Investigation into the Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by Clostridium sporogenes Julia Bingham 000916-015 May 2012 Exam session Lakewood High School Mrs. Sarah Talle Word Count: 3,610 Bingham 000916-015 2 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Table of Contents Abstract 3 Research Question 4 Aim 4 Hypothesis 4 Background Information 5 Variables 7 Method 8 Processed Data 10 Data Analysis 12 Conclusion 13 Evaluation and Uncertainties 15 Bibliography 18 Appendix 19 Bingham 000916-015 3 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Abstract This paper evaluates an experiment conducted testing ethanol production by the bacterium Clostridium sporogenes. The research question addressed by this experiment was ‘What is the effect of the type of sugar molecule (glucose or cellulose) on the amount of ethanol produced by the bacteria Clostridium sporogenes through consumption of the sugar?’ Background research was conducted to reach a hypothesis, which stated that there is an overall difference in the efficiency of ethanol production based on the sugar molecule used, and that the bacteria consuming glucose will produce more ethanol than bacteria consuming cellulose or bacteria in the control environment with no added sugars. In the experiment, cultures of C. sporogenes were incubated and then added to nutrient broth solutions. Either cellulose, glucose, or no sugars were added for each trial, and these solutions were left for a period of four days to allow the bacteria to process the sugars into ethanol. Afterwards, the amount of ethanol produced in each trial was recorded. The data showed more ethanol produced by bacteria that processed glucose than cellulose, and no ethanol produced by bacteria that did not have sugar added to the solution. These results led to the conclusion that ethanol production is dependent on the type of sugar processed, and that the bacterium C. sporogenes produces ethanol more efficiently when processing glucose than when processing cellulose. Bingham 000916-015 4 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Research Question What is the effect of the type of sugar molecule (glucose or cellulose) on the amount of ethanol produced by the bacteria Clostridium sporogenes through consumption of the sugar? Aim The aim of this experiment is to explore the effects of different sugars on the amount of ethanol produced by the bacterium C. sporogenes. Specifically, the goal of this experiment is to find the differences in ethanol production when the bacterium consumes glucose instead of cellulose, ethanol being a main waste product. Another goal is to use the results to determine if there is a difference in efficiency in ethanol production based on sugar molecules and therefore which sugar would be most useful in the production of ethanol for commercial purposes. Hypothesis It is hypothesized that the bacteria consuming glucose will produce more ethanol than bacteria consuming cellulose or bacteria in the control environment with no added sugars. This is due to the fact that glucose is a basic monosaccharide, while cellulose is a polysaccharide – a much larger, complex, and more stable molecule. Cellulose, or plant fiber, is believed to be much more difficult for the bacteria to break down, therefore being a less efficient source of food. This also leads to the hypothesis that there is an overall difference in the efficiency of ethanol production based on the sugar molecule used. If these hypotheses hold true, bacteria processing cellulose would therefore yield less ethanol than those processing glucose would in the same amount of time. Bingham 000916-015 5 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Background Information Ethanol is usually produced by organisms such as yeast and bacteria via a process called anaerobic respiration. In general, this process consists of the sugar glucose being converted into energy without the presence of oxygen via glycolisis, with the byproduct of lactic acid (Hine, 2005). One form of anaerobic respiration is fermentation, where the products consist of carbon dioxide and ethanol (Hine, 2005). According to Najafpour and Lim, (2002). yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and S. uvarum are most commonly used for industrial production of ethanol. However, organisms that yield the highest amounts of ethanol and are least susceptible to ethanol inhibition are anaerobic bacteria such as Zymomonas mobilis, Clostridium indolis (pathogenic), and C. sporogenes. Theoretically, both bacteria and yeast can produce a 98%100% yield of alcohol for any sugar or starch, however the aforementioned bacteria consistently produce at least 92% yields compared to yields of 86% by yeast (Najafpour & Lim, 2002). The main reason bacteria are not used