State College Parent Student Teacher Organization Meeting – August 9, 2010 Location – Wegman’s Members Present, Sarah Stager, President, Diane Kesidis, Kimberly Babb, Hannah Babb, Danae Powers, Penny Sandoval The meeting was called to order at 10am. Sarah Stager motioned to nominate Diane Kesidis for the office of Treasurer for the upcoming school year 2010-2011. Kim Babb 2nd the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Danae Powers motioned to nominated Sarah Stager and Kimberly Babb for the offices of Co- President. Diane Kesidis seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Sarah Stager motioned to approve mini-grants for students and teachers. Hannah Babb seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion involved application and amount for these grants will need to be developed. Sarah Stager brought up Welcome Back events for the teachers. The PTSO may provide subs and drinks for the Joint North/South Faculty meeting. Need to find out dates for the meeting. Discussion regarding inviting Kaplan to resume their practice session for the PSAT, SAT preparation fundraiser for the PTSO. Discussion as to possible dates – November 2010. Danae Powers brought up possibility of a Successful Alumni Speaker Series which could involve speakers in the business field or other hot topics that parents/students may be interested in. Example brought up of State High alumnus that works for Pixar. Danae Powers brought up idea of partnering with an international school to provide assistance. Danae Powers motioned to adjourn the meeting and Diane Kesidis seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am. Sarah Stager, Co-President