Proposed school term and holiday dates 2016/17
Proposed common transition day for Year 6 pupils transferring to secondary school
2016/17 and 2017/18
1. Draft dates for the 2016/17 academic year for Tri-borough schools are attached. The views of the Triborough Headteachers are requested. Schools have the freedom to set their own term dates, but in
order to assist parents and staff they are strongly invited to follow the dates that will be determined
following this consultation.
2. The dates are drawn up using principles set by the Local Government Association:
As far as practicable dates should be as consistent as possible across all local authorities;
Equalise teaching and learning blocks;
Start the school year on a September date as near as possible to 1st September;
Establish a two-week spring break in early April irrespective of the incidence of the Easter bank
3. The aim is to co-ordinate the term and holiday dates with neighbouring authorities so that teachers and
parents with children at school in neighbouring authorities are not inconvenienced by differing term and
holiday dates. The Easter Break has been brought in line with adjoining authorities, which has been an
issue in recent years.
4. At present over half of London authorities have already determined the same dates. The majority of
authorities yet to determine have previously indicated that the likelihood of them implementing the
same dates is high. There are some variations proposed in a small number of outer London authorities,
with an earlier start in September and a slightly longer break over the Christmas period, but this is not
likely to have a significant impact on Tri-borough schools.
5. The attached dates show schools being open for 195 days. From these, five INSET dates are to be
determined by the school’s governing body. Some governing bodies may choose to hold INSET at ‘twilight
sessions’ after the school day and to extend the school holiday for staff.
6. We are also proposing a Tri-borough common transition day for Year 6 pupils to visit the secondary school
that they will be attending. Schools are not bound by these suggested dates, though we would anticipate
that setting a common transition day would have significant organisational advantages for both primary
and secondary schools.
For pupils starting secondary school September 2016 – Wednesday 6th July 2016
For pupils starting secondary school September 2017 – Wednesday 5th July 2017
7. Any comments on these dates should be sent to Douglas Shaw (Tri-borough Deputy Head of School
Admissions) by Wednesday 22 July 2015.
Address: 2nd Floor Green Zone, Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX