1. Operation of sewage systems

------IND- 2012 0587 RO- EN- ------ 20121106 --- --- PROJET
No ………….of ………...2012
for the approval of technical regulation
“Normative document regarding the design, construction and
operation of water supply and sewage systems in localities. Code NP 133 – 2011”
In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 and Article 38 paragraph (2) of Law No
10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, with its subsequent modifications, the provisions of
Article 2 paragraphs (3) and (4) of the Rules regarding the types of technical regulations and costs for
the regulatory activity in the field of constructions, town planning, landscaping and habitat, approved
by Government Decision No 203/2003, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation, and
the provisions of Government Decision No 1016/2004 regarding measures for organising and
carrying out the exchange of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, as well as
the rules regarding information society services between Romania and the EU Member States, as well
as the European Commission, with its subsequent modifications,
on the grounds of Article 5 (II)(e) and Article 13 (6) of Government Decision No 1631/2009
concerning the organisation and operation of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism,
with its subsequent modifications and supplementation,
the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism hereby issues the following
Article 1 – The technical regulation “Normative document regarding the design, construction and
operation of water supply and sewage systems in localities. Code NP 133 – 2011” is hereby
approved, as follows:
a) Part I-a: Water supply systems in localities. Code NP 133/1-2011, stipulated in Annex No 1;
b) Part II-a: Sewage systems in localities. Code NP 133/2 - 2011, stipulated in Annex No 2.
Article 2 – Annexes No 1 and 2 are an integrated part of the present order.
Article 3 - This order1) shall be published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I and shall
come into force 30 days after its date of publication.
Article 4 – (1) The following technical regulations shall be repealed on the date this order comes
into force:
a) “Normative document for the design of urban wastewater treatment structures and
installations-Part II: Biological step. Code NP 088-2003”, approved by Order No 639/23 October
2003 of the Ministry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism, published in the Official Journal Part
I No 773/4 November 2003 and the Constructions Journal No 4-5/2004, edited by the National
Institute for Research and Development in Constructions and the Economics of Constructions,
b) “Normative document for the design of urban wastewater treatment structures and
installations-Part III: Water treatment plants of low capacity (5<Q, 50 l/s) and very low capacity (Q,
5 l/s). Code NP 089-2003", approved by Order No 639/23 October 2003 of the Ministry of Transport,
Constructions and Tourism, published in the Official Journal Part I No 773/4 November 2003 and the
Constructions Journal No 4-5/2004, edited by the National Institute for Research and Development in
Constructions and the Economics of Constructions- Bucharest;
c) “Normative document for the design of urban wastewater treatment structures and installations
- Part IV: advanced wastewater treatment step. Code NP 107-2004”, approved by Order No 639/15
February 2005 of the Ministry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism, published in the Official
Journal Part I No 337 bis/21 April 2005 and the Constructions Journal No 2/2005, edited by the
National Institute for Research and Development in Constructions and the Economics of
Constructions, Bucharest;
(2) The following technical regulations shall cease to be applicable on the date this order comes
into force:
a) “Technical specifications for the design and construction of structures and installations
relating to free-level sand filters to provide operational safety measures. Code ST 021-1997”,
approved by Order No23/N/22 May 1997 of the Ministry of Public Works and Territorial
Development, published in the Constructions Journal No 13/2001, edited by the National Institute for
Research and Development in Constructions and the Economics of Constructions- Bucharest, as well
as the Information Journal edited by PROED SA;
b) "Normative document for the design of water harvesting structures. Code NP 028-1998",
approved by Order No78/N/13 October 1998 of the Ministry of Public Works and Territorial
Development, published in the Constructions Journal No 6/2000, edited by the National Institute for
Research and Development in Constructions and the Economics of Constructions- Bucharest;
c) “Normative document for the design of urban wastewater treatment structures and
installations-Part I: Mechanical step. Code NP 032-1999”, approved by Order No 60/N/25 August
1999 of the Ministry of Public Works and Territorial Development, published in the Constructions
Journal No 4-5/2004, edited by the National Institute for Research and Development in Constructions
and the Economics of Constructions- Bucharest.
d) “Normative document for the design and construction of delivery pipes, as well as water supply
and sewage systems in localities. Code I 22-1999”, approved by Order No23/N/7 April 1999 of the
Ministry of Public Works and Territorial Development, with its subsequent modifications and
supplementation, published in the Constructions Journal No 13/1999, edited by the National Institute
for Research and Development in Constructions and the Economics of Constructions- Bucharest.
The technical regulation approved by the present order was adopted in accordance with notification
procedure No RO/......... of ......................, stipulated by Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 22 June 1998, laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical
standards and regulations, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities L 204 of 21 July
1998, amended by Directive 98/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 July 1998,
published in the Official Journal of the European Communities L 217 of 5 August 1998.
The Order and its annex shall also be published in the Constructions Journal edited by the “URBANINCERC” National Institute for Research and Development in the field of Constructions, Town Planning, and Sustainable
Territorial Development, which is coordinated by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism.
Annex No 2-C and D
To MDRT Order No ................../ 2012
Code NP 133 – 2011
Code NP 133/2 – 2011
C-Construction of sewage systems
D-Operation of sewage systems
1.Materials used for sewage works
2.Construction of sewage works
2.1 General considerations with regard to the way in which the construction of sewage
works is organised
2.2 On-site layout of the works and route preparation
2.2.1 Laying out the conduit
2.2.2 Taking up the paving
2.2.3 Carrying out the excavation works
2.2.4 Trench shoring
2.2.5 Dewatering
2.2.6 Pipe routing and construction of collectors
2.2.7 Carrying out refilling works
3.Construction of the water treatment works
3.1 Organisational works
3.2 Preparation of the ground for building the water treatment plant
3.3 Plotting the position of the water treatment plant
3.4 Carrying out building works for the water treatment plant
3.4.1 Excavations above the groundwater table
3.4.2 Excavations below the groundwater table
3.4.3 Direct dewatering
3.4.4 Indirect dewatering
3.4.5 Filler materials
3.4.6 Forms and supports
3.4.7 Reinforcements
3.4.8 Concrete.
4.Works quality assurance measures
5.Pressure testing of sewage pipes
6.Inspections and tests for setting sewage pipes into operation
7.Acceptance of sewage systems
1.Operation of sewage systems
1.1 Drawing up the operation and maintenance rules
1.2 Framework content of the operation and maintenance rules
2. Public health and safety measures
2.1 Occupational health and safety measures to be taken during the construction, operation
and maintenance of the sewage system
2.2 Occupational health and safety measures for pumping stations
2.3 Occupational health and safety measures for water treatment plants
2.4 Sanitary protection
2.5 Fire protection measures.
ANNEX 1- Site hand-over report
ANNEX 2- Preliminary acceptance report
ANNEX 3 - List of completed works that require repairs
ANNEX 4- Final acceptance report
1. Materials used for sewage works
(1) To substantiate their choice of materials, the designer of the sewage system shall submit a
technico-economic analysis for at least two types of materials that are to be used. This technicoeconomic analysis shall focus on the following aspects: durability, investment costs, operating costs,
operational safety and estimated number of failures over time, as well as the duration of the repair
(2) The materials used to build the structures and installations pertaining to a sewage system
must meet certain general criteria, depending, of course, on the role and importance of the respective
structure or installation, its intended use, whether it is of a temporary or permanent nature, etc.