despite their high ethanol production rates is due to the fact that they typically have higher amounts of byproducts in the process such as acetic acid, and have a harder time breaking down complex sugars than yeast do (Najafpour & Lim, 2002). In this experiment, the bacteria with the highest expected ethanol yield, C. sporogenes, was chosen to test if a less complex sugar allows for more efficient ethanol production, therefore possibly making it a more likely candidate for industrial purposes. Industrially, cellulose is the main source of sugars for ethanol fermentation because it is cheaper than simple sugars and starchy materials that are typically used for human food instead (Badger, 2002). Both yeasts and bacteria are being engineered to be better able to process cellulose as efficiently as possible for industrial production of ethanol (Mackenzie, 2006). Mackenzie (2006) listed these microorganisms as the key architects of all industrial ethanol Bingham 000916-015 6 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes production, and argued that both bacteria and yeasts have been engineered recently to already be more efficient with cellulose. However, Najafpour and Lim (2002) argued that cellulosic plant fiber is still the most difficult to break down, even if it eventually yields as much as other sugars. The disagreement between these sources is likely a result of the difference in the times that these sources were published. For this experiment, glucose was tested against cellulose to see if the difference in efficiencies based on sugars does currently apply. Regulation of the bacteria itself is extremely important to maintaining a well-designed experiment. According to Hausner (2006), anaerobic bacteria must be maintained at a temperature of 37° Celsius in an air-tight container. Beforehand, they must be stored in a refrigerator to prevent growth before sub culturing. It is recommended to grow these bacteria on a basic nutrient agar or broth. A strict maintenance and method of testing using only sterile materials is essential, because contamination happens easily (Hausner, 2006). Much of this experiment was based off of these rules and slightly modeled after the set up for bacterial growth and maintenance in the experiment by Allison and Macfarlane (1990) that tested protease production in C. sporogenes. In their experiment, the bacteria was kept in a nutrient broth and grown in batch cultures before being moved to reaction vessels for trials. The bacteria were maintained in an anaerobic environment with a stable temperature of 37° Celsius. This experiment was set up in the same way, using test tubes instead of reaction vessels to fit the purpose of the experiment. Ethanol is typically gathered in large amounts, using systems requiring mechanisms such as an Immobilized Cell Reactor (Najafpour & Lim, 2002). However, these systems do not work as efficiently for such small amounts as those tested in this experiment, and are, more importantly, typically unavailable in a classroom laboratory situation. This experiment was Bingham 000916-015 7 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes therefore limited and had to rely on the natural separation of ethanol from aqueous solutions. Furthermore, for pure ethanol to be obtained, distillation is the typical method. However, it typically results in the evaporation of a small amount of ethanol (Najafpour & Lim, 2002). This amount is large enough to skew the data when working with such small amounts, forcing reliance on the natural separation of ethanol from aqueous solutions in this experiment. Ethanol can be identified on its properties as a clear, colorless liquid that is flammable when pure, with an alcoholic odor (Najafpour & Lim, 2002). These properties helped to identify the ethanol in this experiment. Variables This experiment tested amount of ethanol produced by bacteria depending on what sugar molecule they consumed. All other variables were therefore minimized and held constant. All equipment used was sterile to avoid contaminants. All bacteria were cultured for the same amount of time and applied to each trial in the same amounts in an effort to keep the number of bacteria in each trial as similar as possible. All trials used the same amount of nutrient broth. Each trial containing sugars used one gram of the given sugar. In this way, each culture of bacteria consuming sugar had access to more sugar than they would be able to consume in the allotted time. This was in an attempt to keep from limiting the bacteria in how much sugar they could consume, and therefore how much ethanol they could produce. The bacteria were therefore able to produce as much ethanol as possible during the experiment. A set of control trials in which no sugar was added was used to ensure