Adsorption ice water generator, solar radiation, cooling Michał TURSKI, Robert SEKRET* EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF AN ADSORPTION COOLING SYSTEM SUPPLIED BY SOLAR RADIATION ENERGY The article summarizes the results of experimental testing of a system utilizing solar radiation energy for driving an adsorption ice water generator. A testing stand is presented, which is composed of four modules, each of them being designed for: solar radiation energy generation, accumulation, transfer and use, respectively. Ice water generator operation parameters, i.e. pressure, temperature, refrigeration power, thermal power demand and the refrigeration Coefficient of Performance (COP) as a function of time and the unit’s refrigeration power as a function of evaporator temperature, are also provided. Additionally, the effect of weather conditions variation on the operation of both the cooling unit and the whole cooling system has also been considered. 1. SOLAR RADIATION POTENTIAL IN POLAND Based on the analysis of many years’ surveys it has been observed that the magnitudes of direct solar radiation in Poland are 600–800 W/m2, while the values of total radiation are contained in the range of 1000–1100 W/m2 [1]. The quantities of direct and scattered solar radiation in particular months are shown in Figure 1. By analyzing the operation conditions of buildings as an energy system it can be stated that the maximum demand for refrigeration occurs during the maximum gains of solar radiation, i.e. in summertime. This relationship is given in Figure 2. It should be noted here that this arises an interest in the possibility of utilizing this relationship for building cooling purposes. Moreover, as has been shown by research [3], systems utilizing solar radiation energy can be successfully used even in countries with a moderate climate. * Czestochowa University of Technology, Department of Heating, Ventilation and Air Protection, ul. J. H. Dabrowskiego 71, 42-201 Czestochowa, Poland Fig. 1. Amount of direct and scattered radiation, respectively, in respective months in the territory of Poland [2]. Fig. 2. Unit solar radiation gain and demand for heat and refrigeration, as dependent on the season, acc. to [2]. 2. ADSORPTION COOLING SYSTEM TESTS 2.1. DESCRIPTION OF THE TESTING STAND The testing stand consisted of four basic modules: a generation module, an accumulation module, a transfer module and an energy use module. The generation module was responsible for the efficiency of heat and refrigeration. It included a battery of solar collectors, an additional heat source and an Adsorption Ice Water Generator (AIWG). The accumulation module was made up of heat and refrigeration reservoirs. The analysis of operation of the transfer and use modules allowed the determination of refrigerating powers possible to be achieved. A general schematic of the testing stand is shown in Figure 3. For cooling, an adsorption ice water generator was employed, which was designed and made in the framework of the Promoter’s Grant N N523 611039. The AIWG is composed of an evaporator, an adsorber and a condenser. The adsorber and the condenser are additionally equipped with heating and cooling circuits. As the working medium, water is used, while as the sorption material – wide-pore silica gel. For testing purposes, heating medium temperatures possible to be achieved using solar collectors were simulated, i.e. 60oC, 80oC and 95oC. Initial working medium temperatures were also varied to be, respectively, 20oC, 16oC and 12oC. Assuming, based on literature data, the adsorption (refrigeration) time to be equal to the desorption time, measurements were taken for varying process durations, i.e. 15/15 min, 30/30 min and 60/60 min., respectively. On account of the assumed parameters of AIWG operation, 27 tests were set, with three replicates in each test. Fig. 3. A schematic of the adsorption cooling system driven by solar radiation energy [4]. 2.2. ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS From the performed analysis of the obtained results, a number of relationships have been derived, some of which being presented below. Figure 4 represents the relationship of pressure and temperature as a function of time. The cooling process was preceded by the regeneration of the adsorbent at a temperature of 95C. It has been demonstrated that the cooling process intensity is dependent on the initial temperature of the working medium in the evaporator. The cooling process runs most efficiently at a higher working medium temperature, so at 20C the temperature drop in the cooling process was 10.1C. While at the initial working medium temperature at a level of 16C and 12C, the temperature decreased by 5.5C and 3.5C, respectively. An important relationship is also the effect of adsorbent regeneration temperature on the cooling process efficiency. The relationship of the AIWG refrigerating power as a function of evaporator temperature, while considering different regeneration temperatures, is represented in Figure 5. The higher adsorbent bed regeneration temperature, the more efficiently the process runs. At a regeneration temperature of 95C, the unit achieved a refrigerating power of 0.27kW; at lower bed regeneration temperatures of 80C and 60C, the refrigerating powers were, respectively, 0.26kW and 0.19kW. The performed analysis of the results found that the optimal cooling time in all measurements was about 10-15 min., while at a higher adsorbent bed regeneration process temperature the effective cooling time is shorter and the process itself is more intensive and takes about 10 min. At the same time, shortening the cooling process results in a shortening of the desorption process duration, and so the adsorbent bed regeneration time. These relationships are