Colburn Town Council Colburn Village Hall, Colburn, North Yorkshire, DL9 4LZ Tel/Fax: 01748 833126 Email: Office hours: Mon to Fri 9.00 – 13.00 Town Mayor Angela Dale Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Philippa Graves Dear Councillor The next meeting of the Council will be held on Monday 20th July 2015 in Colburn Village Hall Members of the public are most welcome and may ask a question on any item listed. The time allowance is 10 minutes per person with a maximum time of 40 minutes per meeting. This can be extended in exceptional circumstances. AGENDA 1. 2. To receive Apologies To receive Councillor “declaration of interests” 3. 4. To recommend Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 15th June (papers attached) Matters Arising – to discuss matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda To receive monthly crime report and discuss Police Matters 5. To discuss current issues in Colburn with representatives of Yorkshire Water 6. 7. To discuss County Council matters with County Councillor Helen Grant Report from District Councillors on matters relevant to Colburn 8. 9. Reports from Other Bodies and Sub-Committees Response to Newsletter Surveys – Experimental Prohibition of Motor Vehicles, Colburn Village, - Memorial Garden, Arras Lines 10. 11. To discuss Sour Beck Clean-up Project in the vicinity of The Chase and Business Park To receive Correspondence 12. To discuss Planning Matters – plans reviewed by the Planning Sub-Committee Outcome of recent RDC Planning Committee decisions 13. To discuss Financial Matters (grants awarded under Section 137 of Local Government Act 1972) Colburn Sport Centre’s grant application of £7,000 for gym extension or £4,950 for Feasibility Study Fencing quotes for Grange Road Play Area Mayor’s Civic Budget for Social Occasions Quarterly figures & Bank balances Cheques for approval (list circulated at meeting) and post-dated cheques for August payment 14. Date of next Meeting: Monday 21st Sept 2015 followed by Monday 19th Oct 2015 at usual time of 6.15 pm 15. Any other Business (Items for information only). MINUTES OF EACH TOWN COUNCIL MEETING ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE WEBSITE AND COLBURN LIBRARY AND AT (council and democracy/parishtowncouncils)