(3) Since the utilisation of the materials is generally conditioned by the presence of
wastewater, they must meet the following criteria:
a) resist the corrosive and hydrating action of water;
b) provide a very good level of waterproofing to the elements in which they are used and
avoid exfiltrations and/or infiltrations;
c) have the mechanical strength required by the intended use;
d) have a low level of roughness, in order to limit the distributed load losses;
e) have the highest level of reliability possible, which should normally exceed the rated
period of service (in accordance with the legal regulations in force with regard to the
depreciation of fixed capital in tangible and intangible assets, relating to these periods);
f) resist the action of various external factors according to their intended use (water and air
temperature, interior and exterior mechanical stresses, the aggressive action of the ground,
vagabond currents, etc.) and not undergo permanent deformation under their action;
g) not dissolve when in contact with wastewater or silt, and not be harmful to the
microorganisms used to purify the water;
h) not pose any kind of hazard for the people that they come into contact with, who handle
and use them;
i) have low costs;
j) not require high investment and operating costs;
k) be easy to use, store and handle;
l) enable their quick installation and removal (for pipes, special parts, reinforcements, etc.);
m) allow for waterproof jointing (for pipes, for example);
n) resist humidity, temperature and freeze-thaw variations, if working in environments and
fields of activity where such variations may occur;
o) comply with the requirements of the beneficiaries, the specifications drawn up by the
design engineers and the preparation recipes specified by the design engineer and used by
the contractor (for concrete, mortar, plaster, etc.);
p) have a volume, weight and size that enable their transportation on public roads;
q) retain their qualities, characteristics and properties when stored in suitable conditions
during the guarantee period specified by the manufacturer;
r) have qualified personnel available for their execution and operation;
s) the building materials/products must comply with the specific regulation in force with
regard to placing building products on the market;
(3) The range of materials needed to construct the sewage systems is very varied, depending
on the circumstances in which the latter are to be used. Therefore, the various building materials and
installations can be used to:
a) carry liquids (wastewater, silts of different moisture levels, reagent solutions, etc.) in
pressurised pipes or free-level conduits;
b) for pumping installations (suction and discharge pipes, special parts, reinforcements, etc.);
c) build structures of brick, plain concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, etc.;
d) waterproofing.
(4) The materials that are frequently used to construct sewage systems are as follows:
sand, gravel, cement, water and additives for the preparation of mortar and concrete;
hot rolled reinforcing steel and welded mesh panels;
rubber, asphalt board, plastic sheets, epoxy resins, etc. for waterproofing and protection;
steel, cast iron, polyethylene, polypropylene, fibreglass reinforced polyester (FRP), pipes
made of centrifugally cast reinforced concrete (PREMO pipes), PVC, stainless steel, etc.
for pipes, conduits, prefabricated inspection chambers, tanks for small pumping
installations and compact water treatment installations, etc.
(5) Given the lack of operational data on the behaviour over time of the plastic materials used
to construct the sewage systems, the quality of these plastic materials must be guaranteed. Therefore,
the supplier of pipes, conduits, prefabricated inspection chambers, tanks, etc. made of plastic
materials shall have to submit test certificates in accordance with the legislation in force.
(6) Also, in light of the negative experiences when using prestressed reinforced concrete pipes
(tolerances which vary from one manufacturer to another, poor quality, non-compliance with the
requirements for resistance to the chemical action of wastewater carried through these pipes), all
pipes must be pressure tested, one at a time, on a test bench at the manufacturing plant and in the
presence of the beneficiary. This helps prevent any additional costs that may arise due to the need to
replace those pipes that fail the on-site pressure test.
2. Construction of sewage works
2.1. General considerations with regard to the way in which the construction of
sewage works is organised
(1) The method for organising the construction of sewage works includes the set of measures
for ensuring that they are build in accordance with the corresponding designs, within the limits of the
scheduled values and deadlines.
(2) The main objectives that the contractor should set to ensure that the execution of the works
is organised rationally are to:
complete the works by the deadlines stipulated in the schedule;
improve the quality of the works;
not exceed the building costs stipulated in the quote;
reduce the completion deadline period;
increase work productivity and the degree of utilisation of the equipment;
adopt construction technologies with a maximum percentage of mechanisation.
2.2. On-site layout of the works and route preparation
2.2.1. The conduit route shall be laid out by taking into account the following:
a) provisions stipulated in the technical documentation (detailed engineering design);
b) levelling of the permanent markers, carried out with the accuracy stipulated in the design;
c) installation of temporary markers along the route, for construction purposes, connected to
the permanent markers;
d) materialisation of the plotting axes and angles, fixed and linked to permanent objects
present on site (buildings, structures, etc.) or the pillars installed, for this purpose, along
the route;
e) points of intersection between the conduit route and the routes of the existing underground
systems and structures, which shall be marked on the ground using special signs.
2.2.2. Taking up the paving
Paving shall be taken up over an area that is wide enough to enable work to be carried out in
accordance with the provisions stipulated in the design. The materials resulting from taking up the
paving shall be stored on the pavements or on the side of the trench, leaving room on the other side
for the excavated soil.
2.2.3. Carrying out the excavation works
(1) Excavation works for trenches and foundation holes shall be carried out in accordance
with the provisions stipulated in the design. These works must always be carried out from an
upstream to downstream direction. The excavation methods used shall be determined by the volume
of work, the characteristics of the soil, as well as the depth and shape of the trenches. The trenches for
laying out the conduits shall have vertical or sloping walls, depending on the nature of the soil and the
space available for excavation.
(2) The excavated soil shall be stored on one side only, leaving a safety margin of 50 cm. The
excavation shall be deepened near the pipe joints, as applicable, to leave room to waterproof the joint
and avoid supporting the pipe solely on the sleeves.