that the ethanol being produced came from the sugars tested rather than any sugars in the nutrient broth. The environment in which the bacteria were tested was kept dark and at a constant temperature of 35° Celsius, and was sealed due to the Bingham 000916-015 8 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes anaerobic nature of the bacteria. All variables that may have affected the ethanol production by the bacteria were in this way controlled. Method Preparation and Set Up Before beginning the experiment, a test tube culture of C. sporogenes was grown. The culture was allowed to grow in a sealed test tube placed inside of an incubator for three days. The incubator was kept at a temperature of 35° Celsius to maximize growth. Because of the small size of the tube culture, and to avoid letting the bacteria poison themselves in an excess of waste, two tube cultures had to be grown in this fashion to have enough for all trials. In setting up the experiment, a beaker of nutrient broth (made from distilled water and dry nutrient mix powder) was mixed, sealed, and then put in a pressure cooker to sterilize the solution. In making the nutrient broth, 0.8g of powder was added per 100mL of distilled water. During this process, the pressure cooker was set at a low to medium heat setting and allowed to reach 15 psi. The solution was then removed and allowed to cool for 15 minutes, until it returned to room temperature. Five milliliters of the solution was then added to each of 50 large test tubes. These test tubes were sterile, could hold ten milliliters of liquid at maximum, and had screw-on caps to provide an anaerobic environment. In 20 test tubes, one gram of glucose was added to each and then allowed to dissolve and mix in to the nutrient broth by inverting each test tube gently multiple times. In 20 test tubes, the same process was done using cellulose. The remaining 10 test tubes served as control samples, and no sugar was added to the nutrient broth. Using a sterile pipette, four drops of the bacteria tube culture was then added to each tube. The tubes Bingham 000916-015 9 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes were sealed and placed in the incubator, where they were kept at 35° Celsius for four days to allow the bacteria to consume and process the sugar. Data Collection After four days, the test tubes were removed. Because the tests were small-scaled and were expected to yield small amounts of ethanol per trial, the solution was transferred to smaller test tubes where measuring liquid volumes can be more precise. Two milliliters of the solution were removed from each large test tube by using a sterilized pipette to draw from the top of the solution, where most of the ethanol should be. The solution was then placed into the smaller tubes. These tubes held, at maximum, three milliliters of liquid. The solution was allowed to settle for ten minutes, so that any ethanol would separate and rise to the top of the solution. This separated ethanol was then measured in the test tube using a clear metric ruler. It was identified as the clear liquid that separated on top of the solution. From the base of the meniscus of the solution to the base of the meniscus of the ethanol, the ethanol was measured to the nearest ½ millimeter. These test tubes held one milliliter of liquid per every 15 millimeters, and this was used to convert the measurements of each trial into milliliters. All data were recorded in a table format. Bingham 000916-015 10 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Processed Data Table 1: Average Amount (ml) of Ethanol Produced by C. sporogenes per 2 ml of Solution, Depending on Which Sugar was Added to the Solution (+/-0.017), Including Standard Deviation Type of sugar added Average amount of ethanol produced (ml) Standard Deviation Glucose .082 .024 Cellulose .037 .021 No added sugar 0 0 Note. All raw data and sample calculations used in conversions and processing data can be found in Appendix A. Bingham 000916-015 11 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Average Ethanol Production Based on Type of Sugar (Error bars represent Standard Deviation) Average Amount of Ethanol Produced (ml) 0.11 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 Glucose Cellulose No added sugar Type of Sugar Processed by C. Sporogenes Figure 1: Average amount of ethanol (ml) produced by C. sporogenes per 2 ml of solution depending on which sugar was consumed (+/-0.017). Bingham 000916-015 12 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Data Analysis The data shows a distinct difference between the amounts of ethanol produced by C. sporogenes when consuming cellulose or glucose. As shown by Table 1, when consuming glucose the bacteria produced an average of 0.082 ml per 2 ml of solution. Every