DNA Mutations Lesson


Content Area

The National Library of Medicine and the National Health Institute define a mutation as permanent change in the DNA sequence that comprise a gene, as it pertains to single DNA nucleotides (A,T,G or C) or multiple DNA strands (chromosomes). There are several types of mutations that have been identified thus far, however for the purposes of this lesson we will exam the following types: Insertion, Deletion, Duplication, Frame shift, and the different substitution mutations. Understanding the different types of mutations that occur helps to determine the overall impact, if any, they can have on the nucleotide(s), DNA, chromosome and the resultant protein. The impact a mutation can have on a gene can either be continued function or non-function of the gene.

An insertion mutation changes the number of DNA bases in a gene by adding a piece of

DNA or an additional nucleotide.

Definitions and Topics explained:

A deletion mutation changes the number of DNA bases by removing a piece of DNA.

Small deletions may remove one or a few base pairs within a gene, while larger deletions can remove an entire gene or several neighboring genes.

A duplication mutation consists of a piece of DNA that is abnormally copied one or more times

A frameshift mutation shifts the grouping of these bases and changes the code for amino acids. This mutation can include an insertion, deletion or duplication mutation.

A missense mutation is a change in one DNA base pair that results in the substitution of one amino acid for another in the protein made by a gene.

A nonsense mutation is also a substitution in one DNA base pair. Instead of substituting one amino acid for another, however, the altered DNA sequence prematurely signals the cell to stop building a protein.

A mutagen is any agent, either physical or chemical that changes an organism’s genetic material, otherwise known as DNA.

DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid contains the developmental instructions and functions of an organism.

Darwinism is the theory of evolution or survival of the fittest as proposed by the 19 th century naturalist Charles Darwin. His ideas on evolution where published in the Origin of Species and continue to be a very weighted discussion.

New Jersey Core Content Curriculum Standards

Content Area Science

Standard 5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the use of mathematics.

Strand D. Heredity and Reproduction: Organisms reproduce, develop, and have predictable life cycles. Organisms contain genetic information that influences their traits, and they pass this on to their offspring during reproduction.

Inserting, deleting, or substituting

DNA segments can alter the genetic code. An altered gene may be passed on to every cell that develops from it. The resulting features may help, harm, or have little or no effect on the offspring’s success in its environment.


Predict the potential impact on an organism (no impact, significant impact) given a change in a specific DNA code, and provide specific real world examples of conditions caused by mutations.

This lesson allows students an opportunity to explore the previously defined gene mutations, how these mutations function, and what the possible results can yield. By describing several generic or “umbrella term” mutations the students can learn how each mutation group often causes similar results in regards to impact on the gene. The students will also explore how certain mutations within the Homo sapiens history may have aided or promoted evolution over millions of years. They will devise connections between

“good” and “bad” mutations and how these can and may have limited or promoted evolution.

Community Knowledge and Experience

For this lesson the teacher must assume that the students do not have any prior knowledge of gene or DNA mutations, rather begin by gauging the students’ understanding of DNA and evolution. We will define mutation and what that word generally means to people (Good, Bad or Indifferent). We will discuss how the word mutation often has a very negative connotation attached to it, however we will seek to define it in a non-scientific manner. These discussions will be group facilitated in order to promote brainstorming and peer mediated discussions. This is an opportunity for the students to take control of the direction of the lesson and demonstrate their ability to infer past lessons into new ideas and lessons. Hence the result of these discussions will be a developing understanding of what a mutation is and the different types of mutations.


To define the different types of mutations

To understand the impact of each of these mutations

To explore the relationship between mutation and evolution

To determine the “good” mutations and “bad” mutations


Students will:

Properly illustrate and label each type of mutation after completing a discussion on mutation types and processes.

Compare each type of mutation based on resultant impact on a Punnett Square after completing a discussion of mutations and their impacts.

Explain the relationship between mutation and evolution through an oral presentation after completing a discussion of how mutation has promoted evolution.

 Define specific mutations as “good” or “bad” in a science journal article upon completion of a discussion of good v. bad in genetics



The teacher will provide a brief, limited to only a few minutes, lecture on the different types of mutations, wherein he or she will relay pertinent definitions and needed context for the students to begin the lesson appropriately. The class will then be divided into groups of six, and each group will host their own discussion about DNA and DNA mutations and what they each know about them. Questions such as: how do you define the word mutation, is mutation considered a good thing or bad thing, is there only one generic type of mutation or an array of various types, how can mutations be useful and how can they be harmful, and the relevant connotation of “good” and “bad” mutations.

After a brief period of time, limited to no more then 10-12 minutes, within their groups, the instructor will begin the class by asking for a general summary of the students understanding of the topic. In doing so the instructor is measuring each student’s prior knowledge of the topic and their level of aptitude of the subject. By allowing the students to have their own discussion groups instead of a teacher lead one, the students will feel more comfortable admitting their own limitations and can facilitate better lines of communication with their group. After each group has discussed their own points and prior experiences the teacher will once again divide the class into groups of six, wherein each group will have an array of students who have extensive experience, moderate experience, and no experience with the topic. By doing this the teacher can effectively optimize the class’ allotted time and create an opportunity for some learning-by-teaching for those with extensive experience.

