
Home and Heritage Unit
Unit Question:
What role does home and heritage play within the formation of not only the United States but also within
the lives of authors whose experiences shaped who they came to be as a person?
1. Home and Heritage Background
a. Daily Questions
i. What do you think the words home and heritage mean?
ii. How did home and heritage develop in the United States?
iii. What role did westward expansion play into creating a new home and heritage in
2. Western Wagon Poem
a. Daily Questions
i. On the basis of the poem, what kind of people do you think pioneers are?
ii. How do you think the people in this poem will be changed by their experiences
on the trail?
iii. How does this tie into home and heritage that we have been learning about?
3. Oh Broom, Get to Work
a. Daily Questions
i. How does Yo Chan deal with the visitors who intrude upon her home?
ii. How does Yo Chan react to other people who have the same heritage as her?
(The ministers, visitors, etc.)
iii. How does the atmosphere and attitude of Yo Chan change in relation to people
coming into her home towards the end of the story?
iv. What do we learn about Yo Chan’s heritage at the end of the story?
v. How does Yo Chan’s experience relate to the pioneers and your own life?
4. “The Circuit”
a. Daily Questions
i. What do we learn about the Panchito’s heritage right away?
ii. What do we learn about Papa and the other characters from their actions within
the first section of the story?
iii. What signs of imagery are present as the family leaves their home to travel to a
new place?
iv. What makes the Panchito’s experience different from others in America at the
v. How is Panchito moving away from the heritage he had known for so long?
vi. How does Panchito’s experiences relate to Yo Chan’s and the pioneers?
1. Web Activity
2. Daily Formative Assessments
3. Home and Heritage Project
Monday: 2/2/15
Tuesday: 2/3/15
School Cancelled
Introduction to Home and Heritage Unit
-Home and Heritage background of students
-Home and Heritage background of United States
Wednesday: 2/4/15
Thursday: 2/5/15
Friday: 2/6/15
Monday: 2/9/15
Tuesday: 2/10/15
Wednesday: 2/11/15
Thursday: 2/12/15
Friday: 2/13/15
Monday: 2/16/15 (ATE Conference)
Tuesday: 2/17/15 (ATE Conference)
-Web Activity
-Present findings from Web Activity
Home and Heritage Unit
-Finish Presentations from Web Activity
-Rd. Western Wagon Poem (understand pioneers,
understand rhyme and repetition in a poem)
Home and Heritage Unit
-Rd. Oh Broom, Get to Work (Memoir)
-Identify how home and heritage plays a role in the
author’s story
-Identify how to use the footnotes to understand
-Identify imagery present in the story
No School (Professional Development)
Home and Heritage Unit
-Rd. Oh Broom, Get to Work (Memoir)
-Identify how home and heritage plays a role in the
author’s story
-Identify how to use the footnotes to understand
-Identify imagery present in the story
Home and Heritage Unit
-Introduction to “The Circuit”
-Identify vocabulary words to build background
knowledge (pg. 80 worksheet -3 sheets per student)
-Web Activity to build background information
-Rd. (p. 265-266)
Home and Heritage Unit
-Rd. “The Circuit” (p. 266-267)
-Personification Identification/Practice (write
questions on the board and have students find
information in what they read)
-Symbolism Identification (car and cookpot-what
do these mean to the family?)
Home and Heritage
-Rd. “The Circuit” (p. 268-270)
-Make connections (working hard or exercising)
-Evaluate (opinions about migrant workers)
Home and Heritage Unit
-Rd. “The Circuit” (p. 270-271)
-Visualizing (students choose an example of
imagery or figurative language in the story and
write a paragraph describing what they visualize as
they read).
-Share student paragraphs
Home and Heritage Unit
-Introduce project over Home and Heritage
-Work time on Home and Heritage Projects
Home and Heritage Unit
-Work on Home and Heritage Projects
Wednesday: 2/18/15 (ATE Conference)
Thursday: 2/19/15
Friday: 2/20/15
Monday: 2/23/15
Tuesday: 2/24/15
Home and Heritage Unit
-Readers Theater activity (students will read three
stories with a partner)
-Students will practice reading the stories out loud
to each other
-Students will fill out the worksheet
-Students will present one story to the class
Home and Heritage Unit
-Night Journey Poem (p. 286)
-Rd. the poem as a class
-Split students into groups of 2
-Students will read the poem by breaking the poem
down by stanzas
-Students will fill out worksheet over imagery and
rhyming as well as questions to answer
-Students write own Journey Poem about a journey
they took and include imagery within their work
Home and Heritage Unit
-Work on Home and Heritage Projects
-Check In with students
Home and Heritage Unit
-Share Home and Heritage Projects
Home and Heritage Unit
-Assessment over Unit (in PowerPoint)
Web Search
o Students will answer the following question through their web search:
 What role did Westward Expansion play into creating a new home and heritage
in America? How as this shaped the America we know today?
o Students will put in their opinion and write for a few minutes
o Students will number off by 2’s
o Students will move to the computers to find information from the links I have provided
o Students will fill out an opinion-proof chart as they research for information to answer
the question.
