Layered Curriculum Lesson Plan Form

T. Razo
Human Development II Chapter 12
Implementation January 24 – February 4, 2011
Assignments and points assigned
Layer C – Mandatory requirements (50 points)
1. Describe the identity crisis experienced by teenagers in
complex societies, according to Erickson.
2. Compared to school age children, teenagers place
(less/more) emphasis on social virtues, such as being
friendly considerate, kind and cooperative. Why is this
so? Explain.
3. List and explain 3 new dimensions of self evaluation
that emerge during adolescence.
4. Describe the 4 identity statuses, the adjustment
outcomes of each status, and factors that promote
identity development.
5. Moral reasoning about real –life problems tends to fall
(below/above) a person’s actual moral capacity. Why is
6. List three ways society can help minority adolescents
resolve identity conflicts constructively.
7. Besides cognition, what factors influence moral behavior
in adolescence? Explain.
8. Explain how mild parent-child conflict is beneficial
during adolescence.
9. Explain three factors that help teenagers develop well
despite family stresses.
10. Summarize ways in which adolescent friends are likely
to resemble one another.
11. Describe the function of mixed-sex cliques in early
12. Biological changes associated with puberty (can/cannot)
account for sex difference in depression. Explain your
13. Describe family characteristics and life events
associated with adolescent suicide.
14. Explain why delinquency rises during early adolescence,
remains high in middle adolescence and then declines in
young adulthood.
Layer B - (10 points ea) Choose two
Does your identity status vary across the domains of
sexuality, close relationships, vocation, religious beliefs, and
political values? Describe factors that may have influenced
your identity development in an important domain. (pp. 403–
How might the exploration of values and goals associated
with healthy identity development contribute to the eventual
decline in adolescent gender intensification? (pp. 414–415)
Thirteen-year-old Mattie’s parents are warm, firm in their
expectations, and consistent in monitoring her activities. At
school, Mattie met some girls who want her to tell her parents
she’s going to a friend’s house and then, instead, join them at
the beach for a party. Is Mattie likely to comply? Explain. (p.
Why are adolescent girls at greater risk for depression and
adolescent boys at greater risk for suicide?
(pp. 422–423)
Zeke had been well-behaved in elementary school, but at age
13, he started spending time with the “wrong crowd.” At age
16, he was arrested for property damage. Is Zeke likely to
become a long-term offender? Why or why not? (p. 425)
Layer A – (20 pts) Choose one
Visit the website:
tml, which presents four moral dilemmas and a series of
questions. select two dilemmas, answer the questions, and
evaluate their level of moral reasoning on the basis of
research in the text. Next, select a moral dilemma and ask a
friend, roommate, or family member to read it and respond to
the questions. Classify that individual’s level of moral
reasoning. Assessing Moral Reasoning (pp. 407–409)
How did family experiences influence your crowd
membership in high school? How did your crowd
membership influence your behavior? Give examples and
situations that came up in your life to explain and support
your answers. (pp. 419–420)
Reread the sections on adolescent pregnancy and substance
abuse in Chapter 11. What factors do these problems have in
common with suicide and delinquency? (pp. 422–425)
A = 90
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 59 – below