Throughout the entire duration of the works, any excess soil can be stored on the side of the trench, to
enable access of ambulances and fire engines, as applicable.
(3) Access bridges (walking boards) equipped with protection handrails shall be installed over
the trench, 30-50 m apart, to enable pedestrian circulation.
(4) The way in which the excavated soil is stored along the trench shall also make sure that
rainwater can drain away so that the excavation site or neighbouring terrain does not flood.
2.2.4. Trench shoring
(1) Trenches with vertical walls shall be excavated by bracing their walls. For excavation
depths which exceed 5.0 m, the trench shall be braced on the basis of a shoring design.
(2) The banks of the trench shall be supported on fir wood planks and piles or metallic support
elements, to enable a sufficient level of safety for the installation works and allow for all works inside
the trench to be carried out easily.
2.2.5. Dewatering
(1) The issue of discharging any groundwater from the excavation can be a decisive factor in
choosing the method for carrying out the sewage works and selecting adequate materials to ensure
that the works are of a suitable quality.
(2) The main factors which determine the methods and means used to discharge water from
excavations are the:
a) volume of water infiltrated;
b) maximum elevation level of the underground water from the excavation floor.
(3) The methods used to discharge water from excavations shall also take into consideration
the consistency and permeability of the ground where the excavation was made.
If there is a danger of fine materials being displaced, the drilled well filtration method or the method
of chambers exhausted by needle-shaped filter sets.
(4) Filtration wells are usually made by inserting casings with a depth of 7-20 m and Φ 300600 mm, with a second casing with the dimensions of Φ 100-150 mm installed inside it. Before
beginning to dig a trench, drilled wells shall be made on its sides, usually 3-7 m apart, according to a
chessboard layout. If the maximum hydrodynamic level is no deeper than 6-7 m, the water can be
extracted using horizontal-axis pumps, via a suction basket; for depths that exceed 6-7 m, the water
shall be extracted using submersible pumps.
(5) The needle-shaped filter unit shall mainly consist of:
a) two special self-priming pumps which pump the water and the air from the soil pores
b) a metallic collector to which the needle-shaped filters are to be connected using flexible
rubber sleeves;
c) the actual needle-shaped filters shall be made of vertical metallic piping of 1 m in length
and 50 mm in diameter, threaded together to form pipes of the required thrust depth.
2.2.6. Pipe routing and construction of collectors
(1) The methods used to install prefabricated pipes shall be chosen according to the size and
weight of the pipes. Before inserting pipes in the trenches, the excavation floor shall be inspected and
corrected, as applicable. Lightweight pipes shall be lowered into the trenches manually; when the
pipes are heavier, differential hoist tripods or mobile wheeled/crawler cranes shall be used.
(2) Once the pipes have been lowered into the trenches, they shall be connected one after
another and shall be waterproofed in an appropriate manner. The pipes shall be installed on a sand
bed prepared in accordance with the specifications.
(3) When laying down the pipes at various depths, one shall comply with the indications
provided by the design engineer (on the basis of statistical calculations) and the manufacturer of the
2.2.7. Carrying out refilling works
(1) The trenches shall be refilled with the excavated soil, following a levelling inspection and
after a quality inspection of the works has been carried out. The pipes shall only be covered with
loose, potentially sieved, soil, removing any large boulders and any scraps of concrete or other rough
materials. The loose soil shall be laid in layers, which must be compacted individually with great
(2) The refilling works shall be carried out manually, in 10-15 cm layers for the first 0.30 m
above the pipe. Each layer shall be compacted individually, using a hand mallet or a "frog" mallet.
The remaining soil shall be laid in 20-20 cm thick layers, also well compacted, until the ground level
is reached, making sure to achieve a degree of Proctor compaction of at least 97%, in accordance with
the legal technical provisions in force.
(3) It is prohibited to bury in the filler soil any wood from forms, supporting elements, etc.
3. Construction of the water treatment works
3.1. Organisational works
(1) These are preliminary works carried out before the actual construction works, and are
intended to provide the conditions required to ensure that the latter can be carried out efficiently and
are of a suitable quality. The main elements of the organisation process are:
a) preparing the ground;
identifying the existing underground installations;
marking and delimiting the area that will be occupied by the construction site;
creating access routes for equipment and means of transport;
inspecting the materials and work equipment;
providing health and safety, as well as fire prevention equipment;
providing the necessary utilities (water, electricity, etc.).
3.2. Preparation of the ground for building the water treatment plant
(1) Before bringing any equipment onto the working face, a ground exploration survey must
be conducted with regard to the following:
a) category of ground to be excavated;
b) identification of any underground water, gas, oil, electricity or telephone networks, etc.;
c) the dimensions of the excavation to be made (depth, the lateral clearance for storing the
excavated soil);
d) access route for equipment and means of transport;
e) conditions to ensure rainwater drainage;
f) cutting down trees and clearing shrubs;
g) presence of overhead electricity lines within the excavation area.
3.3. Plotting the position of the water treatment plant
(1) The position of the plant shall be determined by carrying out plotting operations, which
must set the position of the future plant and the connections for domestic wastewater intake pipes and
purified water outlet pipes, as well as gas, electricity and drinking water systems, etc.
3.4. Carrying out building works for the water treatment plant
(1) The following shall be taken into consideration when carrying out foundation excavations:
a) to preserve the natural balance of the ground around the foundation hole after starting the
excavation works;
b) in moisture-sensitive soils, when the concrete is not poured straightaway, the excavation
shall stop 20-30 cm above the final elevation level.
c) The excavations shall require shoring depending on the:
d) depth of the excavation;
e) nature, homogeneity, stratification and cohesion of the soil, the presence of underground
water, etc.
(2) Within the same enclosure, the works with the deepest foundation shall be approached
during the initial stage, so that the foundation ground of any future neighbouring structures will not
be affected at a later date.
(3) The floor of very long excavations shall be sloping towards one or several points to ensure
that stormwater or infiltrated water is collected and discharged.
(4) Dewatering works must not cause scouring under the neighbouring structures in the area.
(5) To avoid subsequent deepening of the hole, which would change the foundation levels, a
levelling layer of concrete should be poured immediately on the excavation floor.
3.4.1 Excavations above the groundwater table
(1) Excavations with non-reinforced vertical walls can be made up to a depth of:
a) 0.75 m, for non-cohesive and/or weak cohesive soils;
b) 1.50 m, for cohesive soils with medium consistency;
c) 2.00 m, for highly cohesive soils located above the groundwater table.
