Oasis Academy Don Valley – Curriculum Map – Y3/4 (Sept 15) Year Group 3/4 Half Term 1 Half Term 2 Half Term 3 Half Term 4 Half Term 5 Half Term 6 Whole Academy Theme Who are we? How Does it work? Our World Horrible histories Living things Great Britain Curious Questions What is the most important invention? Visit to Eureka Can we be one community? What is the healthiest way to live? Guest Speaker Oasis Ethos Introduction to Oasis 9 Habits ‘A deep sense that things can be changed and be transformed’ Setting Targets Aspirations Change ‘A Passion to include everyone’ Being Welcoming Team Work Including everyone How can we know what happened if we weren’t there? Classroom becomes and Egyptian tomb ‘A desire to treat people equally respecting differences’ I am unique Likes and dislikes Respecting differences How important is our coast? Stunning Start How are we the same how are we different? Locality Walk ‘A Commitment to healthy open relationships’ Being Kind What to do when feeling sad angry of saying sorry Being Friends ‘A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul’ Being Patient Learning from our mistakes and saying sorry Keep Learning Literacy (Writing) Writing Essential Objectives To write with purpose To use imaginative description To organise writing appropriately To use paragraphs To use sentences appropriately To present neatly To Spell correctly To punctuate accurately To analyse writing To present writing Writing Essential Objectives To write with purpose To use imaginative description To organise writing appropriately To use paragraphs To use sentences appropriately To present neatly To Spell correctly To punctuate accurately To analyse writing To present writing Writing Essential Objectives To write with purpose To use imaginative description To organise writing appropriately To use paragraphs To use sentences appropriately To present neatly To Spell correctly To punctuate accurately To analyse writing To present writing Writing Essential Objectives To write with purpose To use imaginative description To organise writing appropriately To use paragraphs To use sentences appropriately To present neatly To Spell correctly To punctuate accurately To analyse writing To present writing Writing Essential Objectives To write with purpose To use imaginative description To organise writing appropriately To use paragraphs To use sentences appropriately To present neatly To Spell correctly To punctuate accurately To analyse writing To present writing Writing Essential Objectives To write with purpose To use imaginative description To organise writing appropriately To use paragraphs To use sentences appropriately To present neatly To Spell correctly To punctuate accurately To analyse writing To present writing Literacy (Reading) Reading Essential Objectives To read words accurately To understand texts Reading Essential Objectives To read words accurately To understand texts Reading Essential Objectives To read words accurately To understand texts Reading Essential Objectives To read words accurately To understand texts Reading Essential Objectives To read words accurately To understand texts Reading Essential Objectives To read words accurately To understand texts Numeracy Maths Essential Objectives To know and use numbers To add and subtract To Multiply and divide To use fractions To understand the properties of shapes To describe position, direction and movement To use measures To use statistics To use algebra Maths Essential Objectives To know and use numbers To add and subtract To Multiply and divide To use fractions To understand the properties of shapes To describe position, direction and movement To use measures To use statistics To use algebra Maths Essential Objectives To know and use numbers To add and subtract To Multiply and divide To use fractions To understand the properties of shapes To describe position, direction and movement To use measures To use statistics To use algebra Maths Essential Objectives To know and use numbers To add and subtract To Multiply and divide To use fractions To understand the properties of shapes To describe position, direction and movement To use measures To use statistics To use algebra Maths Essential Objectives To know and use numbers To add and subtract To Multiply and divide To use fractions To understand the properties of shapes To describe position, direction and movement To use measures To use statistics To use algebra Maths Essential Objectives To know and use numbers To add and subtract To Multiply and divide To use fractions To understand the properties of shapes To describe position, direction and movement To use measures To use statistics To use algebra Key Subject drivers and NC History Science Geography History Science Geography Guest Speaker Visit to the coast? references Other NC subjects and NC references A study of a theme in British history A local history study. Geography Use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, Science Materials Examine the properties of materials using various tests. Look at solubility and recovering dissolved substances. Key Skills development Art Use experiences, other subjects across the curriculum and ideas as inspiration for artwork. Develop and share ideas in a sketchbook and in finished products PE Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. Music Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using voice and playing instruments with increasing accuracy, control and expression. RE Study the beliefs, festivals and Electricity Look at appliances, circuits, lamps, switches, insulators and conductors. Locate the world’s countries, with focus on North and South America and countries of particular interest to pupils. Look at circuits, the effect of the voltage in cells and the resistance and conductivity of materials. Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied Geography Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied Technology Design Use research and develop design criteria generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas Make select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks select from and use a wider range of materials and components Evaluate Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work Computing Design and write programs that accomplish specific goals. PE Take part in gymnastics activities Art Learn about the great artists, architects and designers in history RE Study the beliefs, festivals and celebrations of Buddhism Science Physics Look at the movement of the Earth and the moon. Science Physics Look at the effect of gravity and drag forces. Explain day and night. Languages In the chosen modern language: Speak, Read and Write Look at the culture of the countries where the language is spoken. Look at transference of forces in gears, pulleys, levers and springs. Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques. Art Use experiences, other subjects across the curriculum and ideas as inspiration for artwork. PE Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. RE Study the beliefs, festivals and celebrations of, Islam, Art Use experiences, other subjects across the curriculum and ideas as inspiration for artwork. Art Use experiences, other subjects across the curriculum and ideas as inspiration for artwork. Develop and share ideas in a sketchbook and in finished products PE Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. RE Study the beliefs, festivals and celebrations of, Judaism Develop and share ideas in a sketchbook and in finished products PE Take part in athletics activities RE Study the beliefs, festivals and celebrations of Sikhism.. Cooking and nutrition Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques. Computing Understand computer networks including in the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world-wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. Art Use experiences, other subjects across the curriculum and ideas as inspiration for artwork. PE Perform dances. Music Appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music from different traditions and from great musicians and composers. Early Civilizations achievements and an in-depth study of Ancient Egypt; Animals and humans Look at nutrition, transportation of water and nutrients in the body, the muscle and skeleton system of humans and animals. Look at the digestive system in humans. Look at teeth. Look at the human circulatory system. Cooking and nutrition Understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet. Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region or area of the United Kingdom. Science Rocks and fossils Compare and group rocks and describe the formation of fossils. All living things Identify and name plants and animals Look at classification keys. celebrations of Christianity. Festivals and celebrations Jeans for genes – 18/9 International Day of Peace – 21/9 Eid-al-Adha -24/9 Black History Month – Oct World Teachers Day 5/10 Halloween – 31/10 Genres/Writing Styles Write stories set in places pupils have been Write letters Write recounts Write in a journalistic style All Kinds of Collection Children Books Set, (A Lift the Flap Book), (All kind of Beliefs, All kind of Bodies, All kinds of Homes, All Kinds of Feelings and All Kinds of People) (All Kind of ....) Key Text and resources to support Eric's Big Day: A Bicycle Race Unlike Any Other Iron Man The Twits Stig of the dump Enterprise opportunity Community Event Performance of Understanding with Parental Engagement Fairytale news Mixed up fairy tales Please Mrs Bulter poetry You wait till I’m older than you – poetry Food bank collection Opening Day Production of first half term presentation with publication of ‘Who are we’ book. RE Study the beliefs, festivals and celebrations of Hinduism Bonfire Night – 5/11 Remembrance Day – 11/11 Diwali – 11/11 Universals Children’s Day – 20/11 Birthday of Guru Nanak – 25/11 Hanukkah – 14/12 Prophet Muhammad’s birthday – 24/12 Christmas - December Write instructions. Write persuasively. Write explanations Until I met Dugley Wallace and Gromit’s great world of inventions How does my home work ‘electricity’ Science biography pack – Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Thomas Edison and Charles Darwin Horrible science – shocking electricity Christmas stalls Christmas Carol Service Family learning day where children show case their inventions. New Years Day – 1/1 Martin Luther King Day – 19/1 Holocaust memorial day – 27/1 Chinese New Year – 8/2 Shrove Tuesday – 9/2 Valentines Day – 14/2 St David’s Day – 1/3 World book day – 5/3 Mothers Day – 6/3 International women’s day – 8/3 British science week St Patricks day – 17/3 World poetry day – 21/3 Easter – March/April World Children’s book day 2/4 World Health day – 7/4 Vaisakhi – 13/4 Earth Day – 22/4 Passover – 22/4 Shakespeare’s birthday – 23/4 St Georges day – 23/4 VE Day – 8/5 International day against Homophobia – 17/5 World environment day – 5/6 Anniversary of D_Day – 6/6 Ramadan – 18 June World Refugees day – 20/6 Fathers Day – 21/6 Eid-al-Fitr – 18/7 Write stories of adventure. Write stories of mystery and suspense Learn by heart and perform a significant poem Stories from other cultures Gregory Cool Brother eagle, sister sky The Princess and the Pea by Rachel Isadora Rapunzel by Rachel Isadora Snow white in New York Write stories that contain mythical legendary or historical characters or events. Write instructions. Write persuasively. Write explanations Write arguments. Great civilisations Egyptians Food and cooking in ancient Egypt Horrible histories – awful Egyptians Usborne – See inside ancient Egypt The Star Bearer: A Creation Myth from Ancient Egypt The Egyptian Cinderella The plot on the pyramid The Egyptian echo Egyptian diary James and the Giant peach Charlotte’s Web The lion the witch and the wardrobe Jack and the baked beanstalk Trust me Jack’s beanstalks sticks! Human Body: An Illustrated Guide To Every Part Of The Human Body And How It Works Usborne books: Children's Encyclopedia Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy- poetry Write poems that convey an image (simile, word play, rhyme and metaphor). Learn by heart and perform a significant poem The lost thing The famous Five – five on a treasure island Famous People Famous Lives: William Shakespeare Mr William Shakespeare’s plays Sonnets Who’s who in British history Easter Egg Raffle Easter Bingo Parents invited to Egyptian extravaganza Enterprise Challenge OAP Party Wild Life Park Visit Children's Classic Poetry Collection: 60 Poems by the World's Greatest Host a meal Festival of food – shared meal Family Banquet, includes dance performance and music recital Summer Fate raffle Summer Fate Parents invited to afternoon tea.