Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Department of

Emergency Ultrasound
Department of Emergency Medicine
The overall mission of this 1-year ultrasound fellowship is to provide the advanced training needed
to become an ED Ultrasound Director and a leader in the field of emergency ultrasound. The aim of
the fellowship is to produce emergency physicians who will excel in the clinical applications of
bedside ultrasound and who will serve as future educators and mentors to advance the use of
ultrasound in Emergency Medicine.
Specifically, the aim of the fellowship will be threefold:
1. To provide training in core and advanced emergency bedside ultrasound applications.
2. To provide the administrative training needed to establish and maintain credentialing and
QA programs.
3. To provide training in education and research.
Fellowship Faculty
There will be two core fellowship faculty with extensive training and experience in the above
mentioned aspects of Emergency Ultrasound. We currently constitute the Division of Emergency
Ultrasound in the OHSU Department of Emergency Medicine and direct clinical, administrative, and
educational aspects of Emergency Ultrasound.
Alfredo Sabbaj, MD has served as the Director of Emergency Ultrasound for 8 years and has been
fundamental in establishing the use of ultrasound in the OHSU ED. He has created the current QA,
credentialing, and documentation protocols.
Alessandro Mangili, MD completed an Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship at the University of
Pennsylvania in 2009. He has extensive experience in ultrasound education in addition to clinical
and administrative expertise. He will serve as the Fellowship Director.
Core faculty have taught Emergency ultrasound courses at international, national, regional, and
local conferences.
Affiliate Emergency Medicine educational faculty for the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship include:
O. John Ma, MD, Professor and Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine, is a renowned
pioneer and leader in the field of Emergency Ultrasound. His textbook, Emergency Ultrasound, is
the most widely used textbook in the field.
Catherine Erickson, MD, completed her Emergency Ultrasound fellowship at Denver Health in 2010.
Other Emergency Medicine faculty who are credentialed in the core applications of Emergency
Ultrasound will also serve as affiliate faculty.
We will collaborate with faculty from the OHSU Departments of Cardiology and Obstetrics &
Gynecology to supplement training in cardiac and obstetric emergency ultrasound.
Fellowship Curriculum
The curriculum will include educational, teaching and clinical components.
Educational Component
The fellow will devote 24 hours per week to emergency ultrasound training. This time will be
dedicated to image acquisition (independently, with residents, and with directors), scan review,
lecturing, participation and development of outside courses, and scholarly activity.
The fellow will meet for weekly didactic sessions with the fellowship core faculty that will include
lectures and video review. Lectures and video review will cover all of the core and advanced
applications of emergency ultrasound, including: cardiac, renal, trauma, venous thrombosis, biliary,
obstetric, vascular access, soft tissue, pulmonary, volume assessment, ocular, undifferentiated
hypotension, ultrasound guidance of procedures, and musculoskeletal. To supplement these
lectures the fellow will be expected to complete reading assignments from core Emergency
Ultrasound textbooks and journal articles.
The weekly video review sessions will serve as an opportunity to assess the fellow’s progress in
regards to image acquisition and interpretation. This important component will also allow the
fellow to gain an appreciation for the administrative aspects of emergency ultrasound, including
image storage, QA, faculty credentialing, and billing while exposing the fellow to interesting cases
that they may have not been involved in.
The fellow will be expected to complete and review a minimum of 800 scans during the course of
the fellowship. These scans will be performed during dedicated independent scanning shifts,
scanning shifts with core faculty, and clinical shifts, and must be documented in our ultrasound
Independent scanning shifts of 8 hours duration will be scheduled weekly. During these shifts the
fellow will also be expected to supervise emergency medicine residents on the ultrasound rotation.
In addition to these shifts, the fellow will have 8 hours a week of supervised scanning with the core
faculty. These supervised shifts will provide the opportunity for hands on bedside training and will
also serve as a way to assess the fellow’s progress.
Furthermore, the fellow will have the opportunity to do 2-week rotations with the Departments of
Cardiology and OB/GYN. These rotations are meant to provide the fellow with supplemental
training from experts in cardiac and obstetrical sonography.
During the course of the fellowship, the fellow will be expected to initiate an emergency ultrasound
research project and to assist with current ongoing research.
Finally, the Ultrasound Section will meet on a quarterly basis for Journal club to review recent
literature and research updates.
Teaching Component
Teaching and education will be an essential component to the fellowship and the fellow will be
expected to become an integral part of emergency ultrasound education in the OHSU Department of
Emergency Medicine.
The fellow will assist core faculty in the training and education of faculty, residents, and medical
students. Following initial training the fellow will be expected to lead didactic sessions on core
emergency ultrasound applications and to supervise residents and medical students during
scanning shifts.
Furthermore, the fellow will assist core faculty with local and regional courses as well as intrahospital education of other departments.
Clinical Component
The fellow will receive a 1-year faculty appointment at the Instructor level in the OHSU Department
of Emergency Medicine and will be scheduled to work 64 clinical hours per month in the OHSU ED
or affiliated ED. In addition, the fellow may attend department administrative, education, and
research meetings.
Fellowship will include:
 Faculty mentorship
 $2,500 per year for other Continuing Medical Education
 Quarterly clinical bonus (range of approximately $5K - $10K per quarter)