Urinary Catheter with Infections Sub Group. Progress Report

Safety Thermometer
Urinary Catheter with Infections Sub Group
Progress Report 24 July 2013
The sub group for the urinary catheters with Infections workstream last met on the
19th July 2013. The meetings currently run on a monthly basis, with representation
from both community and inpatient areas.
The following actions identify the key achievements of the group to date:
 Terms of reference agreed for the group (attached)
 Policy for the Management of Urinary catheter’s is now in its final draft and will
be tabled at the Policy group meeting on the 15 August 13.
 A leaflet on looking after your urinary catheter has been developed, reviewed
by the reader panel, these comments have been reviewed. The leaflet is now
undergoing final comments.
 5 top tips developed by the group for use on the poster/email (developed by
Liz Holmes in conjunction with the steering group - attached)
 Development of Catheter passport in in progress, a document that is held by
the patient. (Identifies catheter history and relevant information for use by the
whole healthcare community).
 Key questions around the management of a urinary catheter and potential
infections have been developed by the group for the Safety Thermometer
coordinator to use in interpreting/understanding/analysing the data, in order to
support a greater understanding of where issues or risk may be.
 Care plans have been reviewed and are now out for comment, these will
ensure that uniformity across inpatient areas and community areas occurs
Next steps
1. Concerns have been raised regarding the removal of mandatory training
sessions for staff on urinary catheter insertion and management, staff will only
attend the full day on one occasion, with no refresher or updates available
2. To have a greater understanding of the data produced through the safety
thermometer data capture, which will inform the action planning process.
3. Capture and understand the patient journey across the whole healthcare
economy in relation to insertion, management and care of urinary catheters.
4. Proceed with the urinary catheter observational audit
5. Action the use of the catheter passport within LPT and work with other
organisations (i.e. acute) to address the potential use across the whole of
Documents embedded:
Terms of Reference
5 Points to
Safety Thermometer – CAUTI update – 24July 2013
Amanda Howell