(2) Excavations with reinforced vertical walls shall be used in the following situations:
a) the excavation depth exceeds the limit values obtained for excavations with nonreinforced vertical walls;
b) there is insufficient lateral clearance to make a sloping excavation;
c) when an economic calculation shows that a shored excavation is more advantageous than
a sloping excavation.
(3) The shoring system shall be chosen and its dimensions determined based on data obtained
from geotechnical and hydro-geological studies.
(4) Excavations with sloping walls can be made in any type of terrain, providing that the:
natural moisture of the soil is between 12-18%;
excavation is not left open for a long period of time;
maximum groundwater level is below the foundation elevation level;
gradient of the excavation slope does not exceed the maximum values given in Table 3.1:
Table 3.1.
Nature of the soil
Excavation depth (h)
up to 3 m
over 3 m
tg α = h/b
Gravelly sand
Loamy sand
Sandy clay
b - is the horizontal projection of the excavation slope;
h - is the excavation depth;
α - the angle between the excavation slope and the horizontal axis.
3.4.2 Excavations below the groundwater table
(1) For deep excavations made below the groundwater table, the water can be removed by:
a) direct dewatering, by collecting the infiltrated water in a sump and pumping it outside of
the foundation hole;
b) indirect dewatering, by using needle-shaped filters or drilled wells located around the
perimeter at distances obtained by calculation.
(2) The excavation walls can be reinforced with: steel sheet piles, waterproof barriers made of
concrete diaphragm walls poured in the ground.
(3) The following measures shall be taken when the excavation walls are reinforced with sheet
a) the sheet piles shall be permanently guided during their sinking in the ground;
b) the length of a sheet pile shall be equal to the depth of the excavation plus its receptacle.
(4) The sheet piles shall be sunk into non-cohesive soils by vibration and into cohesive soils
by hammering, or by using a combination of these two methods.
3.4.3 Direct dewatering
(1) As the digging level reaches below the groundwater table, the excavations shall be
protected using drainage ditch systems that harvest the water and guide it towards the collector wells
(sumps), where it is pumped out.
(2) An inverse filter shall be installed in the pump suction sump, around the suction basket, in
order to limit the influence that the suction process may have on the stability of the soil layers,
reducing the groundwater flow rate towards the sump below the limit flow rate that would displace
the fine particles in the composition of these layers.
(3) The ditches shall become deeper as the excavation progresses, and shall reach a depth of
0.4 - 0.8 m depending on the soil characteristics. The depth of the collector wells (sumps) shall be at
least 1.0 m below the elevation level of the excavation floor.
3.4.4 Indirect dewatering
(1) This is ensured using filtration wells or needle-shaped filters. These shall be installed
outside of the excavation perimeter, in one or several rows. They can temporarily reduce the level of
groundwater by 4-5 m during execution of the works. If the groundwater level needs to be reduced by
more than 4-5 m, the filters shall be installed in tiers and in a staggered formation split between two
or more fronts.
(2) Dewatering wells shall be made in bore holes with a diameter of 200-600 mm, in which a
metallic or plastic filtration manifold with a diameter of 150-200 mm, equipped with slots, is
launched. The filtration manifold shall be installed at depth, along the entire thickness of the aquifer
whose level needs to be reduced so that the structure can be built “dry”. Granular filtering material
shall be introduced between the working manifold and the slotted manifold (according to the inverse
filter rule), with sand towards the exterior and pure sifted gravel in the region of contact with the
slotted manifold.
(3) Needle-shaped filters are wells with a small diameter (Φ 7.5-10.0 cm), which are usually
sunk using a water jet. The filters shall be connected to vacuum pumping stations. Under normal
circumstances, depressions of 4-5 m can be achieved, for a filtration step, where the distance between
the filters is 1-5 m.
3.4.5 Refilling
(1) The ditches shall usually be refilled with soil from the excavation works. Slag, mining
residues, etc. can also be used for refilling, providing that the possibility of compaction and the
chemical action on the building elements that come into contact with the filler materials are studied in
3.4.6 Forms and supports
(1) The forms and supports for these special works shall comply with the provisions of
regulation NE 012/2:
Conformity with the design with regard to the position, shape and size of the forms, as well as
the strength, stability, non-deformability and integrity of the concrete section shall be ensured by:
a) using suitable encasing materials;
b) making sure that all supports and connections are made correctly;
c) ensuring waterproofing;
d) applying suitable stripping agents;
e) establishing the stripping methods and stages and implementing them accurately.
(2) The materials used for the manufacturing of forms are, usually, wood (timber), wooden
products, metallic products or products based on synthetic materials.
(3) Stripping agents are products applied to the surface of the forms, which come into contact
with the concrete and reduce adherence between the hardened concrete and the forms to ensure that
the concrete surface is not damaged during the stripping process.
The stripping agents shall:
a) not stain the concrete or prevent the subsequent adherence of the materials applied to the
respective concrete surface (plaster, plywood adhesives, etc.);
b) not have a negative impact on the concrete, the reinforcement and the material that the form
is made of, as well as on the environment;
c) retain their functional properties under the weather conditions in which the works are
carried out;
d) be easy to apply and enable inspection of their correct application.
(4) The installation of the forms shall consist of the following steps:
a) building scaffoldings, if applicable;
b) placing the forms in position, in accordance with the detailed drawings;
c) finalising the planar and vertical positioning, joining the panels, if applicable, and fixing the
forms in position;
d) carrying out the inspection and acceptance of the forms.
3.4.7 Reinforcements
(1) For steel elements, reference shall be made to the performance requirements and criteria
stipulated in the applicable specific technical regulations in the field of constructions in force. One
can use steel products with a smooth, ribbed or indented surface as strength or structural
reinforcements, delivered as finished products in the form of: bars, bundles (coils) or unwound products
made of hot rolled reinforcing steel and welded mesh panels manufactured in a factory using machinery; cold
rolled wire.
3.4.8 Concrete
(1) In accordance with the provisions of regulation NE 012/2, building works of a specific
nature (engineering structures - canals, reservoirs, etc.) shall also comply with the provisions of the
technical regulations in the field, as well as the provisions stipulated in the specifications drawn up by
the design engineer, as applicable.
(2) The concrete shall be prepared in concrete mixing plants, in accordance with the
applicable specific technical regulations in force.