Students may work in groups of two to complete the research
Students will use any of the following links to complete their research
 The links will be posted on brainhoney for the students to access
Students will compile information and present it to the class by using the Smart Board to
write down their ideas
If students finish early they will continue to find more information about Westward
 Students will fill out the following graphic organizer as they complete their
extended research. Students may use the website they have already looked at to
find more information or explore new websites that are appropriate for the
academic setting.
Students should be thinking about big ideas as they research.
Students should turn in their Opinion/Proof Web Activity Sheet before leaving class
(Both names must be on the sheet to receive credit)
Choices Board
o Students will be completing 2 activities from the choices board.
o Students will have class time to complete their projects and anything they did not finish is
o The rubric for the assignment is after the lesson and each student will receive one to
reference to as they complete their projects.
o The projects the students choose must be approved by the teacher before they begin
 Students will write their two main ideas on a stick note
o All projects must include elements of Home and Heritage.
o Students will present the project they enjoyed doing the most or are most proud of during
the next class period. This will be a part of the review we will do in addition to other
Home and Heritage Choices Board
Research more about the
topics visited from the first day
we learned about Westward
Expansion. Find a new idea
that has not been explored to
educate the class through a
short public announcement.
Make sure to include some
textual evidence from what
you have discovered. ( A
public announcement is short
speech to educate people on a
Develop a poster or collage
with pictures to describe the
time in which Westward
Expansion and/or “The
Circuit” took place. Be sure
to include pictures and color.
Prepare a speech about
Panchito and/or Yo Chan and
how he views his own heritage
and must adapt. The speech
must have textual evidence
Develop a Think-Pair-Share
with a partner. You will
discuss/develop two main
points about Westward
Expansion or “The Circuit” on
your own and then combine
them. Finally, come up with
two additional points as group
and you will then share all of
them with the class.
Create a brochure for parentteacher conferences to educate
the public about Westward
Expansion and “The Circuit.”
The brochure needs pictures
and textual evidence.
Investigate more about the
significance of heritage within
the United States culutre.
What were common elements
or features? What actions did
people pursue, etc.? Include
elements of the “The Circuit”
“Oh Broom, Get to Work”
and/or “Western Wagons” to
support your answer.
Take on the role of Panchito
and how his life continues to
change after the story has
ended. Develop a short script
and act it out to continue the
story. The script must be at
least one page of dialogue.
Analyze Panchito or Yo
Chan’s character and describe
how he becomes empowered
through a short response. The
response must be two
paragraphs in length and
double spaced.
Create a rap about the events
in “The Circuit.” The rap must
include at least five main
points from the reading.
**All projects must include elements of Home and Heritage we have been learning about.
Home and Heritage Choices Board Rubric
Not Met
Incorporation of
The project makes
many connections to
Westward Expansion,
“Oh Broom, Get to
Work” and/or “The
Circuit” by providing
evidence and quotes.
The project makes some
connections to Westward
Expansion, “Oh Broom,
Get to Work” and/or “The
Circuit” by providing
evidence and quotes.
The project does not make
connections to Westward
Expansion, “Oh Broom,
Get to Work” and/or “The
Circuit” does not provide
evidence or quotes.
Connections to
Home and
The project makes
many connections to
Home and Heritage by
providing evidence
from lectures, notes and
previously gained
knowledge about the
time period(s).
The project makes a few
connections to Home and
Heritage by providing
evidence from lectures,
notes and previously
gained knowledge about
the time period(s).
The project does not make
connections to Home and
Heritage and does not
provide evidence from
lectures, notes or
previously gained
knowledge about the time
Written/verbal work is
clear using outstanding
supports and details.
Written/verbal work
satisfactorily uses some
supports and details.
Written/verbal work lacks
support and details.
Few grammatical/
mechanical errors
Many grammatical/
mechanical errors
The project is clear and
teaches students about
what the student learned
during the unit.
The project shows some
clarity and attempts to
teach students about what
the student learned during
the unit.
Excessive grammatical/
mechanical errors
The project failed to teach
students about what the
student learned during the