May - History Council

History Council of South Australia (HCSA)
PO Box 6809 | Halifax Street | Adelaide 5000
E | W
ABN 80 979 742 192
Monday 5th May, State Library of South Australia – Bray Meeting Room 4
Welcome – special welcome to Elspeth Grant from HTASA
Meeting opened at: 5.35pm
Present: Susan Marsden, Annmarie Reid, Annette Mills, Greg Slattery, Sue Coppin, Elspeth Grant
Apologies: Wilfrid Prest, Richard Venus
1. Minutes of previous meetings
a. Confirm: Executive meeting minutes (2nd February); moved by SC and seconded by SM
b. Noted: General Committee minutes (17th March)
2. Business arising from the Minutes
a. David Albano’s resignation from HCSA and the Executive Committee was accepted;
Elspeth Grant appointed as his History Teachers Association successor on HCSA. Elspeth was
welcomed by SM. Elspeth will represent HTASA on the General Committee but will not
replace David on the Executive Committee due to her heavy work-load as a beginning
ACTION: AR to forward the most recent President’s Report to Elspeth for HTASA
information. Elspeth to discuss with HTASA who will represent the organisation in the
2014-2015 financial year on both HCSA committees.
3. HCSA Advocacy and advice
a. Email letter sent to all recently elected State MPs – drawing attention to awards, and in
particular the new Regional Historian Award. Response received from Peter Treloar MP in
Port Lincoln who will also nominate some-one for Regional Award.
b. RAH Heritage Collection – Susan Marsden and Sue Coppin addressed. Email from Margaret
Anderson distributed to committee to read. Margaret indicated that HistorySA will work
with the RAH to acquire the collection.
c. President’s Newsletter distributed recently via email to all members.
d. Annette Mills raised the issue of the relocation of the State Records Office and the National
Archives of Australia Office to the State Library. Discussion followed re the role of the
Mortlock Library. SM to follow up.
e. On 14 April 2014, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment launched a draft
Australian Heritage Strategy for public consultation. HCSA member organisations have been
notified via email.
f. Other advocacy measures discussed, such as contacting Chairman of State Library and
Director of State Library; continue establishing relationships with MPs. SM to take action on
a number of issues.
ACTION: SM to follow up relocation of SRO and NAA; HCSA members to be advised via
eNewsletter of outcome. SM to contact the Heritage Branch and the National Trust to
ascertain whether or not they want to make a joint submission with HCSA to the
Australian Heritage Strategy. SM to contact the Department of Natural Environment
calling attention to the fact that they do not have a historian on staff. SM to follow up
letter from Steven Marshall re appointment of Steven Wade as Shadow Arts Minister. SM
to contact Geoff Brock re Regional Historian Award and may also invite him to Clare Public
Lecture. SM to contact Chairman of State Library of SA Board and the Director of SLSA.
4. Events
a. Thursday 29th and Friday 30th May 2014: ‘About time’ event History at the Movies –with
Flinders Library has been confirmed and planning continues with AM and AR agreeing to
help organise food, glasses, set up of room etc. Flyers sent out to HCSA members for
distribution and AR to distribute glossy brochures when they arrive from Flinders Library.
b. 17th July: HCSA Awards presentation: Government House has confirmed date and AR has
started work on the guest list. Only one nomination received to date. AR to continue to
c. Annual Lectures- 28th August -country venue confirmed: Clare. Ron Gibbs has confirmed his
availability. Clare Regional History group and Clare Library have agreed to be involved. 29th
August – SLSA confirmed Hetzel booking. CAL funding bid successful.
ACTION: AR and AM to liaise with Gillian Dooley at Flinders re History at the Movies. AR to
continue working on guest list for Government House. AR to process award nominations
and pass to SM for judging. SM to write to Clare Regional History Group and thank them
for their involvement. AR to continue to liaise with Clare group re planning, advertising
5. Awards and prizes
a. Awards – only one nomination received to date. Need to ask members directly to make a
nomination or seek a nomination. All committee members encouraged to nominate someone or to pass on the request for nominations to other people.
b. Wakefield Prize: publicity for 2014. AR has sent email to all three universities reminding
them to consider undergrad work for nomination as the year progresses. Discuss the prize at
the next General Committee Meeting; do we want to have the prize again in 2015 or should
the money be made available for a young historian to attend a national conference?
c. Other sites/networks for publicity? Need to encourage History SA, the National Trust and the
HTASA to use their web presence, Twitter feed and Facebook pages to support us and to
‘advertise’ the awards in 2015.