In this lesson we are not looking for personal experiences with mutations, as that would be unethical and immoral to discuss in the classroom, especially if asked by a teacher. Instead we are going to explore DNA mutations by branching off of prior studies of DNA and the components of DNA, nucleotides, and how those could work in mutations. The class will then list the different nucleotides that comprise DNA, adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thiamine, and then provide a brief description of each and their bonding or bonded pair (A-G and C-T). After briefly reviewing the prior studies on DNA we will branch our discussion toward the meaning of the word mutation, specifically comparing the Webster’s dictionary version and the comprised scientific version. After which we will discuss why the connotation of the word mutation is always so negative, specifically where does it come from and why when we here mutant or mutation are we always drawn to negative thoughts. Finally we will discuss the possibility of a mutation being good, strictly from the student’s standpoint and with the teacher only scaffolding.

By having the teacher scaffolding the discussion instead of facilitating it he or she is allowing students the ability to work toward the answer with little aid.

Once the student groups have come to the conclusion that it is possible to have a so-called “good” mutation we can then begin to define and describe instances and examples where this would be true. During this discussion we are motivating our students

with challenging thoughts and provided control over the discussion, which will result in a significantly more motivated student then we began with. As we continue to challenge the students with the idea of a “good” mutation the teacher will make note of how the stated examples are similar to Darwinism. This teacher-facilitated discussion can now begin wherein the students can and will make points pertaining to how evolution was promoted by mutations. The student groups will then devise their own flow charts

(complete with Punnett Square examples) of how mutations begin at the molecular level and result at the macroscopic level. This will allow the class, groups, and individuals to better participate in our next section as it will allow them to chart the entire process from a very gross or arbitrary standpoint, that is however developmentally and grade level appropriate.


Once each group has completed their own arbitrary flow chart to summarize our initial discussion of mutations, beginning at the nucleotide to their impact on the genes and finally to their “good” or “bad” result in the real environment, the students will then begin the active part of the lesson. Each of the groups will be assigned to act out a different type of mutation in real-time, and each member will play a specific role. Every group will have a similar set-up: an adenine, cytosine, thiamine, and guanine will be connected together, represented by students standing together. Then one student will act as the mutagen and the other remaining student will narrate the demonstration. The class as a whole will be given 15 minutes to prepare and design their own demonstration of an assigned mutation. By allowing each group to provide a physical demonstration of what ultimately appears as an abstract or intangible thought is vastly beneficial. This physical representation not only gives students a greater view of the physicality of it, but also provides each group and member with a greater understanding of how a mutation occurs and functions.

After the 15 minute prep time each group will be given 4 minutes to present their physical animation to the class, complete with impromptu costumes or labels and a defined process of mutation, serving as the plot. Each group will provide a fournucleotide strand of DNA and one additional mutagen (the object which facilities the narrators described mutation). At the conclusion of their animation each group must decide if this mutation could have a positive, negative or non-impact on an organism. The students will not have to provide a logic just yet, only a simple hypothesis of their own belief based on prior studies of DNA and Darwinism. While each group is presenting their peers will have an assigned set of questions, as well as several of their own, designed to probe the thought, design, and specifically the function and outcome of each mutation.

As each group presents the assigned questions will include: what can cause this mutation, what is the result of this mutation, do you think or know of any diseases or disorders linked to this mutation. Once again this is not a logical or rhetorical question, simply a yes or no question, gauging student’s aptitude and knowledge of the topic and those related to it. These questions will be used as part of the assessment in the later part of this lesson. Finally the students will be encouraged to formulate their own questions, which will be more geared toward review of the subject matter or slightly more advanced challenges then they know.


The students will be asked to return to their group’s assigned area and the teacher will provide them with their final assignment. Each group will devise, create, and conduct secondary research on their group’s specific mutation type and it’s plausible role or relationship to evolution and define it as a “good” or “bad mutation is supportive context.

The groups will be asked to further elaborate on whether this role or relationship was beneficial or harmful specifically to the homo sapiens species and how it promoted or limited evolution within the history of the species. In this project they will be asked to address the cause of the mutation (any mutagens or environmental factors), the impact of the mutation or the result, and if the mutation is linked to any diseases or disorders. By having an encompassing project such as this we assure that work will be equitably distributed and we can cover a broad range of plausible conclusions about mutations from a high school student’s point of view. The students will be asked to formulate these questions into a scientific journal article to be published in a grade level and developmentally appropriate media format, specifically a scientific journal for emerging scientists. Thus providing the students with the motivation to succeed by putting their work on display. They will also be asked to provide a recorded 8-10 minute video presentation of their work, including their original animation, for the class. By allowing the students to incorporate their own mutation and it’s individual impacts on an organism we are allowing them to review and reflect on what they have learned thus far not only during this topic module, but also during their discussions on DNA and Darwinism.


