Week of April 4 - Ch 32

AP US History – Chapter 32 – The Age of Globalization (I)
Reading: Have read from American History: A Survey, “The Age of Globalization” read pp
892-904 for April 4. This is the day your vocab work will be due at the beginning of class.
Plagiarism: Submitting the words, ideas, images, or data of another person’s as one’s own in any
academic writing or other project. Do not plagiarize. If someone asks you to see your journal, just
say, “No, that would be cheating.”
Vocabulary – Explain (when necessary) these in your “Vocabulary Journal” in your own words.
Explain means more than a single sentence. Place the person, term, event, etc. in the context of
history. Please number your questions.
Read the list of “Significant Events” (p. 893)
1. Ross Perot’s third party candidacy took more votes from the Republican candidate. That
(helped/hurt) the Clinton candidacy.
2. President Clinton (decreased/increased) federal income taxes.
3. President Clinton (was/was not) successful in passing universal health care.
4. The Contract with America called for (expanding/limiting) federal power.
5. Pick one of the Republican ideas in the section “The Republican Resurgence” and state your
opinion about it and why.
6. Why did Clinton win the 1996 election? (yes, he received more votes, I know that)
7. President Clinton was (impeached, convicted, and removed from office/not
impeached/impeached but not convicted).
Questions 8-9 refer to the excerpt below.
"Clinton was widely hailed, even by some of his detractors, as the most gifted politician of his
generation—but the political task presented to him required continual bobbing and weaving,
compromising and negotiation, retreating so as to advance. . . . Clinton was forced to establish a
position independent of both the hostile Republican majority and the impotent Democratic
minority. The ensuing confrontations that led to a federal government shutdown, Clinton's
recovery in the election of 1996, and the impeachment proceeding two years later all stemmed
from the political realities surrounding the Clinton White House.... Clinton and his advisors
figured out a great deal on the run. . . . Clinton was also hunted and accused of wrongdoing as
few previous presidents had been. . . . Under siege, though, Clinton survived to become, by the
end of his second term, a singularly admired if controversial leader."
—Sean Wilentz, historian. The Age of Reagan: A History 1974-2008, 2005
8. Passage of which of the following is an example of Clinton's success in "compromising and
negotiation, retreating so as to advance?"
(A) Bill ending discrimination against gays in the military
(B) Brady Bill and ban on assault rifles
(C) Health Care Reform Act
(D) Welfare and budget reform
9. Which of the following best explains the general popularity of the Clinton presidency?
(A) Clinton survived an unpopular impeachment effort led by his political opponents
(B) Clinton presided over eight years of prosperity and improved middle-class incomes
(C) Clinton organized successful peace-keeping efforts in the former Yugoslavia
(D) Clinton negotiated a plan to stabilize Social Security and Medicare for seniors
Questions 10-12 is based on the following graphs.
10. Briefly explain how the economy changed in ONE of the following administrations.
• Ronald Reagan
• George H. W. Bush
• Bill Clinton
11. Briefly explain ONE significant cause of income growth during, that administration.
12. Briefly explain ONE significant cause of the growing income inequality during the 1980s and
13. Briefly explain the foreign policy impact of ONE of the following:
• Tiananmen Square
• Fall of Berlin Wall
14. Briefly analyze the political significance of ONE of the following:
• H. Ross Perot
• National Rifle Association
• Operation Desert
• Contract with America
15. Briefly explain why the impeachment of Bill Clinton was unpopular.
20. What were the biggest technological changes in this era?
21. What was the good news and bad news about the U.S. economy?
The author references the Two-Tiered Economy. Complete the following regarding
to the Two Tiered Economy.
22. What is the Two-Tiered Economy?
23. Does the author think this is a good thing or a bad thing? (Or, takes no stand)
24. What are two facts that he uses to demonstrate this development in the economy?
Questions 25-27 are based on the excerpt below.
"At the end of the 20th century, Americans lived on a scale of consumption and resource usage
unprecedented in human history. ... As houses and vehicles and shopping centers and credit card
bills, became larger and larger, so did bodies of Americans. . . . Americans had become, with the
exception of some South Sea islanders, the fattest people in the world.... [T]he unevenly
distributed economic bounty of the 1980s and 1990s allowed a large upper stratum of society to
have a sense of limitlessness in its lifestyle and consumption. Others like to live large too, even if
it only took the form of consuming a very large serving of fast food washed down by a very large
cup of soda.
—Joshua Freeman, historian, American Empire, 2012
25. Briefly explain what this author meant by phrase "living large."
26. Briefly explain ONE additional development from 1980 to 2000 that would support the
author's point of view.
27. Briefly explain ONE difference or similarity in consumer consumption between the periods
1980 to 2000 and 1945 to 1960.
28. What are two impacts that globalization had on the U.S.?
29. “Science and Technology in the New Economy” (pp. 901-904)
A. What was something in this section you already knew?
B. What is something you learned?
AP US History – Chapter 32 – The Age of Globalization (II)
Reading: Have read from American History: A Survey, “The Age of Globalization” read pp
904-921 for April 4. This is the day your vocab work will be due at the beginning of class.
