HOLLIDAYSBURG AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES The Hollidaysburg Area School Board met for a Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg. Mr. Yoder called the meeting to order at 7:13pm and opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag. Roll call was taken by Mrs. Baker with nine members present. Attending were Mr. Yoder, President, Mr. Keefer, Vice-President, Mr. Vonada, Mr. Swope, Dr. Sommer, Mr. Brenneman, Mr. Leahey, Mr. Ritchey and Mr. McClain. Call to Order Pledge to Flag Roll Call Also present were Dr. Gildea, Superintendent, Dr. Endler, Director of Education, Mrs. Koehle, Director of Special Education, Mrs. Baker, Business Manager/Board Secretary, Mr. Roberts, Business Administrator/Treasurer, Mr. Straesser, Director of Human Resource/Transportation, Mr. Smith, Director of Physical Plant, Mrs. Smith, Chief Information Officer, Attorney Andrews, Solicitor, Mr. Harrington, Mr. McCall, Mr. Tim Gildea, Mr. DeLattre, Mr. Keagy, Mr. Filkosky, Mr. Barton, Dr. Letcher, Mrs. Snyder, and Mr. Arthur. Moment of Silence Moment of Silence A moment of silence was held in memory of Dean Rossi, a former employee who served as the Athletic Director for 24 years from 19882012. Student Representative Report Student Representative Report Maddison Fitch, Senior Representative reported on homecoming activities and the school-wide positive behavior initiative (Tiger Stripes). On behalf of a fellow student, Miss Fitch inquired about the board’s interest in a national non-profit organization called Rachel’s Challenge, dedicated to creating a safe, connected K-12 school environment and is based on the life of Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine tragedy. Dr. Gildea will discuss this at the next Principals’ meeting. Presentations Presentations Bruce Baldwin, Executive Director of Materials Management, Blair Companies spoke to the board about his global experiences as it pertains 1 MINUTES – COW/VOTING MEETING OCTOBER 21, 2015 to the district’s mission statement. Junior High Librarian Joy Peterman presented Dawn Garrity, Hollidaysburg Area School District Foundation President with a Certificate of Recognition for the Junior High Tiger TV and Library Computer Project which was funded by the Foundation. Students Nathan Stull and Jacob Miller presented information on a project to update the senior high planetarium to meet current standards. Grant monies are being sought from the NSF with the help of Saint Francis University with a fundraising goal of $225,000 for a projector. The board was asked to consider funding some of the project such as new seating, new panels and paint for the dome. Public Comment Public Comment There was no public comment. Business Office Report / Mr. Baker Announcements: The board met in executive session Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 6:00pm for personnel, litigation and negotiations. Announcements The Athletic Committee will meet November 18, 2015 at 5:00pm in the Guidance Career Conference Room of the Senior High School, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg. The next scheduled board meeting will be a combined Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 7:00pm in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg. On motion of Mr. Leahey, second by Dr. Sommer, the board approved the following actions: Per Board Policy 006. Meetings, the minutes of the following meetings: July 29, 2015 Committee of the Whole and Voting August 12, Special Voting August 12, 2015 Committee of the Whole August 19, 2015 Voting September 9, 2015 Committee of the Whole 2 Minutes MINUTES – COW/VOTING OCTOBER 21, 2015 September 16, 2015 Voting Financial Reports for September, 2015. The reports included Treasurer’s Report, List of Payments, Investment Portfolio, and YTD Expenditures/Revenues. Exhibit 1 Financial Reports The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes vote and zero no votes. 2015-2016 Budget Update / Mr. Roberts The board will receive budget updates on a quarterly basis as they relate to the budget for general fund purposes. The district budget was approved in June, 2015 with a deficit of $717,834.00. Adjustments to date include a Title I Allocation increase that was not included in the budget in the amount of $144,180, debt service refinancing of Series A and B of 2015 which resulted in savings of $163,078.00 and personnel adjustments in salaries, retirements and medical leaves resulting in savings of $69,763.00. Benefit changes to date include a one-time consortium rebate of $222,567. These savings have increased revenue by $600,218 that was not initially budgeted for in the quarter ending September, 2015. Decreases affecting the budget include approximately $5,000 per month in interest earnings as a result of the state budget impasse. A state subsidy increase of $533,683 was budgeted, but without the passing of a state budget, it is unknown what percentage increase may be received or when it will be received. It is still projected that the district will have enough funds to remain operational through February, 2016 before any loans would need to be secured. On motion of Mr. Brenneman, seconded by Mr. Swope, the board approved the following contracts per Board Policy 006 Meetings: Science in Motion Service Contract with Juniata College for the 20152016 school year. One year agreement with Juniata College to provide recurring mobile educator visits and equipment labs. Subscription fee of $17,000. Exhibit 