The coelacanth A living fossil of a fish

Name _____________________________________ Period ____
The coelacanth: A living fossil of a fish - Erin Eastwood
1. The coelacanth was thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago ________.
a. When man first walked the earth
b. During the same mass extinction of the dinosaurs
c, Around the time of Aristotle
d. All of the above
What happened in 1938?
a. Albert Einstein unveiled his theory of relativity
b. The Beatles sold their first album
c. Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer found a living coelacanth
d. The coelacanth was officially declared extinct
Where was a second species of coelacanth found decades after Marjorie
a. Mobile, Alabama
b. Indonesia
c. South Africa
d. Alaska
4. What is so extraordinary about the discovery of the living coelacanth?
5. Genetically and morphologically, the coelacanth has more in common with ________ than
almost any other fish.
a. Four limbed vertebrates
b. Feathered birds
c. Flightless birds
d. Worms
a. Ray-fins
b. Lobe-fins
c. No-fins
d. Blue-fins
A coelacanth has ________.
7. Briefly explain the link between the coelacanth and the migration of vertebrates out of the
ocean nearly 300 million years ago.
8. What other animals represent a significant link to our evolutionary past? Briefly explain the
link of at least two other animals.