Who Is Interviewed or Visited Courtesy visit with the CEO and other appropriate administrators involved with the pharmacy or school of pharmacy RPD Purpose Bring greetings from ASHP, thanks for voluntarily submitting to accreditation, and explanation of the survey process Session can also be used to educate CEOs about residency trends, employer hiring of residency trained individuals, and benefits of accreditation To appraise the RPD’s involvement and effectiveness in managing the training program To ascertain the design and the conduct of the program Possible Questions 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Do you have any questions about the survey process before we begin? What challenges is the health system facing? What pharmacy-related initiatives are in process? What do you do to further develop the teaching skills of your preceptors? What is your process for interviewing and ranking new residents? Who is involved in the process of interviewing and ranking? Is a procedure written to provide for a consistent process? Are the current residents involved in making the selection of incoming residents? What is your process for developing and then modifying the resident’s individual plan? How do you assess and track the resident’s progress? Describe the residents’ projects over the past two years. How do you evaluate the entire program to ensure residents meet the program’s outcomes? If you identify that changes must occur in order to improve preceptor performance, how is this accomplished? How do you facilitate the resident learning to manage his or her projects? What are your requirements for program Pharmacy director and other managers To gain additional perspective on the scope and depth of services and care provided by the pharmacy staff To determine what contributions the directors and other managers make to the resident’s training program To gain additional perspective on the pharmacy’s performance improvement process, strategic planning, workforce issues, and policies and procedures completion? 10. How do you develop each resident’s plan for the year? 11. What is the role of the residency program in the functioning of the department? 1. What are your minimum standards of pharmacist care that all patients must receive? What is your standard of care for specific patients (e.g., high risk)? 2. What is your role within the pharmacy and your primary responsibilities? 3. What are the current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities of and/or threats to the pharmacy? 4. What are your expectations for the pharmacy's future? What plans do you have for the further development of your practice model? 5. How well integrated or coordinated are the various sections of the pharmacy (e.g., Are lines of communication well established between inpatient, outpatient and clinical practitioners? How effective is intradepartmental communication? Do various sections have defined boundaries?)? 6. How effectively does the pharmacy work with other groups (such as the nursing service)? 7. How do you encourage professional development of the pharmacy staff? 8. What is your involvement in the residency program? Do you participate in the evaluation of the resident(s)? 9. What contributions do you make to the 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Pharmacists To appraise the professional contributions made by the pharmacist in his or her interactions with the resident To appraise the professional contributions made by the pharmacist to patient care To evaluate the staff’s perspective on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities of and/or threats to the pharmacy To gain additional information about operational and patient care aspects of individual pharmacy services (e.g., drug distribution and control, clinical services, outpatient services) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. resident(s) accomplishing projects, making presentations, or completing written reports? Into which areas would you like pharmacy services to expand? What is the pharmacy’s level of compliance with current practice guidelines and regulations? What are the weaknesses in your drug distribution system? Describe the pharmacy’s performance improvement projects. Describe current pharmacy vacancies and the effect they are having on pharmacy services. What is your process for keeping your policies and procedures current? How would you like to see the residency program change or improve? What are your minimum standards of pharmacist care that all patients must receive? What is your standard of care for specific patients (e.g., high risk)? What are your general duties and responsibilities? What is the mission of the pharmacy service? What are your roles in accomplishing the mission? Do you feel the pharmacy has a patient-centered care vision? How are you involved in ensuring optimal patient outcomes? How would you describe the pharmacy’s culture? What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities of and/or threats to the pharmacy? 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Resident preceptors To appraise the preceptors’ involvement, development and effectiveness in the training 1. How is professional enrichment and growth supported within the pharmacy service? How effective is intradepartmental communication? How might communication be improved? How well do pharmacy and nursing work together? How might communication be improved? What are your expectations of the future of the pharmacy? How effective are you as a role model for the resident(s)? What is your understanding of the purpose and objectives of the residency? What are your contributions to the residency? In what projects involving the resident(s) do you participate? What is your role in the evaluation of the resident(s)? What do you like best about working here? How do you interface with the pharmacists and technicians of the inpatient and outpatient pharmacy? What direct patient care responsibilities do the inpatient and/or outpatient pharmacists have? Are pharmacy technicians and technology adequately used to enhance direct patient care? Describe the pharmacy’s performance improvement projects. Describe current pharmacy vacancies and the effect they are having on pharmacy services. If you had unlimited resources, what would you change within the pharmacy? What are your minimum standards of