Performance Objectives & Assessments Learning Goal for “How Can We” Statements After following the badging system, learners will be able to write “How Can We” statements, using post-it notes in a free, open, safe, collaborative environment; the learners should be able to write specific and clear “How Can We” Statements that include testable metrics that describe the end goals of the solution. Assessments for Learning Goal for “How Can We” Statements: [[Scope]] In what ways are the statements Daring, Feasible, and Applicable? [[Form]] Do the statements include the 3 fundamental components, a user, a behavior and a place? [[Specificity]] Are the statements specific enough? [[Clarity]] Are the statements clear enough? [[Clarity]] Are there measures of success clearly identified within the statements? [[Testable]] Are the measures of success easily testable? Assessment Rubric for Studio Leads: For Bronze Badge: Did the team write 10 different “How Can We” Statements? For Silver Badge: Did the team complete a critique of “How Can We” Statements that included at least 4 people? For Gold Badge: Did the team revise and submit 3 “How Can We” statements? Learning Goal for Synthesis (subgoal) After following the badging system, learners will be able to synthesize useful insights, using word processors or post-it notes in a free, open, safe, collaborative environment; the learners will come up with good insights that ensure solutions will be relevant, novel, and impactful because they are based in a keen understanding of a team’s challenge and its users and create tangible visual representations of their insights in order to see the connections between different ideas Assessments for Learning Goal for “Synethsis” Statements: [[Understanding]] Are the insights based on a keen understanding of a team’s challenge and its users from research? [[Relevant]] Are the insights relevant to the problem? [[Novel]] Are the insights new ideas that have not be thought of before? [[Impactful]] Do the insights inform the direction for the team to go? [[Tangible]] Are the insights organized visually in a way that helps organize information through various lenses to see the connections between them? Assessment Rubric for Studio Leads: For Bronze Badge: Did the team write or display visually at least 5 insights? For Silver Badge: Did the team complete a critique of insights that included at least 4 people? For Gold Badge: Did the team revise and submit their insights? Learning Goal for Measures of Success (subgoal) After following the badging system, learners will be able to turn their understanding of a challenge into measures of success that can be used to evaluate impact of their design, using brainstorm skills in a collaborative team; the learners will come up with tangible metrics that can describe the end-goals of a solution as well as a logical framework. Assessments for Learning Goal for Measures of Success: [[Alignment]]: Are the measures of success aligned with design goals? Are the measures of success aligned with HCW? [[Tangibility]]: Are the measures of success tangible? [[Feasibility]]: Are the measures of success easy to prove? [[Logicality]]: Is the process of your decision-making logical? [[Generality]]: Do the measures of success describe the big-picture of your design? Assessment Rubric for Studio Leads: For Bronze Badge: Did the team identify 1 big change and 5 smaller and more tangible changes that they are trying to make? For Silver Badge: Did the team complete a critique of Measures of Success that included at least 4 people? For Gold Badge: Did the team revise their changes and submit a logical framework that explains why certain decisions are made? Learning Goal for Brainstorm Ideas (subgoal) After following the badging system, learners will be able to develop a lot of ideas, using brainstorming software or post-it notes in a productive and collaborative environment; the learners should be creative and empathetic that will help them come up with a large number of ideas quickly. Assessments for Learning Goal for Brainstorm Ideas: [[Creativity]] Are the ideas generated from free and imaginative thinking?? [[Empathy]] Are the ideas generated by thinking from the perspective of your users or other stakeholders? [[Fluency]] Do you have about 100 ideas brainstormed in an hour? [[Flexibility]] Do you have a wide variety of different concept directions hidden in the mess of ideas? Assessment Rubric for Studio Leads: For Bronze Badge: Did the team generate 100 ideas? For Silver Badge: Did the team complete a critique of Brainstorming? For Gold Badge: Did the team re-do the brainstorming session? Learning Goal for Prototypes (subgoal) After following the badging system, learners will be able to research their users through a physical object or interface, using various materials in the DFA studio and also in the field where their client operates; the learners will build prototypes that are most appropriate for testing in order to help them test their ideas externally and answer key questions. Assessments for Learning Goal for Prototypes: [[Scope]] Are the prototypes Daring, Feasible, and Applicable? [[Testable]] Do your prototypes allow your team to answer questions, test assumptions, and gain insights that are then used to improve your solution? [[Clarity]] Are the functions and the way those functions are prototyped clear enough? [[Fidelity]] Do your prototypes show gradual improvement on fidelity? Assessment Rubric for Studio Leads: For Bronze Badge: Did the team generate 10%, 60%, and 90% prototypes? For Silver Badge: Did the team complete a critique of their prototypes? For Gold Badge: Did the team revise their prototypes? Learning Goal for User Tests After following the badging system, learners will be able to observe users’ behaviors and interactions with their prototypes, using appropriate testing methods and recording tools either in or out of the studio; the learners should select settings and methods that afford for genuine user behaviors and can offer useful insights. Learners should also select subjects that span different parts of the spectrum of target users. Lastly, learners should document their work with means that allow a balance between accuracy and intrusion for the user. Assessments for Learning Goal for Brainstorm Ideas: [[Setting]] Does the setting selected offer realistic insights on user real-world behaviors? [[Subjects]] Do the subjects participating belong to different parts of the spectrum of possible users? (extreme of both ends of the spectrum as well as users that belong to the middle) [[Method]] Does the method selected allow users to provide natural and authentic reactions when interacting with the prototype? Is the method selected inquisitive enough to allow for useful insights to be gathered? [[Documentation]] Does the quality of the documentation allow for accurate analysis of the feedback? Was the documentation method strong yet not too intrusive for the user? Assessment Rubric for Studio Leads: For Bronze Badge: Did the team perform & document 3 user tests? For Silver Badge: Did the team complete a critique of the user tests? For Gold Badge: Did the team repeat at least 1 user test based on critique feedback?