(2) The general rules below shall be followed when pouring the concrete:
a) wooden forms, old concrete or masonry structures - which come into contact with fresh
concrete - must be soaked in water 2-3 hours before and immediately after pouring the concrete, but
the remaining water left in the recesses must be removed;
b) the concrete must be unloaded from the means of transport into buckets, pumps, belt
carriers, chutes or directly into the forms;
c) the concrete delivered to the pouring site must be refused and its utilisation must be
prohibited if it does not comply with the stipulated consistency limits or if it displays segregation; the
consistency of the concrete can only be improved by using a superplasticizer, in accordance with the
applicable provisions of NE 012-1;
d) the free fall height of the concrete must not exceed 3.0 m for elements with a maximum
width of 1.0 m, and 1.5 m in all other situations, including for surface elements (slabs, foundations,
e) the concrete must be poured into frames higher than 3.0 m through side windows or using a
hose or a tube (made of tapered sections), with the lower end no more than 1.5 away from the area to
be concreted;
f) the concrete must be spread uniformly along the element, aiming to create horizontal layers
with a maximum height of 50 cm, and the new layer must be poured before the previously poured
concrete layer starts to set (also see point 11.3.10.f of NE 012/2-2011);
g) the position of the reinforcements during the pouring process must be corrected if these
undergo a deformation or displacement compared to the position stipulated in the design (especially
for the reinforcements installed at the top of overhanging slabs);
h) care must be taken to ensure that the reinforcement is completely embedded in the concrete
and the thickness of the coating layer is complied with, in accordance with the provisions stipulated
in the design and the technical regulations in force;
i) knocking or shaking the reinforcement during concreting and placing the vibrator on the
reinforcements are prohibited;
j) care must be taken to completely fill the section with densely packed reinforcements by
lateral packing of the concrete using cleats or steel rods, whilst ensuring its vibration; if these
measures are not efficient, lateral access must be secured through spaces which allow the vibrator to
be inserted in the concrete;
k) timely remedy measures must be taken in the event of any displacements or yielding of the
initial position of the forms and their supporting elements;
l) bridges must be provided for the circulation of workers and transport vehicles during
pouring, so that the position of the reinforcement is not modified; it is prohibited to walk directly on
the reinforcements or freshly concreted areas;
m) the concrete shall be poured continuously until the working joints stipulated in the design
or the execution procedure are reached;
n) the maximum permissible duration of the pouring breaks for which it is not necessary to
take special measures when the pouring process is resumed must not exceed the time when the
concrete begins to set; in the absence of any laboratory measurements, this duration is considered to
be 2 hours from when the concrete is prepared, for cements containing admixtures, and 1.5 hours for
cements without admixtures;
4. Works quality assurance measures
(1) The quality requirements for the materials used and the works quality assurance system
shall be met in accordance with the provisions regarding quality in constructions.
(2) The following must be inspected during the construction works:
a) the elevation levels and the position of the excavations, foundations, openings, structural
sections, equipment and installations, as well as the permissible tolerances, to ensure that
these are the ones specified in the designs;
b) compliance with the provisions stipulated in the specifications;
c) whether the equipment and materials used to build the water treatment plants have been
damaged during transportation; a remedy solution must be sought;
(3) The waterproof testing of reinforced concrete reservoirs shall be carried out before
waterproofing the interior and exterior of the reservoir.
(4) The waterproofing of pipes and reservoirs shall be tested in accordance with the legal
technical provisions in force, as follows:
a) thorough examination of the interior of the reservoirs to check the building accuracy and
inner dimensions, and to confirm the absence of any foreign bodies and debris;
b) for prefabricated reservoirs, special attention shall be paid to the way in which the joints
are made;
c) before being set into operation, all pipes and reservoirs must be cleaned of any debris left
after the construction stage.
(5) The following shall also be examined to ensure the quality of the works:
a) the foundation ground characteristics determined on site, when starting the excavation, are
the same as those stipulated in the geological study;
b) the correct positioning of the reinforcements, the design number, diameter and shape of
the bars, the geometrical dimensions of the forms and the position of any openings or
wall-crossing elements, with the specified tolerances;
c) the quality of the concrete used, the uninterrupted pouring of the concrete between the
pouring joints stipulated in the design, the vibration and subsequent treatment of the
concrete to ensure its waterproofing and strength;
d) the correct positioning of the pipes in relation to the concrete building elements.
5. Pressure testing of sewage pipes
(1) The waterproof testing of sewage systems shall be carried out in accordance with STAS
(2) The waterproof test shall be carried out in sections of no more than 500 m.
(3) The following actions shall be performed before carrying out the waterproof test:
a) partial filling, leaving the joints free
b) closing and sealing tight all orifices
c) blocking all extremities and points that are susceptible to displacement during the test
(4) Concrete sewage systems shall be kept filled with water for at least 24 hours before
carrying out the pressure test.
(5) The water losses that are permissible during the waterproof test shall be specified in the
design, taking into consideration the provisions stipulated in STAS 3051-91 Sewage systems.
Conduits of outdoor sewage systems. Fundamental design specifications.
(6) If the test fails, remedy measures must be taken and the test must be repeated.
6. Inspections and tests for putting sewage pipes into operation
(1) Inspections, verifications and tests shall be carried out when putting into operation new
pipes, as well as when replacing old ones.
a) these can be carried out for the entire system stipulated in the technical documentation, or
for pipe sections that can be put into operation.
(2) All verifications, inspections and tests shall be carried out in accordance with the specific
regulations in force applicable to the respective fields of activity, the legislation regarding quality in
constructions, as well as the Regulation on the acceptance of building works and their related
installations, approved by Government Decision No 273/1994, with its subsequent supplementation.
(3) The following shall be checked before carrying out the pressure test:
a) compliance of the works carried out with the design
b) characteristics of the taps, hydrants, openings, air vents, pressure reducers, valves, other
fittings, etc.
c) position of the hydrants and buried gate valves.
d) positions and construction of the manholes, as well as their equipment.
e) the positions and construction of the manholes, as well as their equipment.
f) anti-corrosion protection and thermal insulation, where applicable.
g) quality of the welding and the quality of the joints.
h) construction of the anchoring blocks.
(4) The pressure test, as well as the flushing and disinfecting of the pipes shall be carried out in
accordance with STAS 3051-91 Sewage systems. Conduits of outdoor sewage systems. Fundamental
design specifications, as well as the specifications drawn up by the design engineer in accordance
with the provisions stipulated by the manufacturer of the materials.
Inspections and tests carried out after the pressure test
(5) The following inspections and tests shall be carried out after the pressure test:
a) drawing up a pressure test report
b) filling the trenches in the area of the joints
c) refilling the trench
d) checking the degree of compaction in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the
e) re-building the road carriageway in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the design
f) re-building the pavements
g) restoring the green areas
h) marking and repairing the systems in accordance with STAS 9570/1-89 Marking and
repairing pipe and cable systems in localities.
