ECE/TRANS/180/Add.15 Annex 8 Annex 8 - Appendix 6 Shorten test procedure for PEV 1. General This appendix describes the Shorten Test Procedure (STP) which determines All-electric range (AER). This is accomplished by measuring: (1) the DC energy consumption for each cycle phase, and (2) the battery's useable DC energy content (UBE). 2. Test procedure The STP consists of 2 sequences of WLTC phases (S1,S2) and constant-speed driving cycles (CSCM,CSCE). M11 L11 H11 Ex11 L12 M12 CSCM L21 M21 H21 dM S1 Ex21 L22 M22 S2 CSCE dE S1,S2: Low + Middle + High + Extra High + Low + Middle of WLTC At the option of the Contracting Party, the Extra High phase may be excluded CSCM,CSCE: Constant speed cycle Constant speed = [100] km/h with Extra High phase = [80] km/h without Extra High phase Distance of CSCM,CSCE ( dM, dE ) : dM = AER – dS1 – dS2 – dE dE = 5km Manufacture shall declare the dM prior to the test. Actual distance of dE driven during test must be 3km < dE < 15km 3.Calculations 3.1Phase Scaling Factors The phase scaling factors determine the contribution of each phase’s energy consumption value to the total energy consumption for a given drive cycle type. Phase Scaling Factor : K[phase]_i The subscript “i” is the phase run order within a given phase type. ex.: KLow11, KHigh22 KLow i, KMiddle i are calculated according to the equations in 3.2 of this annex. KHigh i = KEx. high i = 0.5 3.2 Consecutive Cycle Procedure equivalent Low & Middle Phase Factors K Low11 K Middle11 Edc Low11 Edc Middle11 UBE K Low12 K Low21 K Low22 1 - K Low11 3 K Middle12 K Middle21 K Middle22 1 - K Middle11 3 Where Edc[phase]_i is phase discharge energy measured in DC W-h. UBE is the useable battery energy defined as total DC discharge energy UBE Edc Total alltestphases / cycles Edc [phase/cycle]_i 1 Edc Low + Edc Middle + Edc High + Edc Extra - high + Edc CSCM + ECdcCSCE 3.3 All-electric range, AER ECdc[Phase]_i Edc[phase]_i D[phase]_i Where ECdc[Phase]_i is DC energy consumption for the phase and D[Phase]_i is the driven distance for the phase. The total DC energy consumption for each drive cycle is calculated by summing the product of the phase scaling factor and the respective DC discharge energy consumption for all phases of a given cycle type. ECdc[phase] [K[phase]_i ECdc[phase]_i] The Low discharge energy consumption, using the CCP-equivalent scaling factors is then ECdc Low (K Low11 ECdc Low11) (K Low12 ECdc Low12) (K Low21 ECdc Low21) (K Low22 ECdc Low22) The Middle discharge energy consumption, using the CCP-equivalent scaling factors is then ECdc Middle (K Middle11 ECdc Middle11) (K Middle12 ECdc Middle12) (K Middle21 ECdc Middle21) (K Middle22 ECdc Middle22) The High phase discharge energy consumption, using the generic scaling factors is then ECdc High (K High11 ECdc High11) (K High21 ECdc High21) The Extra-high phase discharge energy consumption, using the generic scaling factors is then ECdc Extra - high (K Extra - high11 ECdc Extra - high11) (K Extra - high21 ECdc Extra - high21) The full WLTC discharge energy consumption, using the generic scaling factors is then ECdc WLTC AER [phase] Edc WLTC DWLTC Edc D UBE ECdc Low The Middle range is then AER Middle UBE ECdc Middle The High range is then AER High [Phase] UBE UBE Ki ECdc[phase]_i ECdc[phase] The Low range is then AER Low [Phase] UBE ECdc Highe The Extra-high range is then AER Extra - high UBE ECdc Extra - highe All Electric range is then AER UBE ECdc WLTC