Vocabulary – Explain (when necessary) these in your “Analyze This Journal” in your own words.
Explain means more than a single sentence. Place the person, term, event, etc. in the context of
history. Please number your questions.
Plagiarism: Submitting the words, ideas, images, or data of another person’s as one’s own in
any academic writing or other project. Do not plagiarize. If someone asks you to see your
journal, just say, “No, that would be cheating.”
1. The median age in this nation is (decreasing/increasing).
2. What are two trends in immigration in this era?
Questions 3-5 are based on the following graphs
3. Briefly explain the changes in immigrant patterns from the 1950s to first decade of the 2000s.
4. Briefly analyze how the Immigration Act of 1965 contributed to the changes in immigration
5. Briefly explain ONE likely additional cause of the changes in immigration patterns from the
1950s to first decade of the 2000s.
6. What was the god news and bad news for African-Americans in the Age of Globalization?
7. “Contested Culture” (pp. 908-913)
A. What is a trend or development in this section you think is a “Good” thing?
B. What is a trend or development in this section you think is a “Bad” thing?
8. What was the American invasion of Afghanistan?
9. Is it okay to use any tactic to help get information from suspects? Yes/No
10. Briefly explain the policies of ONE of the following:
• Bush Doctrine
• Patriot Act
• Homeland Security Department
Questions 11-13 refer to the following figure.
Flight Paths, September 11, 2001
11. Which of the following events from the 20th century most closely parallels the situation
depicted in the image shown?
(A) Advocacy of American interventionism in Latin America in the early 20th century
(B) Woodrow Wilsons call for the defense of democracy in 1917
(C) Support for voluntary armed services post in 1975
(D) Opposition to the war in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s
12. The situation illustrated in the image most directly reflects which of the following
continuities in United States history?
(A) Debates about the impact of airline deregulation in the 1980s
(B) Debates about economic globalization
(C) Debates about domestic security and civil rights
(D) Debates about federalism and states' Rights
13. The situation illustrated in the image shown most directly led to
(A) sustained economic growth
(B) a growth in executive power
(C) strengthening of World War II—era international coalitions
(D) increasing Cold War tensions
14. What is one justification used for the invasion of Iraq and toppling of Saddam Hussein?
15. What were two reasons for American support for the war decreasing?
16. The George W. Bush administration believed in forging policy that (maintained the status
quo/attempted to change the status quo).
17. George Bush (decreased/increased) federal income tax rates.
18. No Child Left Behind (decreased/increased) the federal role in education.
19. When Bush left office a majority of Americans did not approve of his handling of the
presidency. What are two things that contributed to this?
Question 20 refers to the excerpt below.
"These militants are not just the enemies of America or the enemies of Iraq. They are the
enemies of Islam, and they're the enemies of humanity. [I]t is cowardice that seeks to kill
children and the elderly with car bombs, and cuts the throat of a bound captive, and targets
worshipers leaving a mosque. It is courage that liberated more than 50 million people from
tyranny. And it is courage in the cause of freedom that will once again destroy the enemies of
freedom! Islamic radicalism, like the ideology of communism, contains inherent contradictions
that doom it to failure. By fearing freedom, by distrusting human creativity, and punishing
change, and limiting the contributions of half a population, this ideology undermines the very
qualities that make human progress possible and human societies successful. The only thing
modem about the militants' vision is the weapons they want to use against us. The rest of their
grim vision is defined by a warped image of the past, a declaration of war on the idea of progress
—George W. Bush, Veterans Day Speech, November 11, 2005
20. Which of the following best explains the context for this speech by President Bush?
(A) The attack on the Twin Towers in New York
(B) The resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan
(C) The challenge to control the violence in Iraq
(D) The breakdown of relations with Iran
21. Provide one factor that contributed to Barack Obama’s election in 2008.
Question 22 refers to the excerpt below.
"The fact is our economy did not fall into decline overnight. Nor did all of our problems begin
when the housing market collapsed or the stock market sank. We have known for decades that
our survival depends on finding new sources of energy. . . . The cost of health care eats up more
and more of our savings each year, yet we keep delaying reform. Our children will compete for
jobs in a global economy that too many of our schools do not prepare them for....
A surplus became an excuse to transfer wealth to the wealthy instead of an opportunity to invest
in our future. Regulations were gutted for the sake of a quick profit at the expense of a healthy
market. People bought homes they knew they couldn't afford from banks and lenders who
pushed those bad loans anyway....Well that day of reckoning has arrived, and the time to take
charge of our future is here."
—Barack Obama, Speech to Congress, February 24, 2009
22. Which of the following would best support the text, "A surplus became an excuse to transfer
wealth to the wealthy?"
(A) The tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 under George W. Bush
(B) The 1996 budget compromise under Clinton
(C) The bailout of the savings and loans under George H. W. Bush
(D) The 25 percent tax cuts passed under Ronald Reagan
Missing Seminar – If you miss seminar you may still receive participation points by writing
two pages on the following prompt in your Analyze This Journal and turning it in the next time
you are in class.
Prompt – Rate the effectiveness of the Clinton presidency in domestic and foreign policy