, Mass Awareness, observance of Earth day and global learning and observation to benefit the environment. The museum was opened in 1978 to create public awareness in preservation and conservation of environment. The museum conducts exhibitions, education programs, outreach activities related to biodiversity and environmental aspects through its regional centers in Mysore, Bhopal and Bhubaneswar. The Ministry of environment and forests since 1983 has set up 10 centres of excellence to strengthen awareness, research and training in priority areas of environmental science and management. Centre of Excellence Location Centre for Environmental Education Ahmadabad CPR Environmental Education Centre Chennai Centre for Ecological Science IISc Bengaluru Centre for Mining Environment ISM, Dhanbad Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural Coimbatore History Centre for Environment Management of University of Delhi Degraded Ecosystem Madras School of Economics Chennai Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Bengaluru Traditions The Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Thiruvananthapuram Institute Centre for Animals and Environment Bengaluru Awards and fellowships Recognising the importance of acknowledgement and support to boost research and development activities, the Ministry has constituted fellowships and awards. These include Indira Paryavaran Puraskar, Indira Priyadarsini Vriksha Mitra Awards, Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation Award etc. While Indira Priyadarsini Vriksha Mitra Award is given annually for recognition of efforts in afforestation and wasteland development, Pitambar Pal National environment Fellowship is awarded to encourage and recognise excellence for research related to environmental sciences annually. National awards for prevention of pollution and Rajeev Gandhi Environmental Award for Clean Technology are other recognitions awaiting pioneers in research and development. The Ministry has also instituted Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection award which carries a cash reward of one lakh rupees for institutions/individuals working for the rural communities. On the literature front, Medini Puraskar has been set up to encourage authors of books in Hindi in the area of environment. Environmental Impact Assessment The question of development over environment has become relevant particularly after the liberalisation of Indian economy. Environmental conservation is as important as development to sustain the population. Hence, to minimise the adverse impact of developmental projects on the environment, a management tool has been devised named Environmental Impact Assessment. EIA seeks to achieve sustainable development through timely, adequate, corrective and protective mitigation measures. The government has constituted Expert Committees for projects in various sectors including mining projects, industrial projects, thermal power, River Valley multipurpose irrigation hydroelectric power projects, infrastructure development projects, nuclear power projects and other miscellaneous projects. An amendment to EIA notification 2009 simplified procedure for obtaining clearance without compromising or diluting the regulatory framework. The amendment exempts biomass-based power plants up to 15 MW, power-plant on non-hazardous municipal solid waste and power plants based on waste heat recovery boilers without using of auxiliary fuel from EC process. Environmental Information/Organisations Environmental Information System (ENVIS) was set up in 1983 with a mandate to collect information, collate, store, retrieve and disseminate to various stakeholders including decision-makers, researchers, academicians, research scientists et cetera.ENVIS has developed Indian State Level Basic Environmental Information Database (ISBEID) in collaboration with National Informatics Centre. Further State of Environment Reporting Scheme and NGOs cell have been initiated for management of activities of various NGOs working in the field of environment. International cooperation Ministry of Environment and Forests has entered into many multilateral agreements. The international corporation sustainable development division of the Ministry of environment and forests coordinates incorporates in the international environmental and sustainable development issues. It is also a nodal division for United Nations and Environment Programme (UNEP), UNCP, World Bank, UNIDO, CSD, Global Environment Facility (GEF) and other regional bodies like Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP), South Asian Association for regional cooperation (SAARC), South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP), Asian development bank (ADB) and European Union (EU) apart from the bilateral and regional cooperation for environmental and sustainable development.