2 Agreement with PRISMWORKS for VMware License Support Contract #30825325 for server virtualization support. Cost: $6,597.36 (3) years. VMware is virtual software loaded on 3 physical servers allowing the creation of virtual servers (ex Bus Boss) Exhibit 3 3 2015-16 Budget Update Contracts MINUTES – COW/VOTING OCTOBER 21, 2015 Agreement with PRISMWORKS for VMware software support for software updates and back up Cost: $1,770.00 (1) year. Veeam is software licensing used to back up servers and data to our storage device. Exhibit 4 Agreement with Stericycle Specialty Waste Solutions, Inc. effective November 1, 2015 for one year for disposal of hazardous drugs. Cost: $187.00. Exhibit 5 Renewal agreement with Reliance Communications, LLC. (School Messenger) for a secure document delivery system effective October 20, 2015 through October 20, 2016 plus 8 months prorated to June 30, 2017. Cost: $2,833.34. Exhibit 6 Production Contract effective October 9, 2015 through October 9, 2016 for Disney’s Peter Pan, Jr. Cost $685.00. Exhibit 7 Agreement with Kenmark, Inc. for English City Winter Scene 19x49 backdrops to be used at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School Cost $665.00. Exhibit 8 Production Contract effective September 28, 2015 through September 28, 2016 for Into the Woods, Jr. Cost $685.00 Exhibit 9 The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. On motion of Mr. Keefer, seconded by Dr. Sommer, the board approved a Fund Balance Resolution for the Turf Replacement Project in the amount of $14,000. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits the following portions of its June 30, 2015 committed General Fund balance as follows: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits the committed fund balance of $14,000 from the June 30, 2014 Audited Financial Statement for the Turf Replacement Committed Fund and transfers $14,000 to the Capital Reserve Fund for the turf replacement project. Exhibit 10 4 Fund Balance Resolution for Turf Replacement MINUTES – COW/VOTING OCTOBER 21, 2015 The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. On motion of Mr. Vonada, seconded by Mr. McClain, the board approved the following Federal Program Budget Adjustments: Federal Program Budget Adjustments 2014-2015 Budget 2013-2014 Title I Budget Reduction: ($1,286) 2014-2015 Title I Budget Decrease ($12,176) 2014-2015 Renew Grant Increase: $148 2015-2016 Budget 2013-2014 Title I Increase: $1,286 2014-2015 Title IIB Math/Science Ramp Grant: $1,225 2015-2016 IDEA Section 619: $2,994 2014-2015 Title I Increase: $6,156 Exhibit 11 The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Mr. McClain initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Leahey, per Board Policy, 813-Other Insurance, to approve binding insurance retroactive as follows: Volunteer Insurance Blanket Accident Insurance for Student Volunteers Underwriter: QBE Insurance Corporation Effective Date: 10/1/2015 Annual Premium: $800.00 Accident Medical Expense Benefits: $100,000 Accidental Death Benefit: $25,000 Accidental Dismemberment Benefit: Up to $50,000 Deductible $-0The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes vote and zero no votes. On motion of Mr. Vonada, seconded by Dr. Sommer, the board approved a Blair County Tax Claim Repository Bid from Randal Lee McConnell, Sr. and Vonda Lynn McConnell for Map# 02.00-11C.-029.00-000 in the amount of $200. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 12 5 Tax Claim Repository Bid MINUTES – COW/VOTING OCTOBER 21, 2015 Mr. Brenneman initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Vonada, to approve the following actions: Per Board Policy, 202. Eligibility of Non-Resident Students, to extend the 2015-2016 60-Day tuition waiver (not to exceed beyond January 31, 2016) to a Grade 1, Frankstown elementary student, ID# ending in 26. The student's parents are currently building a home in the Frankstown attendance area. Exhibit 13 Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, disposal of various obsolete equipment and books. Exhibit 14 The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Junior High Roof Replacement Update – Mr. Smith Bid specifications, documents and drawings are complete for the Junior High roof replacement of approximately 61,000 square feet. The roof contains asbestos material which is recommended for removal. The project is scheduled to be advertised for bid (base bid and alternate bid) on November 2, 2015 with a bid opening scheduled for December 10, 2015. It is anticipated that the bid award will be presented for approval at the January, 2016 board meeting. The roof replacement cost of $550,000 is budgeted based upon $9-$12 per square foot. The project is expected to start after the last day of school and will be completed before the start of school in the fall of 2017. Tuition Waiver Extension Disposal of Obsolete Books and Equipment JH Roof Replacement Update Superintendent’s Report / Dr. Gildea On motion of Mr. McClain, seconded by Mr. Brenneman, the board approved the following actions: Parental Waiver of Adjudication Hearing and Agreement for Student, ID# ending in 46 Exhibit 15 Per Board Policy 915, New Booster Group Application: Hollidaysburg Junior High School Cheer Parent Association Resolution acknowledging, approving and recognizing the establishment of non-profit booster organizations established for the purpose of promoting participation in and support to extra-curricular activities of the Hollidaysburg Area School