May 1, 2012 To comply with the Regional Consent Order the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is adjusting the Regional Technical Standards (RTS) to reflect the City’s water consumption data into its sanitary sewer service area planning for pump stations and gravity collection systems. Virginia Beach has utilized the Regional Sewage Flow Projection Data Table to calculate on-site nonresidential sewage flows for development plans since 2008. This was an interim solution to allow for the development of a Virginia Beach table which depicts the zoning influences for allowable on-site nonresidential and residential flow. The process is now complete and the Virginia Beach Sewage Flow Projection Data Table will replace the Regional Table for use in the City. Click here to review Development Service Center Notice #191 which is effective immediately and provides additional instruction concerning Tables 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3. If you have comments or questions, contact Patrice Kyle at 757-305-9015 or email