ACTION: All committee members to actively seek nominations for 2014 awards. Discussion
of Wakefield Prize deferred to General Committee Meeting on 16 June.
6. Website/Communications
a. Website – AM met with Ursh and Michael Szwarcbord to discuss the functionality of the
‘back end’ of the content management system. Spreadsheets for membership lists can be
uploaded directly to the site and various lists created. Discussion followed about whether or
not we need to continue producing paper membership forms; it was felt that given the large
number of elderly members of HCSA it may be worthwhile to continue with paper based
forms, as well as having online forms.
b. Twitter: Lauren is continuing to tweet and has a strong following. We agreed that we need
to make better use of this for publicity for awards in 2015.
ACTION: AR and AM to discuss the logistics of producing the weekly eNews via the web
site in 2015. Michael and AM to continue discussions re uploading membership data base
to web site once Michael has completed work in it.
7. Membership Report
a. Report: Susan’s husband Michael Szwarcbord drafted updated membership spreadsheet, with
help from Greg and AM; further updates to be provided by Greg and AR as membership fees are
paid and then database used as basis for concerted membership push in June. Some current
exec/council members appear not to have renewed in 2013-2014 financial year.
ACTION: AR to email all members currently on her email distribution list re payment of 20142015 fees. Michael to continue to update database using addresses from History Trust and
History Month sites- ready for membership push in June. AR to send membership details to
Michael as members pay and to send cheques and payments to Greg for processing.
8. President’s Report
a. SM has worked with Michael on membership database
b. President’s Newsletter now on web site
c. Met with Alison Mackinnon for a briefing re Heritage Council work
d. SM has provided advice to the National Trust on their new site and attended the launch of
Adelaideopedia, Adelaide Explorer App and the Heritage Blog
e. Attended the Heritage Advisory Group of the Mount Lofty World Heritage bid
f. Discussion followed re the World Heritage bid, the group who are attempting to get the
Parklands listed and the group attempting to gain a listing for the various copper/Cornish related
sites in SA, which is part of world-wide push for recognition of the Cornish.
g. Other work undertaken as listed in minutes (in Advocacy section above)
9. Treasurer’s Report
a. Report from Greg Slattery: currently $2561 in the cheque account. CAL money to be
received soon ($2000). New memberships expected in 2014-15.
b. Cultural gifts registration – feedback from Wilf, Richard and Greg. Discussion of materials
from History Council of NSW. Discussion to continue when Richard and Wilf return from
10. Correspondence
Inwards– various emails with Gillian Dooley regarding History Month activities
Inwards-Copyright cultural fund
Inwards- Flinders Electoral Office
Inwards-various emails with Lauren Gobbett regarding Twitter account
Inwards-Hugh Magarey regarding Open Day
Inwards-Paul Collins regarding new ANZAC books
Inwards-Pioneers Association regarding financial standing
Inwards-Diana Chessell regarding financial standing
Inwards-Federation of Australian Historical Societies newsletter
Inwards-Elspeth Grant regarding replacement of David Albano as HTASA rep
Inwards-Christeen Schoepf regarding Port Pirie Districts Family History Group News
Inwards-Burnside Historical Society news and meetings- various emails and flyers
Inwards-Rick Moore wanting to be unsubscribed from email list
Inwards-Rachelle Sandow for Senator Penny Wright re 2014 Community Heritage Grants
Inwards-State Records stakeholder survey
Inwards- Brian Thom nomination for award
Inwards-Steven Marshall letter to Susan
Inwards-Lauren Gobbett re ICON magazine
Inwards-Joanna Carr re Adelaide Uni -Dept History & Politics membership
Outwards- weekly e-Newsletters and flyers from members
Outwards-CAL acceptance of funding and invoice
Outwards-All State MPs re work of HCSA and information re awards
Outwards- State Records stakeholder survey sent on to members
11. Any Other Business - none
12. Date of next meetings AND for whole of 2014
Executive: 21/7, 20/10
Times & venues 5.30–7.00 pm, State Library of SA
Council (General committee): 16/6, 25/8 [before AGM on 29/8], 24/11
Times & venues: 5.30–7.30 pm, History SA Board room, Torrens Parade Ground
12th AGM - Friday 29 August 2014 - 4.45–5.30 pm (before Annual Lecture), venue TBA
Meeting dates combined in 2014 (executive members attend all):
[29/8 AGM]
Meeting closed at: 7.15pm
Next meeting: 16th June for General Committee Meeting: to be held at SLSA. Annette to email
details re room and access to Annmarie for distribution to committee.