pharmacist care that all patients must receive? What is your program To appraise the professional contributions made by the pharmacists to direct patient care To evaluate the practitioners’ perspectives on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities of and/or threats to the pharmacy To evaluate relationships of all pharmacy staff in terms of delivery of pharmacy services and the residency program To evaluate what opportunities are provided to each preceptor for their own development 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. standard of care for specific patients (e.g., high risk)? What services do you provide that you believe other health care professionals would say add value to patient care and are essential services? Are you able to prospectively be involved with the establishment and modification of treatment plans or are you providing input after treatment plans have already been identified and implemented? What is your role in accomplishing the mission of the pharmacy service? Do you feel the pharmacy has a patient-centered care vision? How do you directly ensure and measure optimal patient outcomes? What efforts are made to ensure continuity of care from inpatient to outpatient treatment status? What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities of and/or threats to the pharmacy? What are your expectations of the future of the pharmacy? How is professional enrichment and growth supported within the pharmacy service? How do you interface with the pharmacists and technicians of the inpatient and outpatient pharmacy? What direct patient care responsibilities do the inpatient and/or outpatient pharmacists have? Are pharmacy technicians and technology adequately used to enhance direct patient care? How effective is intradepartmental communication? How might communication be improved? What is the consistency with which pharmacists 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. document their recommendations in the patient’s chart? Into which areas would you want the pharmacy to expand in the future? How would you propose making the changes needed for expansion? What is the process for interviewing and ranking residency applicants? Who is involved in the process of interviewing and ranking? Is a procedure written to provide for a consistent process? Are the current residents involved in making the selection of incoming residents? How are the resident’s educational goals and objectives decided? What input did you have in the development of the goals and objectives? Do you have a residency steering committee? Who is appointed to the committee and how? What are the responsibilities of committee members? How frequently does the committee meet? How is a resident supervised? What methods do you use as a preceptor to move the resident from being dependent to independent? How fast do you move this progression? Discuss the feedback process used in the training of residents. How do you differentiate your precepting style when you are precepting residents rather than students? Describe the pharmacy’s performance improvement projects. Describe current pharmacy vacancies and the effect they are having on pharmacy services. Pharmacy technicians 16. How would you improve or change the residency program? 17. How does the RPD share the resident’s customized plan and progress with you? 18. How are resident evaluations of you shared and discussed? 19. What opportunities are provided for preceptor development? To assess how effectively technicians are utilized 1. What are the general responsibilities of pharmacy technicians? in the pharmacy To assess how effectively technology is applied to 2. What is the mission of the pharmacy? How do you contribute to the mission? improve work efficiency To assess the stability of the pharmacy technician 3. How did you receive training as a pharmacy technician? How long have you been in your workforce current position? To obtain the technicians’ perspectives on where 4. What tasks are being performed now by the high-pressure spots are in the pharmacy pharmacists that you feel you are trained and competent to perform? Are you permitted to perform any of these tasks? 5. How is your growth and enrichment as a technician supported by the pharmacy leadership? Is being a certified technician mandated in the pharmacy? Are you certified? What incentives does the pharmacy offer to pursue formalized training or certification? Does the department employ career ladders? 6. Where are the "high pressure" areas in the pharmacy, from your point of view? Do you have any suggestions to reduce the "pressure" in these areas? 7. What is your understanding of the residency program? Medical staff members To determine from the perspective of practicing physicians the overall assessment of the pharmacy To evaluate pharmacy and medical staff interrelationships To assess the medical perspective of the pharmacy practice residency program To determine the role of the medical/nursing staff and their relationship to the pharmacy staff in improving the medication-use process 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. What do you like best about working here? What are the strengths, weaknesses, and/or opportunities of the pharmacy? What do you expect of pharmacists working with your patients? What do you expect of a pharmacy resident on your service? Are you involved with the evaluation of the pharmacy resident? Do you precept the pharmacy resident? Describe the types of projects the pharmacy and medical staff work on together. If you could change something in the pharmacy, what would it be? How adequate is pharmacy staffing for the ability to provide direct patient care services? Into which areas would you like to see pharmacy expand? How would you assess the impact of the pharmacy resident(s) on daily patient care activities? What is the level of visibility of the pharmacy residency among medical staff members? Describe the adverse drug reaction (ADR) program. What is the purpose of the ADR reporting program? Do you know the number of ADR reports submitted last year? How is the medical staff involved in the ADR reporting program? In what way is the ADR reporting program used to improve drug therapy outcomes? How is the medical staff involved in medication 14. 15. 