(6) Before filling up the trenches to the final elevation level, a detailed topographic survey of the pipe
(in plane and along its longitudinal profile) shall be carried out, which shall identify all buried valves,
manholes (and their equipment), hydrants, branch pipes, etc.
a) A map of the systems shall be attached to the Pipe Book and shall be entered in the
Geographic Information System (where available) of the company that operates the water
sewage system of the locality.
(7) The system shall be flushed and disinfected before its commissioning, in accordance with the
applicable specific normative documents in force. The system shall be put into operation by the
personnel of the company operating the system, assisted by the contractor.
7. Acceptance of water sewage works
(1) Acceptance is the action by which the beneficiary accepts and takes over the system from
the contractor in accordance with the documentation for carrying out the works, certifying that the
contractor has met its contractual obligations in accordance with the provisions of the design. After
its acceptance, the system must be ready for commissioning.
(2) To enable acceptance upon completion of the works, the contractor shall notify the
investor with regard to the date on which the works stipulated in the contract were completed, by
means of a document endorsed by the foreman. The acceptance committees shall be appointed by the
investor and shall have the structure stipulated by the specific legislation in force with regard to the
rules for acceptance of building works and their related installations. A representative of the investor
and a representative of the local public administration authorities must be present.
(3) The investor shall make sure that the acceptance upon completion of the works is
organised within 15 days from the date on which the contractor have notified the completion of the
(4) The following legal documents must be provided to enable acceptance of the installations:
reports on concealed works;
technological test reports;
quality certificates for the materials;
site instructions issued by the design engineer and verified by the project inspector
throughout the execution of the works;
e) reports drawn up during the determinant execution stages prior to acceptance.
(5) The commission shall examine:
a) that the works were carried out in accordance with the technical documentation and
specific regulations in force applicable to the respective fields of activity, in compliance
with the fundamental requirements applicable to the structures;
b) the compliance with the provisions stipulated in the building authorisation, permits and
other execution requirements;
c) whether all building works authorised under the contract have been completed;
d) the operation of the system built.
(6) The final acceptance shall take place within 15 days from the expiry date of the guarantee
period and shall be organised by the beneficiary.
(7) The acceptance commission shall examine:
a) the acceptance reports drawn up upon completion of the works;
b) that the completion works required have been finalised, where applicable;
c) the report drawn up by the investor with regard to the behaviour of the installation during
their operation throughout the guarantee period;
d) a reliability analysis resulting from a specialist study.
(8) At the end of the final acceptance, the final acceptance committee shall document all their
comments in a report.
(9) The following compulsory measures must be taken to ensure that the sewage system and
all its components are operating in good conditions:
a) checking the availability of a set of operation and maintenance rules, in accordance with
the legislation in force;
b) checking the level of training received by the operating personnel and their knowledge of
the operation and maintenance rules;
c) implementation of a suitable system for the provision of information and transmission of
data about the operation of the installations.
1. Operation of sewage systems
1.1. Drawing up the Operation and Maintenance Rules
(1) The operation of the sewage system and water treatment plant includes all the processes
and activities carried out by the employees to ensure that the sewage system is working correctly so
that the resulting purified effluent complies with the quality specifications stipulated in the normative
documents in force.
(2) Taking into consideration the size of the system (in terms of discharge capacity), its
components (structures, installations, technological facilities), the degree of process automation and
the automatic equipment used to measure and control certain wastewater quality indicators, all
necessary to ensure adequate operation and maintenance of the water treatment plant - sewage system
assembly in accordance with the operating parameters specified in the design, it is necessary to draw
up Operation and maintenance rules which contain the main rules, provisions and procedures
required in order to ensure that the system operates correctly.
(3) The Operation and maintenance rules shall be drawn up, through the care of the
beneficiary (local authorities, local resources management authority, economic operators, etc.), by the
services operators in accordance with the legislation in force, either through their own personnel or
specialist design entities, in accordance with the design specifications, operating instructions,
approvals and recommendations issued by the competent authorities (water management companies,
sanitary and environmental protection inspectorates), as well as the applicable specific legal
provisions in force.
(4) The Operation and maintenance rules must include a detailed description of the
structures and installations pertaining to the sewage system, their drawings, the operational chart, the
way in which the operating and maintenance activities are organised, the responsibilities of each work
team and job, hygiene and sanitary measures, occupational health and safety measures, fire protection
and prevention measures, the information system implemented, the records that the operating
personnel must keep, the way in which cooperation with other economic operators and the
beneficiary must be ensured, etc.
(5) Once finalised, the Operation and maintenance rules shall be forwarded for approval to
the Board of Directors of the company operating the sewage system and the public authorities (town
hall, local council, county council, etc.).
(6) The rules shall be supplemented and re-approved every time the sewage system undergoes
structural and functional modifications, rehabilitation of certain technological facilities, replacement
of certain machinery and/or equipment or other operations that could affect the technological
processes. The rules shall be updated every five years to include the experience gained during the
previous operating period.
(7) The provisions of these rules shall be fully and permanently implemented by the operating
and maintenance personnel, who shall be periodically tested, at least once a year or whenever it is
found that their knowledge of the rules is insufficient, which could lead to inadequate operation or
maintenance of the structures and installations pertaining to the sewage system.
1.2. Framework content of the Operation and Maintenance Rules
The operation and maintenance rules shall be drawn up taking into consideration the
following main documentation:
a) the design drawn up for the structures and installations of the sewage system, as well as all
its documentation and amendments;
b) the survey drawings of the structures, drawn up after the construction works are
completed, which shall take into account all modifications made throughout the
construction stage;
c) site plans, operational charts, general provisions for the structures and installations;
d) operating instructions issued by the design engineer for the structures and installations;
e) technical data sheets for the machinery and equipment installed within the system;
f) approvals issued by the competent authorities with regard to the construction and
operation of the investment facilities;
g) documentation relating to acceptance upon completion of the works and the final
h) the instructions for operation and maintenance of the structures;
i) the administrative diagram of the operating personnel.
2. Public health and safety measures
2.1. Occupational health and safety measures to be taken during the construction,
operation and maintenance of the sewage system
(1) The activities required by the construction, operation and maintenance of the sewage
system pose significant risks due to the many causes that could lead to the people working in this
environment becoming ill or suffering accidents; therefore, special training and prevention measures
must be taken.
(2) Accidents and illnesses can be caused primarily by:
a) collapse of the walls of the trenches or excavations prepared for the installation of pipes or
b) pipes or other equipment falling during their manipulation;
c) intoxication or suffocation with the toxic gases released (CO, CO2, methane gas, H2S,
d) illnesses or infections contracted when coming in contact with the polluted medium
e) explosions due to flammable gases;
f) electric shocks due to improperly insulated electrical cables in the power supply network
of the plant;
g) falling inside the manholes or the suction reservoir of the domestic wastewater pumping
station, etc.