District. This change is necessary to include 6 Parental Waiver of Adjudication Hearing New Booster Group Application Booster Group Resolution MINUTES – COW/VOTING OCTOBER 21, 2015 the Hollidaysburg Junior High School Cheer Parent Association. Exhibit 16 Curriculum Projects Update / Active and Newly Proposed Projects Exhibit 17 Curriculum Projects Update The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. E-Rate Update / Mrs. Smith advised that a technology infrastructure project was approved by the board with funds designated to pay for the project. The project was submitted for E-Rate reimbursement and the district was reimbursed $97,850.50. The administration will apply for ERate funding when the elementary schools are upgraded, anticipating the same reimbursement outcome. Two options are under consideration to use the reimbursement monies. Option 1: Update the elementary schools wireless network. Option 2: Purchase computers, and other technology equipment throughout the district. The administration is in favor of Option 1. The Annual Plan contains goals and anticipated outcomes established by district leaders for the 2015-2016 school year. E-Rate Update Annual Plan On motion of Mr. Ritchey, seconded by Mr. Vonada, the board approved the Annual Plan. The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes vote and zero no votes. Exhibit 18 On motion of Mr. Leahey, seconded by Mr. Ritchey, the board approved the personnel sheets dated 10/21/15 at 12:04pm, items 1 through 117. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes for all actions except No’s. 19, 21 and 30 which carried on a roll call vote with eight yes vote and one abstention for each item. Mr. Brenneman cast the abstaining votes. Exhibits 19 and 20 Personnel President’s Report / Mr. Yoder The board was presented with the following policies on a first reading. Policy 006 Meetings Policy 006-R Meetings Policy 100 Comprehensive Planning Policy 109-R Resource Material 7 First Reading of Policies MINUTES – COW/VOTING OCTOBER 21, 2015 Policy 109 Attachment 1 Policy 109 Attachment 2 Policy 113.3 Screening and Evaluations for Students with Disabilities Policy 116. Tutoring Policy 122.1 Equal Access Policy 127 Assessment Systems Policy 141 Online Instruction Policy 201 Admissions Policy 201-R Admissions Policy 204-R Attendance Policy 227 Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia Policy 246 Student Wellness Policy 246 Attachment Policy 626 Federal Fiscal Compliance Policy 626-R Federal Fiscal Compliance Policy 705.2 Standard Operating Procedures for Persons Authorized to Use Weapons Policy 802 School Organization Policy 812 Property Insurance Policy 813 Other Insurance Policy 916 Volunteer Disclosure Sheet Attachment-I (Information Only) Policy 918 Title I Parent Involvement Mrs. Baker noted the following corrections: Policy 006. Change No. 2 the word “via” is struck out and needs to be included. Policy Page 5, Item 13, strike out “of and $10,000” AR 109 Page 3, add a coma after the word “accurate” Policy 127, Page 3, the numbering at the bottom needs to say page 3 of 3 rather than 3 of 2 Policy 813, Page 3 needs to have an addition to include coverage for employer liability practices. The board discussed a Resolution to delay the PSERS employment contribution and prorated portion of charter school tuition. Mrs. Baker noted that the recommendation from PSBA was not to delay the entire charter school payment. They recommended districts to delay the portion that is attributable to the total budgeted revenue received from the commonwealth that is lacking. On motion of Mr. Swope, seconded by Mr. Ritchey, the board approved a Resolution granting the Business Administrators the authority to delay 8 PSBA recommended Resolution Resolution to Delay Payments of Charter School Tuition MINUTES – COW/VOTING OCTOBER 21, 2015 payments for the portion of Charter School Tuition otherwise owed representing the proportionate share of total budgeted revenue received from the Commonwealth by the Board of Directors of the Hollidaysburg Area School District. WHEREAS, the 2015-2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania state budget remains at an impasse. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Hollidaysburg Area School District Board of Directors grants the business administrators the authority to delay payments for the portion of charter school tuition otherwise owed representing the proportionate share to total budgeted revenue received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania until the 2015-2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania state budget impasse is resolved. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be submitted to elected senators and representative of the Hollidaysburg Area School District and the general assembly and the Governor of Pennsylvania. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes vote and zero no votes. Exhibit 21 Committee Reports Committee Reports There were no committee reports. Dr. Gildea announced band performances and athletic achievements the district received in October. Announcements Mr. Ritchey brought to the board’s attention Senate Bill 909 which would eliminate the Act 1 Index and House Bill 1084 which would remove future employers from PSERS. New Business There being no further business to be brought before the board, Mr. Yoder declared the meeting adjourned at 8:49pm. ____________________________________ Susan M. Baker Board Secretary 9 Adjourn