16. Chair of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee To determine the major objectives of the P&T Committee To evaluate the role of pharmacy staff in meeting the objectives To assess the role of the resident in drug policy issues from the perspective of the P&T Committee To determine the role of the medical/nursing staff and their relationship to the pharmacy staff in improving the medication-use process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. error reporting and evaluation? In what way does the medication error reporting program improve patient care? Are medication errors tracked and feedback provided to prescribers regarding errors? How does the pharmacy convey new medication-related information to the medical staff? What do you see as the central purpose or mission of the P&T Committee? What is your evaluation of the drug information and drug policy support the P&T Committee receives from the pharmacy department? How credible are the pharmacists as authoritative sources of drug information? What is your overall assessment of the pharmacy from the perspective of a practicing physician (what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)? What kind of visibility does the residency have with the medical staff? What is your understanding and involvement in the drug use evaluation program? How are drugs selected for evaluation? What improvements have resulted from the drug use evaluation program? How is the pharmacy involved in drug use evaluation? Describe the adverse drug reaction (ADR) program. What is the purpose of the ADR reporting program? How many ADR reports were submitted last 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Director of Nursing To determine from the perspective of practicing Service or other nursing nurses and administrators the overall assessment managers and nurses in of pharmacy services practice To evaluate pharmacy and nursing staff interrelationships To determine the role of the medical/nursing staff and their relationship to the pharmacy staff in improving the medication-use process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. year? How is the P&T Committee involved in the ADR reporting program? In what way is the ADR reporting program used to improve drug therapy outcomes? How is the P&T Committee involved in medication error reporting and evaluation? In what way does the medication error reporting program improve patient care? Are medication errors tracked and feedback provided to prescribers regarding errors? What is the biggest challenge facing the P&T Committee? Describe the role of the resident with the P&T Committee. How are P&T Committee decisions communicated to the greater medical staff? What are the strengths, weaknesses, and/or opportunities of the pharmacy? How well do the pharmacy and nursing departments work together? Are any official methods in place to aid communication (liaison committee)? In what areas have the pharmacy and nursing departments collaborated (e.g., discharge planning, patient education, IV teams, etc.)? Into which areas would you like to see pharmacy expand? What is the purpose of the ADR reporting program? How is the nursing service involved in the ADR reporting program? In what way is the ADR reporting program used Resident to improve patient care? 8. How is the nursing staff involved in the medication error reporting program? 9. In your opinion, has the medication error reporting program improved patient care in any way? 10. Do you have optimal automation for drug delivery? 11. What forum is used between pharmacy and nursing to review common concerns? (e.g., floor stock lists, education needs) 1. Why did you decide to pursue residency To assess from the resident’s perspective the training? Why did you elect this program? degree to which the program provides opportunity 2. How has the program customized a training plan to achieve the program’s desired outcomes to suit your individual needs? How often is that To assess if precepting and evaluation are actually plan reviewed and updated? Have you written a occurring periodic self-assessment that compares what Opportunity to review residency information such you wanted to accomplish with what you are as projects, presentations, etc. accomplishing? To obtain input on the strengths of the program 3. Do you have educational goals and objectives and areas for improvement for each area of training? Do your preceptors review these with you at the beginning of each learning experience? 4. What is your vision of pharmacy practice? Has it changed since you began the residency and, if so, how? 5. How are you learning the philosophy of the pharmacy’s leaders? 6. Is your progress discussed on a regular basis? 7. Who has had the greatest influence on your growth and development during the residency? 8. What was the nature of the training you received regarding the residency program? Have you 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. adhered to the schedule of training during the year? Do you have opportunities to elect specific experiences during the year? How do you aid in accomplishing the mission of the pharmacy during the residency? How would you describe the supervision you receive as a resident by your preceptors? How would you describe the feedback you receive from your preceptor(s)? Do you ask your preceptor(s) to provide feedback? When do you ask your preceptor(s) questions? How do you know when to seek the preceptor to ask a question? How are you evaluated by the preceptor(s)? What is the relationship between the evaluations you receive and the predetermined educational objectives of the residency program? How do you assure continuity of care for your own patients? What approach have you developed to improving your knowledge, skills, and abilities? Describe briefly your learning experiences. What have you done in regard to the P&T Committee since starting the residency? Discuss your experiences with giving presentations and writing since beginning the residency. What project(s) have you begun and/or completed during the residency? How was (were) your project(s) selected? Discuss how you accomplished your project(s). How effective have your preceptors been in moving from direct instruction to modeling to coaching to facilitating when you needed them to change? 18. Describe what financial support you have received to attend educational programs. 19. Describe the program’s process for evaluating your preceptors.