(3) To prevent events such as those listed above, the personnel working within the sewage
system should undergo training.
(4) All employees responsible for the operation and maintenance of the sewage system must
undergo a thorough medical examination and must be vaccinated against the main water-related
diseases (typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.). They shall also undergo daily checks and those who are
found to have wounds or scratches, however small, shall be prohibited from coming into any contact
with the sewage system. All workers must wear suitable protective equipment (boots, overalls and
gloves), and the premises shall be equipped with a dressing room consisting of two compartments,
one for clean clothes and one for work clothes, as well as showers, soap, towels, etc.
(5) In addition to the regular protective equipment, the inspection and work teams for the
sewage system shall also be provided with Davy miner's lamps, gas masks and safety belts, as well as
as toxic gas (carbon dioxide, ammonium, hydrogen sulphide) or flammable gas (methane) detectors.
(6) Before allowing access to the manholes or the drain, it is necessary to open 3 drain covers,
both upstream and downstream, to allow for 2-3 hour airing and to check the presence of any gases
using miner's lamps. If the lamps blow out, the drain shall be ventilated artificially and access to the
manhole shall only be allowed if the worker is wearing a gas mask and safety belt and is tied with a
rope to another worker located outside, on the ground.
(7) Also, when the workers are inside the manholes or are moving along drains located on
carrieageways, measures shall be taken with regard to traffic through the area, by signposting the
respective work point using suitable daytime and night-time road signs.
(8) In some situations, there is a risk of explosion due to gases released by the wastewater, or
as a result of certain fermentation processes that can occur inside sewage networks. In these
situations, the specific regulations in force must be complied with.
(9) Special attention must be paid to the risk of electric shocks posed by the presence of
buried electrical cables in the vicinity of the sewage systems, as well as lighting installations in areas
with high humidity levels, which must be equipped with electric lamps that operate at safe voltages of
12-24 V.
2.2. Occupational health and safety measures for pumping stations
(1) The legal provisions in force with regard to hygiene and sanitary rules as well as
occupational health and safety rules must be complied with when operating pumping stations. The
following basic measures shall be implemented:
a) personnel shall wear protective overalls throughout the entire work period;
b) pumping station premises shall be kept clean at all times;
c) ventilation systems shall be maintained and used correctly;
d) a low-voltage lighting system (12-24 V) shall be used and all insulations and earth
connections checked, together with the special measures taken to prevent accidental
electrocution in underground pumping stations where the pump chamber can be frequently
e) if the operation of the pumping station is automated, booster engines or force or torque
multipliers shall be used to actuate the gate valves;
f) pumping stations with moving components (rotors, couplers, etc.) shall be equipped with
protection cages designed to protect the operating personnel in the event of an accident
caused by a mechanical failure.
g) to prevent physical injury during repairs, all heavy parts that are handled manually must
be lifted using the leg muscles to avoid fractures and lesions of the spine;
h) to avoid physical strain, it is sensible to maintain the mechanical lifting equipment in good
operating condition.
2.3. Occupational health and safety measures for water treatment plants
(1) All occupational health and safety rules stipulated in any normative documents and
documents containing provisions relating to the specific works and activities carried out in a water
treatment plant shall be complied with and applied during the operation and maintenance of structures
and installations pertaining to a water treatment plant.
(2) The operation and maintenance rules shall place a special emphasis on the rules and
measures with regard to:
a) the operating personnel accessing various manholes and inspection chambers for the
valves or equipment, open drains, pump suction reservoirs or the reservoirs of
technological facilities, etc., with regard to them descending into and moving through the
respective spaces, handling the respective devices and covers, etc.;
b) moving along open reservoirs, on the manoeuvre platform corresponding to the valves
used to let reagents into the reservoirs, etc.;
c) using protective and work equipment;
d) carrying out operations in conditions of artificial light, in environments with high
humidity levels;
e) marking all dangerous locations with warning panels and signs (high voltage, danger of
falling, accumulation of flammable gases, etc.);
f) handling airing boards, electric pumps, gate valves, electric blowers, mixers, etc.;
g) the activities carried out on site during remedying of any failures (shoring the sides,
descending into the trenches, using intervention equipment such as power pumps, hammer
drills, electric pumps, compressors, cranes, welding equipment, etc.);
h) activities carried out in cold weather, which require the work teams to take special
measures (for outdoor installations), movement towards technological facilities and over
the related walking boards which can become dangerous due to the risk of slipping on the
ice, use of de-icing tools and devices, etc.
i) ensuring adequate ventilation of the chambers and reservoirs before allowing the operating
personnel to access them, to prevent suffocation due to the lack of oxygen or the
inhalation of lethal gases;
j) using anti-explosion electrical equipment;
k) carrying out a periodic inspection of the atmosphere inside enclosed spaces, to identify the
presence of any toxic and flammable gases;
l) interdictions regarding the use of ignition sources near the installations, structures, drains
and visiting chambers where flammable gases could be produced and accumulate;
m) enabling movements around the electric pumps, electric blowers, switchboards and mixers
located in the physico-chemical treatment reservoir and the sludge stabiliser, by
prohibiting the storage of any materials, tools, parts, etc. in the spaces between the
different items of equipment, between the equipment and the walls, etc. which could
hinder manoeuvring and control operations, as well as installation-removal and inspection
operations, etc.;
n) protecting all openings in the flooring slabs and walkways with protection railings, unless
they are provided with covers;
o) the walkways enabling access to various parts of the installations must be made of ribbed
metal sheet or metal mesh panels bordered by angle bars, in order to reduce the risk of
p) all moving components to only be lubricated after they have stopped moving;
q) the equipment shall only be handled using suitable lifting devices; the use of makeshift
lifting devices is prohibited;
r) creating a microclimate and ensuring ventilation in all spaces where this is necessary.
(3) The way in which the specialist personnel are to receive training and refresh their
knowledge, the way in which the main health and safety rules are to be displayed at each work place
and the way in which first aid is to be given in the event of an accident, etc. shall be specified when
drawing up the Operation and Maintenance Rules for the water treatment plant.
2.4. Sanitary protection
(1) The operation and maintenance rules for sewage systems and water treatment plants shall
also include legal provisions relating to hygiene and sanitary issues.