individual trial fell between 0.033 ml and 0.13 ml, with 17 out of the 20 trials reading either 0.067 or 0.10 ml. In contrast, bacteria consuming cellulose only yielded an average of 0.037 ml per 2 ml of solution. Each individual trial fell between 0 and 0.067 ml, with 15 out of the 20 trials reading at or below 0.033. These results show that bacteria consuming glucose produced, on average, more than twice the amount of ethanol than bacteria consuming cellulose did. Table 1 also shows that the bacteria in control trials, where no sugar was added, never produced any measurable amount of ethanol. This confirms that all significant amounts of ethanol produced in the trials testing sugars was processed by the bacteria directly from the consumption of added sugars. It was noted that a strong alcoholic odor came from the trials along with the odor of the bacteria, helping to confirm a significant presence of ethanol before measuring the quantitative results. The standard deviation, as shown in Table 1, was in each case less than 0.025 ml. As illustrated by Figure 1, the error bars representing the standard deviation of each trial do not overlap. In the cases of the trials containing sugar, the error bars reach the same amount. However, they also do not overlap. This shows that the ranges of error do not significantly affect the results. The data collected in this experiment were therefore statistically significant, and the differences in results between tested variables are conclusive data. That C. sporogenes produced nearly twice as much ethanol when given glucose over when given cellulose is therefore a valid result. Bingham 000916-015 13 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Conclusion The purpose of this experiment was to explore the effects of different sugars on the ethanol production of C. sporogenes. Two sugars were tested: cellulose, a complex polysaccharide plant fiber that is typically used in ethanol production, and glucose, a simple monosaccharide. As per hypothesis, it was deduced that when the bacteria consume the basic sugar, glucose, they would produce more ethanol in a set time period than when consuming cellulose because the glucose, as a smaller molecule, would be easier for the bacteria to break down and process. Therefore, the bacteria would be able to more efficiently consume glucose than cellulose, leading to a higher yield of ethanol. The experiment was therefore designed to specifically test the amount of ethanol the bacteria made in a set time based on the sugars they consumed. Both of the two sugars tested provided solid results. The data shows that glucose yielded over twice as much ethanol as cellulose did, with the bacteria producing an average of 0.082 ml compared to 0.037ml (Table 1). The data remained consistent over all trials, and the ranges of errors, shown by standard deviation error bars, do not overlap (Figure 1). This confirms the data as statistically significant, because it shows that even when allowing for error, the data still suggest a difference in ethanol production. This allows for a definitive conclusion based on the results of the experiment. It is therefore deduced that C. sporogenes produces more ethanol when consuming glucose compared to when it consumes cellulose. This conclusion completely supports the base hypothesis made before the experiment. It suggests that the bacteria were able to break down and process more of the simple sugar, glucose, than the complex polysaccharide, cellulose, leading to larger amounts of ethanol being produced by bacteria consuming glucose. Bingham 000916-015 14 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes This conclusion also allows speculation on another aim of this experiment. It was tentatively hypothesized that the efficiency in ethanol production, in general, is dependent on the type of sugar molecule used in the process. This is supported in the results because the ethanol production in this experiment was completely dependent on what type of sugar the bacteria consumed and processed into ethanol. Because this experiment was designed to test ethanol production based on sugars, and the results show that the smaller sugar molecule led to more efficient ethanol production, it is possible to infer that ethanol production depends on the type of sugar used. However, this cannot be concluded as a certainty for all ethanol production in general. The experiment only tested ethanol production using the bacteria C. sporogenes. There are multiple other species of bacteria that also process sugar into ethanol, and some yeast also do that. This experiment tested no other bacterium or yeast. Therefore, all conclusions regarding ethanol production based on sugar molecule are based solely in context of the tested bacterium species. Applying