illustrated in Figure 6. Comparison of the refrigerating power of the AIWG with its thermal power demand for the regeneration process shows that after a maximum refrigerating power has been reached, the thermal power demand continuously increases, while the refrigerating power of the unit decreases. Such a relationship confirms the rightness of assuming the cooling time from 10 min. to 15 min., as dependent on the preceding temperature of sorbent bed regeneration. The values of the refrigeration Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the AIWG, as presented in Figure 7, range from 0.4 to 0.68 for measurements taken after regeneration at 95C and, respectively, from 0.5 to 0.65 and from 0.4 to 0.5 for regeneration temperatures of 80C and 60C. Fig. 4. Evaporator pressure and temperature as a function of time. Fig. 5. AIWG refrigerating power as a function of temperature. Fig. 6. AIWG refrigerating power and thermal power demand as a function of time. Fig. 7. AIWG refrigerating Coefficient of Performance (COP) as a function of time. 3.2. UTILIZATION OF SOLAR RADIATION FOR COOLING PURPOSES Adsorption cooling systems of high powers (above 50 kW) can efficiently operate at a feeding medium temperature of 60–95oC, which makes them able to be supplied by the most widespread (flat liquid) solar collectors, while attaining a COP value in the range of 0.6–0.7 [2]. In addition, low-temperature waste heat can be utilized for supplying them. There is also a possibility of their operation with the municipal heat distribution network. The tests carried out have confirmed that the prototype AIWG can effectively operate within the feeding medium temperature range of 60–95oC, while attaining a refrigerating COP value from 0.4 to 0.65. For feeding the Ice Water Generator tested, e.g. flat liquid solar collectors with an absorber area of 1.82 m2 and an optical efficiency of 84% can be used in the number of 9 units, which will provide a refrigerating power of 0.27kW at a feeding medium temperature of 95C and with a total solar radiation magnitude of approx. 1000W/m2, which occurs in the territory of Poland in the months June – July. With the total solar radiation magnitude at a level of approx. 600W/m2, 14 solar collectors would be required in order to obtain the same refrigerating power. By using the same solar collectors in the number of 7 units, a refrigerating power of 0.19kW would be provided at a feeding medium temperature of 60C and with a total solar radiation value of approx. 600W/m2, which occurs in the months April – September. It should be remembered that, notwithstanding the uncertainty of supplies of renewable source energy, which includes solar radiation energy, the demand for refrigeration occurs in the period of the largest solar radiation gains. Therefore, by additionally using cold and heat stores in the form of buffer tanks, the problems related to daily refrigeration demand and refrigeration process heat demand will be eliminated. 3. SUMMARY Adsorption ice water generators supplied by solar radiation energy can be used in public facilities, single-family houses, sports facilities, as well as in energy-efficient building. A basis for making the selection of a solar system is the demand for regeneration heat. The design and use of a solar system in a manner appropriate to the demand and weather conditions will enable the assumed energy and economic effects to be achieved. Poland has relatively good conditions for the use of solar radiation energy, provided that the type of systems and the properties of equipment using this energy are adapted to the nature, structure and time distribution of solar radiation. Due to the variation in the intensity of solar radiation energy in the daily cycle, a need arises for the accumulation of refrigeration in buffer tanks. REFERENCES [1] BUDZYŃSKI K., NAROWSKI P.G., CZECHOWICZ J.: Przygotowanie zbiorów zagregowanych danych klimatycznych dla potrzeb obliczeń energetycznych budynków. Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, dane źródłowe Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, Warszawa, 2004 [2] KWIECIEŃ D.: Kolektory słoneczne w solarnych systemach klimatyzacyjnych. Materiały konferencyjne, Forum Wentylacja, Salon Klimatyzacja, Warszawa, 18-19 marca, 2009 [3] RUBIK M. Klimatyzacja solarna – możliwości i tendencje rozwoju, Ciepłownictwo, Ogrzewnictwo, Wentylacja nr 10/2006, 34 – 38. [4] Materiał zawarty we wniosku o grant promotorski nr 83132, rysunek autorski. [5] Projekt badawczy promotorski N N523 611039: Teoretyczne i eksperymentalne badania adsorpcyjnych systemów klimatyzacji słonecznej, Politechnika Częstochowska, Wydział Inżynierii i Ochrony Środowiska, Katedra Ogrzewnictwa, Wentylacji i Ochrony Atmosfery, Częstochowa, 2011. BADANIA DOŚWIADCZALNE ADSORPCYJNEGO SYSTEMU CHŁODZENIA ZASILANEGO ENERGIĄ PROMIENIOWANIA SŁONECZNEGO W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych instalacji wykorzystującej energię promieniowania słonecznego do napędu adsorpcyjnej wytwornicy wody lodowej. Zaprezentowano stanowisko badawcze składające się z czterech modułów: wytwarzania, akumulacji, przesyłu i wykorzystania energii promieniowania słonecznego. Przedstawiono również parametry pracy wytwornicy wody lodowej, tj. ciśnienia, temperatury, moc chłodniczą, zapotrzebowanie na moc cieplną i współczynnik wydajności chłodniczej COP w funkcji czasu oraz moc chłodniczą urządzenia w funkcji temperatury w parowniku. Dodatkowo rozważony został wpływ zmienności warunków atmosferycznych na pracę urządzenia chłodniczego, jak i całego systemu chłodzenia. This scientific research has been financed from the MNiSW (Ministry of Science and Higher Education) resources allocated for scientific development in the years 2010 – 2011, as Research Promoter’s Project No. N N523 611039.