(2) The administrative management shall specify the type and frequency of the medical
examination that the operating personnel must undergo, the way in which any members of personnel
who are found to be subject to temporary or permanent medical contraindications can be utilised, as
well as the minimum hygiene and sanitary information that certain categories of workers must know,
(3) With regard to the sanitary protection of water treatment plants, the management shall
establish (in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the legislation in force) the way in which the
following are to be regulated:
a) delimiting and marking the protection area (for isolated water treatment plants);
b) utilisation of the land within the protection area;
c) execution of the excavation works, storage of the materials, installation of pipes, wells or
other categories of structures inside the protection area.
(4) the economic operator responsible for the operation and maintenance of the sewage system
is obliged to ensure adequate care for the operating personnel, therefore he:
a) shall only employ the operating personnel after they have undergone a clinical, laboratory
and radiological examination;
b) shall provide the personnel with the required work equipment (boots, rubber gloves,
protection goggles, gas masks, rope safety belt, etc.) in accordance with the legal provisions in
c) shall organise periodic training sessions with regard to sanitary protection (hygiene) in
accordance with the legal provisions in force;
d) shall make available a first-aid kit in the water treatment plant, which shall potentially
include an oxygen breathing device and the necessary life-saving accessories;
e) the doctor responsible for the operation and maintenance of the sewage system is obliged to
monitor the health of the operating personnel on a periodic basis (monthly);
f) the personnel working at the water treatment plant shall undergo TAB immunisation at the
time intervals stipulated by the applicable specific regulations in force.
(5) The beneficiary shall implement the required occupational health and safety measures and
sanitary protection measures, depending on the size and importance of the water treatment
2.5. Fire protection measures
(1) In general, the risk of fire may occur inside sewage systems (network, water treatment
plant, emissary outlet) in the places and situations where fermentation gases are produced or vapours
are released into the drains due to the presence of flammable substances (ether, dichloroethane,
gasoline, etc.) in the wastewater produced by certain industrial facilities or companies that do not
comply with the legal technical provisions in force with regard to discharging such substances into
the public sewage system.
(2) Fire may also occur in places where non-flammable substances can be found (water and
sludge analysis laboratories, storage rooms, fuel storage areas, heating unit, stoves that use natural
gas as fuel, etc.).
(3) The provisions of the General Fire Safety Rules, as well as the specific provisions for each
field of activity shall be complied with in all spaces that pose a high risk of fire.
(4) The measures required by the general and specific fire protection and prevention
regulations shall be implemented in all these locations, depending on the nature of the respective risk.
The legal provisions in force issued by the competent state authorities shall also be complied with.
(5) A few of the additional measures that must be taken for structures and installations
pertaining to the sewage system are mentioned below:
a) ensuring adequate ventilation of the chambers and reservoirs before allowing the operating
personnel to access them, to prevent suffocation due to the lack of oxygen, the inhalation
of lethal gases or the ignition of flammable vapours;
b) using anti-explosion electrical equipment;
c) carrying out a periodic inspection of the atmosphere inside enclosed spaces, to identify the
presence of any toxic and flammable gases;
d) interdictions regarding the utilisation of ignition sources near the installations, sludge
fermentation tanks, structures, drains and visiting chambers where flammable gases could
be produced and accumulate;
e) marking all dangerous locations with warning panels and signs (high voltage, danger of
falling, accumulation of flammable gases, etc.);
(6) The compulsory measures also include the installation of outdoor fire hydrants at the
locations and distances recommended in the Fire Safety Rules, and the installation of fire
extinguishers and even sprinkler systems, if applicable, inside buildings, storage rooms and
(7) All spaces shall be equipped with fire detection, signalling, warning and extinguishing
systems in accordance with the provisions of the General Fire Safety rules and the applicable specific
technical regulations in force.
for handing over the site for facility: ..................................................................................
As part of the following investment:
Concluded today, .........................................., in ....... copies.
We, the undersigned, have handed over - taken over the site, in accordance with the scale map no.
..................................., materialised in the form of the markers:.....................................................
There are/are not any objections with regard to the
Handed over by the design engineer,
(Name, surname, position)
Taken over by the
(Name, surname, position)
For the beneficiary,
(Name, surname, position)
No ............... from the date of……………….
As part of the following investment: ..................................................................................................................
Carried out as part of Contract No.................................. of................................ concluded between
For the following facilities:
1. The work was carried out on the basis of Authorisation No. ............................................ issued by
......................................................................................... on the date of ...........................................
Valid until..................................... .
2. The preliminary acceptance committee carried out their activity over the period .................................
and was made up of:
(Name, surname, position)
3. The following persons also took part in the acceptance process:
(Name, surname, position)
4. Findings of the acceptance committee
4.1. The documents in the list...................... were not included in the written documentation and drawings, or
are incomplete
4.2. The volumes of work stipulated in the list.................... were not carried out.
4.3. The facilities stipulated in the list ........................ do not comply with the design provisions.
5. Based on their findings, the acceptance committee hereby makes the following proposals:
6. The acceptance committee justify their proposal as follows:
7. The acceptance committee hereby recommends the following:
8. This report, containing ........ pages and ......... annexes, all numbered, with a total number of ............. pages,
was concluded today ....................................... at………………………………………………………
in ............. copies……………………………………………………………………..
Acceptance committee:
Chairman: ........................................................................................................................................ .
Prepared by
Checked by
No ............... from the date of……………….
As part of the following investment:
Carried out as part of Contract No.................................. of................................ concluded between
The work was carried out on the basis of Authorisation No. ............................................ issued by
......................................................................................... on the date of
valid until ................................................................................................................................ .
1. The final acceptance committee carried out their activity over the period .................................
and was made up of:
(Name, surname, position)
2. The following persons also took part in the acceptance process:
(Name, surname, position)
3. Following examination of the works and the documents included in the instruction book of the
structure, the final acceptance committee have found the following:
3.1. The works for each speciality were carried out in accordance with the list attached hereto.
3.2. The works were completed on the date of .............................
3.3. The comments issued by the final acceptance committee are given in the list attached hereto.
3.4. The instruction book for the structure and the summary data sheet for the facility were/were not
filled in.
3.5. The user is/is not in the possession of the instructions for operating the facility and monitoring its
behaviour over time.
3.6. The structure behaved / did not behave in a suitable manner since its completion on the date of
............................. up until now, namely over a period of ............ months; all findings are given in the
list attached hereto.
3.7. The value of the facility is ......................................... lei.
4. Based on their findings, the final acceptance committee hereby makes the following proposals:
5. The final acceptance committee justify their proposal as follows:
6. The final acceptance committee hereby recommends the following:
7. This report, containing ........ pages and ......... annexes, all numbered, with a total number of
............. pages, was concluded today .......................................
in ............. copies.
Acceptance committee:
Chairman: .................................................................................................