PROJECT TITLE: PROVINCIAL ADULT LITERACY EDUCATION IN SUPPORT OF THE AFGHANISTAN PEACE AND REINTEGRATION PROGRAM (APRP) 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to provide adult literacy education to members of communities in districts where reintegration has taken place, to include reintegrees, their family members and other members of the community who are beyond the school-age of 16. This program will include women with separate classes. Reintegrees should constitute no more than 50% of the beneficiaries, but also ideally not less than 25%. Reintegrees or their family members who are still of school-age must enroll in the public education classes available for members of their age group. The program will provide former insurgents and their communities with skills that offer alternatives to fighting and will enable them to learn life skills that are essential for their personal and their community’s prosperity. Instructions will be based on Ministry of Education (MOE) standards, books and curriculum with a great degree of coordination with the communities and institutions involved. This project will benefit approximately 300 students. The community will refer candidates for instruction on the project. Students will be selected to participate by a committee composed of representatives of the community, the District Governor’s Office, the Provincial Peace Council and the Provincial Joint Secretariat Team. 2. LOCATION: This activity will take place in XXXX districts where reintegration has taken place in XXXXXXXXXXXX province. The following locations are proposed: -XXXXXXXXXX village in XXXXXXXXXX district -XXXXXXXXXX village in XXXXXXXXXX district -XXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX villages in XXXXXXXXXX district Locations selected will be those where APRP has formally registered a significant number of reintegrees. Districts and communities targeted by the program, and the specific education center sites will be chosen in close consultation with the Provincial Peace Council and Provincial Joint Secretariat Team. 3. PROJECT ACTIVITIES: The APRP Adult Literacy Education Program will adhere to the entire MoE adult literacy curriculum, which currently provides an Afghan 3rd grade education upon successful completion. Some courses run continuously and in conjunction with other vocational trainings. The overall goal is to ensure each student shall be able to read and write either Dari or Pashtu and perform basic mathematics. The APRP Adult Literacy Education Program consists of the MoE curriculum for grades one (1) through three (3). Each grade is referred to as a “step” in the APRP Adult Literacy Education Program. Approximate hours of instruction for each step are: 1st Step 2nd Step 3rd Step 64 Hours 128 Hours 120 Hours The APRP Adult Literacy Education Program will take approximately six to nine months to complete at the rate of 2-3 hours per day five days per week; or three months if implemented intensively 20 hours per week. This program will be offered throughout Afghanistan, in areas where formal reintegration is taking place, by certified instructors. The contractor chosen shall be required to use the MoE textbook. In addition, the contractor will create and or modify lesson plans, distribute all materials and administer all associated tests. Description of Services. The contractor shall implement APRP Adult Literacy Education Program courses in populated and remote areas across Afghanistan where significant reintegration is taking place. The contractor will be required to: Develop a comprehensive Program of Instruction (POI) for every existing literacy program course and any future literacy course(s), which is translated into Dari and Pashtu. Plans shall be sufficient for unassisted use by contractor trained trainers. POI must include as a minimum: Scripted step-by-step lesson plans for each lesson in each language, Dari and Pashtu. The lessons should include exercises tailored to interest and engage adult learners from rural communities by including relevant subject matter Training support packages which provide the minimum requirements for each lesson in each language, e.g., specify at the end of each lesson what each student, at a minimum, should have learned and be able to demonstrate Training aids (i.e. dry erase boards, markers, erasers, and instructional charts). Student hand outs tailored to the level and interests of the specific class, which augment the lessons contained in the standard books. Written and verbal tests to assess each student’s progression through the literacy program. Each student should be issued a pre-course test to assess reading, writing and mathematical skills before the course begins. This will enable instructors to know the range of literacy levels within the classroom. Students should be issued the same test at the course end, so as to be able to measure each individual’s progress during the course . Provide project reporting and evaluate student performance. Progress reports on each class, to be submitted monthly, will include the data and statistics cited below in addition to an update on the subject matter (e.g. textbook chapters) covered by the class during the month, the teacher’s and master instructor’s observations, comments and recommendations, Students will be evaluated based on a comprehensive exam that will be the same issued as a base-line pre-test and post-course final test; weekly quizzes in writing, reading and mathematics; and classroom oral reading and writing assignments that each student must complete at least once per month. Collect, organize and report data and statistics that enable MOE, and the APRP Joint Secretariat to monitor and evaluate the program, to include. Basic information on each student, including name, age, gender, place of residency, current education level, etc Number of students enrolled per course, of whom, the number who are reintegrees, the number who are female Daily student attendance records for each class and for extra study sessions Test scores for each student for each written and verbal test Student drop-out and absentee rates for each class Basic information on each teacher including name, gender, date and institution where received teaching certification, years and type of professional experience Teachers’ class assignments and teacher attendance records Number of assignments and tests issued to the class, and the student scores for each For planning purposes, the instructor to student ratio is one (1) to thirty three (33), which drives the number of instructors required for any literacy training in any course. The instructor-student ratio is intended as a guide and shall not necessarily be precisely reflected in all classrooms. The teacher student ratio of 1:33 or less will allow more attention to the student. The number of teachers at each location will vary depending on the number of students enrolled. Locations should be those where at a minimum there will be three teachers and one master trainer to serve approximately 100 students, of whom 25-50 are reintegrees. The master trainer will also provide tutoring assistance and serve as a substitute teacher in case of teacher absence. The contractor is