that conclusion to ethanol production in general can only serve as supporting evidence for such a hypothesis that would need to be tested using several species of bacteria and yeast. Mentioned among the aims of this experiment was the possibility of applying the results of this experiment to a commercial ethanol production setting. However, the experiment only serves to provide supporting evidence to these speculations rather than proof or substantially conclusive data. The experiment shows that C.sporogenes produces more ethanol in a set time period when consuming glucose rather than cellulose. This allows for speculation that ethanol production in general is more efficient when using glucose, which would mean in commercial sense glucose would be more useful. Again, though, this can only be inferred, rather than concluded as an absolute. Bingham 000916-015 15 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes In summary, the results of this experiment support the hypothesis that C. sporogenes produces more ethanol in a set period of time when consuming glucose than it does when consuming cellulose. This shows that the bacteria is more effective at processing glucose than cellulose, and that ethanol production by bacteria does depend on the type of sugar used. These findings suggest that the smaller sugar molecule, glucose, allows for more efficient ethanol production. This supports but does not confirm the speculation that the efficiency of ethanol production in general may depend on the sugar used, and that in a commercial sense the smaller sugar molecules such as glucose may be the most useful. Evaluation and Uncertainties A reflection on the experiment reveals an evaluation of the design, results, and uncertainties. The experiment was designed to specifically test the production of ethanol by the bacteria C. sporogenes as being dependent on the type of sugar consumed by the bacteria. All other variables were controlled as much as possible, and the trials lead to conclusive data. From the results it was found that the efficiency of ethanol production is dependant of the type of sugar consumed. However, because this experiment tested only C. sporogenes rather than multiple species of ethanol-producing bacteria or yeast, it doesn’t allow for this conclusion to be applied with complete certainty to all ethanol production. As far as confirming that all ethanol production is dependent on type of sugar used in the process, this experiment is inconclusive. Further studies of ethanol production efficiency that include testing on other ethanol-producing agents in a fashion similar to this experiment would provide more evidence and could contribute to a conclusion concerning all ethanol production. Furthermore, this test was designed to only test two types of sugars, cellulose and glucose. These sugars are extremely different from each Bingham 000916-015 16 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes other, and so provide a good variable change for testing. However, they were the only two tested, and it is possible that not all other sugars behave the same way. So, while the experiment did provide data that supports the conclusion that ethanol production efficiency depends on the type of sugar, it is not necessarily true that all large sugar molecules would have results more similar to cellulose or that all simple sugars would have results more similar to glucose. Therefore, further extrapolation on how the type of sugar affects ethanol production would be inconclusive based on this data. More types of sugars would need to be tested, using the same experimental design, to find conclusive evidence. As for uncertainties, it is possible that flaws in the experiment could have affected the data. All variables were controlled as well as the circumstance of a classroom environment would allow. It is unlikely that any uncertainties would come from contamination, because all equipment was sterile. Similarly, it is improbable that any uncertainties would have come from uneven amounts of solution or a change in environment because those factors were also completely controlled. However, it is possible that the number of individual bacteria might have varied between trials. This is because the bacteria were kept in a test tube culture and transferred via pipette. While the same number of drops of bacteria were added to each trial, it was impossible to ensure that each drop contained exactly the same number of bacteria. So, that could have affected the culture size in each trial. Similarly, the bacteria numbers could have been different depending on which tube culture they came from. Because of the size of the experiment, two tube cultures were needed to have enough bacteria. Each tube was cultured in the exact same way, in the