Jack 3D

Jack 3D
T 7:25 – 9:55
16 April 2013
Mark Torres
Mrs. Diane Wetherill
Nutrition for Fitness
There are many pre-workout supplements on the market today which people go crazy for
because it give you the energy, strength, focus, and endurance to help improve their
performance. One pre-workout booster that has caught main people attention is Jack 3D. Jack 3D
is a very affective pre-workout supplement and really gives the result people are aiming for. It is
rated the number one pre-work out supplement on the market. The one drawback it has is that the
original formula caused two soldiers to die in December 2011. It had an ingredient called
dimethylamylamine, or DMAA, which can constrict blood vessels, raise blood pressure and heart
rate, potentially increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes (Singer, Lattman 2). DMAA was
first created in 1940 by Eli Lilly as a drug for nasal congestion.
Jack 3D first came on the market some time in 2009 by USPLabs and it was one of many
pre-workout supplements to have DMAA in it. The original label didn’t have any warning or
disclaimer of health risk or constituent ingredients. After the death of two soldiers there was a lot
of heat on Jack 3D. Defense Department removed all products containing DMAA from stores on
military bases, including more than 100 GNC shops (Singer, Lattman 1). The original Jack 3D
wasn’t recalled or discontinued. You can still purchase the original Jack 3D online on several
health and fitness websites but I believe it will run out soon since they stopped making the
specific formula.
Jack 3D did come out with a new formula and it’s called Jack 3D micro. The difference
between the two formulas is the new formula removed 3- dimethylamylamine HCl and replaced
it with norcoclaurine HCl. It has been said that “When trialing Jack3d Micro, we can certainly
feel the inclusion of this ingredient. You feel your lungs open up, and a heightened energy level”
(Jack3d vs Jack3d Micro). Jack 3D micro scoop size decreased from 5.55 grams, original Jack
3D, to 3.65 grams. The only thing similar between the original Jack 3D and Jack 3D micro is that
they both contain caffeine. Many reviews online say that Jack 3D micro doesn’t work the same
or give that intense boost during the workout as the original formula but I have taken both and I
didn’t feel a difference between the two. They both worked great but I would rather take the new
formula since it is safer.
Jack 3D is to be taken 30 to 45 min before you begin to work out so that the formula can
flow through your body and work properly. The ingredients in Jack3D micro is separated into
two categories; eNOS Super Performance System and CNS Contractile Stimulant System. “The
eNOS Super Performance System is responsible for the pumps that threaten to burst veins and
shred skin’. Better blood flow, better nutrient delivery, better nutrient partitioning, and the pure
joy of a ridiculous pump” (Jack3D micro). The ingredient under this category includes Lcitrulline, arginine nitrate, and armatine sulfate. They all help with nitric oxide production, high
energy level and for that awesome pump all weight lifters look for. “The CNS Contractile
Stimulant System gives energy and strength like you’ve never experienced before and actually
helps you feel better as the workout progresses” (Jack3D Micro). The category contain the
ingredients Caffeic acid (3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic Acid), Norcoclaurine HCl / Higenamine, and
Caffeine. Caffeic acid has been found to be an anti-fatigue and inflammatory supplement and
help with post-workout recovery. Higenamine improve the burn of body fat and caffeine is the
energy and cognitive enhancer.
Some side effects of taking Jack 3D micro are adrenal fatigue, increase blood pressure,
lower blood sugar, and jitters. If you have any health problem it is advised that you see your
health professions. For the most part as long as you east something before you take Jack and
keep yourself hydrated during your workouts all these side effects can be avoided. All in all Jack
3D micro is a safe and effect pre-workout supplement and I will definitely recommend it to any
really try to bulk up and get in shape.
Jack 3D key Points
Produced by USPlabs.
# 1 Pre-workout supplement on the market
Helps with energy, strength, focus, and endurance to enhance and improve performance and results.
Jack 3D
Jack 3D Micro
L-citrulline –improving the body’s nitric oxide production which in effect promotes better
nutrient distribution, improved energy levels, and faster rate of recovery
Arginine nitrate –boosts the nitric oxide production of the body
Agmatine sulfate –boost the body’s nitric oxide production and promotes enhanced nutrient
transport, better nutrient partitioning and healthier blood flow.
Caffeic acid (3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic Acid) –possess anti-fatigue and anti-inflammatory
properties that help greatly in post-workout recovery.
Norcoclaurine HCl / Higenamine –improve the rate at which the body burns fat.
Caffeine- improves the body’s energy levels, and enhances cognitive functions, allowing
for better focus, drive, and motivation.
 3-Dimenthylamylamine- (in original formula and the reason for all the controversy) can
constrict blood vessels, raise blood pressure and heart rat, potentially increasing the risk of heart
attacks and stroke.
Side effects: adrenal fatigue, increase blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, and jitters
"Jack3d vs Jack3d Micro." Jack 3D Micro. USPlabs, n.d. Web. 16 Apr 2013.
"Become a Gym Monster." Jack 3D Micro. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr 2013.
Singer , Natasha, and Peter Lattman. "A Workout Booster, and a Lawsuit." New York
Times 13 February 2013, n. pag. Web. 16 Apr. 2013.