Student group questionnaire (5)

Flow chart of information (5)

 http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/mutationsanddisorders/genemutation

 http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/mutationsanddisorders/possiblemutations

 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/

Video equipment (5)

Presentation outlet and display (1)

Inclusive Instruction

I designed this lesson to be inclusive of all students in regards to prior knowledge culture, language, high school ability level, age appropriate developmental level, and different learning styles and with the knowledge that not all students are scientifically inclined. I chose to first have the students lead their own discussion of mutations and why the connotation attached to them is so negative, wherein the most significant aspect was that they where in control of the discussion. I utilized this as a motivation tool, specifically I gave them control and as a result they fostered results of their own thought not my own administered perception. This also allowed me to gauge the student’s prior knowledge and aptitude toward the topic and subject matter. Finally using such a technique created an idea-cultivating environment wherein brainstorming ideas promoted positive thought development and enthusiasm for the subject, again motivating the students to succeed and determining everyone’s level. By know each student’s individual level of knowledge I was able to accurately redistribute them into groups with an array of

different level and experiences with the subject. This creates an environment or group wherein everyone can learn from one another and promotes a communal way of thought and success. This allows students who may be either gifted or struggling in science to better understand the material by learning from one another, the gifted by teaching and the struggling from as different voice.

I believe that culture is integrated into nearly everything we discuss and all aspects of human development, however for these purposes I focused the cultural aspect of the inclusive instruction on the culture and dynamics of the groups. By carefully distributing the students into their groups I was able to manage the culture of each group wherein their where students who where varyingly experience and motivated about the subject in the same group. I wanted to ensure one group was not the most motivated and knowledge and another was the least of that spectrum. In devising an appropriate culture of the groups we can best see results facilitated by the students. I also ensured that only age and developmentally appropriate scientific material and language was utilized in the lesson as to not overwhelm the student’s capabilities.

In the lesson I used a myriad of instructional tools to reach all different types of learners from visual to audio and many others. By having a student lead discussion, those students who are shy or afraid of not looking smart will be more apt to discussing the matter amongst a smaller group. This also provides a much better outlet for communication amongst the students. Then by creating a flow chart, a student who is more artistically inclined then scientifically can equally obtain the same knowledge as the student who wants to be a doctor. After which the students created a physical representation of an abstract or intangible idea, which allowed students who struggle with the abstract to understand the material as well. This also promoted an enjoyable environment and experience for the student who may be more performance arts inclined.

Finally by having a video presentation of the subject matter someone who is apt at visual learning could better understand the material then through peer or teacher facilitated discussions.


The formative assessment of the group’s and student’s developing understanding of mutations and their functions will be each group’s presentation of the physical animation of a mutation as it is occurring in real time and their devised flow charts. I will use this to monitor their progress and ensure that they understand the appropriate points and aspects of the lesson. The essentials at this juncture are how well the student’s understand their own mutation and how it works, as well as their ability to draw on previous lessons to answer the questions posed by the class. This is not use as an assessment of their overall grade on the subject, but rather their ability to continue forward and progress to their formative assessment. I will adjust their aspects as needed and correct the groups.

The summative assessment of the group and student’s understanding of the topic will be their scientific journal article and video presentation. I will use this to provide the students with the appropriate feedback on their understanding, and judge the assignment as evidence as such. The students will demonstrate an understanding and knowledge of the outlined objectives stated for the lesson in connection with the goals of both the lesson plan and the unit plan. By providing the students with an encompassing

assignment that seeks to connect the lesson of new material to previously learned subjects

I can assess their overall knowledge and identify their limitations that may require additional review. Similarly by allowing the students the ability to make their own supported inferences about a “good” or “bad” mutation, as it relates to connotation, I can allow the students the opportunity to think critically. The summative assessment will also provide the students with an opportunity to create a scientific journal article and video presentation, skills that can be utilized outside of a high school science class.

Applications, Connections, Extensions

In a science classroom it is very easy to imagine that as a teacher we would have an array of student interests, ranging specifically from those who enjoy science and those who do not. There will certainly be students who have no future aspirations in a science field and those that do, however it is our responsibility to ensure that we teach both types of students. However this responsibility is two-fold, in which one aspect is to open their minds to science and give them an opportunity to explore it before they decide to disregard it and secondly to demonstrate outward connections of the lesson. Outward connections about mutations and their effect may seem daunting to the most passionate science educator, however I feel that there are certain frames where the material can be relevant beyond passing a test.

Let us think of our current climate of affairs in the world, especially with one or more scientific break through or disease emergences on the nightly news. By drawing a connection between, for example mutagens and cancer we can connect an otherwise arbitrary lesson to a relevant subject. Every year we learn of a new cause for cancer, and by teaching students that cancers are mutations, both inherited and acquired types, we can foster a relevant connection to something that occurs in the real world to something they have learned. For instance, we can describe how a cancer mutation, such as lung cancer, is the result of smoking, something we have all learned very often. In this instance we can introduce smoking, specifically carcinogenic properties of cigarettes, as the mutagen and the development of lung cancer as the resultant mutation and then the effects such a mutation has on the gross anatomy (the body). Cultivating this one relevant example can open a student’s mind in such vast and profound ways that it fosters an affinity to the lesson and a desire to further their knowledge.