same environment and for the same amount of time. However, it is still possible that there was a higher concentration of bacteria in one than in the other. Another uncertainty comes from the fact that it was impossible to completely separate the ethanol from Bingham 000916-015 17 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes the solution and purify it in the experiment. Because of this, it is possible that some by-products such as acetic acid may have been in the ethanol measured, and that not all ethanol was gathered from every trial. Because of this, the amounts of ethanol recorded may have been slightly different from the amounts produced in actuality. However, this error was marginal at most. These were the main sources of uncertainty in the experiment. Even with these errors, the data is conclusive enough to suggest that, if it was affected by differing amounts of bacteria, it wasn’t enough to skew the data to a point where the results weren’t statistically significant. Overall, the experimental setup and design provided clear results and a solid conclusion. Bingham 000916-015 18 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes References Allison, Clive, & Macfarlane, George T. (1990). Regulation of protease production in Clostridium sporogenes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 56, 3485-3490. doi: 0099-2240/90/113485-06$02.00/0 Badger, P.C. (2002). Ethanol from cellulose: A general review. In J. Janick and A. Whipkey (eds.), Trends in new crops and new uses. (p. 17–21) ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA. Retrieved from Hauser, Julian T. (2006). Techniques for Studying Bacteria and Fungi. Carolina Biological Supply Company, U.S.A. Hine, Robert (Ed). (2005). The Facts on File Dictionary of Biology (fourth edition, pp 18, 158). New York, NY: Facts on File Science Library. Mackenzie, Meredith. (2006). Microorganisms key to Ethanol Production. In Genetically Engineered Microorganisms. Retrieved from microorganisms-key-ethanol-production Najafpour, G.D., & Lim, J.K. (2002). Fermentation of Ethanol. In Evaluation and Isolation of Ethanol Producer Strain SMP-6. Retrieved from http://www.andrew. tm Bingham 000916-015 19 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Appendix A Raw Data and Sample Calculations Raw Data: Table 1: Amounts of Ethanol (as measured in mm and converted into ml) Produced per 2 ml of Solution by C. sporogenes When Processing Glucose Trial Measured amount (+/- 0.25 mm) Measured amount converted into ml (+/- 0.017 ml) 1 1 0.067 2 1.5 0.10 3 1 0.067 4 1.5 0.10 5 2 0.13 6 1 0.067 7 1 0.067 8 1 0.067 9 1.5 0.10 10 0.5 0.033 11 1 0.067 12 2 0.13 13 1 0.067 14 1.5 0.10 15 1.5 0.10 16 1 0.067 17 1 0.067 18 1.5 0.10 19 1 0.067 20 1 0.067 Bingham 000916-015 20 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Raw Data (continued) Table 2: Amounts of Ethanol (as measured in mm and converted into ml) Produced per 2 ml of Solution by C. sporogenes When Processing Cellulose Trial Measured amount (+/0.25 mm) Measured amount converted into ml (+/0.017 ml) 1 0.5 0.033 2 0 0 3 0.5 0.033 4 1 0.067 5 0.5 0.033 6 0.5 0.033 7 1 0.067 8 0 0 9 0.5 0.033 10 0.5 0.033 11 0.5 0.033 12 0.5 0.033 13 1 0.067 14 1 0.067 15 0.5 0.033 16 0.5 0.033 17 0.5 0.033 18 1 0.067 19 0 0 20 0.5 0.033 Bingham 000916-015 21 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Raw Data (continued) Table 3: Amounts of Ethanol (as measured in mm and converted into ml) Produced Per 2 ml of Solution by C. sporogenes When in Environment With No Added Sugar Trial Measured amount (+/- 0.25 mm) Measured amount converted into ml (+/- 0.017 ml) 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 Sample Calculations: Milliliter values were found by converting millimeters based on the number of millimeters per milliliter in the test tubes used for recording. This conversion was 15 mm per every 1 mL: 1mL measured mm = mL ethanol 15mm Ex: 1mL 1 mm = 0.067 mL ethanol 15 mm Averages were found by adding values of all trials from one sugar test and dividing by the number of trials: Bingham 000916-015 22 Effect of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by C. sporogenes Sample Calculations (continued): trial 1 + trial 2 + …+ trial 20 Average mL 20 trials Ex: 0.067mL 0.10mL ... 0.067mL = 0.082mL 20 Standard deviations of the averages were found by subtracting the average amount of sugar produced from each individual trial and square each result. Then those values were added together. This value was divided by the number of trials. Then the square root was found, providing the standard deviation: 1 sugar produced in trial 1 - average 2 sugar produced in trial 2 - average 20 2 ... sugar produced in trial = Standard Deviation Ex: 1 0.067 - 0.0822 0.10 - 0.0822 ... 0.067 - 0.0822 = 0.24 20 20 - average 2