responsible for the following support to all contracted personnel, including and not limited to: life support; travel; moving costs; administrative costs; office rent; seminar attendance; food; missed meals; lodging; transportation (if required); etc. Students will receive a minimum stipend for each day of course attendance, to cover no more than any related costs such as transport, lunchtime meal and incidentals. In addition, students who complete the full course and final exam will be eligible to receive an additional bonus. The amount of the bonus will be based on the student’s improvement in literacy and mathematics skills, as measured when comparing initial baseline and final exam scores. The bonus should be no more than 4,000 Afghanis; recommend 2,500 Afghanis Personnel Qualifications and Responsibilities: Master Instructors: This position requires the ability to serve as a key resource to teachers and staff. Master Instructors shall apply knowledge of current education and instructional theories, methodologies, techniques, and principles, knowledge of subject matter, and knowledge of MoE regulations. Master Instructors must have instructional and supervisory experience. Shall be responsible for supervising, monitoring and mentoring the instructors assigned to units in their responsibility, filling in for instructors who are absent, preparing schedules for each of the instructors, preparing and submitting training and attendance reports to MOE, reviewing tests and test results to monitor each class’s progress and instructors’ performance. They shall be MoE certified in Literacy Methodic Seminar and shall implement a strategy for ensuring all of their instructors maintain their certification in the same . Master Instructors and administrative assistants work a minimum of forty five (45) hours per week. Master Instructors shall have at least an undergraduate degree by Afghan MoE standards and five years of teaching experience. They will be required to submit a copy of their degree and a professional CV outlining the dates, institutions and subject matter of their teaching experience. Literacy Instructors: Shall be prepared to teach the APRP Literacy courses. All instructors shall have at least a twelfth (12th) grade education. Two (2) years of undergraduate education is highly desired. They shall be MoE certified in Literacy Methodic Seminar as a condition of their hiring and shall have at least two years of teaching experience at a MoE recognized educational institution. To be hired by the program, teachers must present a photocopy of their teaching certification and specific dates and name of institutions of their teaching experience, together with names and contact information of professional references. Shall work a forty-five (45) hour week, as follows: Instructional contact hours, i.e., teaching students, six (6) hours per day, five (5) days per week for 30 contact hours per week, according to a formula to be determined for each location as best suits the students at that location, e.g. 2 classes x 3 hours per day, or 3 classes x 2 hours per day. Literacy laboratory, i.e., working with remedial students or make up, five (5) hours per week Preparation time, i.e., test and papers grading and other preparation, ten (10) hours per week Any deviation from this weekly regimen requires prior coordination with the ARP Project Manager Administrative Assistants: Administrative assistants shall have a strong knowledge of modern computer software, to include Microsoft Excel and Word, project management and database maintenance. The duties of the administrative assistant shall include, but not limited to, planning and scheduling meetings, maintaining an accurate and current database of information and statistics required by the APRP program, maintaining a hard copy file on each student, to include attendance records and test scores, organizing and keeping updated all hard copy and electronic files, providing information and data for program reports; conducting research and undertaking assignments to assist teachers and master instructor. Training Materials. Contractor shall be responsible to purchase, transport and distribute all training and student materials. The Ministry of Education will provide the contractor with an adequate number of required textbooks. The contractor shall coordinate the, packaging and transportation of all textbooks and workbooks. In addition, in consultation with the MOE, the contractor will create and/or procure other materials tailored to be most relevant to the APRP course. Training/Instructor Aids (per instructor) - Dry erase boards (1 each) and markers (2 sets) - Visual aids (wall charts, alphabet charts, and flashcards) Student Materials (per student, per class) - Pens (2 each) - Notebook (1each) - Set of textbooks (1 each): A set of textbooks is a three book series. - Student will be able to keep these supplies All supplemental training materials produced specifically for APRP will become the property of the Government of Afghanistan. 4. PROJECT TIMELINE: 1) Prepare Course Materials (3 weeks) 2) Student Needs Assessment (1 week) 3) Conduct Training according to the following: Course TIME STANDARD AFGHAN SCHOOL GRADE 1 Step 1 64 hrs. Step 2 128 hrs Step 3 120 hrs Intensive Literacy Class 288 hrs Literacy: Read, write, pronounce & identify letters, read & write short words & own name Math: Count up to 1000, identify & order numbers up to 1000, write numbers in order up to 1000, add and subtract triple-digit whole numbers Computer-Based Literacy: If available, used to supplement this step Assessment: Administer/Score pre- and post-Aptitude & Literacy Placement Test as directed Class Size: +/- 33 Literacy: Read, write & explain 2 descriptive texts, spell commonly used words. Math: Double digit by a single digit multiplication and division. Units of measurement. Computer-Based Literacy: If available, used to supplement this step Assessment: Administer/Score pre- and post-Aptitude & Literacy Placement Test as directed Class Size: +/- 33 Literacy: Use correct punctuation to aid 3 meaning and understanding. Math: Long division. Computer-Based Literacy: If available, used to supplement this step Assessment: Administer/Score pre- and post-Aptitude & Literacy Placement Test as directed Class Size: +/- 33 Literacy: May encompasses steps 1-3 of 1-3 literacy component lessons Math: May encompasses steps 1-3 math components Computer-Based Literacy: If available, used to supplement this step Assessment: Administer/Score pre- and post-Aptitude & Literacy Placement Test as directed Individual Class Size : +/- 33 4) Student Evaluations – beginning of course, end of course exams, monthly assignments, weekly quizzes 5) Project Reporting – monthly written reports 5. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST AND BUDGET NARRATIVE: The estimated cost of this project is based on the number of students who actually register and attend. Contractor will only be paid for the actual number of classrooms and teachers required, not for a pre-estimated numbers. See budget breakdown. $_________________USD. (A separate budget spreadsheet that provides detailed budgetary information about expenditure categories attached)