Ludworth Curriculum overview Y5-6 spring a

Curriculum Overview for Year 5/6 – AUTUMN TERM
Art & Design
 Use sketchbooks to collect, record, review,
revisit & evaluate ideas
 Improve mastery of techniques such as
drawing, painting and sculpture with varied
 Learn about great artists, architects &
 Van Gough style skies – finger acrylics
remote food aid system
 A painting depicting the horror of plague
(Munch, Dante style)
READING : Apply knowledge of morphology & etymology when reading new words Reading & discuss a broad
range of genres & texts; Identifying & discussing themes Make recommendations to others, Learn poetry by
heart Draw inference & make predictions Discuss authors’ use of language, Retrieve & present information
from non-fiction texts, Formal presentations & debates
WRITING: Secure spelling including homophones, prefixes, silent letters etc Use a thesaurus Legible, fluent
handwriting, Plan writing to suit audience & purpose , Develop character, setting & atmosphere in narrative
,Use organisational & presentational features ,Use consistent appropriate tense ,Proof reading Perform own
Use prefixes and suffixes, Use modal & passive verbs, Use relative clauses, Use commas for clauses ,
Use brackets, dashes & commas for parenthesis .
Give well-structured explanations Command of Standard English,
Consider & evaluate different viewpoints, Use appropriate register.
Design & Technology
 Use research& criteria to develop products
which are fit for purpose and aimed at
specific groups
 Use annotated sketches & cross-section
 Analyse & evaluate existing products and
improve own work
 Use mechanical systems in own products
Year 6 to follow the old curriculum for academic year 2014/15
GEGEOMETRY & MEASURES: Identify 3-D shapes including cubes and other cuboids from 2-D representations ,Know angles are
measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles
STATISTICS: Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph. Complete read
and interpret information in tables including timetables.
FRACTIONS Compare & order fractions, Add & subtract fractions with common denominators, with mixed numbers
,Multiply fractions by units, Write decimals as fractions . Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert
from one to another and write mathematical statements as a mixed number. Identify, name and write equivalent
fractions. Link percentages to fractions & decimals.
 Listen & engage in conversations,
expressing opinions
 Speak in simple language & be understood
 Develop appropriate pronunciation
 Present ideas & information orally
 Show understanding in simple reading
 Adapt known language to create new ideas
 Describe people, places & things
 Understand basic grammar, e.g. gender
NUMBER to continue to reinforce and revisit the number objectives from the Autumn term.
Year 6 to follow old curriculum
compare and group together everyday materials on the basis
of their properties, including their hardness, solubility,
transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response
to magnets
know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution,
and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures
might be separated, including through filtering, sieving
and evaporating
give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests,
for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals,
wood and plastic
demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are
reversible changes
explain that some changes result in the formation of new
materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible,
including changes associated with burning and the action of
acid on bicarbonate of soda.
Broader History Study
 Research historical plagues, causes and
 To explain causes and impact of natural
Research the impact of historical natural
disasters on the planet
 Use running,
jumping, catching
and throwing
in isolation and in
 Play competitive games, applying basic
 Develop flexibility & control in gymnastics
 Compare performances to achieve
personal bests
 E- safety
 Design & write programs to solve problems
 Use sequences, repetition, inputs, variables
and outputs in programs use probots.
 Detect & correct errors in programs
 Understand uses of networks for
collaboration & communication
 Be discerning in evaluating digital content
 Applying digital literacy skills (crosscurricular)
Understand latitude, longitude, Equator,
hemispheres, tropics.
Understand how plate tectonics shift and create
earthquakes and volcanoes.
To study the physical geography of 3 regions
where contrasting disasters happen
Annotate diagrams to describe geographical
processes and patterns.
Prepare and carry out an interview linking to chosen
natural disasters.
A world map showing the origins and spread of
20th/21st Century pandemics
 Perform with control & expression solo & in
Improvise & compose using dimensions
of music using technology
 Listen to detail and recall aurally
 Use & understand basics of staff notation
 Musical interpretations of ‘disasters’
 Listen to, evaluate and recreate disaster
Continue to follow locally- agreed syllabus
for RE
 Hertfordshire Scheme
Ludworth Primary School