CIS 20 Solano College Mr. Anderson SmallTown Processing Binary Data This assignment is due: Thursday October 6. 2011 Refer to the Small Town Hardware Store TOOLS database on drive H:\kanderso\CIS 20\tools.txt. Write a program that will list (to a file) only those items in the TOOL file that should be ordered. These are items where the sum of the quantity on hand and quantity on order is less than or equal to the minimum quantity. All arithmetic should be done in binary. The report should appear as follows (headings are not necessary and are here only to show what fields to include): ToolID Description QOH QOO ____ SUM ____ MIN ___ ___________________________ ____ ____ XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX QOH = Quantity on hand, QOO = quantity on order, SUM is the total of QOH and QOO, and if SUM is less than or equal to MIN, reorder. Tools database is a text file. The TOOLS database input file contains the following fields (starting columns are listed below the field, and two examples are shown): Tool -ID Col 1 H4 PLM Tool Description Col 5 HAMMER 4OZ PLIERS MED Cost Sell QOH MIN EOQ QOO Col 30 4.20 5.40 Col 35 6.99 9.99 Col 40 5 4 Col 45 4 4 Col 45 3 6 Col 50 0 0 CIS 20 Solano College Mr. Anderson Part#2: Modify the above file so that a new TOOLS file is created with the quantity on order field updated for those items that need to be ordered (be sure to back up your original data file). The new quantity on order should be equal to the old quantity on order plus the economic order quantity. Use DDNAME=’NEWTOOL1.DAT’ in the DCB for this new file. All tools should be written to this new file, even those for which there was no new order placed. All arithmetic should be done in binary. Part#3: Write a separate program that will convert the numeric fields in the TOOL file to binary. All count fields should be stored as halfwords. All dollarand-cent fields should be stored as fullwords. The output file should be in EBCDIC form. Call your file TOOL.BIN. [Note: You may need to reorder the fields within the record, or add unused fields (fillers), so as to guarantee that the fullwords and halfwords can be appropriately aligned. Again, any arithmetic should be done in binary. What to turn in for grading? Part#1: output file and .mlc file and screen capture. Part#2: .mlc file and output file from part#1 or screen capture, and NEWTOOL1. Part#3: TOOL.BIN and .mlc file